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1422051 No.1422051 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here lied on their resume or references before? Have any stories or advice to tell?

I remember an enterprising group of anons banding together to create a fake business for this purpose a while back.

>> No.1422056

All the time

Do it, you wont regret it they never check shit

>> No.1422076
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If I have a gap I just say I was working for a temp agency at a warehouse job or some shit to pay the bills, nobody bothers checking

>> No.1422108

I remember hearing about a guy listing work experience from defunct/closed companies. I've never tried it, though.

>> No.1422135

I did that in college. A big chain closed 40 of their stores here and I claimed to have worked there for years. There was nobody to contact for confirmation, made for a good story at interviews, and I think it helped me get a job.

>> No.1422239

t. unemployed NEET

>> No.1422252

you have to lie, but only lie about things you know you can get away with, I lie about my excel skills.

>> No.1422271


Are you trying to imply they check your references? They don't, anon. Unless it's a big lie or a particularly picky job

>> No.1422272

this, with how quickly you can look things up online, I'd always say proficient in microsoft office. Maybe not some of the adobe shit, because you could get found out real quick then, but shit they teach microsoft office in depth to middle schoolers

>> No.1422275

I mean, yeah, if you're working retail or food service they're not going to give a shit.

>> No.1422277

lied on my most previous resume and got the job

few days ago my boss was like I need you to run this report using some program I said I knew in a giant checklist on the application

i said ya sure and googled how to do it and now its done

that is the extent of any job

>> No.1422279

>I mean, yeah, if you're working retail or food service they're not going to give a shit.

That goes without saying but even higher jobs don't check. Unless it's like a big 4 firm or something, you'd be surprised how many places don't check your references or claims, man.

CEO of Yahoo a while back lied on his resume about double majoring and he worked there for some time before getting discovered and fired. And that's a CEO of a fortune 500 company, you'd be surprised how many smaller companies don't give a fuck about checking

>> No.1422284
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I said I was fluent in Japanese, when I'm barely intermediate. I just use rikaichan to translate any kanji I don't know, I've got a basic understanding of grammar too so that helps.

The person interviewing me thought I was fluent, my accent was good enough and I could understand her well enough.

>> No.1422292

I did, put I was a bad ass tradie sob got the job and now a badass heavy equipment op at 22

>> No.1422325

Scott was hired based on his experience, which was much, much more a deciding factor than the fake Stonehill degree.

An overwhelming majority of people don't have the credentials to have background checks overlooked.

One of HR's functions at a company is to run background checks and verify employment and education history including contacting references. Some companies even offer services for companies who would rather outsource that work.

The rule remains to embellish, but never lie unless you want to risk getting canned. Employers will and do check, but there are exceptions.

>> No.1422334

>The rule remains to embellish, but never lie unless you want to risk getting canned. Employers will and do check, but there are exceptions.

let's put it this way:

For the vast majority of jobs people on /biz/ are going to be applying to, lying is completely fine, okay?

>> No.1422359

I have a one year employment gap after graduation.

My cover up:
>international travel
>writing off a few things from my bucket list
>"""""""""""""""networking"""""""""""""""" with professionals who are in the fields I'm interested in
>taking local and online courses for programming
>maintaining my eBay business of selling musical instruments to pay the bills

I was able to explain this gap in a confident and succinct manner. They like it. I got a job in HPE.


>> No.1422366

My HR Department checks for school and college degrees. Does not check on employment history.

My team has been burned twice now by incompetent candidates and will now be checking references.

>> No.1422367

I already covered the topic of retail and food service.

>> No.1422368

Yes. My current position that I'm using as leverage to show employers that I'm ambitious and determined is a literal fake job. And my dad has a prepaid phone and pretends to be my boss as well as a reference. We even created a fake identity for him. My resume is full of lies.

>> No.1422380

>I already covered the topic of retail and food service.

There's a fair bit more jobs that probably won't check.

>> No.1422395


Yes. Many times. Despite what some scared anons say, even big corporations rarely check up on resumes.

However there's 2 things that are best not to lie about: (1) a criminal record (2) education history. These are sometimes checked and can result in being fired even after having been on the job for a long time.

But really, a chance at a job with a fake resume is better than no chance at all with a real resume. It's just basic logic. So really lie all you want, if you have no choice.

>> No.1422399


so much this.

Many skills these days can be learned via a few YouTube videos.

You can usually lie about some stuff then just learn it if you have to.

>> No.1422508

What about overstating the difficulty or scope of a personal project I have worked on for engineer positions?

I have a few coding things on there that I have worked on but never got around to finishing, I figure they don't really have a way of checking it. They ask in interviews but I can just make some shit up about it I think

>> No.1422513
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Yeah, it's because HR doesn't want to invest into actual human resources for this shit. They want to run resumes into some retarded machine and hope only one of them comes out.

>> No.1422517

Attended grad school, never finished. Lied about having a masters.

No one checks shit, anon. Be confident.

>> No.1422521

it depends on the job. For entry level work or just out of school work, lie away. 99% of the time they'll never actually check and you'll at least get an interview where you can really impresses them.

>> No.1422687

You can lie, just make sure your lie is believable. If you said you were a whatever at Goldman Sachs for 10 where you don't even know where the company is located, they're gonna look that shit up, but if you lie about working at some no name company with a small online presence, they most likely won't bother wasting the money.

