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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 902 KB, 1125x1378, A516D144-8884-4915-B2CB-DBB1B956B519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14305882 No.14305882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was ETH fudded so much by the autist in this board as well?

How did you manage to not sell through the ups and downs and all the fud?

Enlighten a brainlet pajeet

>> No.14305906

Obviously I meant when eth was going for under a dollar

>> No.14305944
File: 36 KB, 400x583, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It disgusts me that there are people in this world willing to pay money for photos of this quality. It's almost infuriating but I'm so tired of it all that I can't feel any extreme emotions anymore.

>> No.14305964

>I can't feel any extreme emotions anymore.

same, Im just afraid that I might snap at some point

>> No.14305966

Who even is this whore and why should I care about her?

>> No.14305975

You unironically shouldn't. Just a thot benefiting from incel thirst.

>> No.14305977

U wouldn't know what you're getting until u pay

>> No.14305983
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That picture is not flattering at all

>> No.14305999
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>announces she's making a pornhub account
>her paypigs get excited because they are are stupid enough to actually believe she'd actually make real pornographic content when she's already milking them for millions of dollars by taking photos of herself sitting around making meme faces
>its full of troll videos with massive dislike ratios
How long until her cuck fans give up on getting actual content from this dumb slut and stop giving her money?

>> No.14306012

they dont, only a hotter one will take her place.

>> No.14306013

This. I easily got my values worth for what I gift her. I only spend like 90$ on patreon monthly, it's like a substitute to boomer pay tv licenses.

>> No.14306032

The sad thing about this post is that it is probably not a LARP and we've all seen everything he's spent money on for free.

>> No.14306049
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>> No.14306056
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>> No.14306064

Heh you WISH! I'm in OG belle discord groups where she posts stuff that never leaves the vip channel.

>> No.14306068

kek, everyone point and laugh

>> No.14306072


>> No.14306075
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>> No.14306081

how to short belle delphine?

>> No.14306085
File: 86 KB, 1024x629, 55C935EE-48F2-405F-81C0-4C0963393366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor girls got those emcel eyes

>> No.14306100

Imagine missing out on sweet dream wishes every day! with playful pictures of her wet panties and pussy, by the marylin monroe of our generation.

>> No.14306109

god she is so hot omg she is a goddess omg i want her so bad bros how much link do i need to get a belle delphine waifu omg

>> No.14306112

Every day in New Delhi is hellish poverty and now Ms. Delphine has done this to me and my family

>> No.14306132

How do I long the emcel meme? I've seen it a couple times today and I got a feeling it's going to go far.

>> No.14306157

This thread is supposed to be about eth you fucking degenerate incels.

>> No.14306173

I hate to say this, but out of all the losers here you really need to have sex the most

>> No.14306174

Don't post whores if you don't want people talking about whores.

>> No.14306181


>> No.14306185

This is what all dumbass thot posters deserve

>> No.14306188
File: 34 KB, 444x441, 1523144006873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the marylin monroe of our generation
jesus christ neck yourself mate

>> No.14306199

Cool, didnt know there was a term for those eyes.
I always called it the "fluroide look"

>> No.14306220


I have had sex with a couple of girls/guys and unironically bonding with belle through chat and pictures and really taking my time masturbating to her, using the exact same toys as her to connect even more, is way better than the sex I had before. If I find a girl or guy like her, then maybe I won't need her later but I don't want to talk like this right now.

>> No.14306226

>I don't want to talk like this right now.
I don't want you to either.

>> No.14306234

may i ask do you also so happen to hold chainlink?

>> No.14306243
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>> No.14306246

Yes, allin chainlink and buying since March 2018, putting in like 300$ a month and gifting belle like 40$ a month.

>> No.14306274

Yeah. Most are jelly cause they couldnt get eth sun 120.00. They should just kill themselves really...

>> No.14306276

The posts in this thread are subtle FUD, ETH will have a great run up the next six months with POS staking coming, Jan 3rd. Unless it’s delayed, but by then it will have ran massively due to speculation/accumulation. I’m off to the gym, fuck all you fags who even know who this random bitch is, improve yourselves daily boys, get outside, read ‘mans search for meaning’. Fuck me.

>> No.14306291


unironically based as fuck

>> No.14306292

>Fuck me.

