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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14230538 No.14230538 [Reply] [Original]

its pretty much over if you are born in a small town holy fuck

>everyones poor
>everyone never does anything with their life
>no one ever gets cool lucrative careers or does anything
>everyone i know in college went to shitty community colleges
>have one poorfag retard here i know
>he gets 5 dollars a day begging his mom or scraping up change
>puts gas in his beat up shit car or gets a bottle of liquor and sits inside getting drunk
>try chilling with him
>hes an ass hole
>just let him sit there and poor miserable
>know other retard here
>he manages to get disability money
>blows it all fucks it all up
>doesn't have a single possession
>no clothes
>he just buys beer and cigs as soon as he gets check completely gone in 2 weeks
>runs around mooching and leeching shit off people for the other 2 weeks waiting for his check
>doesn't even pay anyone back or do anything for the people he leeches off of
>just beer and cigs for 2 weeks poor again
>had one friend here
>life got ravaged by opiates
>quit everything
>had 2 jobs
>quit and lost them
>did nothing
>just sat around getting high all day

you are totally fucked FUCKED if you are from a small town. no one is going to be an investor out here. no one is going to be a model or musician or famous. no ones going to be a mogul. no ones going to be a SERIOUS real estate investor maybe getting like broken down shit small town houses and rent them out for a few hundred or farm houses or some shit

no ones going to be big out here. its just not possible. everyones poor theres no resources. on top of this we GOT TO MISS OUT ON fucking everything fun. i finally break out of poverty scamming and shit. nope god comes down with ass hole hammer ruins my life. you are destined to be poor here. no way around it. if you are in a small town you are in gods hell and god wont stop torturing you. I would be successful if god didn't come after me and I wasn't born in a small town

>> No.14230558

Have sex

>> No.14230566

nah, people have created websites or became social personalitys and left small towns

>> No.14230572

I live in a small town and this is 100% true

>> No.14230581

its 100x rarer and 100x harder

>> No.14230601

I should also mention this isn't a small town like 100k people or a "small town" thats an hour away from a major city. this isn't even a town with 10k people.

this is a fucking inner woods. fucking tractor driving. amish buggies. fucking thick dense forest for 800 miles. 8 hours from a major city. fucking small town.

its literally prison. its literally a Russian gulag. its literally a Russian snow prison work camp. I dont know a single fucking person out here thats made it.

I see people fucking beat up trucks baseball caps getting drunk either on disability or doing some hard physical labor job for shit pay.

>> No.14230619

what's stopping you from starting a business?
is there no loyalty or pride in your town?
will the locals shop at walmart because they can undercut your product by a few cents?
do you or other locals go to church?

you have the internet but can't get anything going meanwhile the amish are thriving without access to unlimited teaching and information
how does that work?

>> No.14230641

tell me about it, growing up in maine ruined my life. I'm doing my best to get out but, im 26 and i feel like it doesnt matter. I'll always be playing catch up. add me on discord if you want to talk about it anon

(dead account)#6840

>> No.14230643

the only way to do ANYTHING here is an online business but were all stupid poor and defeated

people think its hard without rich parents to start a business. imagine africa level poverty.

i refuse to have absolutely anything to do with god or church i fucking hate god. with everything in my fucking soul i hate god.

>> No.14230671

I have friends from WV and south Virginia who say this exact thing and everything else you've listed. Sucks that you spawned at such a shit location, just restart the game brotha

>> No.14230673

why not pickup a trade like being a plumber or electrician or something? Once you have the skills you can just work/move to a nearby city where people can pay you for that kind of work

>> No.14230680


sounds like heaven

>> No.14230681

>have this friend
>he's a piece of shit who leeches of others to drink
>have this other firend
>he's a piece of shit who fakes disbility to get wasted
>oh, I have this last friend
>he took opiates, and guess what? his life his fucked

It's not the town, anyone can leave at anytime, they chose to drink, do drugs and get kids at 16 instead. They start pulling one another down in middle school. Bolt the fuck out OP, if you stay the best scenario is staying the same, but most likely you'll follow them downward.
Things can hardly get worse given how low you start

t.grew up in the same kind of town in France. From my year (~250 kids) maybe 10 of us went to highschool, I'm the only one who went on to MBA, and I wasn't the richest, by far. Just get the fuck out, don't turn your back on your roots, but get your ass out of there before it's too late for you, you'll come back for holidays and they'll still be the same except older and fatter

>> No.14230687
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Listen you retarded faggot.
Right now you are connected to the entire world.
You have so many distractions to keep you happy, from video games, netflix, youtube, fucking everything.

And what your crying because you can't sip cock tails at some over priced bar in a major city?

Having money won't change anything for you.
It didn't change shit for me.
I still shop at goodwill and hunt for deals because paying $200 for a shirt is only something morons do.

Find something worth living for and work towards that.
It doesn't matter that you are not a millionaire.

What good would even come if you made it? Really. I bet you would blow it all on a stupid car or something like every G.I. with their sign up bonus.

>> No.14230689

its already too late I am just doing my dumb scam thing until I can invest money in a business fuck it

mines worse its cold as fucking shit. Canadian Alaskan winters plus this.

I cant find how to add friends

>> No.14230696

you dont get poverty dude. when you are born in the woods in sad poverty with nothing around but trees you are going to fucking drink and get high. that NOT EVEN A FUCKING SMALL TOWN dude my graduating class had fucking 20 people.

you dont fucking get what its like. I was the only person I know that got somewhat close to success and I got fucking all of it ruined by god. only people I know that are doing kinda alright had their mom buy them a house and 2 people I know god handed a job by their parent and moved to a bigger city in the south

no one here is successful and no one is self sufficient

>> No.14230701


>> No.14230704

the defeated mindset will rot your brain
you're living in chaos

I'm interested in this dilemma
you need a proud community, you need to keep your money in your community support local business only and bring money in through tourism and exports of produce/goods

organized religion is a meme but you need to trust your neighbors and realize you're in this together because nobody gives a fuck
are you in northern PA?

>> No.14230740

I tried its fucking impossible I finally won and then BOOM got fucked by god

>> No.14230748

you're scamming people, hanging out with a bunch of drug addict losers, and hate god
I wonder why things aren't working out

>> No.14230761

>with everything in my fucking soul i hate god
found your problem

>> No.14230765

Then try again you dumb fuck. Keep trying until you make it and stop making excuses and whining

>> No.14230782

god made it impossible

they are literally the only 3 people I know

>> No.14230786

>make bad choices
>have frienss who make even worse life choices
>waah why arent I rich and life is perfect
I can see how its not your fault that things turned out this way

>> No.14230803

You're pathetic just kill yourself

>> No.14230810

>god made it impossible

You sound like a burger.
You have the most powerful and well funded military in the entire world, and all you need to join is US citizenship.

