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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 600x600, 1560376318988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14306555 No.14306555 [Reply] [Original]

Don't fall for this Dutch scam. I have been in college with one of the devs and he was pretty open about this being a social experiment to make money. All they do is hash a file and put it on chain. There is nothing else. Wouldn't surprise me if they spammed /biz/ themselves.

>> No.14306580


>> No.14306590

Just bought 100k

>> No.14306660

it doesn't matter that the token is not technically needed, or whether "all they do is hash a file and put it on-chain", who the fuck cares about all these technicalties: whether or not it's needed, it's there, they have clients that use it, good partnerships, and there's a burn mechanism

complete retard

>> No.14306672


>> No.14306676

Who cares about clients or any of that shit.
There's only one thing that matters in this game:
Does the line go up?

>> No.14306682


>> No.14306698
File: 214 KB, 538x621, 73737sh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Jew maybe I'll be kind and let you buy some of my stack at $50

>> No.14306715

Yep it's a useless token & its usecase can already be done on bitcoin

>> No.14306721

Rofl this is the new "token not needed" copy pasta FUD, isn't it?

>> No.14306722

The pedophile fud didn't work I take it?

>> No.14306730

Cringe & niggerpilled

>> No.14306734

proof that only racist dutch pedos hold this coin

>> No.14306738 [DELETED] 


>> No.14306785

Weak FUD anon. You can still get in and enjoy a free ride to $1 eom
>$35 eoy if my ID is 3WbGnQU0

>> No.14306788

Don't fall for this Dutch scam. I have been in high school with one of the janitors and he was pretty open about this being a social experiment to make money. All they do is hash a file and put it on chain. There is nothing else. Wouldn't surprise me if they spammed /biz/ themselves.

>> No.14306796

how did you do that

>> No.14306828

WTF, tell me something about chainlink magic man, will it moon too?

>> No.14306915

W-whaleanon, is this you? Will you pump us?

>> No.14306933

absolutely based. OP thinks fundamentals matter in crypto which is bs, just look at the top 50 coins

>> No.14307037

Im not alone. First sell off at $4.20 then pump to $35
>cap this

>> No.14307057

Seriously though, hashes have always existed... Why does this need to be on the blockchain

>> No.14307082
File: 10 KB, 200x313, 700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao guys why do we need this token i mean we can validate files just by looking at them with our eyes

>> No.14307087

Will you dump at $35??

>> No.14307113


>As if Bitcoin would have ever got any traction in the first place without pedos and junkies.

>> No.14307249

Snowflake NPC
I'm not Dutch and I'm not racist..
Theres nothing wrong with a little bit of Political incorrectness. Nobody wants to hear you bitching about shitting your pants hearing the "jew word"

>> No.14307295
File: 69 KB, 756x580, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lmao guys why do we need this token i mean we can validate files just by looking at them with our eyes

You hire me as Doctor Sirs

>> No.14307480

Picture checks out retarded brainlet n-n-nigger

>> No.14307579
File: 81 KB, 582x633, scumalert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at yourself, op.

>> No.14307873

VIDT is net als LTO, opgezet door een stel kanker studenten.

>> No.14307958
File: 600 KB, 1024x1280, 1560814711470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do they have a picture of spacex control room in their website, when they have nothing to do with spacex?

>> No.14308040

Don't fall for this Dutch scam. I was standing in line at the grocery store with one of the devs and he was pretty open about this being a social experiment to make money. All they do is hash a file and put it on chain. There is nothing else. You can literally just verify the document with your eyes. Wouldn't surprise me if they spammed /biz/ themselves.

>> No.14308060

Circulating Supply
28,506,198 VIDT
Total Supply
63,141,846 VIDT

>> No.14308114
File: 579 KB, 1431x1924, Screenshot_20190623-052423_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're trying to fud, please don't leave out facts. It's confirmed the tokens are used for clients and won't end up on the market. The circulating supply you can purchase is forever 27 million.


>> No.14308119
File: 231 KB, 1192x1661, 1531166703345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quant is a scam!
>EOS is a scam!
>Litecoin is a scam!
Friendly reminder that when /biz/ is adamant about something being a scam, you should throw all your money at is ASAP to make big gains.

>> No.14308135

Poor FUD. Just market buy you cheap pajeets.

>> No.14308179

Yeah wtf

>> No.14308210

Probably post, then write it down, then delete.

>> No.14308237

pathetic fuck. I was in college with your mom and fucked her hard

>> No.14308268

So the real supply is only 27 million? Oh fuck, that's great.

