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File: 958 KB, 2560x1702, smoking-health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14235257 No.14235257 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw smoking 35 cigarettes per day. Anyone managed to quit?

>> No.14235272

smoking is so 2k8.

>> No.14235282

If you smoke 35x more potent tabacco you'll only smoke one cigaret a day

>> No.14235286


I "quit" by switching to vaping. You still get the nicotine but it's slightly less cancerous.

>> No.14235299

>smoking tobacco

>> No.14235310

Not cigarettes,I smoke about 2 blunts a day. I’ve relied on weed too much and it’s about time I cut back

>> No.14235317

switched to vaping 10 years ago. more addiacted to nicotine than ever but at least I don't smell like ashtrays. instead I smell like artificial chinese flavoring chemicals

>> No.14235323

Vaping is scientifically proven to induce homosexuality though.

>> No.14235336

i used weed to quit, now I'm addicted to weed, but working on it

buying a vaporizer helps to take down quantities

>> No.14235345

I quit cold turkey
3 years free

>> No.14235347

2 packa of camels a day for 14 years. switched to vaping and after a week on the vape you'll realize how disgusting cigs taste. not only that you'll appreciate not always smelling like an ashtray. find a flavor you like and it's easy. Haven't coughed up black crap in the morning in forever. vaping is fucking stupid looking but cigs are dumber. at least you won't be punishing your body as bad to get your fix. you can do it anon.

>> No.14235348

Common if you live in a stressful environment.
Try to cut it to 1 cigarette per hour and avoid sources of stress.
If not possible to avoid stress just set time limit before each smoke.
Coming from a dude that smoked 60+ per day, now cut down to 15ish and plan on cutting it down to 5-7 per day (every 2 hours)

But yeah, you can quit with strong will and trying to make it harder to reach.
Worst is the first week, if you manage to beat it for a week, it will be quite easy to stop smoking.
Only on one condition- never light another cigarette again.

>> No.14235349

Dentist here. Good luck with your losing all your teeth and oral cancer goals of 2040

>> No.14235354

vape for weed, never used vape for the devil's lettuce

>> No.14235356

cigarettes are only addictive to npcs

>tried to get addicted, couldn't

switch to weed you absolute faggot.

tobacco is a ritual herb used once a month with psychedelics to imbibe the experience on your nervous system's plasticity. Smothing cigs every day actually creates and reinforces the stress and depression pathways

fucking npc cucks don't learn shit from elementary school

this is basic biology learned in 6th grade ( leaf )

>> No.14235359


>> No.14235376

>he cares about his health

>> No.14235378

aka marijuana

>> No.14235379

Use one time auriculotherapy it helped me i have smoked for 15 years non stop..

>> No.14235387

Just do it, or do you have weak hands?
If you're not even able to quit something like that, how are you even able to make it?

>> No.14235390

I just stopped after 10 years. It is really that simple, people overexaggerate it

>> No.14235396

i was smoke free for over 10 years. got stressed out and started smoking a cig a day. figured its shit and switched to vaping. now Im more nicotine addicted than ever but tell myself its kinda not as bad as smoking. should probably really drop the habit again but I always loved smoking.

>> No.14235409

I take nicotine lozenges. The mini ones. Now I'm hooked on those.

Need to get off nicotine altogether but I'm hard wired for it now. I also take Wellbutrin. It's supposed to interact with your nicotine receptors.

Anyways, try the generic mini nicotine lozenges. That's how I stopped smoking at least.

>> No.14235485
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People who smoke have a double digit IQ, prove me wrong.

I don't even understand how it's addictive. I've tried it many times, but I just found it impossible to get addicted to.

Man the fuck up anon.

>> No.14235490

vape.. find a good quality flavour that doesn't smell at all... menthol's are good. Start off at 18mg nic and work down in strength over time.

>> No.14235493

it's enjoyable the first few times

>> No.14235547

It's actually one of the strongest nootropic on earth

>> No.14235551
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Just switch to pic related like we nordicfags do. Taste good, is not homosexual like vape, noone knows you're using it.

>> No.14235565

Vape, you'll save loadsa money. Spending about £30 a month now. Was over £10 a day before.

>> No.14235574

Nope, not for me.
People who smoke are unironically NPCs who perceive the world in no more than 2 dimensions.

>> No.14235577

I managed to quit smoking in between cigarettes. Like I had one earlier today and then after I put it out I quit until my next one which will be in like 20 minutes or so.