You get paid better then most wagie jobs.
No cost of living.
Free healthcare for life.
Free college.


Fuck you, you lazy shit.

>> No.14230827

>I finally won and then BOOM got fucked by god
what happened lol

>> No.14230829
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>christfag boomers entering the thread to tell op he's failing at life bc he hates god and not because he's a lazy stupid piece of shit who would rather make excuses than try to get out of the situation he's in
This board sucks dick

>> No.14230846

>From my year (~250 kids) maybe 10 of us went to highschool
holy fuck how does it get that bad

>> No.14230861

god got me arrested. yes it was god. and I got the longest probation sentence in the world because of god.

I was about to leave. I earned my freedom. god struck me down. I know its god because it wasn't my fault and it was the only thing that could of ruined my life. and it happened. already lost my entire life to a small town. nothing matters anymore. bitter and angry forever.

I am spending my days trying to kill god and Christianity and ruin everyones life I can.

>> No.14230863

I feel you man, I moved to a small town when I was 20 and it basically ruined my life, now I'm 30 with nothing and nobody. Let's kill ourselves, I'm planning for this coming January.

>> No.14230865

big cities are much cooler, yeah

>> No.14230870

I kinda know where you're coming from, I live in a fairly large town/small city in a rural area. You need to join the navy/military or do something to get the fuck out of judge. Dead towns like the one you're living in chews up people's souls. No one moves there and no one leaves, I know exactly what you're talking about.

>> No.14230874

is this a joke? if you werent born ina small town you'd find something else to complain about

tons of important people were born in small towns, not everyone is born in NYC or chicago you absolute nigger faggot

>> No.14230880

i already lost my whole life here and id never join the military

>> No.14230896

What about sex with wholesome small town chicks? There must be SOMETHING good in small towns.

>> No.14230923

what happened lol
I was arrested in a small town for drug possession and it was fucking terrible
They charged me with felony possession of marijuana for having some hash
never sold it only an end user with ~200 worth of product driving home from an out of state trip
I'm getting off probation in October after 3 years
I can't give a fuck about the state or what other people think or else I'll spiral
small town jails are disgusting and corrupt, guards took my socks and underwear used old sweat stained books as pillows the amount of despair in there was scary

>> No.14230939

You don't believe in God but you hate him for everything that is wrong in your life. I understand you're venting. But you're choosing to be miserable. Change your outlook. You live like a king in comparison to ancient times. That is the problem. You are bored. Force yourself to do something different or challenging for just 15 minutes each day. Also consider taking a bus outta there and see where it leads. You might just be too comfortable and apathetic. Good luck anon. Start by asking the god you hate for guidance. He will answer.

>> No.14230942

I've got a friend who joined the navy and literally doesn't do anything, he's about finessed his way to officer and made grunts do the work through every promotion while management unironically commended him for his productivity (literally Tom and Sawyer'd the government). Opportunities are out there, even for Uncle Sam. Whatever the opportunity is, it's better than your current situation. Even hookers that blow truckers probably have a better life than you some days.

>> No.14230950
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Thank you OP, this was a fun thread.
You got me. I actually fell for it.

>> No.14230970

>Live in small town
>Everyone is poor, impulsive, retarded, and has at least one life threatening addiction
>Move to city
>Everyone is a fucking leftist or a Chinese sociopath

You can't win

>> No.14230971

Lol aren’t you the same guy who flood /x/ with same things? Like “I hate god” or “how to kill god”
Pretty sure you also mentioned you are black.
Are you the same?

>> No.14230991

why couldn't you get off early? if I dont get off early or transfer it im going to kill myself. I heard you can get off probation half way through or just get it switched to unsupervised or you write in letters or something like that

I am thinking about begging them for mercy so I can move but of course no one gives a shit. the jail here isn't actually bad i am thinking about asking if i can just do 6 months in jail or something i hate my life

nothing. my town has no people in it. i go on tinder. get no matches. if i get any matches i live across the international border. no chance at all. and i have lost my license my entire life for basically no reason and yeah.

no license middle of woods no girls. nope nothing. its basically prison. i just wake up and sigh and want to kill myself every day. i haven't smiled in years. i finally got a bunch of money and was happy and about to leave. nope. lost everything. lost my freedom. no chance of leaving anymore. life got even worse than it was before. and i lost my entire life out here.

it was mildly fun around 19 and 20 i was driving around smoking weed all the time and banged a few hot chicks but no its all been fucking downhill and awful ever since and i lost my entire life here.

after typing all this bull shit out i dont even have motivation to make money anymore i cant even keep my eyes open anymore.

>> No.14231004

I know people that are unironically 3x as retarded as OP, if I showed you screenshots of some of my former coworkers' facebook walls from my old pizza delivery job you would shit your pants and think it's fake.

>> No.14231005

either way im on probation and doesn't matter and i dont even want to join the military. i only have 2 cities i want to move to and i have enough money to do it i just cant. i got fucked.

>> No.14231012


Learn webshit, because you could remote


>> No.14231025

I swear you where on /x/
You mentioned scamming people too, you mentioned you are black and you mentioned you hate god because he cursed you by making you stuck in that town.

>> No.14231034

>boo hoo there's no way out
like everyone has been giving you advice and you're picking and choosing like you have room to pick it. You either grow a pair and take a chance, or you choose to waste your life on 4chan all day.

Either way just stfu with your pity party bullshit

>> No.14231039

Sounds rough man. Go to sleep, tomorrow is a new day

>> No.14231040

>if I showed you screenshots of some of my former coworkers' facebook walls from my old pizza delivery job you would shit your pants
could you post them? I wouldn't mind a laugh.

>> No.14231044

literally none of those apply to my situation

>> No.14231054

every day i wake up and i feel god damn miserable. i cant sleep at night i sleep all day. i feel borderline narcoleptic the whole time im up. my eyes are completely black and burn and sting i have to take caffeine pills for any energy. i dont even have motivation to make money anymore because i lost eveything in my life. i dont even care about money anymore i just want freedom.

