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14233122 No.14233122 [Reply] [Original]

How are ya holding up? Got a gf yet?

>> No.14233144

Yes, and she is fat (extra 10kilos), and finished her sleeve tattoo..
Yet she do the best rimming job ever and she enjoys it
Any more damn questions?

>> No.14233166

damn. a man gotta have priorities I guess.

>> No.14233169

Does she ever give you a prostate massage? Can you cum from anal alone?

>> No.14233173

No but a braphog with big titties ate my ass the other day. How is being a virgin working out for you, OP?

>> No.14233186

>he enjoys the company of bipolar women
enjoy your hell

>> No.14233195

Yeah been with her for over 10 years. She pegs me sometimes.

>> No.14233223

>How is being a virgin working out for you, OP?
It's fucking shit, I just want to know what a girl's skin feels like and play with her hair.

>> No.14233283

is rimming a thing with you degenerate zoomers now? thats what we used to get third world hookers for. jesus christ what a fucked up generation.
>t. 34 yeaar old boomer

>> No.14233340

It's nice but it gets old. I feel bad for people who don't fuck early and obsess over it. It's like wasting your life obsessing, screaming, and being depressed because you don't know what ice cream tastes like.
I'm 32 and it was her idea. I'm not that into it but it doesn't bother me to get my brapper diddled while I'm getting my dick sucked.

>> No.14233343

I have a big tiddy emo gf and I'd say women are a bad investment lol. They have needs and stuff that take up time you could use making money. I've never dumped anyone before and I'm scared she'd hurt herself if I left her though.

>> No.14233387

no but im going on a date today. wish me luck.
all in on link btw

>> No.14233400

>oh Im not into it but I dont mind a bit of assplay
>oh Im not into it but I dont mind getting pegged by her a little bit
>oh Im not that into it but I dont mind tyrone coming over and banging my wife
thats a slippery slope to cuckdom fren.

>> No.14233438

Dont leave just disinvest your time in her

>> No.14233452
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You are overly fantasizing. The reality is sex is just enhanced masturbation. Unless you find a girl that you fall in love with and you marry and Then have sex after marriage for children.

This is what you should be aiming for, this is what sex is for and is the ultimate reward, this is making it. Everything else is just trash and meaningless. It’s just enhanced masturbation and masturbation is complete degeneracy that only saps your power. That power must be reserved for your own ambitions and only released when making a child.

>> No.14233456

>thread about sex
>immediately start thinking about fucking niggers
You people simply cannot stop thinking about black dicks lmfao

>> No.14233464

It's an exercise in exerting power over another person. Masturbation is not

>> No.14233475
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How does it feel being born into literally the worst era in recorded history to be a non Chad male? (As far as relationships/dating/sex is concerned at least)

Honestly for me it feels pretty fucking shit. I just order things on the internet to give me brief pleasure but I'm ready for this to be over.

>> No.14233484

I feel like I'm losing feelings for her at the same time though. I mean I do like her, I'm just less sure that I want to be with her if that makes sense. She has a low sex drive and some mental problems here and there, but she is also such a sweet girl. I'm in a really conflicted situation right now hah. Sorry guys, didn't mean to turn this into a relationship advice thread

>> No.14233489

based and redpilled

>> No.14233493

This is retarded

>> No.14233494

>romanticizing the past

>known as jus primae noctis ('right of the first night'), is a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women, in particular, on their wedding nights.

>> No.14233507

Bro its all in your head man cmon...

>> No.14233511

Actually its annoying me that im so much sexualy oriented, i guess its due to the porn stuff. Never been able to fully sober.

We do almost everythinf, anal, prostate massage, deepthroating, finishing on face, spitting, soon we should also do double ended dildo stuff, what ever i want

>> No.14233517

So my choices are either to have a gf that m'lord has his way with once in a blue moon or no gf at all.
I'll take the past.

>> No.14233520

Im 30 and i enjoy rimming done with love u hooker AIDed degenerate

>> No.14233536

I understand, seriously i do. Just try to focus on your side of the relationship to make yourself happier, once you are contempt focus on her. If she doesnt allow you to focus on your side of the relationship you now have a vrry reasonable reason to dislike her. Pretty fool proof way to fix or justify a bad relationshiop. Hope it helps anon

>> No.14233553


Bro just b urself

Seriously though, aesthetics and status are important to women. More so your body than your face.

If you can nail the aesthetics part of things you can fake the rest long enough to put your pee pee in someone's vagoo and do a wee wee.

I promise.

Get fit. Lift weights.

>> No.14233557

touchless virgin reporting in
almost made it how get gf?
Show money and get vaginaja?

>> No.14233574

Learn how to talk to women. If you rely on pure money, you gonna get financially raped

>> No.14233576

>t. gymcel
my hooker days are behind me and Im thankfully AIDS free. I would never have my beloved qt pie lick my asshole thats fucking disgusting. I cant respect a women who degrades herself like that.

>> No.14233595

Her mother is fucked up so.
Im not angle on my own, once ive been drunk if jumped from a train moving like 40km/h. It wasn't like in the movies. Trust me. Sober for 7 years now

>> No.14233602

>aesthetics and status are important to women
Wow no way!