>> No.14235578

cut down with 4mg lozenges, you'll gradually want less over them over time. It won't be that easy but one day you'll just have to pull the plug on that, which sucks for about a week then after that it's much easier. Motivate yourself not to relapse by reminding yourself of how hard it was to quit, which probably sounds like garbage advice but it helped me, good luck fren

>> No.14235587

smokers are literally not human

>> No.14235602

Just use heroin to get off weed.

>> No.14235603

Who gives a fuck. Its not a fashion statement

>> No.14235609

It's an ice breaker for socializing. First you do it for fun or social proof, and if you do it enough you start craving it. Plus it's good with a drink.

Some people enjoy things you don't.

>> No.14235611
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europoor here
we like to smoke spliffs a lot here
I also used to smoke normal cigs even camel without filters.. It was easy to ditch tobacco when I bought my first vaporizer volcano digit from Germany for cannabis usage only. Best health decision of my life

>> No.14235618

>tfw smoke 25 cigs a day
>tfw only smoke reds

I'm 22 and live in Europe everyone fucking smokes here fk

>> No.14235631

ha ha

>> No.14235658

>People who smoke are unironically NPCs who perceive the world in no more than 2 dimensions.

Oh, you mean like you're doing right now?

>> No.14235667

Why quit? It's all about quality of life... think of it this way: many people use anti-depressants, many people use opioids for pain management.

As for cancer... many things cause cancer. Red meat causes cancer. Alcohol causes cancer. Do you really wanna live forever?

>> No.14235679
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For tonight.

>> No.14235682
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Trying to justify harmful things because "I like it". Wageslaving to pay for a cigarette is retarded on so many levels.

I thought this board was semi woke by trying to escape shekelsteins grip, yet they can't stop being slaves to their addictions. Pathetic.

>> No.14235693

It's the only way to get socialize for bizlet like me

>> No.14235694

t. smoker
go outside and get your fix

>> No.14235701

Patrician taste, I smoke the same one.
its sad that the maker is a fucking chink company.

>> No.14235717

What's that

>> No.14235727

Probably rich sub-chink in Indonesia.

>> No.14235729

Cytizine med + allen carr easy way to quit smoking

>> No.14235746

read this my fren and get yourself a non-smoking brapper gf

>> No.14235765
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>> No.14235774
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>Me want smoke, me know smoke is bad, me smoke anyway.

You've no idea how pathetic you look sucking on that cigarette, yall could suck my dick instead.

>> No.14235790

> yet they can't stop being slaves to their addictions. Pathetic.

How often do you jerk off to porn, anon? Few times a day?

>> No.14235789
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If any one of u stops snoking thanks to that, sen me some NIMIQS. I will be here around

>> No.14235806

People who smoke arguably understand more about 'life' because they light the candle at both ends. People who are risk-averse are the NPCs.

If there's one thing you can say about smokers, they are definitely never NPCs.

Your terrible opinion tells me you never go outside.

>> No.14235810

I quit 14 years ago and haven't touched one since. It is one of my greatest achievements. lol. If you want to quit I would recommend the nicotine lozenges and plenty of willpower.

>> No.14235823


>> No.14235827

chewed them nicotine gums for a couple months, then they ran out and I was too lazy to buy more
haven't smoked anything since then
you probably should quit in steps, start by quitting manufactured cigs and roll natural tobacco, it's already a good improvement since you won't be smoking dogshit

>> No.14235986

Doesn't the tobacco smoke keep harmful spirits away?

>> No.14236009
File: 134 KB, 480x640, 5ae62f05950b832d0d86b179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those damned intellectual smokers and their never ending supply of courage is truly beyond my grasp of understanding.

>"It has not been for the faint-hearted, or who seek the fleshly pleasures. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the wasted genii, the creators of MAD things. For us, they toiled in sweatshops, endured the lash of the spanking. Time and again, these men struggled, and sacrificed, so that we might ... LIVE BETTER."
-Billy Herrington

I've smoked with those same "intellectuals", but they're complete NPCs.

Weak bait.

>> No.14236045


>> No.14236060

I haven't quite but I moved to vaping 2 years ago first try didn't work as i got one of those cheap pens and it was awful

>> No.14236064

>quoting gay porn actors
we have reached peak reddit

>> No.14236065

>he never smoked

>> No.14236102


Helped me and multiple friends.

>> No.14236116

Smoke weed instead.
Healthier than regular cigs and it gets you high.

>> No.14236157

Your forgot dead. Dead gay porn actors

>> No.14236176

What the fuck is wrong with smokers? I take one puff and I feel like puking. What kind of masochistic faggot would put up with how fucking nasty they are until they are used to it? Jesus you are done for, literally.

