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14227021 No.14227021 [Reply] [Original]

Craig Wright was present in FL for mediation. Case did not settle. Friday, Craig has to appear before the judge (possibly before 2 judges). Sanctions and possible contempt charges are on the table.

>> No.14227032

*Friday 28th

>> No.14227043

This all doesn't smell good.

>> No.14227051
File: 968 KB, 245x207, tumblr_m0h71moHO21qg8cumo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge Coin wins. calvin and craig lose

>> No.14227073

dude is gonna raise hell if he wins just sayin

>> No.14227074


>> No.14227119

Even one said hurr Durr he's going to jail and I was like no family it's just mediation, nothing will happen and they won't settle

Exactly what happened

>> No.14227156

The fact that this could not be mediated today means that Creg Satoj Wright and his lawyers did not have a smoking gun to make their case. Kleiman legal is going in for the killshot next.

>> No.14227166


>> No.14227184

>Creg Satoj Wright and his lawyers did not have a smoking gun
kek - they haven't got a cock to piss with

>> No.14227213

>The fact that this could not be mediated today means that (the late) Kleiman and his lawyers did not have a smoking gun to make their case. Craig legal is going in for the killshot next.

>> No.14227216

There won't be any jail, though. They'll most likely find a way to mediate in the end, and that's it.

>> No.14227255

>likely find a way to mediate in the end
the claim is (however ludicrously) for $5B tho, and creg literally don't have a leg to stand on. If he goes before a Judge? hes getting fucking jailed. srs, what's he got to offer, Calvins gold-plated colon ?

>> No.14227262

Doge wins three times a day everyday. craig loses and Doge wins

>> No.14227266

I believe he'll wriggle out of this somehow. He's backed by the globohomo after all.

>> No.14227329


>> No.14227359

All you nigger shills said he'd be fucked and arrested when he showed up to court and that he wouldn't show. Well that didn't happen but keep beliebing he is going to be shot in the street.

>> No.14227386

He hasn't been near a fucking court, you retard. The next ACTUAL sitting, like with a Judge and stuff ? would be 28th. And he seemed to be claiming himself, he was going to bodyswerve that. Lets just wait and see

>> No.14227417

nig-nog he was required to show up today to mediate by demand of the judge, and he did.

>> No.14227443

blabla - idk where the mediation was, whether in courthouse, or whatever. Its not an actual court session tho, nor has creg showed much inclination to date to be present for one of those. ACTUAL sessions can get complicated, like, contempt and stuff. tldr, hes not fucking stupid enough to think being before an actual judge would end well for him

>> No.14227466

And the judge sat craig down and made him admit that Doge wins and calvin is a smelly carpet louse

>> No.14227472

nice id, you should try it sometime

>> No.14227498

now, thats not nice
see, in mediation? you can't go round saying nasty things like that, nope. Otherwise, you'll just be pissing people off, peple who you owe $5B and have it in their hands to see you being jaild for contempt. And perjury. And fuck knows what else. So, get to fucking sucking already, there a good boy

>> No.14227530

CSW doesn't owe anyone shit unless he is actually Satoshi, this is what is so funny, shills say he needs to pay Ira what he owes. Well how the fuck does he owe anything unless he is Satoshi and has a million coins?

>> No.14227601
File: 22 KB, 882x211, Creg TV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well how the fuck does he owe anything unless he is Satoshi and has a million coins?
It's Creg TV, a clown world

>> No.14227607

Turns out Craig is going to get his case dismissed. I wonder what he said or did rather to sway the cunt Judge. Let's be honest, she doesn't care in the least bit about Craig's BS antics but for some reason she sealed the addresses he provided and is probably not going to reveal them as per Wright's request. He knew he couldn't so he took the cowards way out. Now the street shitting shills will say "buh buh but they didn't prove he ISN'T satoj!" fucking sad.

>> No.14227653

The assets that Daves co. (W&K) created got transferred to creg, this later formed quasi the basis of nChain. That is indisputable, a fact which cannot be claimed of the 'signatures' on the asset transfer contract. And none of that has anything to do with satoshi, thats creg muddying the waters, for (presumably) a plausible explanation as to how he (eventually) ends up owning a shitload of bitcoin. But this actual FL case itself, again, satoshi, was/is creg or not - this was always (at most) a tangential issue

>> No.14228443

Out of interest I heard that Dave had 350K BTC...is that the assets that Creg is using?