>> No.14308269
File: 517 KB, 597x538, 1561223722171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Validation is active in seconds after manual drag n drop/automated API, verifying takes 5 seconds.
2. Other solutions only work as long as you pay yearly, V-ID validation requires a payment just once to work forever. Volume discounts and batching reduce price further. Verifying always free.
3. Not a problem in any of V-ID’s use case situations, or any normal business environment. (digitally signed documents also require an internet connection to verify the certificate).

Transactions anchored in public blockchains could be checked with existing open source software, even if V-ID would cease to exist (not gonna happen)

Let’s continue!

4. Verifying works on any device with a browser, mobile as well, no authorisation, plugin or other software required. Optional QR feature enables verification of physical printed copy.
5. Works with any digital file (photos, video, tracking data, audit trails, databases).
6. No need to make any change to original file.
7. Validation can be done retroactively, so even years after a file was published / distributed.
8. Blockchain is the most secure way to record data (Certificates can be hacked, certificate authorities can be hacked, which happened many times before, invalidating all files issued).

>> No.14308279

Its being shilled on /biz/ by that whale that was manipulating the price yesterday.

>> No.14308309

>What is copy-paste?
Brainlets on this board I swear

>> No.14308365

Alright then. I don't think they are in high school anymore. I needed to translate your comment anon, what's up with the cancer?

>> No.14308400

yep. Are you not comfy?

>> No.14308486

Comfiest small cap hold out there.

>> No.14308605
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1560714049256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys here's the ultimate VIDTpill. This will literally save everyone who buys below 1$. The same 60 IQ biz fudsters want this to die, you wanna know why? They're the same idiots who keep shilling BSV and CSW=Satoj. VIDT kills this. Once documents get validated Craig can't forge them anymore so their pajeet scamcoin will literally go to 0.

>> No.14308634

I would rather put my cash into Zuckbucks (ZBUX) at this point, more upside potential

>> No.14308677


>> No.14308724

Hopefully soon, still waiting to get validated so I can throw my money at it.

>> No.14308745

based 150 IQ thinking

>> No.14308751

validated, wat?

>> No.14308785

I need to get money onto an exchange to buy the crypto, i'm still waiting for this gay KYC shit.

>> No.14308805

Absolutely based and VIDTpilled logic.
Allow me to welcome you in advance to /comfytown/.

>> No.14308829

It's actually 34m. they will confirm on telegram.

So everyone prepare for the fud flood when CMC updates the supply

>> No.14308897

Still practically nothing. The rest of the total supply will be used by clients for validations and then the ones used will have a portion burned once a month.
$2 isn’t even a high enough prediction this is ez $10 once this hits tier1 exchange and a bullrun. It outperformed literally every coin on the market for the past couple days, including BTC itself

>> No.14308976

>So everyone prepare for the fud flood when CMC updates the supply
might be an actual dip to buy, thanks for the heads up.

>> No.14309400

I'll dump enough to buy the guitar I want and that's probably it

>> No.14309465

OP here. I was fudding because I swing traded and got fucked up. I just want it to go down again REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.14309479


>> No.14309481

wow that's actually pathetic

>> No.14309503

every swingfag got fucking rekt by this on the way up to 20 cents. yesterday and the day or 2 before have been the only safe days to swing this as it was going between 80k vits and 95k. besides that I wouldn’t dare touch my stack, some faggot will buy it and I’ll just have to buy in at a higher price with less coins.

>> No.14309567


>> No.14309570


>> No.14309861

Who gives a fuck the tokenomics on this thing are a slingshot to andromeda

>> No.14309900


>> No.14310501

Sobmany people got rekt by this coin. Nice attempt OP.

>> No.14310517

token not neede btw. piece of shit

>> No.14310574

Youve been spamming all this shit and literally making pictures for days now. What an utterly autistic faggot, not only for swinging when we all told you not to, but for wasting your life and spamming this board repeatedly to no effect.
Kill yourself, bye now.

>> No.14310598

you won't get my VIDT for less than $1.50 when we break 30m mcap next week. And even then you'll only get 30% of them.

Imagine not buying this under 20m marketcap

>> No.14310660

Everyone that’s in since 8-10 cents knew better than to swing or they’re not bagholding anymore because they got absolutely fucking annihilated by pumps after selling their position. /comfy/, it’s almost natural selection. People that sold off at 13 or 14 cents did less than a 2x and people that bought at that price have done 2.5x