>> No.14231063

Then give detail

>> No.14231071

i got famous sitting in my basement never talking to anybody irl. somebody in your town might be famous in a niche category and you just don't know. easier to do than youd think

>> No.14231076

Haha anon I live in a small town like the one described but I love it here. I do a variety of work online and make a decent income and spend all my time relaxing and taking it easy. I go for long drives in the countryside and lay out under the stars at night. If you weren't so negative and bitter you could turn your life into a paradise instead of wanting to live like all the rats in the cities. Nothing is open past 8PM? Just read a book or go for a night drive with friends or by yourself. You don't have friends? That's your fault lol

>> No.14231087

it took half a year of court and the probation was for 5 years but half that with good behavior
so 2.5 plus .5 I have about 100 days left
they didn't drop the felony but over 6% of americans are felons anyways
my shit lawyer said if I fight it and lose I could get 1-7 years so I plead to that

if you're scamming man that can get you put back in jail
I have mental issues I used drugs to suppress and never ripped off or scammed anyone no victims fully cooperative with police and I'm a felon for the rest of my life lol
I followed all the rules these past 3 years and I'm at 1 visit per year supervision so I just need to check in in october to finish it out but I still follow all the rules anyways because 1-7 years in prison isn't happening
I would go on a rampage and suicide if something did come up that would put me back in jail so I understand your mindset

>> No.14231089

i spelled it all out

>> No.14231090

I was about to but I'd dox myself from the pizza place comment, you spergs would find the name of the guy and I don't feel like dealing with 75 IQ drama

>> No.14231098

intended for >>14231040

>> No.14231114

WTF you got 5 years probation? over your first offense? just having hash? i thought i got fucked.

people told me its easy to transfer it around within the state so i wanna use my money for that. mines only a misdemeanor so not as long im guessing you're in new York state if they just slapped you right off the fucking bat with 5 years over some stupid shit. it has to be new York or florida or some shit.

my scam is such a dumb stupid thing no one knows about it and its so under the radar. im on multiple forums of people who have been doing it for 10 years. never once in history been a report of anyone getting arrested for it. i could literally go in a court and go HEY I DO THIS and not get arrested because its such a grey area scam thing

i wonder if i can beg them for some leniency and get off it soon so i can move or have a lawyer get me out of it with my money or something. if i could spend all my money to get out of it and end up homeless in the city i would do it

>> No.14231128

phenibut is good on occasion also melatonin for sleep

cardio exercise and yard work seem to help

>> No.14231135 [DELETED] 

IQs are real and you should avoid poor areas. I grew up in a small town with a massive opioid problem in lower Worcester County. Now I'm making 96k and turned an extra 20k profit in crypto thanks to BTC/LTC/LINK. My condo side room is renting out for another 7k/year.

>> No.14231164

I was arrested in a small town in missouri doing a fake dui checkpoint scam
I think there's a local private prison and it was total fucking bullshit I gained 40-50 lbs in the first 6-8 months after getting out of jail but just starting to get things right

>> No.14231170

>I don't believe in God!
>My problems are because God hates me!
Typical atheist.

>> No.14231187

>I didn't do anything wrong
>I got fucked over
>The ONLY one that would fuck me over for no reason is God!
Did you forget Satan exists or are you one of those nuSatanists that think he's the sugarplum fairie?

>> No.14231205

holy fuck how long were you in jail for? all that over fucking hash what the fuck. i dont think there should be any arrests over weed. if anything just classes and some stupid bull shit. but fucking piss testing for weed and jail over it. come the fuck on.

im thinking about asking them if i can just do 6 months in jail or something and be done with it

here the jail isn't private and you get your own private cell in there and you get tablets that stream tv and music and shit

>> No.14231220

i was christfag and was praying to god and doing all that shit every day because my life was a disaster and it just kept getting worse and i kept doing it until i realized oh hey its never going to get better this way

>> No.14231227

They put up a drug checkpoint sign and you fell for it? What did you have? What was your punishment?

>> No.14231291

Fuck off retard. Not everyone wants to be a stupid bible thumper from a small town.

>> No.14231292

are there such a thing as a fake dui checkpoint? what?

the shitty border patrol does them here like every week in the same exact spot and we always have to drive the backroads to get around it just to buy a fucking gram of weed or something. they do it fucking 20 miles away from the border and not even on a road that goes directly to the border. what the actual fuck.

>> No.14231308

we had 5 people in a tiny cell 4 bunks and 1 sleeping on the floor
I was only there for 2 days but bail was 50k I wish I was joking
I've seen serious fucking crimes get less bail amounts but luckily my family has money and you only need to pay like 10%
I wish there was a way to report this corruption to some federal agency but I doubt they give a fuck
but yeah after I got out of jail I drank regular coke and ate tyson tendies everyday and just sat in my computer chair and stunk bad
did that for maybe 2 months
I didn't smoke any more pot but I was still pissing hot 45-50 days after the arrest and almost got put back in jail
they used that against me in not dropping the felony it was so fucking corrupt
bitcoin mooning since 2016 is the only thing that has kept me sane
I have 170 coins I've never touched and it's my golden ticket to a good life in 100 days as long as the government doesn't fuck me again when I cash out

>> No.14231321

>they do it fucking 20 miles away from the border and not even on a road that goes directly to the border. what the actual fuck.

Thats exactly how I would do it if I were in charge.

I know that most people would take some crazy long detour on some unrelated roads to get around the main ones.

So I would randomly target them, if you get got then oh well your number came up.

The people in charge are not idiots. They know exactly how you think.

>> No.14231334

Lel I remember you from the other thread. Small town anon who spites God every other post

>> No.14231348

thats so fucked dude i never heard of that over hash. jesus Christ the south is fucked. at least you were born in cash my parents are poor as fuck i just got a few thousands sitting around in the bank

but like couldn't you have cashed out all the btc and got a seirous lawyer to get you out of it?

>> No.14231351

buy SNTVT, wait for 100x, move somewhere cool. it's that easy.

>> No.14231359

im in a big town and im just as miserable. ig its my fault tho for being asocial

>> No.14231379

>bitcoin mooning
>I have 170 coins I've never touched

You are going to have a very difficult time liquidating that into cash.

Also, I hope you know you'll pay tax on that. The exchanges will report a 1099 to the government.

In 2 years you'll be like "I owed the government 100K and got put in jail for tax evasion"

Anyway, be very smart with that money, with a felony on your record its all on you to be successful in your own endeavors.

>> No.14231380

went with a local lawyer that was recommended he charged 8k
he dragged us out there 5 times over 6 months I live several states away
I was seeing psychiatrists and not mentally well so I just signed the papers to be done with it

>> No.14231388

Was your arrest recent anon? It sounds like you're still going through the doom phase of it all. I know Canada is tough in DUI but it's likely you can get your license back someday. If you move to the US they'll probably give it to you right away.

All is not lost anon. This too shall pass. Better days are on the horizon but you need to get out of this depression first.

>> No.14231397
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i would fucking kill just to be able to go to something and have people around.

go to the towns here. no one walking around. they are 10-20 miles away. i have no car or license anymore. even if i did the only place there is people walking around is the shitty college. i had a dream where on the main street of one of the towns there was a movie playing at some event and people just went there and chilled and it mostly couples and friends looking at me weird for sitting there being alone and i was the happiest ive been in years

and then i woke up. and people wonder why i hate god. i was like a month away from moving to LA btw. and i wanted to move to LA since i was 10. i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god.

i even had some girls out in LA i was talking to on kik and about to move there and i woke up being tackled in the snow and arrested and it was all gone. i ghosted all the crazy hillbillies out here. i was getting a bunch of money in my bank. i was looking at flights and apartments in LA and could afford it all

i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god. i fucking hate god.

