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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14221497 No.14221497 [Reply] [Original]

> shilled to you at 7
> for weeks
> pumps to 40
> you still don't buy
> spends months between 60 and 150
> you don't buy
> pumps to 400
> dumps to 70
> you didn't buy
> whales admit to crushing the price
> spikes 2x
> sell orders drop by 50%
> biggest usecase and partnership in crypto EVER
> you don't buy
> pumps to 180
> you still don't buy
> drops back to 130's
> did you buy? nope
> now back in 160's with sells at yearly low

where are you in your person QNT story, anon? For me, it's:
> bought at ICO
> bought more at 20c
> bought more ever since at every fucking opportunity
> taken out $110,000 of low-rate loans to buy more

I'll be a millionaire at 3x from here, which is clearly guaranteed. 100x is also guaranteed.

>> No.14221952

HAHAHA taking out a 110k loan for A SCAM

>> No.14221976

Which part is a scam?

>> No.14222007

dont worry anon, they call all the good projects scams. im gonna look into it more now

>> No.14222098

Shit FUD like this doesn't work anymore, son.

>> No.14222109

The shilling, the merciless shilling. Pictures in front of buildings. Meetings in Korea. NOTHING came out of it.

Top 10 exchanges.......... Idax and digifinex.............

One top 5 exchange under NDA. Under NDA for monthssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Sia, they delivered Sia. 570 banks, still not in the top 100

Sorry buds............... youre in deep shit

>> No.14222185

>Literal Brianlets.
exactly as described by OP

>> No.14222247


Please stop with these idiotic threads. Nobody will buy your loan bags at 5$

People MIGHT actually fomo when it passes 6 or 7$

But everyone with a brain knows that you're going to get a 30% dump again. So please fuck off till theres an actual ath. Save the circlejerking and shoulder petting for your phonegroup

>> No.14222301

3 posts by this ID. All FUD
Imagine spending this much time just to FUD a potential 10x project.

>> No.14222336

>30% dump

Yea, maybe - I mean, 30% is nothing in crypto. That's a fairly boring daily swing sometimes.

You've got to realise that people who hold a lot of QNT don't really give a shit where it goes super-short-term, because we know it's going to be well into the $100s or $1000s in the next year or two.

>> No.14223106
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570 banks further

>> No.14223135

lol you'll be a millionaire with no way of liquidating your funds unless qnt finds it way to a bigger exchange. right now on idex you can get your loan back for the entire order book kek and nothing else

>> No.14223235


Show us a big purchase to show that you're not larping OP. Eternal glory if you make it

>> No.14223354

wtf are you taking about? ATH is only $4

>> No.14223531

>right now on idex you can get your loan back for the entire order book kek and nothing else

is this a problem, considering that I have absolutely no intention of cashing out anywhere in the near future?

>unless qnt finds it way to a bigger exchange

Yes this will clearly never happen, ever. It's going to stay on IDEX with the same liquidity FOREVER.

>> No.14223762
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2.2k here, will I make it boys?

>> No.14223768


>> No.14223775


More is always better but you'll get a nice wedge out of that, for sure.

>> No.14223778
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So quant shouldn't be shilled until it reaches a new ATH? Is that when you're planning on buying in?

>> No.14223854

quantniggers are the cringiest race on earth

>> No.14224334


Hearing ´get in 100B marketcap soon´ 5 times a day for half a year gets a little tiresome when the turd in reality sinks down the shitter from place 75 to 150.

>> No.14224339

Went all in at the bottom, feels good man

>> No.14224376

you better hope so but yeah it's a pretty big fucking problem for you right now

>> No.14224515

>it's a pretty big fucking problem for you right now

it really isn't even close to being anything like a problem. I live in a civilised western country and the loan is with a large bank, they're not going to turn up tomorrow demanding the money back.

Using basic maths skills I was able to definitively anticipate the repayments and how it would work out. I fear that you may be very inexperienced with how... most things... work, but that will come with time as you begin an adult life and start using money in slightly more complex ways than spending your pocket money on comic books.