>> No.14236203

i'm not homosexual. vaping is for alphas, which you nordcucks know nothing about since you let the shitskins and commies in. i bet you think niggers are people

>> No.14236206
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Fun fact, in Australia about 91% of the price of a pack of cigarettes or tobacco is taxes. And it's only going to get higher too.
Smokers pay roughly 16 times as much as they cost on the healthcare system as a result, so next time you need your free healthcare thank a smoker.

>> No.14236212


>> No.14236214


Top kek

>> No.14236232

This is the only way to quit. Thank you based Allen.

>> No.14236234

lmao try 0.1 mg cigarettes first don't start off smoking reds which contain 0.6 mg nicotine that's gonna give you a headache and very likely puke

>> No.14236254

>giving me advice on how to pick up smoking

>> No.14236255

>he thinks smoking is cool
boy you should be at least 14 if you're posting here

>> No.14236299

I've been smoking since I was 6 and never thinks its cool, it's you who should take a step back and realize that youre a faggot who minds other people's business.

>> No.14236303

Seething, is snus banned in your country?
We may have alot of niggers but at least we're allowed to snus unlike rest of europe. You probably have both cuckboy.

>> No.14236317

Dude nicotine is a good stimulant. Stephen King the author used to snort cocaine and chainsmoke during his writings and he said when I quit smoking I'd have nothing to write....

you drink coffee don't you? why do you drink coffee? because it tastes good? No... because it's a performance enhancer and energy boost throughout the day... it feels nice to drink while working to increase your focus. It feels nice when you have your 1st cup of coffee in the morning and feel the grogginess go away.

Cigarettes are similar... except they are a stimulant, a cognitive enhancer and works extremely well for nervousness and stress relief.

>> No.14236326
File: 98 KB, 1024x788, 7B7BAE1E-CA6E-48C9-8433-4728A7242C61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to cut way the fuck down (1, 2 cigs a day).....when i stopped waging.

t. retired line-cook turned forex swing demon

>> No.14236354

Wimps on the loose.
My teeth hare fine. Smoking natural cigarettes with no toxic chemicals. Just pure smoke, and nicotine from tobacco leaves.

>> No.14236420

> 35 cigarettes per day
holy fucking CRINGE mate
literally WTF!
why would you start in the first place? and why can't you just quit like that?
you realized it's bad for you, you don't want it anymore
yet you still can't quit lol

holy shit, mate
> pleb level: over 9000

how are you planning to cash out when BTC is on ATH? you will fail lel
train your discipline RIGHT. NOW.



>> No.14236424

peepee poopoo fuck off retard
just keep smoking so you'll die sooner
what a waste of life

>> No.14236429

>smoked 2 packs for 10 years
>was a heavy addict, some days even 3 pack
>break up with my gf
>just like that decide to quit
>first 5 days were like hell, i even cried at some points
>it was not the cigarettes, i was just generally fucked up, and the cigs missing was amping it 10x
>pushed through
>that was 3 months ago
>started smoking when i was 15, am 25 now.
>teeth fucked up, but im not smoking and i extended my life.

if you smoke youre and npc period.

>> No.14236434

vape...but find one that suits you. it takes time. like cigarette brand, you dont like them all. Take time to go into a shop and ask a pro.

after a couple weeks of vaping, try a couple cigs...they will taste like crap, smell like crap, your teeth that were getting white again will become yellow tinted, and your breath will be shorter, you will stick to vaping, then after a while you lower the nicotine amount (make your own diy liquid to minimize the crap and chose what nicotine amount suits you and cost virtually nothing) then eventually put so little nicotine after a few months that you will automatically be smoking so little that you almost stopped, then just start exercising and keep your vape for occasional use or social events where you can vape when others are smoking around you.

i tried many ways, but vaping is the best, most painless, cheapest, and progressive you can find.

just dont focus on stopping over a couple weeks, say to yourself this is a gradual process of a couple months.

>> No.14236438

based and tarpilled

>> No.14236442

smoker for 25 years and thought i can never quit
Juul solved all these issues, give it a shot anon

>> No.14236452
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no u
everyone who drinks water die

>> No.14236474

pretending to be retarded won't make you not retarded

>> No.14236482

>Anyone managed to quit?
Yep, my grandpa. Never managed to know him. Stroke

>> No.14236485

How the fuck do you even pay for 3 packs a day?

Those are like 10e in my country

>> No.14236502

Smoked for 7 years (usually 8-10 cig per day), decided to quit 40 days ago and successfully made it.

