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14242026 No.14242026 [Reply] [Original]

is the financial collapse upon us?

>> No.14242057


>> No.14242074

>Jew York Gold
Faggot, London Gold or nothing

>> No.14242082

for gold that's a lot

>> No.14242097

Financial collapse confirmed.
t. my gold bags are pumping

>> No.14242148
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it will come when nobody expects it, currently alot of poeple are bullish for gold,
fed and ecb are going to QE again, this will once again drive the stocks up, then it will collapse 2020

>> No.14242176
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>mfw ordered 3 ounces last week at fixed daily price
>mfw my gold bags are already pumping before I even pick them up from the dealer

>> No.14242226

>Bought around 500 bucks of gold and silver earlier today since I was looking into alternative investments
If it really is habbening we can always liquidate our crypto at jmbullion if you're an Ameriburger

>> No.14242493

Had a revelation about precious metals earlier today: never cash out until the rate of inflation has compounded to greater than you spent on the premium.

>> No.14242611
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this is now a silver thread
silver will be the big winner in the collapse

>> No.14242649

>Not having gold and silver at the very least

>> No.14242785

I do have both. I like both. I'm just saying when it comes time for financial collapse, silver will outperform all assets, including gold.

>> No.14242799

Silver is pumping hard too. Hope you been loading up on silver and gold the past few months.

>> No.14242829

Meanwhile, central banks around the world have been accumulating gold for years. The Dollars days are fucking numbered.

>> No.14242962

Best thing about kitco is Daniela Cambone.
Gold is stupid boomer rocks, but yes it does have buy support from the boomer world, central banks, etc.
Crypto is stupid millennial play money, but the gold cap to crypto cap ratio will probably decrease even if both do well, which they likely will.
So I hold a lot of crypto and some gold right now and I'll be cashing out some to buy more gold when the market pumps hard enough for me to start realizing profits.

>> No.14242999
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I also have both. Smart anons.

>> No.14243707

I still don't see why PMs and crypto are not allies.

>> No.14243737

I need more to add to my stack before we go on a moon mission.....

>> No.14243999

I know right? Throw in a requirement for the crypto to be backed powered by solar and outsource 1% of node earnings to plant x trees per quarter and you have a stable, limited, green crypto that will save the planet. Maybe over time the crypto grown Forrest can be sustainably pruned to sustain and expand itself instead of rely on 1% node handout.

>> No.14244022

"Backed powered" phone poster : /

>> No.14244041

I have both. I think that currency commodities will perform well in uncertain times.

>> No.14244082
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Gold is the currency of pirates

>> No.14244218

Of course it is. Fed said fucking nothing today because they are too busy helping the banks unwind assets to overseas and small buisness and dont want to spook the chinaman before he realizes he has been buying piles of literal financial refuse. We are going to tank and we are tanking hard. Dont worry anons there will be plenty of oppurtunitys to pick up cheap gold in the coming year or so. It takes about 6-12 months of lag from stimulus start to the money hitting the market and ballooning gold. Its going to go above 4k easily this time.

What you should actually be watching is if crypto is pumping hard weeks or months after stimulus starts. If crypto is pumping above 25k that means corps are putting the money into crypto to salvage their wealth. Either way as another anon said, yes crypto is a zoomers game right now and it will be "the poor mans" gold, but give it 20 years for boomers to die off and zoomers to take over and I think crypto will shift into the position of the true global shadow banking scheme instead of gold.

>> No.14244227
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They are.

BSV will be gold backed global currency, it is a match made in heaven.

Think about it: Bitcoin (BSV) is the perfect medium of exchange. Low fees, instant transactions, global payments, decentralized, immutable, unfreezable, fraud resistant and with a hardcap so it can't be debased. It is PERFECT DIGITAL CURRENCY, but it's not a good measure of value due to volatility.