>> No.14224653


´Adult life´, taking a thick bankloan for a shitcoin.

Imagine the contract get's hacked. Mass double spend, hotbit piles over, no compliance whatsoever.

This will only get you props in your circle jerk group OP.

As much as you quanties want to the be seen as experienced know it all's. Going into crippling debt on a coin like this is a fucking rookie move.

>> No.14225032

>Imagine the contract gets hacked

Thanks for confirming you have 0 idea of what Quant does. Now GTFO this thread you fuckhead.

>> No.14225078

>crippling debt

> $100 per month repayments
> crippling debt
> imagine if [impossible scenario]
> just imagine that

>> No.14226003

Why don't the whales dump this to $2 so that we can all buy for even cheaper prices!

>> No.14226592

you only pay $100 a month on a $110k loan?

>> No.14226648

Just bought 2000 qnt

>> No.14226719

BTC could nosedive at any moment taking the whole market with it. We could be at $2k a few months from now and stay there until 2020. What then?

>> No.14226911


Quant doesn't give a shit about BTC. compare their charts retard.

>> No.14226913

>pajeet shill pack images as OPpic
this is the reddest of all red flags you could ever get
if you didn't dump yet you deserve to lose money

>> No.14226923

fuck off you QNT

t. strayan

>> No.14226948


Hell be fine. Because he can patiently wait for quant to go to the top 10 (the loan only costs 100$ so no selling pressure). What he will do is buy more dips!!!

This guys a genius

>> No.14226949

Imagine being turned away from the Investment opportunity of your life because someone made a meme with the logo.


>> No.14226967

x sucks is a pajeet shillpack pic, retard
enjoy your -50% in a day or two

>> No.14227020

Thanks for proving my point further, retard.

>> No.14227160

Sorry OP if you have less than 100k QNT, you will never make it.

>> No.14227319
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>he thinks this is a pajeet shitcoin

>> No.14227416

ok retard, let me actually ruin it for you
The reason why nobody buys this shit is treasury.
Whales will always have access to qnt because treasury will provide pretty much unlimited qnt because its basically acts as a 100% cashback making it pretty much a stablecoin.
Only people trading this shticoin are pajeets like you who unironically believe price will go up when there is absolutely no fucking reason for it to go up. Enjoy your bags.

>> No.14227458



Bro I'm sitting on gems that will go 1000x easily in the next 2 years. Exchange offerings man, gotta get into those private funding rounds. Good luck with your quant.

>> No.14227584

Shut up fag

>> No.14227609
File: 12 KB, 333x293, judenlaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holochain was pajeet
not gonna make it

>> No.14227635

>holochain isn't pajeet

>> No.14227728

wow, a 2x in 3 months. how amazing. not buying your 20x bags, rakesh.

>> No.14227853

I fucking love this project, it's honestly one of my only three long term holds.

But Jesus fucking Christ the quantie fan club is genuinely the cringiest shit I've ever experienced in crypto, and not even just on biz. The quamfy tele group is an absolute cesspool

>> No.14228341

Hello plebtard.

The treasury is only for enterprise licensing. No "Whales" can go via the treasury without buying large enterprise licenses.

Secondly, the treasury doesnt have unlimited QNT, this is fucking laughable. It gets it from live markets/OTC. Meaning the QNT is taken from supply.

Finally, you can't cash out from the treasury, so your entire point if fucking moot.

It goes up, because enterprise licensing is purchased in tokens and taken out of supply, reducing circulating tokens and acts as demand. So, either you dont understand how it functions, or you're mentally ill

>> No.14228374


The ´ treasury´ is market buying the shittttttt out of idex!