Yes the first week is shit, you'll get plenty of cravings but remember that every craving you beat it really gets easier.

Also a little bit of Valium helped me, you honestly don't need a vape unless you want to be addicted for life to nicotine

>> No.14236537
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Actually it's 95% less cancerous and you can say that without worrying, I mean, you're a fag either way

>> No.14236542

I will tell you a secret OP.. amphetamines make quitting smoking easier because you will just forget to smoke

>> No.14236547


>> No.14236600

Literally no difference at all. You get cancer from (this post and) the products of combustion, also nicotine is unironically good in a lot of ways for your body if you don't shot a liter of it directly into your veins

>> No.14236647

>nicotine lozenges
This is the way to go. When I vaped I still had shitty congested lungs & I was embarrassed bc people who vape look like gay fools

>> No.14237183

1. Make a decision
2. Fast (stop eating) for a long period
Push through it and come out as a clean and healthy man with no cravings whatsoever.

>> No.14237204

used nicotine patches for like a month then just quit

been smoke free for around a decade now I didn't think i'd ever quit back then

>> No.14237211

>eliminates nicotine from the body
oh shit I though I had a liver for that

>> No.14237236

I listened to the Juul meme and went out and bought one. I haven't smoked a cigarette in about two weeks. Try a Juul anon and try to wean yourself off of the cigarettes and eventually nicotine entirely. The Juul has been working for me.

>> No.14237237

>switch to vaping, high nic and something good like a sub ohm setup
>learn make your own juice to save lots of money and have control over nic %
>you'll get used to it much like changing cigarette brands but give it some time and stick to it
>lower nic every few months, same effect as above but not as radical of a change
>at some point you'll just be vaping like 1 to 0.5mg and at that point switch to 0 for a while and quit completely just as you go on holiday or something and have ur mind off of it

>> No.14237254

I work for a big cigarette company in the lab and this is absolutly not true
Also more addictive

>> No.14237278

>People who smoke have a double digit IQ, prove me wrong.
Robert Oppenheimer was a chain smoker and he was a brilliant physicist who led the Manhattan Project. Bertrand Russell and Einstein were avid pipe smokers. There are plenty of intelligent people who have smoked you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.14237307

mfw I just started smoking last year and am loving it so far. Only smoke on nights out and not addicted at all... I think.

>> No.14237339

yep. get away from it for a while. go camping for the weekend without tobacco or something. occupy yourself with something else and you won't even think about it. you can't be a pussy about it either, if you decide to quite, you quit. don't leave room in your mind to come back to it at all.

>> No.14237356

this is the cringiest teenager post i've read on this site unless this is bait you should unironically kill yourself

>> No.14237377

also, all the fags telling you to start vaping are a bunch of cucks still using nicotine as a life crutch. you wanna quit, not replace it with something else that's even more stupid.
>hur dur, easiest way to quit smoking is buying chew. now you're not a smoker anymore

>> No.14237514

Anyone hit tobacco out of a bong?

>> No.14237568

Stopped 3 years ago after 11 years 20 cig a day. It is all in your head, if you really want to quit just do it. Nobody or nothing can help you, only your will.

>> No.14237618

1 ticket to cough city

>> No.14237623

Wtf are you talking about? They make you smoke more

>> No.14237638


Of course you're not addicted to smoking, because having half in your bedroom and then being sick isn't going to be very enjoyable.

You can't handle nicotine because you're made of onions

Have sex

>> No.14237669

That's how I got started. Vape 50mg nic salts now. Hits hard af

>> No.14237680

You get 1000s of flavors to choose vs 10 subtle ones.
Can vape in house/car/whenever you want.
Save tons of money a month.

The biggest hurdle is a psychological one, which will be over if you can go 2 months only vaping (get high nicotine and you won't even want a smoke).

I was a heavy smoker and now vape for 6 years straight. Over time cigs will taste like crap and you will wonder why you even smoked when there was vape available.

>> No.14237683

when the market fucking dips hard i smoke probably 40 cigs a day.
need to quit but dont have the will power

>> No.14237879

Yes mister tabaccoman, I will give my hard earned wage slave moneyz to you mister tabaccoman.

>> No.14237908

No it works differently for different people...

Back when I was addicted to meth I found it easier to go long periods of time without smoking any tobacco

>> No.14237929

Lol a whole carton costs $50 which is a month's supply of smokes

>> No.14237956

Sorry anon, but if you can't cold turkey quit smoking you are weak willed

>> No.14238000

Audiobook by allen carr

>> No.14238005

About six dollar a pack in various eurocuck countries.
But even paying 0,00001 dollar a month for ruining your health is total bullshit.
smoked many years, but was aware that smoking is total nonsense.

