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14228481 No.14228481 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck they dont fucking want to reproduce? The most important thing in our lives is to have kids, is literally the why we were bornt.

After you die nothing fucking matters, no money, no experiences, fucking nothing, if you are uncouncious you can't remember anything, the only thing that matters is that you survived natural selection and your genes are now being traspassed to the next generation.

When ((they)) ask me how many children I want to have and I answer "7" they fucking look me in a strange way. What the actual fuck? Is it bad that I consider the only objetive that we are in earth in a so important way?

>> No.14228647

Normies used to love kids. This has reversed in the last decade.

>> No.14228703

might be something to do with the fact they got screwed on housing, screwed on student debt, screwed on jobs, etc. Kids got shunted down the priorities ladder - even fucking 'normies' need to make it through the day themselves first

>> No.14228792

Poor people have always had more kids, not less

We'll probably have a psychological study showing that video games had some huge impact. Combine "always feeling important and achieved" with "never feeling fulfilled" and you get a narcissist who is never, ever ready to settle down.

>> No.14228852

>Poor people still be reproducing yo
yeah, and poor people always will. The stuff mentioned tho, that is decimating the 'middle-class, would have (previously) one-or-two-maybe-three kids' crowd

>> No.14228873

"Have sex" is too much work
Women are a monetary trap
The end

>> No.14228879

Nietzsche's "last man": The last men are tired of life, take no risks, and seek only comfort and security.

>> No.14228909
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Read this carefully = fuck off with your kids

>> No.14228925

>most important thing in our loves is to have kids


>> No.14229027

tfw last man

>> No.14229059

I have four kids.

>> No.14229130

>Why the fuck they dont fucking want to reproduce?
because the internet told them not to.

>> No.14229162


>> No.14229176

Yup, right here. This is exactly why I'm not having kids. I simply cannot afford to and still live a comfortable life style. And if I can not provide a comfortable life to a child, then I will not have a child.

>> No.14229188

genetic dead end

>> No.14229213
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>> No.14229216


sad, and quite probably gay

>> No.14229224

4chan is now a propaganda board

people know children are a liability
millenials don't want a liability when they can barely support themselves
the state is fucked, especially if people don't breed
but they don't give a shit about you, they'd rather you breed and burden children
more livestock for them to tax

>> No.14229345

Normies don't like kids because evolution is killing them off. They are normal fags. At least they aren't producing more of the same. Now we mostly have niggers. The future will be very black. I have 3 white children. But that's a drop in an ocean at this point.

>> No.14229376
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I love kids!

>> No.14229382

Only a liability if you consider money in the bank and status among roasties and fuckboys to be your end goal in life. And the government would rather bring in cheap new immigrants without family baggage and a dying culture, for new debt slaves.

>> No.14229401


>> No.14229412

Spotted the anti-white

Get out

>> No.14229426

>After you die nothing fucking matters, no money, no experiences, fucking nothing


>the only thing that matters is that you survived natural selection and your genes are now being traspassed to the next generation.

Wrong you fucking faggot, go back and read the first thing you wrote. Passing copies of the genes inside your body into another flesh vessel doesn't change the quality or character of being dead forever. You're still fucking dead.

Meanwhile, raising a child is a massive financial drain and decades-long stressgasm that permanently reduces your capacity to feel pleasure in the world. Most old parents will REPORT that they are happier than old childfree people when you ask them directly, but when you assess them indirectly by asking a battery of other questions related to happiness and wellbeing, it consistently turns out that they are more miserable than their childfree peers.

>> No.14229433

Ye retard that’s actually the most important thing, biologically.
You wanna fight biology,fine, but you can’t deny it.

>> No.14229452


First post and best post. I have one kid and a wife. Sometimes I'll see my chad friends (who are in their 30's) and they talk about how great it is to be single and fucking girls from bars.

I'm like what is wrong with u guys?

>> No.14229460

How was that anti-white??!

>> No.14229489

I have 3 and counting. Met an Amish bro at the store yesterday with 14.

That man knows what matters.

>> No.14229500

That sucks anon. As a father of 3 I understand where you come from. Children aren't that expensive though. Also, Women belong in the kitchen, not in an office. I wish the Jews hadn't fucked us over like they did. There's some real long cons going on in society. Having children kind of lights a fire under your ass though. You don't want them growing up to be poor, so you find creative ways to make it.

