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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14223738 No.14223738 [Reply] [Original]

There is a reason (((they))) let you guys have LINK. Yes, you will get moderately rich, but the money you make is going to be tied up in their new system, and everything you do will be tracked. So your only options will be 1. Take the money and be a good goy for the rest of your life or 2. Continue fighting.

>> No.14223767

3. exchange crypto for gold

>> No.14223776

Have sex incel

>> No.14223814

I don't give a fuck desu I just want to be rich
What are they gonna do? Lock me up for using my crypto bux to buy a 4chan pass?

>> No.14223853
File: 54 KB, 679x970, 11076CAD-D667-4C72-93EC-A3F5B824112C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In reality, they are the ones doing shady off the book shit (drugs, arms and human trafficking). Blockchain is what will force them to play fair and comply with The Law....all while we goyem profit off the technology enabling that transparency, by virtue of early adoption and entry into the 4th Industrial Revolution.

These cunts are going to have a bunch of new eite to contend with. And we arent interested in joining their inbred pedophile club.

>> No.14223869
File: 62 KB, 1000x816, 8EF0C887-E844-4DC2-9AD0-3D2725A7F172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes goy. You will be much better off a poorfag.

>> No.14223894


>> No.14223900

This, this is a shift in a balance of power that was for the longest time in their favor. Thr know they don't have mucb time.

>> No.14223992

Wow if only we had a great privacy currency like I dunno Monero. Weak fud desu.

>> No.14224025

Yes (("""'''they""'"'')))
Your disease is called schizophrenia sirs

>> No.14224122

I've only got 200 of em

>> No.14224287

They can track me as I fund white nationalist legal funds and start helping people sue the shit out of their illegal organizations.

>> No.14224680

Does gold ring at airport security doors?
Asking for my ass hole.

>> No.14224697

Interesting new schizo fud, thx

>> No.14225492

4. Place your Link with Coinbase or some other company and earn passive income each month while your stack goes up in value as adoption sets in. I call this get paid while you Hodl..

>> No.14225816

Right. The Jew is the eternal middleman. Only taking, never producing. Their power will get reqt

>> No.14226133

Well, all we need is to make it, then we can cash out into cold hard gold.

>> No.14226247

But i didn't fall for the link meme

>> No.14226367

its another schizo polack thread
op consider killing yourself

>> No.14226517

I want to tell everyone to shut up if you have anything remotely negative to say about Jews. Some of the nicest people in my social circle are Jewish and I would take a bullet for for them. The stereotype that Jews are evil is perpetuated by conspiracy theorists who think the world is flat. Need I say more?

>> No.14226889

Why do these matter anyways? LINK is going to become obsolete by Libra anyways. Binance ban in the US doesn’t help either