Further, why would Dave & Creg form a trust together and why would Dave complicate his life by putting his assets into this trust?

No bully - trying to figure this out.

>> No.14228505

in the end i think what will happen is Aye will have to pay the Kleins like 100,000 BTC, or something like that. just so they can walk away saying "Craig is Satoshi confirmed!" sure it will fool a lot of dumb money, but you have to remember thats the target audience for the whole BSVschitzo scam anyways. BSV was never about getting smart money involved. its a ponzi, and Ayre has enough money to make the ponzi semi-look like its "legit" - and thats how this case will end. Ayre will pay for it all since craig has something like less than 60k BTC to his name. of course crypto twitter will shoot every single piece of bullshit that craig and ayre ever try to pull down, but that doesnt matter to these degenerate scammers. they dont care what anyone thinks about them since they are already rich. the sad part about society is that weak ignorant ppl NEED someone to lead them, and CSW is that figurehead leading the dumb money all the way to bankruptcy.

the whole thing is fucked but it sure is fun to watch

>> No.14228591

i think we're all going to find out that the trust doesnt exist come 2020 when none of the satoshi wallets have any coins ever moved from them.
there are thousands of bots that are dedicated to watching those satoshi wallets and all of them are programmed to market sell BTC when even 1 BTC is moved from any of them.

what will really bake your noodle is that IF those wallets were in a trust, you'd expect the blind trust custodian to make new wallets and hold those keys themselves. but that didnt happen so its a major red flag that the trust doesnt exist at all.

its really really hard to commit any kind of fraud when theres a public ledger available to shut your lies down. and thats been the case with craig. he even used an old public signature from a satoshi tx to verify his identity. anyone could have copy and pasted that satoshi signature, and thats exactly what craig did.

u gotta remember that craig isnt going thru this public humiliation of being outted as a scammer for nothing. the man was in debt to his eyeballs. his life was in financial ruin until ayre bank rolled him for the purpose of pushing the scam that craig is satoshi.

its a lot of drama to wrap your head around but if you can manage to sort it all out, you have a really good chance of never having owned any BSV. which is a smart financial decision.

>> No.14228593

Kleimans lawyers won't allow that because it'll make it look like they lost the case.

>> No.14228599

the issue is, no-one really knows what or what not assets Dave actually had - which is a large part of why Ira got frustrated dealing with creg and went to court in the first place. And as to 'Trusts' Dave may (or may not have) signed his assets over to - its basically only cregs word and a few dodgy documents (where Daves signature was inarguably forged etc) which bear witness to this. We just don't know, but, a lot of it sure smells odd. And if creg actually knows how many Bitcoin Dave had, or has access to them, he's not saying

>> No.14228602

i hope you are right and that craig really does go to jail over this for at least 5 years.

>> No.14228689

But you just said>>14228505 Ayre is going to pay the Kleimans 100K BTC. If Ayre has the capital for that, and the scam is even somewhat successful, wouldn't owning some BSV be a smart financial decision? Riding scam waves is all anyone is doing on this board anyway.

>> No.14228757

i'll give you the scam wave point.
im currently riding quite a few myself.
but riding a scam wave that is entirely blatant and so overwhelmingly obvious, i just cant do.

if RSR, LIT, EQL, are scams then i guess im riding them to take a 10x and just buy more LINK and ETH. i think BSV is much more risky. but only time will tell. hard to believe that any actual financial institution would adopt BSV like the marketing propaganda seems to be suggesting. but whatever. everyone has different risk tolerances. if it floats your boat, buy it i guess, just remember to wear a life jacket.

>> No.14229669

this whole case is a cringefest
my only wish was for BSVishnus to stop flooding and spamming the board with their 'threats' and shitposting
I can already see the 2020 threads about how the trust unlocks december and their doomsday device will surely implode the whole market

>> No.14229728

you have no idea what you're reading idiot. craig asked for the documents to be sealed, the judge denied and ordered him to be present in the court. he showed up with the documents and the court sealed them as originally requested. Kleinman's family has conceded that either Dave, Craig or both mined the coins but the documents remained sealed. this is in favor of craig wright retard. stay mad kikestream

>> No.14229801

>there are actual anons who bought into the craig/bsv narrative, metaphorical and literal