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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 2000x2001, Libra-Stablecoin-Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14222169 No.14222169 [Reply] [Original]

This is the end of crypto as we know it. A stable coin with a value fixed to FIAT and the ability to market itself to billions of people through Facebook instantly. The ability to create partnerships with the likes of Amazon and fast implementation of the coin payment to Facebook owned companies. This is the answer to all of the big problems with crypto.

Its just bad for trading. No moon missions. Probably not possible to trade it on any exchanges. Facebook can see everything you do with your money.

Facebook is now the bank of the world.


>> No.14222181

Pretty much

>> No.14222194

It will use QNT, or a whitelabelled version of it.
Screencap this.

>> No.14222205

Why would i use this instead of dai or usd

Op is a RETARD

>> No.14222231

>Crypto as we knownit is ded for the 1k time
Zucc and his banker overlords will soon realize what its like to be in crypto country. Not even zucci boy will make it in our turf

>> No.14222235

Just FUD the shit outta it. It's obvious that this is going to be used to data mine anyone who uses it.

>> No.14222250


Because if you use USD you cant send automatic notifications to all of your "friends" about your purchase through facebook and get those likes.

Imagine having your bank account being part of your whole online persona!!

>> No.14222298

It's a stable coin, you're not supposed to buy it. Your transactions on credit cards instead cycle through it and link to any social media (and eventually browsing history) to make a massive ad revenue profile and sell that. At no point do they want users to interact with the coin, it's an easily audited software to make ad profiles.

>> No.14222299
File: 608 KB, 801x603, Ben_Dover_KYC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to fud shit to people who use FB ?
they already literally cgaf

>> No.14222300
File: 55 KB, 525x873, 638274f9b5a8d3a04e332966830ad07a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's obvious that this is going to be used to data mine anyone who uses it.

everyone gonna use it anyway.

Facebook is a data mine already and nobody gives a fuck. Your personal details are already owned by facebook so its only a small step for them to start spying with your finances.

>> No.14222303

Every single bank, and payment processor is already on board. This is the institutional investors you faggots have been talking about for the last year and a half.

Institutional investors have official killed crypto. We live in Facebooks world now.

>> No.14222305

No one under the age of 30 is really using pleb book anymore. it has become a boomer hive

>> No.14222342

the future belongs to visionaries like jack Dorsey, even if he is a massive libcuck and wants to censor conservacucks out of twitter.

>> No.14222353

It will come down to 2 coins at the end. BSV & LIBRA.

>> No.14222367
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>> No.14222369

Imagine having to post a picture of your benis to buy a coffee

>> No.14222416

CSW VS the mark (Zuckerberg) of beast. The playing field is happening

>> No.14222439
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>> No.14222481

Wrong. The future unironically belongs to the crypto anarchists and neets and I’m not joking

>> No.14222497

Not even Satoshi can stand up against Facebook. Crypto as we know it is over. Enjoy having all your finances shut down for wrong think.

>> No.14222501

I hope you are right

>> No.14222526

But this is not really crypto
This is just Facebook tokens that you can transfer to USD
No fucking bank is going to allow 1:1 exchange for this shit

>> No.14222561

So it’s not a crypto then. It’s more like paypal or venmo

>> No.14222584

Zoomers don't use social media like that anymore.
Just verifies once again facebook is for an older demographic. That demographic has money though.

>> No.14222585

what a shame. the whole idea of decentralization , cutting out the banks, the people having control of their money. it was all for naught.

>> No.14222606

just like all ancap dreams
pure illusion

>> No.14222659

but no one under 20 has facebook anymore in the first world. this is going to be the money of the 3rd world. all those places where facebook IS the internet.

>> No.14222691

Nah, bad goys are gonna use Bitcoin. Fuck Zucker Kike.

>> No.14222703
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>> No.14222714

Absolutely not. Even though they attempt decentralization by having members, all the members will be mega corporations that will actually spy on you the entire time. This is a shit attempt at a decentralized blockchain system and will fail.

>> No.14222717

So buying facebook stocks is literally like buying central bank stocks. A no brainer if you ask me. The only reason i am hesitating right now is because ((they)) probably might split facebook or regulate them to death. If nothing happens we can pretty much assume that (((they))) are already in, and that there is nothing better in the world then owning facebook stocks.

>> No.14222722

>So it's not a crypto then
>It's more like paypal or venmo
No, you won't pay with it. Your credit card will pay with it when you charge for items, to audit your transactions and have immutable logs of who bought what. It's more like Big Brother.

>> No.14222751

So wtf is this shit bringing to the table that btc or other crypto don't? If anything zuccoin has more downsides.