>> No.14231403

hey I'm that fren

>> No.14231432

i already lost my entire life out in a small town and no ive been going through this over a year it just gets worse every day and i just get more miserable and it feels like its not even over

oh same shit as me i dont know what the fuck im doing. i got a lawyer but he sounds like fucking GARBAGE he doesn't wanna help or do anything just get my plea and get the fuck out. i tried asking him about helping me transfer

i already served a shit load of time on it i wanna see if i can get a lawyer to get me out of it where i am now or transfer it or something. i dont know if i should get a local lawyer. or trying calling one in a city. or if i should save my money and try and transfer with it

nyc is the biggest city in my state and i had someone i found on craigslist that was gonna let me move there and transfer my shit but they told me i have to wait to even try and transfer my shit

>> No.14231479

From a small town, can confirm. I joined the military and after I got out went back to said town with oodles of cash saved up and a college degree. It's so cheap to live here.
OP, if you aren't a brainlet you can be a big fish in a very small pond.

>> No.14231481
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Op it def sounds depressing af
Look at it this way though.
You can walk, talk, type, and eat food. .
Recently watched a friend who had made it to lambo land(not on crypto) but then had a stroke out of nowhere (prob cigs or not so good food)
anyways he instantly lost ability to walk,talk,eat,shit, u name it.. really sad shit dude. gotta look at whatever brightside of things u can.

>> No.14231488

The only thing I got lucky on when I got arrested was my lawyer. He charged 5k, I payed him 1k, he finished my case and then retired to Florida. Never heard from him again kek. This was 10 years ago. Guy was so burnt out he probably just didn't care anymore

>> No.14231503

LA kind of sucks. theres no way to afford rent here. the apartments you can get are in beanerville. transportation is nearly impossible if you dont have a car, which is also expensive with gas/insurance/maintenance. but the subway sucks too with bums throwing up on you and screaming at you and shit. and if you have a car the nigger beaners break into it and steal your shit. LA is not that fun unless you're rich and went to a nice school

>> No.14231506

both my parents are from small towns but left and became wildly successful. You just suck

>> No.14231512

exactly what I said OP, there's options available, you're just not willing to open up to any of them. btw navy friend was geeky and scrawny back in high school, thick glasses, acne. dude is buff and chad now, still looks a bit like a dork but genetics.

>> No.14231533

OP I'll pray for ya it's the only thing we have sometimes
I hope it works out

>> No.14231545

id rather be a poor person living on a couch in a big city then own a mansion here

i look at people who are in prison and shit and compare my life to theirs but then i think well they killed someone or did some fucked up shit and i didn't really do anything

oh my god fuck off

oh my god dude they lost at 30 whats even the point

>> No.14231570

So move.
How much does it really cost to move?
You complain that people blow their money and blah fucking blah.
Do you even need the shit you have? Not most of it. Sell it you faggot.
get out of where you are, and go somewhere new. meet new people. do new things.
Seems like a dead end where you are? Quit being a tremendously limp dick and get the fuck out of there.

>> No.14231584

im on probation you god damn fucking retard i told you god struck me down

>> No.14231595

Seriously OP. You're genuinely pissing me off now.
You're literally complaining on a Latvian Lizard Training Forum about how your life is miserable where you are.

>> No.14231609

you struck yourself down you degenerate retard
I'm not reading your whole bitch ass whiny thread.
Great. You're on probation. That means you can't spend money.
But you can make it.
Save up.

>> No.14231611

missouri is a shithole. lived in kansas and always hated having to go into missouri. sorry anon that really sucks

>> No.14231641

I know someone like that. That lived wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more fucking remote than you ever have. We're talking 60 people in a town.
You know what he's doing now? How I met him?
He's a fucking real estate mogul that lives in a mansion and owns a RE company.
Dude literally grew up so poor that they only hunted for their food. He had to protect their small amount of livestock from fucking cougars you pussy

>> No.14231656


>born raised in shithole rust belt town
>wanted to kms everyday
>move to large city
>make 3x more money
>still want to kms everyday

>> No.14231680

Good thinking anon. Dam shame, wish I could see it.

>> No.14231682

i would of been a winner if i left tho

>> No.14231687

kek, this is the reality. You never really get ahead.

>> No.14231704

So move to a better city
I did the same thing man, grew up in a suburban rust belt town. Not bad, not great, just meh
Moved to a bigger city to make money and have more fun. Realized bigger city was shitty so I moved across the fucking country to the best city in the US

>> No.14231707

Me and my girlfriend occasionally get high and watch some of his recent facebook live broadcasts for fun at night, shit's hilarious on another level

>> No.14231710


That's what I thought too.

>> No.14231726

>So move to a better city

They're all the same.

>> No.14231729

can you offer advice or just fuck off and fucking kill yourself

you literally dont understand. i had girlfriends and friends before i got isolated out here. thats all i want. i dont want money i dont wanna be rich. i just wanna have a few friends and be able to go outside and do shit and not have it be cold

if i slept on a couch in LA i would be winning

>> No.14231740

>you literally dont understand. i had girlfriends and friends before i got isolated out here. thats all i want. i dont want money i dont wanna be rich. i just wanna have a few friends and be able to go outside and do shit and not have it be cold
>if i slept on a couch in LA i would be winning

How old are you?

>> No.14231745

too old to be this much of a loser. it doesn't matter. nothing matters.

>> No.14231758

literally hitchhike if it's that bad. It's not like you have anything to lose.

>> No.14231765


Number please. I wasn't implying anything by asking, it was out of curiosity

>> No.14231773

Oh no they're not.
I had moved and lived in a midwestern capital city and after the "charm" of it wore off I realized it was a crime ridden, idiot infested, trash ridden shithole.
I now live in another Capital city across the county and its the complete opposite.
Beautiful, CLEAN, safe, with outdoor recreation within walking distance.
Most cities suck. Find the few that don't.

>> No.14231776

>can you offer advice or just fuck off and fucking kill yourself

This is now a comedy thread.
Post funny things.

>> No.14231775

Kek, actual state of the world.

>> No.14231792

OP you're officially an ingrate.
You got your advice but you can't/won't listen to it.
Its easy.

>> No.14231813

do you seriously think it doesn't hurt to talk about this shit stop being a dick

>> No.14231818
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>> No.14231830






>> No.14231839


seems to be a tradeoff

cityfags don't have any land or natural resources available. They must whore themselves as labor and pay high taxes.
booniefags typically have some sort of resources - they can chop wood, farm, or raise animals. But jobs are not that available - & they pay lower taxes.

