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14269744 No.14269744 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14269755

What price did you buy @?

>> No.14269765

December 2017 ATH

>> No.14269767

once (((media))) starts shilling. After hitting new ATH

>> No.14269773

I say 50k, slow rise till parabolic after.

>> No.14269774

10k and the news will hit. very soon desu

>> No.14269778


>> No.14269784

15k and they will all buy back

>> No.14269800

Dec 2017 I was kicked out onto the street and the bitch decided to dip. Does anybody see any real reason for another one to come? Would be nice to get on the wagon

>> No.14269811

exactly 20k

>> No.14269812
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>> No.14269844



>> No.14269877


>> No.14269887

Who exactly is buying BTC though?

>> No.14269907

10K then..

widespread news reporting > normies flood in > alt season

normies will pick cheapest $$ coins on CMC frontpage.

>> No.14269908
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>who wants to buy only unconfiscatable decentralized asset ever measured against failed infinite supply infinite debt fiats

>> No.14269932

So nobody except degenerate speculators and neets then

>> No.14269937

Hitting the 5 digits again will be huge for bitcoin and will probably generate A LOT of attention from the masses. I would say 11k-13k, hitting the 5 digits mark and confirming the bullmarket above 11k will make people crazy. Not to mention the media talking about it then.
Think about it for a second, you missed out/got screwed/took out some profits or whatever as the regular joe back in 2017 and now you hear that after 1+ years, bitcoin has finally confirmed its bullmarket and is most likely going to test its ATH again.

5 digits will be huge.

>> No.14269959


>> No.14269964

Investors that were waiting for a new bull market

>> No.14269985


>> No.14269987

10, 12, 15 or 20k.

Who knows.

>> No.14270031

German media is already shilling like crazy.


>> No.14270043

Link for your German brother?

>> No.14270057

nowhere near 2017 I guess
>One day tron cryptocurrecy will be worth $10,000 a coin

>> No.14270063


>> No.14270064


Grüße aus Frankfurt!

>> No.14270069

20k easily, maybe 25k-35k-50k

>> No.14270205
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>> No.14270210

only when it's back to ath

>> No.14270312
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>> No.14270347
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yeah ma boi we gunna becum kangz n shiet again nomsayin'

>> No.14270415

>december 2017 ath
Just ath anon, please go back to plebbit

>> No.14270442

Junge das juckt kein arsch
Die kommen in den markt wenn galileo jumbo schreiner in die bitcoinmine schickt oder irgendwelche hiphopkasper lieder drüber machen, als ob normalos finanznachrichten lesen

>> No.14270493

Na gut, das mag sein. Die FAZ hat allerdings vor zwei Tagen auch über Libra berichtet und auf Bitcoin verwiesen.

>> No.14270521
File: 446 KB, 750x738, C55B2B5A-055D-444E-8FAE-AE1A273FD0BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Du dummes Schwein. Ja du (((Schwein))), ganz recht, da kickste wa? Galileo? En Neger werd ich dir holen. Wirst aufen Bock gespannt. Da läuft dir doch der Geifer ausem Mund. En Gewinde werd ich dir aufe Nille schneiden. Kannste Korkenzieherarschfick machen. Ja dat gefällt dir. Du geile Sau du. Kauf doch Link!!!

>> No.14270533

Das is ja das geile, die kamen vor 2 jahren ala bitcoin bei 5k stand zu mir und fragten mich wie man kauft. Haben NICHT gekauft und sich geärgert. Dann steht bitcoin bei 3k und ich kaufe nochmal nach. Bin gespannt wann sie wieder fragen. Lel

>> No.14270537

10k is the starting trigger of FOMO for moderately informed normies, and 15k will be the trigger for slightly informed normies, and 20k is going to be the FOMO trigger for everyone else. After that it's moon mission time!

>> No.14270565

"smart" normies will start "accumulating" after $16k

niggers and pajeets after $40k

>> No.14270623

IMO we arent even at halving yet. We will see minor run until the halving in 10 months, it'll pull back a bit after, then It will hit a major bull run to 90k after a while. That's how I'll be playing it. I'll probably hold through the halving price drop just because Idc about the few extra dollars associated with that risk.

>> No.14270628

Arbeitest du etwa in der EUR/BTC Wechselstube am Flughafen?

>> No.14270631

nah. They will look but when we hit ath again we will dump 20% again like when we hit 9k. The normies wont buy until 30k.

>> No.14270833

dieses. du dummer hund. finanzen.irgendwas liest vielleicht der gute goy der eh schon knietief in roten aktien steckt. der richtige pump kommt, wenn erkan ausm mcfit reinfomod, um dann alles zu verlieren.

>> No.14270960

Gurkensohn soll mal video über bitcoin machen dann verkauf ich nen teil

>> No.14271021

at 15k everyone will feel it is safe again and the normies will rush in

15k is the line in the sand