>> No.14222786

anyone who uses FB or maintains an account is subhuman. Not even meming.
As soon as I find a person who unironically uses FB in my circle, thats not a person to me anymore.

>> No.14222816


>> No.14222830

How many times has Bitcoin been declared dead? It comes back stronger every time.

>> No.14222857

I don't even understand the use case for this beyond the public ledger. Stablecoins main use case is to provide liquidity to non-pegged cyrptos and to quickly enter/exit markets with exposing yourself to tax liabilities from crypto-fiat trades and vice versa. Why not just use FIAT for whatever Libra does, the infrastructure exists and works well for it already?

>> No.14222881

It is a bubble machine
There will be more bubbles, but it is still just bubbles

>> No.14222882

see >>14222298 and >>14222722

You're not the market for this coin, you're the product. It's not meant to be purchased it's meant to be used behind the scenes to create profiles and transaction logs to sell to marketers and governments. That's why they partnered with major credit card companies and also designed the coin not to increase in value (stable coin), the credit card companies are the ones using the coin behind the scenes and they all split profits on the data.

>> No.14222995

For the encryption meme.

>> No.14223040

yeah but this is a massive game-changer that potentially makes all other crypto-related currencies obsolete. why the fuck would amazon accept bitcoin and risk losing value tomorrow when they could just accept libra like the dollars they do now?

>> No.14223063

Trips confirms this
This would no doubt push qnt hard, low 2 figures minimum

>> No.14223095

But very strong encryption exists for online payments already, I seriously doubt the average person could explain the difference between 256 bit encryption and the encryption offered by crypto. You'd have a hard time convincing anyone to go through the effort of converting from FIAT to libra for that

>> No.14223117

based data vampires

>> No.14223140

>they could just accept libra
they wont, for the same reason they will never accept Paypal n sheeit. Too many shekels headed elsewhere then

>> No.14223164

fuck your crypto jew ...goy. be a bull get prepped by girly fancy lads from the UK before you drill that tried old ipo again. you know its been around the block and not worth your time but its 2 am and the bar is almost empty

some one said there might be traction on deescalation in the trade war with china maybe. so go all in what are you waiting for . the time to decide your fate is now. do you want to be homeless in a month having wasted rent money or do you want to ask what could have been because you were to busy with crypto ?


>> No.14223188

wtf are you even on about?

>> No.14223205
File: 266 KB, 1045x1920, 1531611024465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi Anon I heard you have some libras and since you are such a good friend I was wondering if you can pay my Facebook Premium ™ this month because I kinda went overboard with my money this weekend

>> No.14223228

bong 'girls' in bars @ 2 a.m. = bad idea
can confirm

>> No.14223249

>everyone gonna use it anyway.
i dont think so. i think libra coin will fail.

>> No.14223250


>> No.14223265
File: 474 KB, 2250x3000, 1557229485796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting mine out there now.

>> No.14223284

You fucking retard, Bitcoin is a public ledger. They can blacklist everyone who uses bitcoin and refuses the zuck buck world order.

Crypto is finished. The experiment has failed.

>> No.14223303

>massive influx of normie money
>average joes FOMOing
>"we're just gonna like... not take that money"

kek wtf

>> No.14223305

Facts: it’s going to be private and secure, because this is Zuckerbergs apology

Suckerberg will find some way to monetized it don’t worry probably a added fee

He’s got literally the greatest minds on Earth handling it all 180IQ minimum so they’ll wreck any crew out there

This is finally the mark of the beast, hell yeah!

>> No.14223311
File: 57 KB, 650x650, bitcoinyoung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14223320

that's obviously what is going to happen. so the alternative to the Jew World Order will have to be built by supporters of crypto-currency. these parallel economies will not be allowed to interact, but would they even want to?

>> No.14223339

How will zuccoin be a good hedge against the inflationary characteristic of central bank issued currencies? BTC and other cryptocurrencies will already outperform the banks in this.

>> No.14223347

Mark of the Beast

>> No.14223353

Do people still use Facebook?

>> No.14223359

sure thing but you're gonna have to do some weird stuff for that money...nothing out of the ordinary,certainly nothing you haven't done already

>> No.14223376

>Mark Zuckerberg
>Mark of the Beast


>> No.14223383

It can't fail. Everything will be done AT LAUNCH.Not a fucking whitepaper. No three years wait for a shitty beta. When they open up for token sale it is ready to go and from there it can't fail.
People don't use it? What the fuck it's basically free to run. If people buy their tokens? Great! $10b more to the Berg. Nothing fucking matters..
>fucking data mining with a bonus chance for a couple of billions

>> No.14223385

So this effectively is just another ICO scam?