>> No.14229526

>people know children are a liability
There is literally nothing to gain if you skipped the part where your lineage continues. That's like saying Food gets in the way of your budget for fun.

>> No.14229707

I think is because the arrival of internet. Not sure how, but something deep in our minds is changed after that. Maybe is because we want to do a lot of "cool stuff" like studying, travel, take drugs and have fun without the parent responsibilities. If you think about it, it is always another thing to do before settle down.

Add to this that now, young people are not having sex, this is more radical in japan, but is increasing world wide and is now clearly seen in US.

I have a daughter it wasn't planned their mom was so hot that I can't not stop to fuck her multiple times until finally condom breaks. She doesn't want abortion, but unironically it was the best it happens to my life it changed a lot.

I quit my PhD, focus on crypto mining, and bought a small house on a beach. Now I can see her regularly and she gives me infinite love and make me calm and mature. It is amazing what happen to your life when you put someone else before you, someone to protect and to teach. buddism said something about that.

Kiddo, listen, you will never ready to be a father, no one has ever been. Check with your grandparents, likely tey weren't prepare as your own parents. It just happen and when it does if you affront it, It will trigger something on your brain, like the next step n development something evolution prepare you for generations.

If you don't have a kid you will regret in your later years, cause ask your grandparents there is a third life and that one s related to legacy it is hard to see when you are young because lack of experience.
Sp have sex, have have it tough , make a baby and take responsibility of him ,
you will thank me later.

>> No.14229715

Because of kike mindgames

>> No.14229724

Normies view reproduction and having kids as the most important thing, what the fuck are you talking about?

Having kids is the most brainless NPC thing you can do

>> No.14229732

thank you anon.

>> No.14229734

If nothing matters when you die, why should "continuing my lineage" be important to me?

>> No.14229856

>Is it bad that I consider the only objetive that we are in earth in a so important way?
Yes, you're literally an insect and probably low IQ.

It's usually only low-mid IQ people who view a basic biological function as some lofty noble goal in life. Higher IQ is correlated with more desire to remain childless.

>> No.14229869

>Why the fuck they dont fucking want to reproduce?
Cause the kikes told them not to through all manners of indoctrination because it's better for the political elite to control smaller populations.

>The most important thing in our lives is to have kids, is literally the why we were bornt.
It's not, retard. We're primates, not bumblebees. We exist to build things, plant, hunt, fight, kill and reproduce. We are social political animals.

Bullshit excuses and first world problems. People in Brazilian favelas go and have 16 children.

It used to be normal for the middle class to go and have a dozen children but not so much anymore, nowadays we're all about disconnecting the idea of reproduction from sex and seeking only pleasure pleasure pleasure

We are a bunch of spiritual weaklings

The government has always loved a small population it can control and fuck over, that's why they keep bombarding us with bullshit about how having kids is bad for the environment, literally the most mentally retarded thing fucking imaginable.

>millenials can barely support themselves
Oh no, I got my mommy in debt because I went to college without a bigger career plan in life and now I'm too much of a mental retard to pay for debt that I got myself into.

Yea, this kind of mental retard shouldn't reproduce to begin with.

>more livestock for them to tax
implying money even fucking matters. The only thing that matters is real wealth. They print more money out of fucking thin air and lend to retards like millenials who are then incapable of paying that shit back and loose their houses and cars to the government.

>decades-long stressgasm that permanently reduces your capacity to feel pleasure in the world.
Get a load of this fag

>> No.14229886

>Children aren't that expensive though.
Checked and yeah it's true. Kids are not that expensive.

>> No.14229910

>People in Brazilian favelas go and have 16 children.
Imagine thinking favelas are something to emulate. Thanks for proving "pop out muh kids muhfugga" is literally third world mentality.

>> No.14229936

>Bullshit excuses and first world problems. People in Brazilian favelas go and have 16 children.