>> No.14238015

t. the tobacco jew

>> No.14238037
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Don’t believe any of this NPC bullshit Anon! You want to know what’s really going on???

Cigarette smoke / tar may not be the healthiest thing you can ingest, but the cancer-heart disease-cigarette connection is completely overblown, fake and gay.

Do you really think the government cares about you so much that they spend money supporting all of these anti-smoking programs? NO.

The truth is that smokers have built up immunity/ protection from the HIGHLY toxic chemicals being released over population centers via chemtrails.

By smoking cigarettes everyday, you are literally protecting yourself from government testing / brainwashing / poisoning.

Smoke up Anon!!!

>> No.14238058

t. British American Tobacco shill

>> No.14238219
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smoke weed instead lad

>> No.14238229

I smoked alot a few years ago, but only on social occasions with booze, i never ever had the urge to smoke outside of that.

Smoking without drinking alcohol is disgusting as fuck.

>> No.14238909

Dynavap FTW I haven't smoked a spliff in years.

>> No.14239111

r8 my habit
1 smok per 1-1.5 hours
roll natural tobacco, ocb no.4 papers, slim filter

>> No.14239240


>> No.14239328
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Got addicted to cigarettes as a dumb teenager trying to fit in, this is the only device that helped me quit them. It looks faggy but it's discrete and I can use it in public/parties without people giving me dirty looks.

>> No.14239341
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npc's don't get trips fella

>> No.14239394

>Got hooked on adderall
>tried to sub nicotine lozenges to help me quit adderall
>tfw I’m addicted to adderall and $13 mints now
r8 my addiction.

>> No.14239408
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>> No.14239411

Quitting is easy, I do it at least twice a day.

>> No.14239451

Allen wrote this book and distributed it for free and you charge for posting his work ? fuk you greedy faggot

>> No.14239494

old holborn yellow, papier de damas and ocb extra slim filters masterrace here

t. turkishfag

>> No.14239495
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literally and figuratively.
>mfw never checkin em.

>> No.14239516

some please do the calculation ... years ago some friend of mine (about 25years at the time) calculated what he did spend on weed and cigarets and it was 100k++ (€) ...

>> No.14239526
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The Thinking Man's cancer

>> No.14239560

did you wear them when you slept, i had crazy dreams with the nic patches.

Juul god here. Pro-juul b&f tip here. Save your empty pods, u can remove the top part, pull the rubber piece out, refill the pod with any juice/cbd and use the pod for around 5x. You sacrifice a little quality because juul puts something special in their juice, i can tell. Make sure after you refill the pod you blow into it and shoot a little juice out. "prime it". Juul may be more addicting than cigs beware.

>> No.14239571

Modest 1 pack 4 days (5 cigarettes per day) for 11 years (I'm 31 started smoking at 20)

11*(365/4)=1004 PACKS
1 Pack costs $5 here = $5020 which is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.14239719

Worth it 100% if you aint in a legal area where weed is dirt cheap. Atleast if you are degenerate like me and smoke everyday

>> No.14239800

I vape like a faggot. Smoke on the weekends with my friends though.

>> No.14239858

I can always count on 4chan for the best life advice.

>> No.14239903

look at that teenager who thinks he's edgy and cool. facts: you're addicted

>> No.14239932

we have 1 chance at life and this faggot is ruining his health smoking.
Fact: 50% of smokers die from smoking.

>> No.14239961

/fit/ General
Smoking is for fags I used to be a fag too anon .
I smoked 2 packs of camels then dorals and Winston a day.
How did I quit after ten years ? I just started doing pushups every time I wanted a cigarette and pull ups until I couldn't breath. Then substituted with a tiny hit of snuff for the first few weeks. Then Bam - No more faggotry for me.
God Speed Anon

>> No.14239994

There is a difference between the garbage tobacco companies are fabricating and diy vaping. People are much more meticulous on what they use.

>> No.14240341

I can't believe how many fags replied to this copy pasta thread

>> No.14240682

Me after 17 years
Try nicorette lozenges
Fuck vaping
Quit em now
Wasting money, could be buying shit coins

>> No.14240918


Juuls have a good amount of nicotine more than most e-cigs. One juul equates to about a pack of cigarettes nicotine-wise. A lot more nicotine, so higher risk of dependency.

>> No.14240961