>> No.14231842

was it Jeff City or Springfield? both are absolute shitholes.

>> No.14231852

I read.
Nowhere have you explained how God ruined your life.
Now its because you're black.
What happened OP? Why are you on probation?
Why do you think God smited you down?

>> No.14231858
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>> No.14231863

Every single "major" city in the midwest is a shithole.

>> No.14231874

it was literally the only thing that could of happened as soon as i was about to leave. literally nothing could of stopped me. and that happened

god has been trapping me in my town since day 1. every time ive left. every time ive got a chance. every time i find a way. something bad happens

finally made a bunch of money and i thought god couldn't stop me this ti- BOOOM

god fucking ripped it all away and made my life a living hell in the process

i fucking HATE god.

>> No.14231887


Minneapolis isn't bad as long as you stay out of the Somali zone

>> No.14231898

Chicago is the only mid western city even worst existing

Miami LA and nyc are the only cities worth living in

atlanta and chicago are runners up

and then shitty ones that are better than nothing is vegas tampa phoenix and shit like that

>> No.14231908


Are you drunk?

>> No.14231910

Are you just trying to b8?
You're not answering the question.
You want advice, then say what happened.

Lmao been to the twin cities quite a few times on business. Thanks Summit Brewing.
Nice baseball stadium and had fun in a suite, but still. Trash everywhere. Homeless.

>> No.14231926

Quite, thanks.

You ever spend time in any of those cities?
I'm guessing not.
Every single one is a crime ridden, homeless dwelling, disgusting place.
NYC in the summer literally smells like hobo urine and hot garbage. Its fucking gross

>> No.14231944

I'm telling you guy's, its a troll. A dam good one.

>> No.14231956

knowing what crime i committed alters your advice in any way at all. you have no advice to offer anyways. what are you getting out of this.

>> No.14231958


just move away then you fucking retard

>> No.14231974

I'm inclined to disagree. Unfortunate people with a shit roll of the dice that are mentally fucked are literally everywhere, especially small towns. Add the fact that OP is a self-hating black guy and this just got way more interesting.

>> No.14231994

im on probation for being black. offer advice towards that or go away

>> No.14231997


I said Minneapolis you dumb fuck

Of course St.Paul is a shithole

>> No.14232010

not self hating its just this fucking life was impossible and anyone else who says otherwise is just wrong

someone said once that your biggest indicater of your future income is your parents income. you are 90% destined to be poor if you are born poor. it doesnt matter what you do how hard you work what you do. there is a 90% chance you fail.

>> No.14232042

Literally a fucking worthless faggot. I hope you kill yourself, OP.

>> No.14232078

and 100% chance if you're going to pity yourself. A winner's attitude isn't "I've got a 90% chance to fail", it's "I've got a 10% chance to succeed to make it out of this dumpsterfire I've called my life". you're not gonna make it because of your position in life, half of it will be your attitude that you will never make it in the first place. once you think that, you unconsciously lower the bar for yourself tenfold.

>> No.14232080
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Yes, but what would they be doing here?
On 4chan.
On /biz/.

I mean, it's not like we are the front page of the internet.
You have to have gotten at least some of the retard beaten out of you by the time you make it here.

And you have no proof of any of this.
I trolled /g/ pretty good once pretended to be a 500 pound gamer complaining about why linux is so hard to use.

>> No.14232118

i just wanna leave. god took that away. i have nothing. i dont care about anything. i cant even have freedom let alone 500,000 dollars

>> No.14232124

Save up $700, buy a 98 Civic, get the fuck out of your small town, and since u present urself on the internet like ur so high and mighty and superior to ur white trash neighbors u should have no problem finding honest, steady work in a city that pays a livable wage

>> No.14232143



FUCK OOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14232163


Anon listen -put the bottle down, turn off your computer and go lay on your bed

>> No.14232176

either this dudes a troll or unable to be helped

get some help my man

>> No.14232210

Right, I'm the retard stuck in a bumfuck town in the middle of a flyover state drunk and bitching on an anonymous siamese basketweaving forum. Ur right. It's not you, it's me. I'm the incompetent asshole.

Stop spending your money on meth and Kamchatka and buy a beater to get yourself the fuck out of there you stupid idiot

>> No.14232216

Being born in a small town is basically life on easy mode. It's exactly like being born anywhere else. You just move to the place you want to be. It's really easy, I've done it about 5 times over the years.

>> No.14232234
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I also live in a small town , likely a village in germany
Im able to save (Converted to dollar) 1700$ per month from my 2100$ of earnings investing it all in Stocks bonds and etf's and a little bit in Crypto.
Until now have saved 28k$ from wagecucking for 1 year.
Plus saved 12k$ from my 3 year Apprentice total Sum of my Portfolio 40k$.
Its Possible to save money in a small town , since im still staying at home (giving 300$ rent to parents) im able to save most of my money because i dont spent anything on groceries , car (Train is getting paid by my Job Company) and stuff you would have spent money in a town. Still hard to save 70% and above of my income , sometimes im getting depressed when i see someone with a new car and me going the sidewalk but then i think about that he basically pays my dividend with his car and i get happy (feelsgoodman.jpg)

Currently have 8600$ in Stocks generating a dividend payout right now of 500$ per year and 4100$ in P2P lending (interest rates up to 13%) which i expect a payout of another 500$ per year. Its ok i guess , first steps are small but lets see each other 5 years later

>> No.14232237

i am completely fucked and dont know whats to do i am so god damn miserable i cant even talk without either just wanting to die or screaming at shit

>> No.14232263

none of that matters to me tho id rather have 2 grand to my name in LA then have a million dollars out here

and i dont want to be a nerd on a computer reading books all day to get rich i want to have fun all i want is like one or two cool cars and im good

>> No.14232313


>> No.14232318
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>and i dont want to be a nerd on a computer reading books all day to get rich i want to have fun all i want is like one or two cool cars and im good

I'd rather be a nerd with several 5 figures on my bank account than a chad with minus several 5 figures on the bank wasting his youth to pay off debt in the meantime im wasting parts of my youth to accumulate wealth which i can enjoy later of my youth (which is better for you?)

If you really want that stuff you gotta work for it fren, even buying a business is working. You cant escape from that

>> No.14232337

i think im capable of running an e commerce business if i ever get the hang of it thats about the only thing ive been researching and make money online now

>> No.14232369

CODE retard holy fuck.

Literally you can make fucking bank working remote and coding AND INVEST ALL OF IT.

