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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14295205 No.14295205 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point?

>> No.14295222


>> No.14295226

i want to be buried with my slaves and riches like in the good old days

>> No.14295229

Whats the point if we all die in the end? Maybe to have a nice life.

>> No.14295247

Would you rather spend your life on the first house or the second one?

>> No.14295258
File: 33 KB, 220x282, 220px-Percival_Lowell_-_Mausoleum_2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying a nice comfy mausoleum to wait til Judgement day

>> No.14295259

Why not just kill yourself right now?

>> No.14295283

All BTC investors are going to the crypto heaven and they can take their BTC with them.

>> No.14295295

It's what happens before you end up in the hole anon. One had fun, one had a life of stress and less.

I will take a life of fun before i settle into my hole for the long sleep.

>> No.14295311

point is to find teh way

>> No.14295345

Open your bible and read ecclesiastes.

>> No.14295359

if you're rich, you can get to have a sick gravestone that has a built-in TV that streams anime all day

>> No.14295392

doesn't matter
fun doesn't matter
doesn't matter

>> No.14295521

Why haven't you tried to swallow your keyboard and died yet?

>> No.14295961

If life didn't matter we wouldn't exist ;^)

>> No.14296162

I want to be thrown innawoods and left for the animals and bugs in a body farm.

>> No.14296186




>> No.14296289

Reduce pain and maximize pleasure

>> No.14296517
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>> No.14296559

i cant speak for any anon except myself, i believe there is an upside chance at immortality/alternate universes for those who are wealthy enough. if you believe in aliens (and why wouldnt you?) you're immediately struck by how insignificant our current knowledge levels are, i dont know what possibilites wealth can unlock but id like to see first hand what else is possible other than being poor, reproducing, slaving, and dying.

>> No.14296583

To make the best out of your short lasting existence before the eternity of nothing gets you.

>> No.14296614
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>it all ends the same way
>so the journey doesn't matter

>> No.14296646

Reddit and bluepilled
Biz and redpilled

>> No.14297069

immortality with crispr stem cells and brain transplants

>> No.14297104


>wow nihilism is so deep

It only matters because you say it doesn't

>> No.14297118



>> No.14297132
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What is matter

>> No.14297140

Enjoying the life you have, ya dumb faggot.

Also just because you're dead doesn't mean you're children are. Leave something for them and don't be a fucking Boomer.

>> No.14297147

Wouldn’t you like to make your staying here more confortable?

>> No.14297148


>> No.14297153

>babys first existential crisis

>> No.14297160


>> No.14297164


>> No.14297178

We all die and return to the void this is true. All that matters is that we live a life based on solid principles, ideally principles arrived at after introspective reflection and propagate our genes into the next generation. The architect of this simulation awaits us in the void. Take th deism pill.

>> No.14297252

but will I meet Keanu Reeves when I die?

>> No.14297259

they are both poor faggot, only the truly rich can afford to shoot their corpse into the fucking sun

>> No.14297261

What void. Do you mean outerspace?

>> No.14297334

>The architect of this simulation awaits us in the void
Someone got the CSW meme related to this?

>> No.14297440

Humans aren't able to maintain a mindset of absolute understanding of the pointlessness of it all, therefore you may as well not even attempt to. Or attempt to do so anyway and fail - just as valid.

t. paid philosopher

>> No.14297548

Alternatively just cop out and find religion.

>> No.14297587
File: 353 KB, 1700x850, ib7ybvtliyy11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /biz/ actually funded scientific research you faggots wouldn't be having this existential crisis
>Vitalik Buterin donates $350k

>> No.14297647

the point is having a comfy and smug life (rich), instead of a pathetic life, filled with jealousy and regret (poor)

>> No.14297661

Right now if you are a 16 year old millionaire you have a good chance of living hundreds of years.

>> No.14297706

>poor people can afford to buy a grave plot

>> No.14297767

Not feeling deep, all consuming regret when you're old and still work as a Wal-Mart greeter.

>> No.14297861

I only feel bad for the people who wagecuck hard and die before being able to enjoy the fruits of their labour, it's especially bad if they have no kids or they have kids but they're fucking retards who blow all the wealth on stupid shit like drugs and hookers and 'traveling'.

what makes you say this?

>> No.14297883


>> No.14298017

Well, you are right that the wealthy will be able to afford "immortality" sooner or later. Anti-ageing research is currently in development so really, it's just a matter of time until we can delay death for centuries at least

>> No.14298031

seething swinglinker getting depressed sweetie?
stop crying like a faggot and buy back at +70%

>> No.14298037

Kys then fuck it

Muuuh nihilism

>> No.14298270
File: 428 KB, 925x1213, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth keeping in mind is that life is about the journey and not the destination.