Yeah and they ALL end up living a life of crime and getting killed on the streets. But I guess breeders don't care as long as they can shit out more kids

>> No.14229949

>The government has always loved a small population it can control and fuck over
>government also loves importing millions of 3rd world migrants whom they cannot control in order to make up for declining birth rates
makes sense

>> No.14229963

>a massive financial drain and decades-long stressgasm that permanently reduces your capacity to feel pleasure in the world.
Know what I'm going to go at lenght on this one. Imagine being such a massive retarded faggot that you are incapable to provide enough food for a child not to starve and are incapable of just driving them to public school and somehow you are such a giant coward that you don't know how to sit down with your kids and just beat them when they are being little shits like blacks and hispanics do. That's why whiteys are dying out, you fucking retards are so spiritually weak that you manage to pussy out of raising A CHILD, a LITERAL CHILD that HAS TO DO WHAT YOU TELL THEM TO. You have AGENCY AND AUTHORITY over this someone that doesn't even know anything about the world at all and somehow they are making your life stressful, for fuck's sake.

That's probably because the third world is the last place in the world where juden propaganda has not turned all the women into dykes and all the men into faggots who'd rather just bow like kow tow to the fag parade and talk about how harmful children are to the environment instead of getting to fucking and making some children. Mexican catholics and arab muslims are out there having tons of children. You are bowing down to abortions, fags and "global warming".

>> No.14230001

>keeping your genetic line going is npc
>hahahaha let's just cock carousel till I'm 30 and find a desperate/used up fuck like me is patrician

>> No.14230027

>Mexican catholics and arab muslims are out there having tons of children.
And why should I care?

>> No.14230039

I'm brazilian myself so I'm not willing to take the opinions of anglo saxons who have never seen a family where exactly zero members have a furry fetish in consideration, specially with the usage of the word "breeders" like a little hipster tumblr princess who's so high on LGBTfag ideologies that you've become completely verbally retarded, but fact of the matter is that rural areas is "poorer" areas in all the world, independent of the point in history, from here to 50000 years ago, have always had dozens of children before indoctrination arrived and changed everything. And indoctrination hits the poor last, it comes from the elite and goes down, slowly

The big corporations lobby for them to enter the country for their cheap labor, see Ben & Jerry cheerleading for immigration

>> No.14230055

Cause that's your future demographics retard. Get to reproducing right now or enjoy Amexica-Caliphate.

>> No.14230057

The real state shill has changed tactics i see

>> No.14230070

Do you know the names of your 16 great-great grandparents? So it shall be with you, forgotten even by your own flesh and blood.

>> No.14230090

>I'm brazilian myself
Lmao a third worlder lecturing free white people on the importance of having kids. That's rich. What's the matter, are you scared that there won't be any white people in the future for gibs?

Why don't you worry about fixing your own country first before lecturing people?

>> No.14230102
File: 101 KB, 1480x818, global-fertility-rates-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not about race or economics.

It is the internet effect (4chan is a great example)
Spend more time in this board that having kids.

>> No.14230116

fertility was on the peak with the boomers
if you look before they have the same rate than now
go back to the victorian era and research

why it was on the peak with the boomers and not before or after ? because they sold the world to the jews

>> No.14230137

>free white people
As free as a bird, can't even wear a red cap in public and not get punched in the face for being a "meanie" by other WHITES who have been brainwashed by the juden so hard they have zero sense of community or national identity anymore.

I don't need this shit, yankee, I'm hispanic. I'm speaking for your sake. You retards have been convinced that feel good dopamine-releasing "I'm such a goodie and everyone is a meanie" ideologies are more important than anything in the world, and it will be your downfall if you allow it

>> No.14230192

Shut the fuck up pablo. You don't speak for me at all. Access to white people's tax dollars is NOT a human right.

Why can't you stay in your own country and fix it instead of moving to white countries and getting mad that white people are enjoying their lives instead of shitting out enough children to fund your children's welfare checks? Why can't you fix your own problems first?

>> No.14230272

I myself would only live my country dragged. Go to your country and for what? To get into companies where they force you to take diversity classes? Or maybe have your kids bow like muslims and write down that muslim's faith is greater than Christian's at school? Or maybe be arrested for not using the correct pronouns as the entire first world transforms into San Francisco?

Fuck the first world, you faggots got pimped by jews and enjoyed it. You keep complaining about the flood of immigrants and the jewry and the mass indoctrination, but WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT?