Saw enough of this shit in 2017.

>> No.14223435

I just finished reading the white paper and that was the first question I had. The answer is the fiat exchanged for Libra will be invested into low-risk assets like bonds that will yield interest to cover the loss of fiat value over time

>> No.14223441

Does this mean we finally have a way to tether without tether?

>> No.14223448

Summary of Revelations regarding MoB
The mark of the Beast is associated with the number of the Beast, 666, and the name of the Beast in Revelation 13:17 Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

>> No.14223453

So it will barely keep up with inflation?

>> No.14223465

>low risk assets like bonds


>> No.14223485


To normies, isnt this just itchy and scratchy dollars?
What would you even buy on facebook?
Do kids still use facebook?

>> No.14223487
File: 49 KB, 807x439, bonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will do even worse than that. many government bonds are now yielding negative rates of interest

>> No.14223510

I think that’s the idea yeah. Honestly it would make more sense to include deflationary assets like BTC and gold in the basket of currencies Libra will be pegged to as an extra hedge but this isn’t really about a stable currency. It’s about big brother shoving his cock even further into us.

>> No.14223513

Yes, and this one will actually be backed by real non-crypto assets

>> No.14223537

Kek. That’s how it’s worded in the white paper

>> No.14223539

That's the thing, the imf is already hinting at negative interest rates. You would be losing wealth value by holding this or any other fiat. Essentially, libra unlike bitcoin and eth is dependent on the central banks.

>> No.14223544

>visionaries like jack Dorsey
>implying segshit coin is better than kikebookcoin

>> No.14223552

Makes sense, you'd need to be a brainlet to use it though.

>> No.14223565

By visionary I mean he understands the importance of bitcoin and decentralized currencies

>> No.14223582
File: 142 KB, 987x782, GlobalistCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also this unironic(?) beauty:
>reputable central banks

>> No.14223589

Doesnt matter when it will be done, I still think it will ultimately fail. This is Facebook's last grasp at becoming relevant again, and it won't work.

>> No.14223591

Don’t think of it as a “Facebook coin.” Think of Facebook (the CIA/Mossad) using their power and influence to fund a separate philanthropy project

Lol never underestimate just how incredibly fucking stupid normies are

>> No.14223593

>immutable logs
Except not, because this isn't like Bitcoin. Its centralized and can be easily mutable.

>> No.14223620

So... Will Bitcoin become the myspace of Cryptocurrencies, or will it take off as more people are exposed to them?

>> No.14223631

It will end up excluding whites and be used to attack whites

>> No.14223648

of course. it's why they're desperate to get people out of banks/physical cash and into digital "money". even a normie might start to ask questions if he notices he's being charged directly to store his money. but wealth confiscation through stealth (inflation) they can typically get away with until they own the lot

>> No.14223650


>> No.14223658


>> No.14223666

in a highly unusual turn of events, our purchasing power will be destroyed through inflation and redistributed in the form of hand-outs to niggers.

>> No.14223687

I'm thankful for it. Crypto has always been about rejecting normies and the banks, and there will be more of a demand for it now that Facebook exposes the idea to people, but leaving the room open for cryptos which are not establishment shillcoins. Basically, it's free publicity for what not to do.

>> No.14223700

Brainlet here, I think it will increase in value for a long time, then crash, then stabilize, or something along those lines.

>> No.14223703

soon so many normies will use this that you have no way to avoid it.

>> No.14223706

There are a lot of chuckles to be had throughout. I enjoyed reading it though for the same reason I’m enjoying reading The Fourth Industrial Revolution. They’re telling you exactly what they’re going to do, how the economics will work and how power will be structured.

Watch the video on libra.org. It’s all in Africa and Latin America

>> No.14223709
File: 597 KB, 677x1002, facebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth is... the game was rigged from the start.

>> No.14223717

what about whatsapp?

>> No.14223770

>g-guys? have you librated up yet?

>> No.14223785

Instagram it's where it's at right now. Young people don't feel mega spied on and censored there, eventhough they are to some degree.

>> No.14223795

How deep do you want to go?

>> No.14223816

all the way

>> No.14223828

facebook wanted to be a bank for many years. they wanted to do it with their facebook points or whatever the fuck that shit is called.

maybe they had troubles getting others on board. why should amazon support facebook points? it would have been a huge power grab by facebook. now, as more are involved it might even get some traction.

i hope this goes nowhere, but you should never underestimate the reterdness of normies. the best outcome is if normies just continue to use their credit card out of habit.

>> No.14223829

explain to a brainlet. zuck stole facebook?

