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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14285497 No.14285497 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/, it's Friday night and I'm bored and a bit high, so I thought I'd spend some time with you guys tonight.

First, a little about me

> Mid 20's
> Working remotely for a SF tech company
> 6 figure salary
> 3.5 BTC & 50 ZEC
> Live by the ocean in Southern California
> Have trad QT 3.14 GF who wants my kids
> Side business working for small companies doing design and development work, pulling in at least 3k a month extra

I'm self taught, and actively evangelize the 'Learn to Code' meme because it really did work for me.

I'll be online for a few hours. Ask away

>> No.14285507

me too

>> No.14285515

Me too

Not that special

>> No.14285520

me too

>> No.14285526

nobody cares faggot. kys

>> No.14285527


you have 0 LINK, i have 59k LINK. I will be richer than you, you will always be onions. Enjoy your faggot click clack keyboard job though, nigger.

>> No.14285550

have sex, and go build something

>> No.14285561

No one cares wagecuck.

>> No.14285568

You probably write shitty JavaScript front end webshit.

>> No.14285576

fuck you. nobody cares. you will soon realize it's all pointless and for nothing

>> No.14285577


What is the best tech stack to learn to get a job remotely easily?

It seems a lot of jobs you are competing with real pajeets on upwork or freelancer for peanuts.

Help an anon out, if you ain't larping

>> No.14285596

your entire side business goes to a corrupt state

>> No.14285602

Same but I make more money than you. AMA I guess, perhaps I could help you improve

>> No.14285601

>if you ain't larping
he is

>> No.14285603

Think a felon can become an independent dev?

>> No.14285625

Hey look, a sincere anon.

I've had great luck with React/React Native, GraphQL and postgresql.

If you can combine that with some solid Sketch design skills, you're golden. Even better if you have any kind of communication skills.

>> No.14285638


Not a single client or employer I've worked for has every done a background check on me, so probably yeah.

>> No.14285647

Wadya get dat feloni 4

>> No.14285654

Java or C#/.net

>> No.14285662


That's solid, but I'm more of a generalist.

With React and React Native I'm able to build solid platforms and mobile apps for iOS and Android. As long they're not native heavy applications, they usually do the trick and make you that much more marketable.

>> No.14285665

Was homeless during the ohio winter and broke into unoccupied residence, landlord called the poh-lice on my dumb ass, only did a week in county but I've been getting consistently fucked on background checks, currently skimping by on mcdonalds paychecks and BTC/LTC

>> No.14285672


What method of testing did the hiring companies put upon you? Did they just look at a portfolio, GitHub? Did they make you take one of those retarded coding interview tests? How to pass the interviews for these good remote jobs?

>> No.14285675

lmao the eternal boomer stack
get with the times old man

>> No.14285681
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oh wise one can you show me the path of courses you did and projects you did so i can walk in the shoulders of giants like you.

>> No.14285682

Best place to learn to code?

>> No.14285691

What resources did you use anon and how long did it take you until you were proficient?

>> No.14285692

How did you learn to code? What materials did you use?

>> No.14285700

Back in my web dev days, I could not find one of those "good remote jobs", so I'm not sure they actually exist unless you're a pro with decade plus of experience, or willing to work very short term/low paying jobs.

>> No.14285702

Serious post. Where do I get started? I'm actually mid 20s and bought a few code books. Currently carrying 1 BTC. lol... but besides that would like some help on finding a way in. Any resources you can direct me towards possibly a contact email for help later? thanks anon.

>> No.14285701

How do you like Elixir?

>> No.14285718

how did you get your foot in the door? i'm self taught as well and have a similar stack and a handful of complete projects. i've spent the last 6 months competing with 3rd worlders for peanuts on upwork and going to meetups trying to network but i need to make some motherfucking money or i'm gonna end up back on my blue collar grind.

>> No.14285720


This is going to sound outrageous anon, but there's a shit ton of companies out there that won't interview you in depth on data structures an optimizations if they're not that type of company.

For my main gigs I usually do work for medium sized companies that just do basic work tests (create this component, and how would you go about writing that code blah blah blah)

If you can talk about your past projects/demo them/talk through the issues that you had and how you solved them/show a github repo for reference you're usually good to go.

At the end of the day it really boils down to whether or not they like you and can see themselves working with you in an office or afar.

Hands down the most important soft skill is communication. You have to be able to talk about what you built, especially if you're not going to be in an office to show it.

>> No.14285723


Mechanical engineer here, looking into getting into software, considering doing a bootcamp like App Academy to prepare me for the jump. I already know some C and Matlab, what do you recommend?

>> No.14285730


Honestly, I just did basic "Getting Started" tutorials on what I wanted to learn.

