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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14256601 No.14256601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>find a girl who has given up her morals and became a sugar baby
>find out she is super successful and rich, top tier in the business
>find out she’s a Jew
How do they always end up rich no matter what?

>> No.14256633

How do you racist /pol/tards always end up on the wrong board?

>> No.14256657

low IQ

>> No.14256791

some jew owned company will always take them in and promote them to management no matter if her only qualification is sucking dick.

>> No.14256941
File: 158 KB, 840x821, EB0C57A9-70A7-476D-9123-47096BF856A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s apart of some divine, universal quantum link that predisposes jews to end up with large sums of power and/or money. It’s embedded in their DNA.

>> No.14256959

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.14256986


>> No.14257007

Turns out in-group preference works wonders.

>> No.14257057

if they were so unqualified, all of their companies would implode yet that doesn't happen
what gives?

>> No.14257157

a high priority put on education and a people prepared to live frugally for the benefit of future generations. A traditional family structure where you marry young with the purpose of reproducing; and making more honorable, educated people inured with a real and active love of and respect for blood, honor, religion, law and ancestor.

>its how you win.

>> No.14257246

Alot of words to say
>worship satan and the material as god

>> No.14257248

jews get interest free loans so they have a competitive edge

>> No.14257299

This place is obsessed with Jews. Just respect us and know your damn place before you tick us off.

>> No.14257305

Are you serious? lol

>> No.14257387

This, just remeber what happended with faggot hitler when he tried.

>> No.14257413


>> No.14257442

>killed “6 million “ of you kikes

>> No.14257451

how to subraces always end up whining on 4chan? hint: there is a reason this is our space and a reason why you choose to come here anyway

>> No.14257454

Chutzpah and superb, yet myopic, mental faculties

>> No.14257509

well have to look at the federal reserves balance sheet to see what companies they are propping up. but we cant audit them

>> No.14257729

>shutup whitoid,
you could say shit about pajeets, arabs and jews. But the white/western family unit is an absolute loveless affair. You guys lose because of that. Women don't care about their husbands, husbands don't care about their wives. Parents kick out children at the age of 18, and children inturn don't help out their parents in old age. No wealth transfers, divorces/infidelity are rampant, 50 percent of live chasing after pussy. Face it you guys are only ahead cuz u won the lottery of finding america with its abundant resources and advantageous geography. You also one again because of your founding fathers who did something that was unheard of during the time and setup of the greatest base a country could have. No baggage, a clean slate to prosper, no look at you faggots, can't even outcompete a migrant who barely knows the language.