>> No.14223833

MarkoftheBeastCoin! Proof of (burned at the) Stake, for heretics.

>> No.14223897

>private nodes

>> No.14223918

Zuck is a plant, and the template was either stolen, or trialed, internally within the companies owned by the occult before it was pushed as a weapon to funnel into AI to create an artificial sentience which they will use to manage their transhumanist 'ascendancy', as promised by the devils that they communicate with using DMT. Thing is, they're being played.

>> No.14223929

Hope isn't over yet we just need to challenge Facebook by trying to use BAT or buying the market again.

>> No.14223941

Can someone explain the etymology of this?

>> No.14223982

It's a stablecoin, so it will do nothing of the sort. They want to facilitate money transfer, but bypass fiat. This is a trial for the new global credit system they want to role out with their globalist government. Thing is, they need a middle-man (LINK) to query data, like pricing, for this to happen. They will either make it themselves, or use a pre-existing system. Probably the latter.

>> No.14224030

>a company all about control will use a system by someone else
sure thing, buddy.

>> No.14224099
File: 77 KB, 500x800, 114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we told you crypto crappers what was going to happen. There was ZERO chance (((they))) would let bitcoin live once it became a threat. Instead just replace it with something they can control.

Zuck personally destroyed crypto. The game is up.

>> No.14224169

If you had been paying attention to the thread you would know facecoin is not a replacement for crypto

>> No.14224199

Yep pretty much

>> No.14224210
File: 134 KB, 760x960, oFVF9T1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please explain
I'm new to the whole ordeal and am concerned about this: >>14223620

>> No.14224294

Just read the thread, short version is libra is just a conglomerate of currencies and other bank issued assets. We put dollar values to cryptocurrencies but in reality 1BTC=1BTC, 1ETH=1ETH, but 1 libra =whatever state the currency/bank/government its pegged to is currently at.

>> No.14224315

This guy makes a better argument than I did

>> No.14224362
File: 162 KB, 1893x944, disgraceful_misinformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it's disgusting

>> No.14224534

Its quite literally replacing crypto. Just because there are people too stupid on /biz/ to realize it doesn't make it any less true.

>> No.14224631

Imo, Amazon has the last word. Even the secret services seem to be using their servers. If Amazon steps into this then you know it's over, until then it's maybe.

>> No.14224635

I don't think there will be a token sale? It's a 1:1 peg, you won't get rich by investing in Libra.

>> No.14224663

kek ok keep the fud going boomer. You have clearly made up your mind, you must have bought the top of the 17 bubble

>> No.14224725

it doesn't change the value proposition of btc at all. btc is still the best uncorrelated hedge against monetary policy because of its high security and scarcity. if anything this will just get more people comfortable with crypto, if it doesn't run into years of regulatory hurdles and die before ever becoming widely used. the fact that it is a stablecoin based on fiat makes it complementary with btc not dilutive

>> No.14224851

Some times I wish bitcoin wasn't this unstable, makes it risky for an investment.

>> No.14225003

kek. it's not replacing crypto. crypto isn't a payment currency, it's a gambling market. it's not going away over this shit.

>> No.14225068

people want to gamble and they want moon missions, hence nothing is going away.
there will always be promises above what libra can and will do (BSV with their metanet for example) and therefore always pump&dumps.

>> No.14225171

If you weren't a smoothbrain you'd know it wasn't about control, it's about querying data.Does Facebook control the manufacture of their computers, or design the code and software that they use?

>> No.14225232
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>tied to fiat
Guys, I like you, but some of you are really really stupid

>> No.14225303


>> No.14225378

This. Brainlets keep forgetting

>> No.14225437
File: 186 KB, 861x877, 382BBAEF-8DA2-4A48-8CE7-80F7A42DB640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14225449

big news for niggers

>> No.14225458

you're the brainlet moron. Fiat is not meant to hoard.. inflation exists so you invest or spend it to make the economy work. It's also extremely stable over short periods of time. Even with inflation it's more stable than any crypto.

>> No.14225468

Libra wont' be tied to your facebook profile people. 2 separate entities.

>> No.14225497
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kek I don't even know how to respond to this

>> No.14225514
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you insufferable faggot. inflation exists because a small cabal of (((central planners))) have decided they and they alone deserve your wealth

>> No.14225535

>normies use kikebook
if they are over 50, yes
>ib4 instajew

>> No.14225571

>muh gold standard
there is a reason why developped nations got rid of it. it wasn't working. with a deflationary currency you would be able to hoard it but unfortunately you wouldn't have a job to begin with because the economy would be fucked.