At a certain point you hit a wall where you realize that tutorials only help so much before your forced into the mire of project (which means tons of research into stack overflow and documentation).

Once you get enough of that under your belt you generally tend to know where to look when you're caught up.

>> No.14285735

I'm learning Java. I fucking love playing with objects. The concept blew my mind how versatile that shit is. Bitch, I can use the interface name as a reference and put in all the stuff that uses that interface? That shit still gives me a hard on. Data structures bore me to fucking tears though. But I guess I have to pull through on those, right?

>> No.14285744

>look up beginner coding
>just do what you're interested in XD
>have no coding goals

Wtf do i do

>> No.14285745

Haven't used it at all. I'm really only good at React/React Native/GraphQL/postgresql.

It does the trick though. Companies love it and works well for side contracts.

>> No.14285751


There's no "best place to learn to code", anon. Every single site is good for learning how to get up and running with a technology, but it's up to you to move beyond that and start doing your own projects.

It's at that point when you start figuring out how to research troubleshooting and look into documentation. That's what 90% of programming is - referencing material and using it.

>> No.14285763

Really depends on what type of gig you're looking for. If you're applying for heavy server side gigs then yeah definitely otherwise you won't need them if you're more focused on frontend.

>> No.14285779


How many years of experience do you have with React/React Native? And do you lie and say more to employers?

>> No.14285782


Find a project that you're interested in creating and start building. Save all your code to a repo in Github so you can show other people when applying for work.

Rinse and repeat until you have the skills solid enough to start helping out a team.

>> No.14285790


Last question, where and how do you find new clients/employers? LinkedIn?

>> No.14285801


I have a solid 3 years of experience. I don't lie - I just say that my biggest skill is 1. learning fast 2. knowing where to find the answer

>> No.14285815

I'm another anon. Math BS/MS.

Honestly, I went into software engineering because I actually enjoyed building. I'm also being into an entrepreneur.

In my opinion, the best way to learn is to actually build something that interests you. It's how I was able to acquire my engineering position (~95k/NYC). I developed a basic version of an mock ordering system using LAMP fundamentals, HTML/CSS/JS. I made two Android apps for fun as well, put them on my GitHub and had a 2nd page of my resume dedicated to just showing off my projects. For reference, I had(still have) a part-time job teaching mathematics, so I wasn't without income.

I'll be honest; it took me a while to get the fundamentals of the languages down. I watched a lot of YouTube videos, read a book here and there, and just tried shit out. I learned mostly through building. I discovered I'm the type who learns to code from building, finding my ins/outs of the system and then I discover theory a bit later on; in fact, I'm a huge proponent of this.

I learned, both as a grad student doing research (I dropped out of my PhD program) and as a teacher, that we learn best by following the mechanics and learning theory along the way, not just learning a ton of theory and then saying 'figure it out, stoopid.' It's why Real Analysis is a senior course, but Calculus is a freshman/sophomore course.

So, build something you're interested in. While you're building, investigate the components. Learn the theory. Ask a ton of questions, try things out. Take notes, too. Be serious; study it like you would any subject. I took notes, read and also watched vids.

All the best,

>> No.14285817


Usually through word of mouth, or I visit businesses and start chatting them up. After shooting the shit for long enough and showing them that you're not autismo, you can usually start asking them what they might need and if they'd be willing to hire a contractor to help out.

>> No.14285823

Coding fucking sucks, if I was going to learn anything it'd definitely be routing and network security but I think I'd rather just grab a comfy job as a security guard instead.

>> No.14285837



I wouldn't recommend a bootcamp, anon. They're just money holes and none of them can really guarantee you a gig after graduation.

If you can learn mech e, there's nothing stopping you from taking tutorials, building a few projects and saving them on GitHub and them applying to gigs like that.

>> No.14285858

what if youre just total shit at maths? should i even attempt to learn code?

>> No.14285884


I haven't used any math more complex than simple addition and subtraction in my entire career thus far, anon.

You don't need that unless you're doing heavy theoretical shit.

>> No.14285891

Anon if you like OO and java you should learn scala, its OO/jvm and functional programming. Very powerful and deep

>> No.14285896

FYI, I was able to get into this position by showing my knowledge of front/backend. I do both.

I'm a "full stack engineer," which basically means I do frontend as well as backend. Some days, I mostly do HTML/CSS/JS, other days I'm doing PHP/Python. Having a strong, fundamental knowledge in SQL is also a Godsend; you have no idea how many engineers do not know this, and they will love you if you can do database engineering really, really fucking well.

I'm itching to leave, because I'm working on my own side project and I really believe in it, so we'll see enough.

>> No.14285899


I mean, I don't want to code forever anon. I enjoy doing it as much as the next fella, but I also don't want to work forever.

To each their own.

