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14229503 No.14229503 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question frens: how do I get my chainlink off of binance?

>> No.14229513

Any ethereum wallet

>> No.14229517

Create wallet, send chainlinks to wallet?

>> No.14229520

You can’t.

>> No.14229535

>my chainlink
didn't you know, cz is the rightful owner of your chainlink

>> No.14229536

you do know that cashing out is a meme right?

>> No.14229695


Buy a ledger and use it to log into


get a safety deposit box or a safe or something for the seed phrase though

>> No.14230048

Thanks for the mostly honest responses frendinos

>> No.14230089

What's the point? You'll never be able to sell it as a burger. It could be worth millions but it'll forever remain just outside your NEET reach. Hahahhaha truly this is the greatest timeline.

>> No.14230141
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I'm going to order a ledger because I want to hold my linkies too. I've been doing reading so I don't fuck myself over but I'm still wondering.
Do I have to go to binance withdraw, choose LINK, and then plug in the address of the HW?
Also, I'm supposed to keep ethereum in the same address for gas right?
I don't want to lose my linkies to the void.

>> No.14230225

I’m gonna have to do this too. My recommendation is to move one link as a test first to make sure they’re gettin to your wallet address.

Is there no exchange to trade Link for burgers?

>> No.14230233
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>knows how to buy but not how to withdraw

>> No.14230273

Buying is just a click tho.
Storing in a wallet it so complicated :( I’m not autistic enough to figure out the best method. Seriously tho: what’s wrong with a paper wallet? Assuming you don’t lose it and no one else finds it?

>> No.14230320

not a single one.

>> No.14230331

You have to send them to the unlock address first. I can look it up if you haven't found it yet

>> No.14230378

It's actually not very complicated. I just bought a Trezor, I think it's a trezor one from amazon for $35. It walks you through everything. Plug it in, update the firmware, go to trezor.io and tell it you want to create an eth wallet. It gives you the option for mew and one other, walks through creating a wallet there. The screen on the trezor will display the 20 seed words one by one, copy them down and store in the safe deposit box. It also has you create a pin, that will be used every time you access mew. watch a youtube video if you are nervous, I was.

>> No.14230384

You’ll have to gain 400 pounds, kidnap Sergey, get someone to transplant his face onto yours. Congrats, you are now the ceo of chainlink. Those steps are necessary because link is centralised and only sergey has the power to do so.

>> No.14230390

oh, and the another thing to do is send 100 test link to your newly created address and send them back to binance, or another one of your mew addresses to verify you control them

>> No.14230424

I guess the part that gets me is the “black box” aspect of it, the fact that I have to trust the manufacturer of the device. I understand how public/private keys work. So I guess, to reiterate, how are these devices better than a paper wallet? (Again, assuming I don’t lose the paper and no one else finds it?)

>> No.14230493

Nothing is wrong with a paper wallet. Just be sure you generate it on a safe computer. Some paper wallet generators are designed to operate without internet access so once you download the generator you can disconnect the internet entirely for extra assurance. As long as your computer isn't compromised and you don't do something stupid like save it to a cloud or something, paper wallet is a very secure way to store many currencies.

>> No.14230615

Thanks. Next question: if the public/private keys are generated offline, how can one be sure that a wallet doesn’t already exist with those values without access to the internet? (I know it’s unlikely, but still)

>> No.14230623

It’s an ERC20 shitcoin still
use MEW

>> No.14230876

WHete are the link actually stored if you just go with MEW and don’t use a hardware wallet? On the etherium blockchain or on your phone? I’m thinking I’m just going to use MEW and the pneumonic device

>> No.14230907

I'll just fucking move if I stumble into some serious gains. Plenty of options.

>> No.14230979

Because of the mathematical improbability. More addresses exist than grains of sand or something.
Just use Metamask with Brave and create a new eth account. Store your seed words safely (write down physically not copy paste) and you'll be fine desu.

>> No.14231232

Even with a hardware wallet it's not stored on the hardware wallet.

>> No.14231250

Just buy a ledger they were made for retards like us. Once I learned to use it with MEW I couldn't believe I didn't do it sooner.

>> No.14231263

You shouldn't be in crypto if you don't even have a basic understanding of it

>> No.14231383
File: 277 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190619-131220_Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase wallet

>> No.14231497

does coinmetro not trade chainlink?

the part that bothers me is that you still cant see LINK in your HW. only MEW or mycrypto

>> No.14231556 [DELETED] 

not possible as it's not supported by coinbase
maybe in the future

>> No.14231591

Sergey has a large number of boxes that he keeps the chainlink tokens in, one box per online wallet address. This is the main reason that progress on the main net has been so slow, he has to spend so much time moving the links back and forth due to constant trading.

In fact, with Binance banning link trades in the US the amount of time Sergey spends moving the linkies around should decrease, giving him more time to implement the reputation system, it's a very bullish sign if you think about it.

>> No.14231606
File: 200 KB, 1068x891, Screenshot_20190619-133046_Google Play Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is supported by the wallet app from coinbase check it out.

>> No.14231628
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Scam app, but a damn brilliant one.