>> No.14229699

What is this coin all about anon

>> No.14229738

>The treasury is only for enterprise licensing. No "Whales" can go via the treasury without buying large enterprise licenses.
Whales are the enterprises you literal faggots keep shilling your shitcoin through
only difference is in crypto world they are called whales and irl they are called financial institutions and shillbert is trying to sell his shitcoin to them.
>Secondly, the treasury doesnt have unlimited QNT
it does have unlimited qnt you fucking mong because licencing will work the way treasury recources will never get depleated, which means whales will never compete with each other and token price will never go up. Besides shilly already admitted otc option exists which even further drives your shitcoin into the ground because this means shillbert is dumping his bags.
>Finally, you can't cash out from the treasury,
Yes you fucking can you petrol sniffing abo, whole point of treasury is to allow seamless experience for everyone invlolved and that means end users as well who will need to cash out.

Fucking delusional quantard.

>> No.14229854
File: 28 KB, 600x328, 555comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 posts by this ID
hmm, I wonder why you're so obsessed about quant?

>> No.14229907

This is laughable, wrong on all fronts.

1 - The Enterprises are just purchasing a license to the ecosystem - the team (Treasury) handles all back end token conversions. The Enterprise don't care about the token, this is the beauty of it - its seamless in the background, use to validate/verify the Mapps.

2 - Treasury resources are not infinite, this is rediculous. Right now, there are only 14million tokens in existence. If the price "Never goes up" that means that as of right now ($4 a token) there can only ever be $56,000,000 in annual license fees ever. So, if the licensing revenue surpasses that, what happens then? Literal retard over here. Clearly don't understand what OTC means, its not magical token trading out of nowhere, the tokens have to come from somewhere. This is hilarious

3 - No. The enterprises CANNOT cash out their licenses. Why? Because its a fucking license. They paid xxx$ of USD to access the ecosystem/platform for that period. They don't get to just get all their costs back at the end, you literal pleb. This is hilarious, try again though buddy.

>> No.14229909

I tend to never close the tabs and I normally reply if it interests me. I do tend to have 20-30 replies in a thread but mostly stick to 1-2 threads a day.
Does my autism concerns you this much you had to check amounts of posts by ID and reply to me?
Besides since when 5 posts per ID is something odd?

>> No.14229950

The pajeet is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a pajeet and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

>> No.14230041

>The Enterprises are just purchasing a license to the ecosystem - the team (Treasury) handles all back end token conversions.
Did you just confirm my own point with your reply or something?
>The Enterprise don't care about the token
Exactly, they don't give a flying fuck because when time comes they won't need a stack of tokens because price will be the same. How hard is it to understand? They just have no motivation to hoard now.
>2 - Treasury resources are not infinite, this is rediculous.
Tokens go directly to treasury once they are used to be paid for volume.
>If the price "Never goes up" that means that as of right now ($4 a token) there can only ever be $56,000,000 in annual license fees ever.
Absolute fucking brainlet, end users will pay for volume thats how shilbert is gonna make money off that. He sells licence -> enterprice provides service ->money they get through volume goes directly into shillbert's pocket which is called treasury ->enterprice sells licence once service is terminated. Shilbert is a genious really, he made a free money printing machine, too bad it won't work in your favor.
>No. The enterprises CANNOT cash out their licenses. Why? Because its a fucking license.
You can sell to treasury any time you want, this was specificly said to be the case. You're an idiot. Which is why you can't get through your thick dumb skull why your shitcoin's price is 70% down since ath.

>> No.14230121

Half of that doesn't even rebutt anything I just said. Of course Enterprises aren't going to be buying tokens as an investment vehicle, but indirectly as a license.

Only surplus tokens go to the treasury, the Enterprise still needs to replenish/renew their license every period.

And you can't sell to the treasury, whatever this means. The tokens are locked up for their licensing period, so they cannot 'sell' whenever they want. This is all in the utility report.

And the price isn't down 70% since ATH. Its about 20%. lol , i dont care about vitaliks, im here for the USD. lol

>> No.14230145

This is probably the most centralized project in the entire space. It will be a security no doubt.

>> No.14230194

Its a real business with something useful to offer, not like these other useless "projects" lmao.

The token is already following FINMA regulations.

