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14300658 No.14300658 [Reply] [Original]

How do we predict the top? I was able to buy the bottom by using the 200 week moving average. What metric is a decently reliable measure of the top? If there is anyone who sold the top in 2017, what made you sell at that point exactly?

>> No.14300683

my autism

>> No.14300699

That voice that literally screams at you to sell so loudly you can’t sleep? That’s the top

>> No.14300700

Astrology and remote viewing

>> No.14300706

Everyone and their mother was rich beyond their wildest dreams. When it’s too good to be true, that’s when.

I met a guy in nanos discord and we went clubbing to find some biddies. He thought nano was going to be 1000 usd. That was my sell signal. Cashed everything out at 31 dollars at the marquee in NYC with some dope techno music.

>> No.14300712

That voice gets louder for different people at different times. I want something objective. In 2017 that voice told me to exit in August. That voice is a complete retard.

>> No.14300722

Its already too good to be true. Im up to almost 100k and im a minimum wageie working a mcjob.

>> No.14300740

no one gonna answer you cuz they all gambled


>> No.14300750

it'll be about 10x as high as last time

>> No.14300757

or DCA OUT of your position

>> No.14300762

In 2017 it was almost 20x as high as last time.

>> No.14300769
File: 17 KB, 402x346, whatpart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like you're about 10x as high as last time you hit the crackpipe

fuicking imagine BTC going to 200k within 1 single bullrun

>> No.14300771

Thats just selling the middle anon. And it might not even be that depending on how rapidly you are DCAing.

>> No.14300790

It might though. Maybe even beyond. Even 1mil isnt out of the question at this point.

>> No.14300798
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 986549841941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game is made.
From here it will only tank.
We reached a psychological barrier. Whales will only sell from this point, no retard with a lot of money will invest now.

Everyone who fomo'd in at 10K, my sincere condolences.

>> No.14300804

seems better than just guessing where the top will be

>> No.14300861

60k is the absolute limit for this bullrun, mark my fucking words, even that one asuka image says 56k

>> No.14300877

decent thread, OP.

>> No.14300912

Thats just the end of his predictions. Nobody can perfectly see the future forever.

>> No.14300922

over 100k

>> No.14300924

Hello, me from 2017. Do yourself a favor and don't sell this early. Biggest regret of my life.

>> No.14301065

Just know your regrets would be far bigger if you sold a year later.

>> No.14301088
File: 19 KB, 293x212, 1561190525850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine bitcoin going from $300 to $20k in a single bullrun. yep, never gonna happen.

>> No.14301134

They wouldnt though. Not even close. Well, maybe if I bought a total shitcoin like REQ or something. But with BTC no way, i would have been better off all the way up until november. November 2017 it reached 6k and in august 2018 it was still about 6k. And I sold at 4.2k like a complete mong august 2017.