>> No.14231629


>> No.14231642 [DELETED] 

no you don't understand.
their wallet app can only hold coins that are currently supported by ((them))

i know its retarded, not a good wallet at all
besides, who would trust shitbase with their stuff anyways get a trezor (ledger is too risky security flaws, compatibility issues and so on)

>> No.14231678

Lol cashing out is a meme. Crypto is a scam people

>> No.14231688

just take a few mins away from thinking you know more than anyone else and check the info. Then feel free to come back and say how sorry you are for being a dumb ass

>> No.14231811
File: 313 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190619-135023_Binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok sent 100 link to coinbase wallet

>> No.14231823


Absolutely based

>> No.14231838
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And received wow who would of thought it was real.....dumbass

>> No.14231860

Bunch of BETA anons BAKA, stop leaving a trail, why would you send your link from one exchange to another exchange instead of creating a wallet where only you have access to it

>> No.14231861

What sort of moon rune currency is that?

>> No.14231880

This is why Apple reviews their apps before allowing in their store.

>> No.14231886


>> No.14231904

I actually use a ledger but anon asked how he can get his link out and the coinbase wallet is very simple.

>> No.14232072
File: 838 KB, 810x3717, Screenshot_20190619-141434_Google Play Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not the coinbase exchange btw. Ita an independent wallet.

>> No.14232204

So on the blockchain then? Ok thanks anon.

>> No.14232224

how new you are?
you can't withdrawal from binance

>> No.14232303

Crypto isn't stored in any address, per say. The only thing Addresses do is keep log of all the transactions that took place on it.

Take this random public address for example:


These are the transactions that taken place and the Address gives you the sum of the transactions, the deposits and withdrawals. You need wallet though because that contains your private address (every public address has a private address sister) which allow you to sign transactions to send funds outside of the address.

This is the beauty of crypto addresses, you just need to know your private address and can get your funds from any device that takes it (i.e. any crypto wallet). Conversely, if someone has your private key, they have your wallet.

>> No.14232335
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My Nano Ledger X is arriving tomorrow.


>> No.14232367

This the the android Myetherwallet app if you want a wallet right now. Just have a pen ready to write everything down.


>> No.14232770

Send it to your ETH address and access with a Ledger

>> No.14232942

Yea, its shite, it doesn't work with the webapps ex Maker, Kyber

>> No.14232982

You have to sell

>> No.14233009

what if they shut down MEW? are my 150 links gone?

>> No.14233036

yeah, you need to keep an offline version of mew somewhere so you dont get cucked...almost had a heart attach when tried my keystore on the new mew and it didnt work.

better get a ledger its much better...

>> No.14233039


>> No.14233049

What do you prefer to use?

>> No.14233080

Piggybacking this thread to ask whats a good anti virus to use?

>> No.14233276


>> No.14233292


>> No.14233319

Look up “my ether wallet”and create wallet. You’re going to want to protect the wallet with a hardware wallet.

>> No.14233346

Sorry I'm a tard, can Canadians move and sell CL? Thank you for advice

>> No.14233362

this is what i don't understand. why do i need a hardware wallet if my stinkies are in a MEW? is this just a type of redundant protection or is a hardware wallet necessary?

>> No.14233402
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>> No.14233435

From my understanding (very limited) link is an erc20 token so you can download the trust wallet app and transfer the link to your etherium wallet, but have someone else confirm before you do this

>> No.14233437

Your ether/tokens aren’t gone if MEW goes down. On a related note, if you have over two months worth of wages in crypto you should invest in a hardware wallet. Otherwise, natural selection dictates that you deserve to lose your funds

>> No.14233514

Thanks for the explanation, fren.

>> No.14234477


>> No.14234506
File: 71 KB, 315x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes hello sir please send it to this wallet address it will be safe


>> No.14234577

Holy shit you know redditors are here when its spelled etherium

>> No.14235343

one sec i’ll post an address for you to send it to

>> No.14235686

The mnemonic phrase in MEW is confusing - why does it ask me to pick an address?
When I transfer funds will the address be set, or are there a bunch of different addresses attached to the wallet?

>> No.14235797


>> No.14235846

There are a bunch of different addresses associated with your account

>> No.14235876

hang on, maybe I don't understand what you are asking. On my trezor I have a bunch of addresses, on my mewconnect there is only one

>> No.14235885

So I can send crypto to any of them? Link to one, ETH to another, etc.
Is there an advantage to this?

>> No.14235923

I have a MEW with just one, but created another MEW with mnemonic phrase and there are a bunch - once I log in it asks me to pick an address. I haven't sent any funds to it because I don't know if these are all permanent addresses for that wallet or something else. Seems strange to have so many in same wallet>>14235876
I have a MEW with just one, but created another MEW with mnemonic phrase and there are a bunch - once I log in it asks me to pick an address. I haven't sent any funds to it because I don't know if these are all permanent addresses for that wallet or something else. Seems strange to have so many in same wallet

>> No.14236019

mnemonic phrases are an older method of accessing mew, they say not to use it
I think the multiple wallets thing is for security and organization. Think of all the times folks post their address for an airdrop, you probably don't want to use the one that has 32eth in it, right?

>> No.14236024

Dear Fren,
Ledger has step by step instructions on how to put money into your ledger Nano S. Even a Jew could do it
Here is the link

>> No.14236055
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this can't be stated enough

>> No.14236462

Oh my god we are so early

>> No.14236472

Get a Mew account and throw it there

>> No.14236519

Make a MEW, generate address, send LINK to the address. Send 1 LINK first, to test and make sure it works.