Are you having a pleasant journey, Anons?
Take a few detours whenever you can, might see something you like.

>> No.14298288

>muh vapid consumerism will make me happy
kys first kike

>> No.14298309
File: 47 KB, 480x480, comfy jesus picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing out

>> No.14298324

The soul is the ultimate hold

>> No.14298357


>> No.14298440

nice image

>> No.14298492

The the point is to guarantee the success of your offspring you duffus

Its wired in our heda why do you think poor peoole are all either deoressed or too stupid to relize how fucked their are

>> No.14298539

Based and Diogenes-tier

>> No.14298552

>whats the point

Comfort and convenience

>> No.14298601

the only reason i want to build wealth is for my potential children. it just doesnt seem viable for me though, im just a typical wagie

>> No.14298644

>Poor people cope

>> No.14298763
File: 414 KB, 1800x1322, f72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was as based as Diogenes

>> No.14298767

You can actually have that arranged.

I know that there's some institute running a long duration experiment with a few hundred donated bodies, to see how the body degrades in nature and how hard it gets to secure criminal evidence, things like that.

>> No.14298794

For a few 1000 $ you can have your name and a few sentences about yourself engraved on small plates of silver. Just throw them in rivers, woods, sand pits etc. Archeologists will find them in future and you will be among the immortals.

>> No.14298802

Your vacation is over, traveler.

>> No.14299076

Totally agree.

>> No.14299129

This logic doesn't even make sense. It's literally peak poorfag cope.

If you honestly believed this you may as well just kill yourself directly to get their quicker

>> No.14299156

When you think about it cremation is like this final fuck you to the environment. We spend our whole lives guzzling petrochemical energy and fucking the biosphere over. And then we we die we can't even have the decency to donate the material in our bodies back to nature. We use one last drum of oil to literally carbonize our remains so no living thing ever gets to incorporate our flesh into their flesh, ever again. While also belching one last death blast of CO2 and particulates into the atmosphere to choke the rest of the living world with. Selfish even in death.

Green burials are the only way to go. Dump me in the woods where the wolves can rip my face off and vampire moths can suck at my suppurating wounds. Cheap, eco-friendly and metal as fuck.

>> No.14299189

that's a reddit tier answer kys

>> No.14299224

You are underestimating the natural effect of plate tectonics on the weather. Humanities effect has been negligible compared to the ice ages and vulcanically induced dry periods of the last few billion years. Life still survived.

>> No.14299226

This train of thought implies that the actual living part of life is meaningless and only the inevitable outcome, which is death, is important. Why live at all then?

>> No.14299244

the 70-90 years inbetween you stupid nigger

>> No.14299413

Not even talking specifically about climate change. We do plenty else that is fucking everything forever. Microplastics at the bottom of the mariana trench, anthropogenic mass extinctions. To stay on topic, cremation is, if nothing else, a massive retarded waste of energy that could be used to better effect. It is like driving the USA coast to coast and then back again in terms of energy waste, all because a person has some retarded hangups about their body decomposing after they're dead.

>> No.14299481
File: 604 KB, 2560x1089, Our Grasp of Heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not @ you specifically but remember that millions of people die before 40 every day. life is likely to be much shorter than people expect. all the more important not to be stuck in a daily cycle you dislike, never a guarantee you ever reach retirement. might be cancer growing inside you right now and you dont even know it.

>> No.14299500

>every day
meant to write year, of course

>> No.14299709


There's a lot in between you going into the ground

>> No.14299788 [DELETED] 

stupid nigger

>> No.14299882
File: 1.11 MB, 711x800, look at the fucking camera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sieg heil

>> No.14299886 [DELETED] 

How niggers think

>> No.14300171
File: 421 KB, 3200x2496, 1560331510816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14300661


>> No.14300677

best friend died in his early 30s from cancer, pretty crazy tbqh

>> No.14300681


Maybe we don't...

Consider that.

>> No.14300688

This is actually a really great idea

>> No.14301311

This is the only reason I work as much as I do. I want to ensure my kids have the best launchpad possible.

>> No.14301342


>> No.14301357
File: 49 KB, 575x425, 1548959566510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduate high school in 2015 in class of 200
>already over 10 are dead
>tfw thinking about the funeral of the kid who blew his head off right after graduation lately