However, the value of Bitcoin is currently measured in Fiat, which is worthless paper money. If fiat collapses, there is no standard of value to measure Bitcoin against.

Unless there is some hard asset that historically has always been money, and a store of value and unit of account that can back a currency... Aha, Gold.

The writing is on the wall anons. Fiat will die as it is worthless paper and totally out-competed by Bitcoin (BSV), which will be backed by gold to create the PERFECT MONEY.

Screenshot this. It's happening.

>> No.14244351

>it will collapse when nobody expects it
>it will collapse in 2020

what did he mean by this

>> No.14244758

thoughts on palladium goldbugs?

>> No.14244835

Risky because its heavily dependent on the auto industry. Gold is heavily driven by investment demand and silver has a lot of electronics/medical uses on top of its tradition of being a currency.

>> No.14244901

platinum is heavily depedent on auto industry, yet palladium is mooning. i don't think that it's the industry uses that really determine the metals' price, but rather its floor. commodities are ponzis for sake of it, and palladium seems like a memeful ponzi for whatever reasons. ill admit that gold seems like better reward/risk atm. platinum's price is extremely attractive, but the upside doesn't look high.

>> No.14244961

Silver should at least be $40 a toz. Sooner or later it's going to break out. Gold will hit 2k within 2yrs.

>> No.14245133

Silver's going to moon when we go through the easily accessible silver. While there is more deep silver than gold on earth, more gold is on the shallow crust than silver. It will cost a lot more to dig down deeper, and with electronics/medical supplies always in demand, there's a strong indicator silver will become a hot material unless we discover how to make something that has the properties of silver out of sand or something cheap.

>> No.14245375

I still feel uneasy about buying gold. I looked at the history of gold and silver average closing prices. Gold looks like it is in a bubble that at any time could burst and snap it back to almost half its current value. Silver on the other hand has potential to double in value. Why should I buy gold over silver?

>> No.14245387

i hope not, but i own $40k in gold just in case

>> No.14245391

gold is a more popular meme than silver is.

>> No.14245525

Why? Have you watched another clickbait video from a youtuber claiming it is?
Financial crisis/major correction probably, it's about time simply because I want cheap stuff.

>> No.14245560

>He doesnt know about the corporate junk bonds
Anon, I...

>> No.14245617

The way I hear it platinum and palladium do the same thing in an automobile so when platinum gets too expensive everyone switches to palladium. Then when that price goes sky high they switch back.

>> No.14245979

Is there a reason to invest in either? Should people stick to gold and silver?

>> No.14246024
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>> No.14246065

I’m riding the wave. No collapse and anyone hoarding gold instead of putting their money into growth investments/stocks is an idiot.

>> No.14246096
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why are you so sure?

>> No.14246161

why not both

>> No.14246249

problem is whatever gold does bitcoin will do 100x

>> No.14246344
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>> No.14246430

dam son

>> No.14246479

The end game is gold going no bid.

>> No.14246514

My dad made his millions in the gold rush from 2005 to 2007. He has been teaching me for the past 5 years to follow in his footsteps as we wait for the next bull market. I have an awesome job that allowed me to amass $100k worth of gold juniors in that time. My moment has finally come. You babies think crypto is volatile? Wait till you see gold juniors in a hot market. It's literally crypto on fucking steroids. Look at old charts like Seabridge Gold to see what I mean. Went from pennies to nearly $40 in a single bull market.

>> No.14246667

tf is gold juniors

>> No.14246686

This. Have literally never heard of that shit

>> No.14246716

I’m not buying some junior shit I’m buying physical

>> No.14246758

he's talking about stocks in smaller mining companies

>> No.14246852

The two craziest ones I could find was ALO which is 62 cents and has been above 19 dollars and MDRPF MIDAS GOLD CORP COM which isn't that undervalued or anything but some gold nerd was saying it was one of the best gold juniors for some reason.

There are so many dang companies I have no idea what to really buy though, yeah I might get the gold fund or the metal.