>> No.14285914

so the hardest maths part is really just contained in the school environment?

>> No.14285920

I love scripting out server tasks using stuff like Ruby and Powershell but could never really get into actual programming. I like sysadmin stuff though so it all worked out.

>> No.14285936


If you're talking about a CS degree, then yeah. Most of the shit you learn in that degree is theoretical.

For creating apps and shit, it's much less theoretical and math heavy (unless you're building some super heavy analytical software or recreating applications like photoshop and the such that rely on that math to edit photos and the such)

>> No.14285975


To really get into software engineering, you don't really need to know tons of mathematics. But you do need to have a strong overview of how data structures work depending on the project and that takes some understanding of mathematics. That being said, you don't need to be a math whiz.

Honestly, at my job, I don't use a ton of mathematics despite holding my BS in Mathematics. I'd say I use 10% ... every 3 months or so. The math I do use probably has to do with a complex data structure.

Generally speaking, as long as you're able to break things apart and think logically (hint: you can build this mentality over time), you'll be fine. Look into something called 'chunking.' Break things up into smaller and smaller components to learn, then build onto it. That's really all coding is, in truth; you're starting from nothing and building it into something over time.

>> No.14285997

This, all the way. Don't worry about the math unless you want to get into heavy game engineering, graphics or machine learning/AI.

>> No.14286001

How do I know when I'm proficient enough with a language to be able to market my skills? What's a good milestone to know when you're able to effectively carry out what companies will ask of you, if there even is one?

>> No.14286023


I'd say when you comfortably finished a project from start to finish. Even if it's total shit, that's when you start feeling comfortable knowing how to get from A to B.

Other than that you won't every "really know". Positions are amorphous and sometimes your skills will work and sometimes they won't.

You're going to get rejected A LOT, but that's okay because you only need ONE win.

>> No.14286106
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>> No.14286112

Thanks for the help bromium, I've always wondered how the fuck I'm supposed to get a programming gig if I don't have any frame or reference as to when I'm "good" at it.

>> No.14286169


How did you gain such a fundamental grasp of mysql? Any tricks or recommended reads?

>> No.14286183

At what age did you start learning? I'm looking to become a developer myself. How long did it take you? What programming language did you start with?

>> No.14286188

Yeah lots of self taught ppl feel the same way. It's called the "imposter syndrome" and it's a bitch

>> No.14286202

I started around 23 seriously. Started with simple web pages (HTML/CSS/JQuery)

Took me about a solid 2 years of side projects and an internship before everything started falling into place.

>> No.14286225

>6 figure salary
>3.5 btc

OP is a tech support pajeet with salary of 120000 rupee.

>> No.14286265

I have started a while ago (2-3 months) with learning the Java fundamentals, I'm 24 now, any tips or anything I should know? Not looking to make six figures or anything. I already write for a crypto blog which nets me some decent income, I just wanna be able to work from home like I do now and make some decent income(say $40-50000) a year which is more than great for my shithole of a country.

>> No.14286287

Also no im not a pajeet, just eastern yuropoor

>> No.14286293

Honestly, personal project.

I developed a database using MySQL and PHP. Watched a ton of videos. I basically created a website among friends that held our data. I wrote queries to display data about us on certain pages, learned about inner/outer joins, tables, schemes, etc.

It's also good to find a book/course that has a ton of data where you can play with it. One of the hardest parts about learning SQL isn't about learning the scripting/querying, but understanding the tables and what they represent, how they relate to one another, etc. The first three months at this job, I just had to learn about the tables very well before I was able to do anything really useful or technical. That's more of a business perspective than anything.

Once you know how the tables relate to one another, you can write the particular query for whatever you need most of the time. Sometimes, I have to take time and write up a long query (with like 5+ joins, unions, cases, etc. ), but it isn't mind bending. Just takes patience and time. I'm happy that my position isn't a time cruncher in the sense I'm expected to write these queries out in like 1 hr. I can take as long as required, as long as the main deadline is reached.

>> No.14286298


Learn the fundamentals, but don't get hung up on them. Once you feel like you a strong grasp, start working on some projects to really start diving deep.

Do that a few times and then start looking for gigs using your previous projects as references and talking points.

>> No.14286306

Where do you start beginning to learn to code?

>> No.14286393


Udemy, FreeCodeCamp etc etc etc

>> No.14286412

Thanks, was always intimidated by mysql. Hated it.

>> No.14286479

How long was the period between when you first started learning how to program and the first time you got paid for programming?

>> No.14286566

Great, thank you for the tips man, good to see such threads on /biz/ for a change

>> No.14286580


About 2 years

>> No.14286593

How do you get clients for your side work?

>> No.14286629


I usually go to businesses and talk to head of departments to see if they have budgets for contractors