>> No.14230227

>Of course Enterprises aren't going to be buying tokens as an investment vehicle, but indirectly as a license
Cmon, its not that hard, just one more step and you will get it why they aren't buying now. ONE FINAL PUSH GRUG, BITROCK GO HIGH, QUANTROCK GO LOW!

>> No.14230266

Annnnnndd retard spotted. Go FUD elsewhere mate, clearly you have ulterior motives here.

The Quant FUD has resorted to trying to pull apart the token. Yet its the only utility token that is actually 100% needed for platform operation and has solved token velocity. Such a joke

>> No.14230301

>Of course Enterprises aren't going to be buying tokens as an investment vehicle
Do you really need me to quote your own words twice?

>> No.14230325

Yeah a business has equity which is a security. An open protocol is totally different. Have fun being an STO and being totally dominated by the centralized token treasury.

>> No.14230457

Finally someone with a brain.

>> No.14230510
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 1537462319229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally gonna make it anons
Feeling so blessed to have QNT after I missed ETH in 2016.
Everyone who is currently fudding is unironically sub 50 IQ.

>> No.14230556
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>I'm finally gonna make it anons
>after I missed ETH
>Everyone who is currently fudding is unironically sub 50 IQ.
actually made me smile, thank you, anon

>> No.14230617
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>> No.14231513


>> No.14231524

I see the Linkies have found this thread. Shoo shoo back to your "partnership" circlejerks.

>> No.14231783

but Sir, link is not a meme my deer!!

>> No.14231896
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>> No.14232059

I'm guessing your order didn't get filled?

>> No.14233082


>> No.14233102
File: 12 KB, 540x144, 600_468651833.jpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re working internally with Hyperledger foundation on the Quilt reboot and had meetings with them at Consensus. There’s more coming out in the short term from Hyperledger on what the new Quilt means and looks like
Overledger is going to enable universal interoperability for Quilt. We are integrating Overledger’s API and SDK to be the front gateways for Quilt to allow for Enterprise and Developers to be able to use different blockchains, protocols, taxonomies with ease to bring mass adoption and universal interoperability. This allows Overledger to widely support all the different use cases demanded by clients, enterprise and developers and bring mass usage of Overledger and Quilt to a broader market.

>> No.14233160

This statement makes perfect sense, maybe you're just dense.

Clients/Enterprise, lets use NHS for example purposes, don't have funds budgeted aside to "invest in crypto tokens" but they do have network and operation fees. This means, that when they pay Quant for their services, indirectly they are buying the tokens anyway, however, the main purpose isnt to ride a pump or buy it as an investment vehicle, its to run their services, utilising the platform.

Perhaps you are too stupid to realise this. But most enterprises arent going to get the all clear to throw funds into crypto tokens lol, surprise surprise.

This is actually incredibly beneficial for Quant, because they are just paying for the platform, but are also purchasing QNT.

>> No.14233183



>> No.14233296

Will I make it with 3500 QNT?
My only other holding is 55k link.

>> No.14233336


>> No.14233350

I have yet to hear from someone explain what quant actually is.

>> No.14233535


>> No.14233627

Want me to wipe your ass too?

>> No.14234058


570 banks and the Rockefeller's beg to differ.

>> No.14234220


>> No.14234302

The amount of effort that goes into QNT fud is quite astonishing, one wonders if it would just have been easier to buy it? A lot less emotionally draining.

>> No.14234520

dead cat

>> No.14234546

Shut up faggot you've already made it

>> No.14234587

Kind of amazing that people FUD a project like this. Out of all the projects in crypto it has one of the best chances by FAR to gain serious real world adoption on a mass scale, and see token value appreciation directly caused by that adoption.

> It works
> It provides considerable benefits and solves numerous issues for enterprise
> It's proven to have gained serious interest from major enterprise (i.e. S.I.A and others)
> It's very easy to integrate without enterprises having to do any major shake ups with their existing systems
> Overledger adoption = QNT price goes up due to tokenomics

I know this is Biz and it's just good sport to shitpost about everything, but the crypto scene has been crying out for a project like this for years. Drop your autistic egos and recognize potential when you see it.