>> No.14246893

Gold is an a bubble because we’ve been in a passive recession since 2008. There will be no new recession but a full scale worldwide depression. Gold will ballon to over $56,000 as it accounts for all the garbage in the system. World trade will be conducted in gold or silver and not fiat.

>> No.14246983


They are companies focused on exploration. They drill for gold then go up at least 1000-3000% by the time a mid-tier or large cap company will buy them out for their property.

Never understood this mentality. When you buy a mining company, you take a % ownership of any gold that they mine. If you think gold will go up, wouldn't it make sense to buy a company that literally profits from selling gold?

My top three junior holdings are GQC.V, SPA.V, and KER.TO. A couple of those have already awoken from their slumber, SPA.V will be next.

>> No.14247006

cause 99% of juniors are complete scams

>> No.14247082

what about silver mining co stocks? i bought a few different ones on robinhood on a lark

>> No.14247087

We can only hope.

>> No.14247096

100% of crypto is a scam and yet it made people millionaires, what is your point?

A large percentage of juniors do fail, but the ones that make it to a buy out will pay for all of your losers.

I suggest buying mid-tier miners if you are scared of scams.

>> No.14247124

If only you could see the gold in China's wallet.
Gold is the new privacy coin tho.

>> No.14247130

no retard
gold traders aren't smarter than stock traders, and neither are bond traders smarter than stock traders.

>> No.14247136

How do you figure all of this? What about silver?

>> No.14247159

You've probably heard someone say that "silver will out perform gold" this year. I've been in the space for half a decade and I've heard that literally every year. My dad has heard that every year for the past 20. It still never has happened. Mining companies usually treat silver as a byproduct of gold. There are a few silver stocks I've owned in the past but they usually don't perform as well. That being said, I own a few hundred dollars of physical silver because it is fun to collect.

>> No.14247238


>> No.14247249

Yeah agree with this, its like how Bitcoin has to go up before Ethereum does,

>> No.14247270

Macro Voices called the 1360 level being broken as the pivotal moment for Gold bull rally. expect big things to come.

>> No.14247298

>uk+deutch steal 25mil gold from Venezuela
>create market news to increase value
>sell it all off before the planned gold dump and before the news comes out that asteroid mining is successful and profitable
>kek le gold meme subconscious programming for decades from cash to gold ads and tv shows/news

>> No.14247321


>> No.14247324

I love those guys, glad they are expanding

>> No.14247341
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underated post, have you

>> No.14247421

>give it 20 years for boomers to die off

how is that post underated when it's complete roleplay and retarded

boomers will easily still be around for a century probably more, are you retards keeping up with REAL biotech / senescence research?

>> No.14247446
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I'm posting it again.

>> No.14247866

so you basically bet on them finding a lot of gold, and the odds are good?

>> No.14247885


>> No.14248107
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>> No.14248140
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Only smart person in this boomer thread. Weird that OP image looks like a bullflag but probably glowies and their boomer friends trying to get Germany to get their gold back. Heh... dream on losers

>> No.14248164
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LMAO underrated

>> No.14248226


>> No.14248338

>Number of Lbs of Precious Metals Mined By Asteroid Today

>> No.14248366
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>mfw when my BSV bag is worth 100kg in gold

I haven't finished accumulating

>> No.14248494
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>> No.14248673
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>thinking investing in gold for profit isnt the same crapshoot if SHTF

>> No.14248686


>> No.14248885

This. I'm convinced we have gotten gold too and from outer space at this point in secret. If we were to mine anything in secret it would be gold since it is so profitable for how little it weighs. They are hiding real market values so gold doesnt collapse. How you feel about measuring things in sats instead of dollars is how the banks feel about gold, and since gold will shortly be declared a dead market bitcoin was created out of necessity by world governments in secret for a deflationary asset to amase and continue capitalism as we know it.