What do you invest it in? Well heres a fucking tip, not in anything crypto. Invest in high interest dividend stocks, index funds or rental income and be a landlord. Invest as much of it as you can, like at least 60%. I don't fucking care if market look stinky winky and muh shitty coin is totally gonna moon!!! Don't be a retard faggot. The whole fucking world is full of internet money and coding is so fucking legit that you can earn a salary if you fill some jobs out on Upwork

>> No.14232385

i dont want money i want freedom

>> No.14232394

>i dont want to be a nerd on a computer reading books all day to get rich i want to have fun all i want is muhfuggin jordans zoom zoom car fun yippeee

Nevermind, don't code a goddamn thing. Go down to the liquor store, buy a 40z, drink it, piss in the street and go to jail. Just repeat this until they keep you in there with the rest of the niggers you worthless fucking meat sack.

>> No.14232404

I grew up in a small town, I did this thing called move to a bigger city. Worked out alright.

>> No.14232408

Unfortunately your only options, your O LY options, are become a penniless homeless trainhopping agabond, or make enough guap to buy your fucking freedom. There is no other option and that is the reality of your situation. get your fucking shit together and make that cheddar, bitchboi

>> No.14232413

real freedom is freedom from needing to work for your money. freedom is making every dollar an employee in the business of keeping you out of the rat race.

and all you fucking want is to do nothing and have cool cars. the world doesn't fucking work that way. go sell drugs and collect food stamps and buy your nice car and flatscreen tv like every other worthless nobody eating and shitting and dying in poverty.

>> No.14232434

god struck me down dude

all i can think about is leaving i dont care about anything else

>> No.14232437

Well it can be, unless you do 1 important thing
> Leave.
It's scary at first, but suck it up faggot. I'm from a small town, and ironically just got back home from visiting my hometown and god I'm so glad I left the year after high school. It's essentially exactly as you deacribe. The few I know that left are doing great, the ones that stayed are fucking bums.

>> No.14232470

OP sounds like you've never dared to go out of your comfort zone

>> No.14232473

>starts thread by blaming others
>doesn't want to work, probably hasn't worked a single day in his life
>education? No thanks
>does nothing beneficial for their community
>life aspirations: not having to take responsibility for anything, probably just smoke weed erryday
>is a literal child

Man the FUCK UP

>> No.14232474

Take some fucking agency jesus christ. If you're such a self hating black person then why do you act so fucking stereotypical? All you want is total freedom and nice things but refuse to have any accountability on getting there intelligently. What the fuck?

>all i can think about is leaving
OK, then thats your priority. Make it fucking work. If you have some years left on your probation, then great! Spend those years saving your fucking money so you can afford a 3.5% FHA down payment on a 2-4 unit apartment building in a big city and as soon as you can pull the fucking trigger on it and dip out, rent live in and rent it and enjoy the spoils. Or don't. I already know you won't, because youll be too busy making a trillion worthless excuses and I'll have wasted 5 minutes of my time writing worthless responses to someone who won't ever do anything.

>> No.14232477

god trapped me in my town. i lost no matter how smart i was

>> No.14232502

wow this god guy is a fucking prick seeing as how he keeps forcing all these things you have absolutely zero control over on you, guess you should just give up huh? welfare office should be open tomorrow.

>> No.14232511

>just go to the city as an oldfag missing out on life and just go there to pay 1200 in rent every month and do nothing but work

i am either running and telling these racist cock suckers suck my dick or going on a shooting spree and killing every white person i can see in a fucking racist ass police uniform

either give me advice on transferring or getting out of it or dont give me advice. i dont want it.

god did it and the whites

>> No.14232513

based as FUCK

>> No.14232518


>Small town
>Filled with niggers

There is your problem. You're all niggers.

>> No.14232521

Trade instant with family and friends with the God damn rewards everyone HODLs oO

>> No.14232531

That's all you fucking do is think, wish, and dream. God forbid you take it upon yourself to actually make some moves like a grown-up does

>> No.14232542


Well you prayed wrong. Stop being a nigger.

>> No.14232548
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At this point dunno if OP is either a Troll , Larp or just absolutely retarded.
Why are you even on /biz? We are giving you advices and you refuse to take responsibility of your life and change it.

>god did it and the whites
Nope , first look around your friendhood.
You have a very bad community surrounding you maybe change that (but since you are retarded and blame others just stay poor )


>> No.14232569


>> No.14232570


Knowing that and given that you are most likely sub 85 IQ based on your posts and reasoning, it's safe to say that your tour is over.

I'll pour one out for you on my 23th floor balcony in one of the top 5 cities in the world. Godspeed.

>> No.14232612

kill yourself i just wanted to come here to complain there is no solution. i just wanted to say i am forever fucked and have 0 chance at success because i was born in a small town. this is my parents fault.

>> No.14232658

AHAHAHAHAHA dude who else are you gonna blame for your life? We got God, police, white people, your parents, other blacks, fuck we got santa claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny standing in line.

>> No.14232676

god parents and whites thats my final answer

>> No.14232697

Hell yea dude anyone but yourself is keeping your life from ever being good. Party on I bet the convenience store has at least 20 bucks in the register

>> No.14232714
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never forget who sold you out to globohomo commie kikes

>> No.14232747

If your still in here OP I want you to know if you realize these things you can unironically make it. I grew up in Wyoming, the only state with less population density is alaska. It was not a death sentence, it set me free actually. It allows you to see things about human life that almost nobody on the planet gets to see anymore, just huge tracts of land with nobody around to interact with. You need to make your own fun in those situations, the people who cant stand to walk miles watching the same colored rocks and the same bushes roll past day after day after day are the ones who will go insane. There is no need to become a full hermit, just understand an upbringing like this strengthens your resolve so when you emerge from the wasteland of barren moutains thousands of feet above sea level you will come prepared to face anything and conquer all.
When I was stuck up on those moutains with the nearest house an hour away as a child and nobody but my family to talk to i made my own spot. I decided to build my own world, I decided to mold the earth how I wanted to see it. That resolve has never left me. I played games, mind games and made up ones, with my 4 siblings. We are all highly intelligent in our own ways so it feels lackluster really to try and play with other adults now because the way they play the game it is clear they never had time to really delve into something deeply and understand the processes human beings run on at large, I suspect this is from being exposed to so many strangers at such young ages that they were never forced to spend time with someone and embrace the akward qualities that come with knowing someone deeper than you know yourself. Most people don't care for their family now I find, they have known someone for 30 years yet do not treat them like family.
Anyway I'm rambling. Long story short that desolate wasteland with nobody and no thoughts to be found is the breeding ground for evolution. I spend all day building my world, do you?

>> No.14232756


>Commit crime
>Get punished


Hole shit you really sound like a nigger.

>> No.14232757
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Thanks for paying my dividends in terms of alcohol and Tobacco stuff , cya.
Not gonna waste my time on a Blackfag who refuses to work on himself and blaming other people.