Nigger I've been gymcelling since the Zyzz days. I am pretty much the embodiment of "lifting weights doesn't get you girls."

>> No.14233604

>implying shes not exerting her power of the pussy over you

>> No.14233612

Yeah this obsession with eating ass is going to bite a lot of people..on the ass...later in life with HPV and shit.

Turns out living out sexual escapades like a gay man has consequences. Who would have thought?

>> No.14233622

Sure u wouldnt. Good i love doing it 69 so she can lick everything she wants while im rimming her pussy till she screams. And i get it when i want it and dont have to go to fuckin thailand.

>> No.14233629


Shit nigga, the fuck are you doing?

>> No.14233650

>doesn't know eating shit cures autism
It's the bacterial flora bro. Ass eating is a culture-wide reaction against autism.

>> No.14233651


yo bro

how long do you wait until you kiss your girl again after she has literally licked your asshole

5 mins?

10 mins?

1 hour?

or don't you wait at all

>> No.14233657

I make 400k 4 days a week of work. I picked up a chick a year and a half ago. The problem is without her I could be pulling closer to 500k a year. She just takes up my time and I spend more $ even though she’s actually a low maint chick by comparison to other chicks I’ve been w. When I try to spend more time focused on making $ it does make me feel a bit bad I’m ignoring her but someone has to make the $. She makes $80k a year but her hours are pretty short

>> No.14233688

Yo nigga,

U see

White people use showers and have money to buy good quality soap

We wash our genitalia carefully

We have money for medicines and tests to see all is ok in out body

U got that bro?
2pac for eva

>> No.14233718
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look at this dumb ass nigga

he can't even say how long

yo homie just do us all a favor and keep your ass and your ass eatin' hoe off this board

we out here tryin' to make money 'n sheeitt and you be talkin' 'bout making yo honey eat yo chocolate out yo ass



>> No.14233735

I'm not in a relationship with this woman.

>> No.14233745

how to get popularity in chaturbate, im pussy

>> No.14233753

based negro.

>> No.14233762

Stellar airdrop for aids africa is done.
No moar money for ya 2pac

>> No.14233792

Yeah but we both work like fucking wage cucks so we hardly see each other..even tho we live together.

>> No.14233811


>> No.14234034


Yes I do anon, and she is as tall as the incoming Link green candle.

>> No.14234480

>investing in depreciating assetts with maintenance cost

Yeah no thanks.

>> No.14234499
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>sleeve tattoo
Sounds about right

>> No.14234635
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>> No.14234649

>considers women an investment

>> No.14234998
File: 78 KB, 396x385, 1560361297866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a gf for the past 3 years and we are very happy thank you. I love feeling her naked skin against mine post sex. However the best feeling is when I see her, she smiles I smile and I know everything is alright.

>> No.14235050

Unironically yes and got a bj yesterday

>> No.14235065


>> No.14235085


she's a webcam model in poland and she's quite pretty

>> No.14235278


> had gf
> obsessed with me
> suddenly crypto rich
> even more obsessed with me
> lost money
> turned into a faggot
> weak and panicking for 2-3 months
> she changed completely
> left

>> No.14236154

Yes and she knows I browse 4chan. I'm slowly telling her more about crypto so her interest builds over the next few years.

>> No.14236432

what gym has mouldings like that?

>> No.14236463

Nah I'm emotionally infantile but I'll get there. It's weird, you can develop so far intellectually but still be a baby in another part of your mind. Very cool desu. I urge everyone to get into therapy and fix yourself up. Women definitely need a rock of a man.

>> No.14236469
File: 81 KB, 563x491, dark wojak 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no point in having a gf when:

1) you are a premature ejaculator (too much work for 30 seconds of "sex")
2) your chest is uneven
3) you are not a 7+/10
4) you live your mom at 30 because wages don't pay enough

>> No.14236691

same bro

>> No.14236803

>1) you are a premature ejaculator (too much work for 30 seconds of "sex")
Stop watching porn retard
>2) your chest is uneven
Go to the gym and lift heavy
>3) you are not a 7+/10
Go to the gym and lift heavy, don't care how fugly you are if you are joocey you will be a 7 minimum
>4) you live your mom at 30 because wages don't pay enough
Look up the time value of money. Acquire skills, make your time worth more. Don't waste your time on minimum wage jobs if you live with mom anyway.

>> No.14236820


>> No.14236832

>Stop watching porn retard
Doesn't work. the only remedy is to just fuck women. It'll go away with time.

>> No.14236880

Fundamentally BASED

>> No.14236930
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No gf but I have a good internship. Now that I'm getting work experience I should be able to land a decent job once I finish uni this fall and move to the city. Wish me luck frens.

>> No.14236995


>> No.14237033
File: 28 KB, 640x640, 61102062_122653822278126_8182933660114966734_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fb account because don't want to get zucced
>decent paying job but it's construction so it's a sausage fest
>work 50+ hours a week
>work schedule alienated me from friends so no wingman
>tinder thots are nasty cum dumpsters
>poor women all over town looking for the next bank account to plunder.
fuck this clown world

>> No.14237054

bout to leave my gf it's ogre for her