>> No.14248929

Seems like those who hold massive amounts of precious metals would do anything it takes to prevent this.
>mine asteroids
>crash gold/silver/platinum/etc markets to the price of copper or below
>banks and governments btfo
>jewelry becomes worthless, tanks those businesses
>leprechauns have to find other shit to hoard
I dont think "The Man" would let this happen.

>> No.14248939
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>fed and ecb are going to QE again, this will once again drive the stocks up, then it will collapse 2020

We The ECB are basically creating negative interest rates like the chinese central bank.
As an Eurokek (which i am sadly) i would prepare myself for higher Inflation in the next 5 years.
1 Bread today costs around 2 Euro , 10 years ago 1 Euro but in the next 5 years it will we 4 Euro due to negative interest rates rising buying pressure.
This is what i try to explain my Boomer Parents but something in their brain refuses to understand inflation or market investment possibilites (hurr duhhh anon we dont want stocks or funds hurr duhh lets stock to bank given compound interest ) which is 0,01%...
JESUS CHRIST WHY IS THE BOOMER GENERATION SO RETARDED ??????????????????????????????????????

>> No.14248949

Yep all physical scarce markets will trend towards 0 as logistics is automated.
The only scarcity left will be artificial aka crypto.

>> No.14248968

Yes! This makes complete sense. This is not delusional at all!

>> No.14248981

How do you buy gold juniors ?

>> No.14249097

Gold is so bullish right now, I hope you’ve been accumulating for the past 10 years whilst you had the chance

>> No.14249243

I have been living with my parents for 15 years since college and putting 90% of my Bay Area software engineering salary into physical gold. I now have close to 650,000 in gold. I am fucking strapped in and ready...

>> No.14249273
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Right Biztards, and you are financially retarded as you would know what a financial cycle is, how PMs (precious metals brainlets) react in correlation to a financial cycle.
You would have also been accumulating since the low at the end of 2018 and the low a few years before that and know the difference between physical, physical ETFs and PM miners both established and junior.
Now if you haven’t the first fucking clue in what I was talking about above, junior gold miners are not for you.
To work out if mining companies are going to make it or go bust, you have to consider the cost of extraction of the metal in the ground and how much there is. Company cash flow and debt. Exploration. Geopolitical climate (3rd world governments can change regulations on a whim) and currency.
If all that sounds like a ball ache in research then there’s a simple answer for you.
Put money into GDX and GDXJ. They are funds of established and junior miners which are managed for you.

>> No.14249274

>negative interest rates
>real possibility of a haircut when things get serious (ala cyprus)
>deutsche bank collapse imminent, if the next depression hits its probably over for the euro

Stocks are not a guarantee but keeping your money in the bank is just asking to get raped come the next crash

>> No.14249788

FBI Investigating Deutche Bank for money laundering

>> No.14249825

Yeah, bail-ins seem like a real possibility, all over the developed world.

>> No.14250360
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>> No.14250378

Retard, stocks are about to crash.

>> No.14250388

Boomers never experienced a true recession. They grew up with almost no setbacks and thus believe that because nothing bad has happened during their life and that we are “in the 21st century, no barbaric medieval times” nothing bad will happen in the future

>> No.14250524

When a CME or Mirconova hits and fries the global electric grid, gold and silver will have its day.

>> No.14250697

That's 80 billion in market cap.
Now it's 2% so more than all the bitcoins in the world.

>> No.14250724
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Im counting how often this is said the past Years.
Even if its crashing you Retard , and thats a unknown huge IF , this crash isnt representing how well a Company is doing.
For example : McDonalds , did 2008 affect something in sales? nothing changed.

Procter & Gamble:
People dont want to stink and want to be clean in crash times too.

Coca cola: people still drink for amusement in crash times

Altria: Faggots still smoke since like ever

At&t : People still phone during crash times

Vonovia: People still paying rent in crash times

Siemens : Electronic technology is still needed in Crash times too.