>> No.14232760

Hes already blaming his parents dude

>> No.14232766

shut the fuck up you have no fucking idea what its like to just float around you with unlimited fucking power and fucking unleash total fucking hell on your life for no reason at all and fucking ruin everything

FUCK GOD. i will fucking destroy god. my fucking hate will fucking manifest into pure fucking power and when i leave this shit body i will fucking unleash all my fucking hate onto god and lead the fucking army of satan against god and fucking end this cock suckers reign once and for all. i am the fucking second coming of the anti Christ.

>> No.14232787

Have sex.

>> No.14232789


You forgot

>Commits crime

>> No.14232798

>We are all highly intelligent in our own ways
is that your way of saying you're all inbred retards? you sound psychotic btw. maybe some human interaction would have done you more good than you expect.

>> No.14232814
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>> No.14232815


I'll bet you a thousand dollars he has no father in the house. Otherwise he wouldn't be such a whinebitch ass nigger.

>> No.14232833

no girls around. part of fucking gods plan. no girls. no people. no hope. nothing

just physical and emotional torture until i fucking kill myself i fucking hate god.

>> No.14232841
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Have Chex.

>> No.14232843
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the sad thing is we will ironically be the ones who pushed him to kill a bunch of people even after giving good, sound advice.

>> No.14232844

Listen here you uppity nigger. I've been nearly killed by "acts of God" 5 times in my life. I've been left hospitalized and bleeding writhing in pain for months. I've been living in shitholes that were worse than needing condemned. I come from the worst ghettos on the eastern seaboard where the air was thick with sewage and processing plant discharge. My neighbors were shot, stabbed, you name it. Drive bys, whatever. My parents abused the hell out of me, throwing me down staircases. I got the opportunity to leave with someone I loved and within 6 months I had to come back because we got struck head on by an out of control vehicle at high way speeds and I held them, dying agonizingly for 45 minutes as they let out their death rattle and the blood drained from their body.

So you shut the fuck up with your boohoo God fucked me over shtick. Grow the fuck up. My life has always been in my hands and guess what shitass? I'm living in the upper class in a 99% white suburb. Fuck you.

>> No.14232856

Haha who are you dude? iI've seen you post this exact same story 20 times "arrested for being black"

>> No.14232860


It's the perfect tax cameoflage bro

>> No.14232862

you didn't lose out on life tho its not even bad. you weren't denied every single fucking human experience while you just have to watch it through a tv and computer screen

>> No.14232863

You think I sound psychotic because you dont understand. It's ok, it's something I am used to at this point. I am only telling you these things because I am anonymous after all and can tell you how things work. I interact with people better than most everyone I can assure you that. Do you ever wonder what all the symbols really mean? Do you ever wonder what the purpose of it all really is? I'm sure you do, the answers seem to escape you though I am also sure. No it is not inbred, it is my way of saying a collective of individuals better then any individual is a collective that thrives. And thrive we do!

>> No.14232873

tax evasion is the one thing i will never do. i will always pay every single dollar to the dot on taxes because i have seen so many celebrities and shit go to prison and be forced to pay a shit load of money for even trying to do that. fuck that.

the jews can have their stupid cut.

>> No.14232879

Reading this idiot OP cry is just absolutely GOLD, I wish there were more posts like this

>> No.14232886

You'll only get as far as your mentality will take you

>> No.14232898

Yes. Yes I fucking did idiot. Everyone in my town was a fucking junkie crackhead or drunk. It took me 13 years to get the fuck out. Guess how many friends I ever managed to make? 3. They all left or died. All my acquaintances left or died. I was an unhealthy fucking mess and all I had was a computer so I made it work for me and rose to the top of the shit heap until I could leave

>> No.14232899

You have internet, dont you? There is a fucking million sotes to learn stuff for free and another million ones to work remotely. It's not the middle ages anymore, your town may suck, but you can change your life.

>> No.14232915

Shut the fuck up you whiny little cunt. Even your miserable life is lightyears ahead of the even more miserable lives of hundred millions of people who are legitimately poor.
It’s so fucking disgusting seeing how you bitch about hurr durr everyone are poor uuuuh while in reality I assume all of them don’t go a day feeling hungry.
All these problems are their own fault either way and they are in no way poor

>> No.14232919

But being a whiny little bitch online is easier. Self-improvement takes actual effort!

>> No.14232947

you will never have sex

>> No.14232978

i was literaly African poor until I started making money and then as soon as I did my life was instantly hit with hellfire and ruined

>> No.14232996

Welcome to life, it's a series of cunt punches and recoveries.

>> No.14232997

Listen. I analyzed thread and the real problem seems to be that you are a nigger.

>> No.14233015

while I would agree I was hit with someone that is impossible to recover from. its why im such a spastic fucking retard. plus being trapped on this site for years is making me go bat shit insane. all weird porn and angry people screaming and sperging out. its like a psych center.

>> No.14233023


do nofap and stop looking at hentai you dumb fuck

>> No.14233041

I live in a small town in Canada which is even worse than the USA. I am on track to make my first milli before I'm 28. You mad?

>> No.14233055

no because you live in Canada. I would rather be poor and warm in the tropics then rich in Canada and cold forever.

>> No.14233057

>got somewhat close to success and I got fucking all of it ruined by god

well there is your problem. you are always blaming someone else for your failure, every post you made is someone else’s fault, not mine. man up and start accepting responsibility that whatever happens to you it’s due to your own doing.

>> No.14233066

that is unironically the coolest post I ever read on this stupid board. I envy you, anon. ' Wish I was that smart back then when I was living at my parents.

>> No.14233073

This thread is embarrassing as fuck

>> No.14233075

>but the jews are ok :)
Can you get any more cucked?

Listen op. I get it. My gf is from Clay County, WV and I’ve been to third world countries that have it better than those sad hicks. Until i traveled there I didn’t realize just how terrible of a situation it is, let alone be forced to experience all that throughout my entire childhood and life. My gf has issues I’m honestly not sure she’ll ever get over.

But is ok. As cliché as it sounds, it’s like 80% mindset. And well, yours sounds like total shit. But again - that’s ok. You can’t change your surroundings, but you sure as hell can change your mindset, even if it isn’t easy, hell it’ll probably be the hardest thing you’ve ever done and will ever do, but dude, you have to. There’s a point where someone stops feeling sorry for themselves all the time, and from that exact point, it’s a slow, grueling, uphill battle to maintain some tiny semblance of a productive mental state and get what you want; but progress you will make, but it requires a freaky amount of determination and hard-headedness from the moment you wake up every single goddamn day. It sucks, I know, I have no job currently and my first son due in august. But you just gotta do it man, you gotta do it

One final thing. Erase the word god from your vocabulary. As long as you put the blame on THAT, you will NEVER get anywhere, because god isn’t fucking real. The universe dealt you a shit hand and now you have to figure out what to do with it. God has no part in that. God isn’t real. So yes, fuck god, but not because “He” did this to you, rather because it will never ever make any difference whether you adore or resent that made up idea in your head. Get the fuck over the god thing. Once you do that, do whatever it possibly takes to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THAT TOWN. Pick a place, go there, be homeless if you have to, but leave, at any cost. Also, jews are the real problem, blame them.