>> No.14225574
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don't try to explain communists that they live in communism. They can't get it and if they get it, it breaks the system, no controlled revolutionary impulse is no religion is dead to the institutional myth

>> No.14225587

>slight inflation = communism
the absolute state of biz brainlets

>> No.14225592

too late to the market

BTC already has won
even XRP has been more developed out than libra will ever be

>> No.14225594

Oh, I thought that state currencies inflate because governments spend outside of the extremely generous means they allow themselves by taxing the people, so they print more money to inflate their way out of debt, robbing us not of our dollars, but by allowing us to hold them and extracting the value through inflation, they tax us twice for their ineptitude.

>> No.14225606
File: 32 KB, 300x400, xF7dHbFkPON6LZr6NM3nZPCz52Rs22HR_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I call him a brainlet that will show him
there is no point in arguing with religious people, only chopping of heads works

>> No.14225622

governments dont print money. get your econ101 first.

>> No.14225642

the British Empire was built on the stability provided by the gold standard. it was suspended solely because International Jews found that they couldn't finance wars when constrained by it

>> No.14225644

zoomers are all over instagram though

>> No.14225645

Ask yourself who originally owns all the libra. How many billions is it worth.

>> No.14225666

*inclines headware*

>> No.14225680

>believing story telling propagated by marketeers
sheep never fail to amaze

>> No.14225726

>look at that cunt who doesn't understand why central banks were created.
There are 2 things we want to avoid at all cost: hyperinflation and deflation. It was hell during the great depression and abolishing the gold standard did its job.

>> No.14225732

so I'm guessing you have other reliable sources then? *cough* let me doubt it *cough*

>> No.14225762

Ah I see. So the notes worth 50,000 bolivar just out of the sky when hyperinflation hit Venezuela. Wtf are you talking about? The definition of the word “currency” connotation a system of money issued by a nation.

>> No.14225788


>> No.14225803
File: 8 KB, 249x202, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to setup a crypto crowdfund to get this kike whacked

>> No.14225825

the numbers are easy to derive from public data, and if you include demographic data you can see the "growth" potential of the sugarjews bubble

>> No.14225830
File: 82 KB, 850x400, ben shalom bernanke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>federal reserve established 1913
>great depression caused by federal reserve: 1929-1939

>> No.14225836

Who the fuck other than BOOMER fucks use assbook? LMAO. Boomer fucks will never use crypto they love their stocks 'n bonds. Fuck assbook and lmao @boomer fucks who think some starving ethiopians are dying to fax their passports to assbook to get KYC and start buying libre coins. Wow, normally I know shitty normie fag stuff is retarded but will still be hyped up. But this is just straight up retarded and will be a complete flop. No one wants to use this crap instead of actual dollars.

>> No.14225868

This shit will be the new tether. Illuminatis will come up with a massive FUD with BTC to buy it extremely cheap, then they will pump it with libra like hell!! Same story over and over again.

>> No.14225878


>> No.14225887

>inb4 many people gets scammed

>> No.14225888

the only money the government really creates is due to the process of notes and coin creation. these forms of money, however, exist to facilitate the use of bank accounts. that is, they’re not issued directly to consumers, but rather are distributed through the banking system as bank customers need these forms of money. if the government “prints” anything you could say they print treasury bonds, which are securities, not money. the entire concept of the government “printing money” is generally a misportrayal by the mainstream media and brainlets.

>> No.14225898

hello sir, this is us gov tax department, u will be arrest soon if you do not transfer 1,000 libra token to our us gov public key. yes. yes, we will walk you through buying process.

>> No.14225900

Boomers use it to give a way their data for free, black head seos use it to put Boomers more in debt and trolls use it to fuck with the sugarjew

>> No.14225908

facebook creating its own ad-based token shows how huge the market is. Brave has their own browser, not just some social website that nobody uses anymore except for boomers

>> No.14225939

Checked. And, after they mint these forms of money, is the total circulation supply larger or smaller than it was prior to their minting? Take your time answering this. If I have 10 dollars, and then I print another dollar... is it more? Or less? Take as much time as you need

>> No.14225942
File: 66 KB, 504x404, fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember me?

>> No.14226022


Yeah, before that you and to use a service called youtube. Now everyone just uses assbook watch. LMAO.

>> No.14226028

But how do you make money off this information, anyone got ideas?

>> No.14226097
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1558747336550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glow harder FBI loser

>> No.14226123

I don't get why they made it a stable coin. And its not even the dollar. So you buy this shit, "libra coins," say for $20 then later you check and its say $18.89 or something because the mexican peso dipped or something. Dumb fuck normies are not going to understand this, lmao, and are going to call assbook support asking where their money is.

>> No.14226157



nice try mr glow in the dark