What u dont need in crash times: Bank , insurance , car etc ...stocks

>> No.14250761

McDonalds is fucking overpriced. If the recession didn't affect their sales I would be seriously shocked. If anything I think you're probably wrong.

>> No.14250901

Every single of them is overvalued and 60% correction is long overdue. In fact, the whole market is in a recession since 2016. Good luck buying the top, I will wait until it all burns and buy your bags for pennies, after I’m done riding gold and crypto bullrun

>> No.14251076
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>JESUS CHRIST WHY IS THE BOOMER GENERATION SO RETARDED ??????????????????????????????????????

Lead poisoning


That said you are 100% right anon , btc 3M before 2030 this interest rates and soon negative interest rates will cause a shitstorm.

Keynes is the milenial hitler ,fuck him and praise Satoshi for giving us a way out.

>> No.14251403


Hey anon, I'm a junior mining engineer here, I was looking to invest 50k into mining stock but I know nothing at all about investing in stocks (I already own real estate and PM). What technical should I be looking into when picking juniors ?

>> No.14251478

you could just buy GDXJ

>> No.14251508
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Anon , where should i start?
I already have 20k$ ready on the side just waiting to be invested after market crashes , meanwhile im accumulating steady cash flow to invest more of my capital when time is rdy.

>Good luck buying the top, I will wait until it all burns and buy your bags for pennies


>> No.14251621

stocks will most likely moon further causing a hype, then it will crash "suddenly"

>> No.14251631

lmao, buy bonds Sirs

>> No.14251639

>Tell your friends and coworkers to buy stocks
>we are going to the moon with normie cash

>> No.14251656

This always happens In late bubble market, even bad news boom market then suddendly - 50%

>> No.14251753

telling people to buy stocks would be a scam, nobody can time this shit

>> No.14251937

Dude you start out wrong.
When you look at a junior and def an exploration stock you ask yourself these questions:

What's the grade of the ore?
Grade is king. No fundamental trumps grade.

Where is the ore?
At the surface or nearby? Good!
Deep ores? You better have some mighty fine grades to counter that fact.

How's the infrastructure looking?
Does the company need to build out tge entire mine, do they need to connect their land to far away highways and railways?

Where is your mining property?
America, Canada, austalia, europe, excellent.
Latin america, asia Meh
Africa: GTFO

Hows the balance sheet?
Cash on hand or indebted. If alot of infrastructure works are needed without cash on hand you can bet your ass they'll water you down. (I.e. Print more shares)

And then you have a look at the management.
Do they own and are believers or do they intend to live off of their pay? Any previous companies they worked at? How did those fare?

>> No.14252454
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can someone explain a brainlet the best and cheapest way to buy physical gold?

>> No.14252527

Be careful. The juniors all have horrible balance sheets. They will need to raise capital soon and they will do it by diluting your shares like they always do. You're going to get fucked but you might make money anyway.

>> No.14252578

Thank you for your answer.

I guess it's common sens then. My question was more about how do you evaluate if a junior is underpriced or not ? Do you have to compare with others ?

Additionnal question : where could you get some extended infos on the topic, for example, how do you find junior companies without digging the internet for ages ?

>> No.14252746

> Cheapest
The larger the volume in a single unit (1oz coin versus 10oz bar versus 1kg bar etc) the lower the premium (what you pay on top of the spot price). Beware that the higher the volume the less liquid it will be i.e. 1oz of gold is easier to sell than 1kg.

> Easiest
If you want those bars then order online. If you want coins you can just hit a coin shop. Shop online and study the spot price and premiums. Look at premiums as a percentage over spot rather than as a flat number.

>> No.14253519

Still common sense approach.
So yeah comparison i guess.
Thats how I do it usually, kinda has paid off.

Digg deeper then the one next to you.
Everyone has heard of first majestic of silver wheaton.
Try to find one that people havent heard of yet but has the potential.