>> No.14230292

When did he say he's anti white? You're completely retarded, not better than a nigglet.

>> No.14230367

>I myself would only live my country dragged
Then stay there and worry about your third world country problems instead of lecturing white people living in more developed societies. Stop moving here to leech off white people's productive work if you hate it so much. Stop thinking you're in any position to tell white people what to do. You aren't white and you never will be no matter how much you LARP on /pol/

Thanks for proving my point that "muh kids muhfugga" is a literal third world R-selected strategy, though. I think a Brazilian is probably the last person I'd take advice from when it comes to building a stable, safe country.

>> No.14230377


>> No.14230394

kids are expensive though

>> No.14230413


>> No.14230428

>Stop thinking you're in any position to tell white people what to do.
Oh but I am. Cause we are superior to you, crime and all. We are out here having dozens of children, being catholic (which is a real religion) and you're never gonna find a mexican with a diaper/furry/cuckold fetish. You guys are so stable that in 2008 your economy shat the bed and everybody got kicked out of the jobs they held for 15 years. So safe you're a constant target for terrorism. And so morally tight that your entire youth has bizarro fetishes and has disconnected sex from reproduction.

Get a grip.

>> No.14230436

Who can disagree other than modern degenerates? Science and religion will both tell you that your only real purpose in this world is to pass on your genes.

>> No.14230480
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>we are superior to you
Then why do you care if we don't have kids?

Oh yeah because you need productive whites to keep funding your welfare checks, pablo. Stop pretending you're completely selfless in begging white people to have kids. We both know what really motivates you (gibs)

>> No.14230504

>Then why do you care if we don't have kids?
Because you don't know how much I hate jews (long story). If you knew how much, if you could feel my hatred, you'd start fucking a white girl and having white babies right now.

If the jews lose, doesn't matter who wins, I win.

>> No.14230551

I don't give a shit about how much you hate jews, I care about my quality of life.

Have fun with your 12 kids in your favela.

>> No.14230563
File: 240 KB, 1368x1688, 7bc9dd635922cabd72be33b66cdf8493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need i remind you the freedom you are throwing away? lol faggots

>> No.14230567

Have fun throwing "white couple" on google images

>> No.14230626

I have kids and its a fucking lot of hard work taking care of the little shits, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. Once you have them, that's when you realize your purpose. I can't blame these guys, they have no idea and probably never will, I never thought I would have them myself. You will never understand true love until you have your children though.

>> No.14231067

I've noticed not only more people saying they can't have kids, but more people saying they don't like kids.
Usually it's because they, themselves, are kids in adult bodies. And they don't like sharing with other kids.

>> No.14231721
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>> No.14231841

I wish I could have a kid but I'm a failed normie, it will never happen. Because of that I focus on other things.

>> No.14231919

Lmao this world is pure hell and we are headed for complete destruction of society yet niggers in this thread still breed like rabbits, fucking top kek

>> No.14231936

Truth hurts

>> No.14232180
File: 3 KB, 125x111, 1559927170613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y u guys worry so much?

First you gotta worry to "have sex"

Good luck competing with Chad and Tyronne that each have 1000 insta followers

Also r u readin PUA shit? Hows your charisma loser? Abandunce mentality ?

Sex is hard to get incel fucks

>> No.14232891

>You have AGENCY AND AUTHORITY over this someone that doesn't even know anything about the world at all and somehow they are making your life stressful

>> No.14232929

suck my dick fag

>> No.14233133

That almost perfectly describes the current state of Japan

>> No.14233661

Women listen to modern media telling they kids are bad. They perpetuate it among themselves. Men do not stand up and tell them otherwise because they are cucked faggots. There are monetary issues but it is more from the view that "i need money to continue taking holidays/buying handbags" and not that they are actually poor.

The worst part is this board probably thinks it is the women that have caused this, and it is partially correct - but we let male-female dynamics swing too far the other way. I also imagine that this board thinks that having kids in a traditional household where kids are wanted consists of a lot of the woman doing "kid stuff" and the guy being the bread winner. Guess what, even when they want to be traditional they need to be led. Women are not even "good" for raising kids. See all the single mother households and how badly that turns out. They need male leadership for pretty much everything.