>> No.14306362

it's even better, she promised she would do that only when she reached X million followers, the pajeets tried hard to recruit more pajeets to get there and then this happens

>> No.14306385

>no tits
>no ass
>extra retarded

fucking zoomers and their shit taste

>> No.14306389

Belle is redpilled as fuck. Don't be mad at her, be mad at the incels she so masterfully manipulates into giving her money. The PornHub troll was sublime. Truly a master of /biz/

>> No.14306461

stop loss at a reasonable level

>> No.14306481
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 14COhR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she the actual /biz/nesswamen

>> No.14306521

No, she's actually successful at what she does unlike us

>> No.14306578


You unintentionally make a very good point. All the boomers being so condescending about how much less cucked/thirsty their generation was don’t realise this shit is no different than any other roastie in history making money. The only difference is because of the internet her profit is more directly measurable. But this is no worse than pinup models and ALL men should be ashamed of being whore profiteer enablers.

>> No.14306595
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>> No.14306602

I wouldn't have a problem with her if she was actually selling a quality product.

>> No.14306621

>spending money on computers for low effort twelve second meme video
That's where the monthly $90 >>14306013 spends went.

>> No.14306628
File: 78 KB, 1024x683, 298F05E5-8F2F-42DA-B2E1-D24B62030655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can long it by replying “have love emcel” to all “have sex” posters

>> No.14306636
File: 48 KB, 726x701, 1557378154018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality post

>> No.14306638

I have those those eyes but I'm a guy, what does it mean bros?

>> No.14306655

>it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain. Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful. Stress and fatigue may also be a cause.[2][unreliable source?] In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence.

>> No.14306670
File: 199 KB, 750x782, 4BB33AC1-6092-4490-8701-903086449E6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It says here on your chart that you’re fucked up
For thousands of years, people of the Far East have been looking into each other's eyes for signs of this dreaded condition. Any sign of sanpaku meant that a man's entire system — physical, physiological and spiritual — was out of balance. He had committed sins against the order of the universe and he was therefore sick, unhappy, insane, what the West has come to call "accident prone". The condition of sanpaku is a warning, a sign from nature, that one's life is threatened by an early and tragic end.[5]

>> No.14306689

how much was she making a month? patreon doesnt tell me these details

>> No.14306710

that you are either npc or injured by something

>> No.14306724

God, I miss Hitler.

>> No.14306767

I can't wait to make it so I can't send her.

>> No.14306774

I mean I want to send it all to her, of course.

>> No.14306862

Kek that great all thous regards hot blown the fuck out.

>> No.14306878

>Merlin Monroe of our generation
Not a good thing mate and the fact you are not even JFK is even sadder.

>> No.14306880
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>> No.14307021

Honestly, I find this more hilarious than enraging. Cuck pajeets and incels who LITERALLY PAY MONEY TO SEE NUDES deserve to lose thier money on these whores.

>> No.14307211

actually kind of cute

>> No.14307229

imagine being this much of a cuck

>> No.14307242

Every waking moment.

>> No.14308090

We need to destroy this earth. I cannot tolerate this bullshit any longer.

>> No.14308120

She showed off her bum after smashing perfectly good laptops used to trade crypto?

>> No.14308151

I usually hate THOTs but that fuckin hilarious
All her cuck customers deserve to be trolled

>> No.14308181

this is the most repulsive series of posts i have ever read on 4chan

>> No.14308549
File: 2.35 MB, 480x270, ezgif-3-b04cd2711cc5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfectly good laptops
Worked. I bet you thought all those iphone destruction vids were real too.

>> No.14308685

Is... is Belle Delphine based? She has distilled manipulating the beta down to a science.

>> No.14308734

extreme homo

>> No.14308770

Just keep holding because it is easily a $1000 coin. Same applies to Monero.

>> No.14309453

Always ignore the FUD. If you've been in this market long enough you know that things always go up regardless of any FUD.

>> No.14309918
File: 52 KB, 1092x816, 1474949534382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking KYS

>> No.14310967

Why the fuck do I still come to this board?

>> No.14311030


>> No.14311050

Certainly not to make money.

>> No.14311056

i'd short both of them

>> No.14311060

imagine paying 100 dollars for this photo

>> No.14311230

I wonder if this meme existing for tens of thousands of years is what caused Asians to evolve squinty eyes in addition to their sociopathy. Selective breeding and genocide leading to the targets developing thicker eye flaps to hide their nature until they became the dominant group and you couldnt tell who was what anymore due to the eye flaps.

>> No.14311429
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>> No.14311491