>> No.14233077

but my life is completely fucked and happened for no reason im god damn angry

>> No.14233081

I live in a village with 2k people and make 70k working from home. OP is a faggot and will never make it with this mentality.

>> No.14233094

the nigga has chump change who cares that could crash and all burn any time

>> No.14233117

this is different. I haven't seen anywhere as poor and fucking stupid as this place. its literally like a trailer park boys if it was even poorer and dumber than the people on that show

i dont want to be a whine ass but i literally cant be happy living here. even if you threw a million dollars in my bank account i would still be depressed because im not where i want to be. its basically the same thing as being in prison. no freedom no girls cant accomplish anything every day is fucking sad theres nothing happening or going on

i think its god not because im bat shit crazy but i swear i constnatly get weird signs and shit reminding me that my life is a pile of shit and rubbing my face in it and i always have the worst possible shit happen at the worst possible times

i take kratom for mild happiness and cbd but it does very little sometimes and if i take kratom i start having massive rage outs and shit and just wanna scream and smash everything

>> No.14233140


start a youtube channel where you sharpie in the popper everyday for tips

>> No.14233170

I know, that’s why I said it’s imperative that you move.

It’s not god. Bad luck maybe but god. is. not. real.

>> No.14233178

I cant dude its literally impossible. like ive said 100 times in this thread alone. impossible. not one option.

>> No.14233188

>never meets people
>thinks he knows people

>> No.14233198

anon, it’s not impossible. listen to this lifechanging video, it will make an lifelong impression on you.


>> No.14233215

Well then you’re fucked aren’t you?

But wait, do you have legs? Yeah? Then start walking.

You’re literally refusing to take the first and only step that will lead to anything good in your life. I’m not even telling you to wake up early and drink protein shakes and start a meditation journal like other random anons might suggest. I’m saying, steal a fucking car and drive to the nearest big city; or scam someone into driving you, or pack up some food and literally fkn move your legs to escape this place that you admit is a prison. It doesn’t matter how you do it I’m only saying, don’t think about anything else except MOVING.

>> No.14233216

stfu. you are literally a nigger. niggers are unable to plan for the next day.

>> No.14233220

but I have legal shit. I literally dont even know what to do I cant find an option and ive been begging for a year for any solution haven't even found one not a single one

>> No.14233255

you have to fix your fundamentals first and foremost. even if you fixed all your legal and monetary issues, due to Karma you would end up in the same spot again and again. You have to break free of the cycle, watch the video

>> No.14233331

lifes not that complicated I just want money and freedom

>> No.14233338

>just to buy a fucking gram of weed
Seriously how fucking retarded are you? Weed is not even worth driving for, let alone playing games with the law. You deserved it for being fucking stupid.

>> No.14233414
File: 40 KB, 800x483, 1556480224676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing you'll never have either.

>> No.14233501

you would be suprised. there is always another lifetime after this one, in case you fail. i wish you the very best in your journey

>> No.14233522

>burger fake problems
you can literally get in your car, drive to SF/NYC and become rich
or for that matter do anything online thanks to the US market
try being born yuropoor

>> No.14233640

god damn it OP i feel you, i've seen almost all of your threads and im in a similar situation
im working on fixing it tho

>> No.14233658

It took me to here to realize this was fake.
You all are pathetic lol.
Come on how do you people keep falling for this.
10/10 OP, well done.

>> No.14233662

must be nice to have a way out

>> No.14233829

god fucking damn it every successful happy person I see on social media from a big city and so much fucking happier and lived an awesome life I fucking hate god so fucking much

>> No.14234042


Niggers can't handle some cold

>Literal sub-humans.

>> No.14234052


>Be a nigger
>Commit crime
>Get fucked by the law


you have to be a troll.

>> No.14234168


Sounds comfy. Ill buy up a few acres once I make it and employ the degenerated natives as my servants.

>> No.14234226

You basically described all of Indiana. This is true.
My God this place is depressing. I'm not from here, so it's like I'm the only person who can see how third-world this state really is.

>> No.14234243

and the locals are too stupid to leave they just say they dont know anything else and refuse to leave holy shit

small town people are so fucking shit

>> No.14234268

Yes, I've seen that. I often wonder what the point of these people even are, and why they all shouldn't just be killed.

But you know what, Indiana has tons of shitty factory jobs. These dumb hicks make all our manhole covers, pipes, washing machine parts, etc.
I never thought about where all that stuff came from before moving to this shithole. It comes from dumb hicks with no prospects in life, who will max out at $16 an hour and maybe $20k in retirement if they're lucky.

>> No.14234287

U sound like a shit small town person urself. Literally refusing to leave

>> No.14234314

I got arrested on probation this place made me a fucking drug addled retard

im the only one here that makes money. I mean I see some people working their dicks off in minimum wage jobs but they're not going anywhere. its still something but im raking in cash talking to people making a shit load of money and studying business ideas and shit

I really want a music career but this place is fucking killing everything

>> No.14234352

holy shit this thread is still going?
stop feeding this schizo, he doesnt want help he just wants to rant about his shit life

as i said earlier, if he was born chad 6'2 in NYC he would still complain about something

>> No.14234376

suicide rates are fucking 70% higher in rural areas fuck off

>> No.14234382

Move out lol.

>> No.14234410

getting older and older and less valuable
might as well kill self

>> No.14234512

I hope all you nerdy faggots on here die

>> No.14234713

if you have the internet you can literally learn anything you want.

learn to fucking code you piece of shit, i grew up in a small town and i got out by teaching myself a valuable skill through sheer willpower. you sound like a liberal always playing the victim

>> No.14235260

How sheltered are you to think that horribly depressed schizos don't actually post here? The guy is obviously a little fucked in the head and going through a rough time in life. Shitposting is all he has. Nobody is going to sit and type dozens of paragraphs about something like this to LARP.

>> No.14235284

small towns exist for the elite to experiment on them.

They are controlled experiments.

>> No.14235339

Travelslut detected

>> No.14235481

I went college after leaving a small rust belt town of around 8,000 and i'm always appalled going back. I know it doesnt have the most opportunities but the amount of people just drinking, collecting welfare, and shitting out kids skyrockets every time I go back every couple of years. I'm only 23 and the vast majority of my classmates have kids at this point

>> No.14236579

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