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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14294309 No.14294309 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14294341

They could co-exist, but csw and calvin are both going to be charged for their different various crimes...so they will take themselves out of it

>> No.14294342

can gold and gold colored rocks coexist?
or will one kill the other?

>> No.14294367

I mean BTC and BitConnect also coexisted

>> No.14294387

as soon as there is proof (for any case) one of the two are going to crash

>> No.14294414
File: 68 KB, 480x600, rawImage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can your OP Pic and Pic Related coexist ? Or will you get married to the wrong one ? Questions, questions

>> No.14294416

there already is proof. CSW has lied repeatedly
even if you believe is trust narrative, he then lies about that

>> No.14294440

i just wanted to put it neutral, but yes i think csw is a scam, i know all of this

>> No.14294531

No way. BSV will slay BTC

>> No.14294545


>> No.14294731

CSW is the only person who really understands Bitcoin.
Transaction malleability? That way on purpose.
Turing complete? CSW was making that claim in 2016.
Small world graph? He proved it in 2017.
Threshold signatures, paymail, esda web certs. No one understands it better than he does.

>> No.14294776

just read his blog, there is enough bullshit there to convince you otherwise

>> No.14294777



He's the smartest guy in the room

>> No.14294808

>Turing complete
haha...excellent bait given the real satoshis stance on that topic

>> No.14295192

where do you even download BSV's fullnode?

>> No.14295453


sure they can co-exist but not in any meaningful way

can copper and gold exist? sure, but nobody gives a fuck about mining copper or holding copper

>> No.14295481


nobody knows. it's a shitcoin scam.

>> No.14295546

>Smartest guy in the room
>The room is a bsv conference

>> No.14295556
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Vinjooosh? Is that you son?

>> No.14295572

due to fundamental limitations due to block time propagation and how it relates to orphan rate, the block size cannot be increased to keep the same level of consistency without decreasing the 90 percentile network propagation by the same proportion

this cannot be done with the same network topology as bitcoin which is in nature extremely decentralized

to do that, you need a robust delivery network for Bitcoin, a strong P2P overlay if you will, alongside with a really good compression system

BSV doesn't offer any of this. If they want to deploy GB blocks, as soon as it hits mainnet, the network will fragment beyond repair

>> No.14295694


>> No.14295789
File: 181 KB, 1200x600, 1542853010799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin which is in nature extremely decentralized
this is the only thing corecucks talk about, sorry you can't buy your illegal items on BSV without traceability

>If they want to deploy GB blocks, as soon as it hits mainnet, the network will fragment beyond repair
wrong. the size of blocks doesn't affect the confirmation validity

>> No.14295911
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, satoshi48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true believers want bitcoin at scale and in that world there will be only one bitcoin

>> No.14295948

>wrong. the size of blocks doesn't affect the confirmation validity

In what world it doesn't you fucking retard? Good luck having your blockchain propagated only in Azure and AWS.

>> No.14296064

>what is s c a l a b i l i t y ?
billy weighs 100lbs and can carry 25lbs
billy worked out and now weighs 200lbs and can carry 50lbs

>> No.14296103

Holy shit, you really are a motherfucking retard. For a second I thought you might be just trolling.

>> No.14296444

look up something called orphan rate and how it is affected by network propagation

there's literally a math formula for this that you can experimentally verify using data here: https://dsn.tm.kit.edu/bitcoin/