>> No.1422749

Most applicant tracking systems now have an option for automated background checks. It costs a bit more, but since it saves HR a bit of work, they tend to go for that option.

Once they have it, they just use it on everyone.

You can see what an automated employment background check against Equifax will turn up by sending in this form:

There's a sample report here: https://www.theworknumber.com/samples/The-Work-Number-Employment-Data-Report-EFX-WS-0205-11-21-14.pdf

Note that it includes some interesting things:
* Workman's compensation claims
* Other insurance claims
* Pay history
* That wages were garnished

>> No.1422781

How accurate is this shit though? I always assumed they have those retarded psychology tests just to weed out the applicants.

>> No.1422783

Is this mandatory for employment as well?

>> No.1423909


I worked as a Recruiter, now I work in Marketing and nobody has checked my references in 5 years.

>> No.1423935

i lied about going through conscription (its mandatory here for men unless you can prove you have a medical condition or then you can go to cuck civil service) when i really faked depression to avoid the 6-12 months long shit. i studied "army stories" and even watched videos of how to disassemble the RK-62 rifle if i ever got into a situation where someone wants to talk about it but nobody in general wants lol

t. finland

>> No.1423999

This should be illegal.

>> No.1424003
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This is comforting to know. I'm in marketing as well and have a strong resume, but where I'm hung up on is the references. I had a number of happy clients at my last job that probably would be happy to be a reference, but I had to sign an NDA that prevents me from contacting them now. Guess I'll just list my friends at the company that have important-sounding titles.

>> No.1424038

99% of my resume are lies...
It works really well, until they start asking me technical questions.

>> No.1424074

I've never had any work experience

I did 2 weeks in a hotel before getting fired kek but I put on my resume that I worked there for 5 years, since its shut down they cant really check

I have a youtube channel with 200,000 subscribers which I use as my talking point on my CV, it makes me stand out from all the kids with just grades and no other extra cirricular spark

>> No.1424086

What kind of jobs are you applying to where these two things would be relevant to?

>> No.1424111

Everything that isnt directly relevant for the job is a lie on my resume. Such as the work experience in other fields.

>> No.1424115


Well im also doing a business degree so when I graduate I'll be applying for business jobs if my youtube career flops

the tasks I provide aren't directly linked to the job roles although it should prove that Im a creative individual that has a spark about him

>> No.1424136

Fired a guy last week for that bullshit. Have a massive audit in office going on right now. I bet I find a few more liars and their ass will be out looking for work as well. Perfect opportunity to thin the herd. Asshole claimed 2 degrees and an internship. Should have seen the look on his face when I told him UT had never had him enrolled as a student. He thought he was their for his performance review. We had his shit cleaned out of his desk five minutes after he came in my office. IT locked and wiped his phone while he was sitting at my desk bullshitting me. I had a cab waiting out front for him. Go ahead lie on your resume you morons.

>> No.1424148

My internships and education level is all real. I even actually have two degrees. Just had to fill up some years I spend on sports and games instead of studying.

Its better to get fired than getting no job at all because you have no excuse what you did in some missing years.

>> No.1424151

>missing years
I never understood why people care so much

>> No.1424155

Because there are people who don't have gaps in their work history, and you are competing against them. Who does the employer want to hire, someone who has been working or some slacker who has been off doing who knows what, letting their skills go to hell?

>> No.1424159

>lying about excel skills

Fuck you

Analyst here, sales retards do this all the time and aren't called up for it in interview , then have to ask us to do the most basic shit for them (e.g. 'Anon could you check if this name is in this sheet? And could you remove any people from this company? Thaaaaanks :^)) because they're literally too stupid to do their job.

If you say you have advanced excel, there needs to be testing to confirm that it.

>> No.1424160

I doubt its that important. But if they meet a candidate with the same profile without a gap he clearly has an advantage.

Currently Im also setting up my own business. But I cant tell my boss that either because they they start thinking you spend your time on other things. If I remember correctly its even against my contract.

>> No.1424251

You fucks act like you are some kind of whiz kid who is better than the competition but needs to embellish their resume in order to cover for the trip he took walking across America or some shit. Let me tell you something you fuck. Life is hard and it's all about preparation. If somebody worked harder to get the job than you.... Well go fuck yourself to the food stamp office. Work obtain wealth quit wasting every bodies time trying to game the system. If you fucked off in college you will fuck off working for me. If you were a failure because you partied too much in school then I don't need you. If you lied because you were a pediphile - go fuck your self my company doesn't need the bad press. There are no hidden gems out there looking for work that just need somebody to give them a chance. There are people willing to punch the clock and those that are just waste of time. Fuck you stay out of my office.

>> No.1424277

Why so upset? You are way too smart to get conned by liars. No need to worry.

>> No.1424415

The things you described is simply CTRL+F and custom sort. This probably isn't the advanced excel, so what is m8?

>> No.1424600

The first person I ever hired myself, the director of the company asked me to check her references. I thought it was a waste of time as most people line up their references or put a friend's number down, so they're not very reliable.

Being a fucking idiot I called one who gave her a less than stellar reference. It wasn't terrible, but he was only on the phone for a minute and said that whilst she was always on time and well presented, she "wasn't suited to his department, maybe she'd be okay in another one"

Like a fucking idiot I took it on face value and thought it was good enough, and hired her. She was awful, she took months to be trained for a basic customer service role, until we cut off her training and in the week of her role by herself before we fired her for fucking around yet complaining she had "too much work" she did lots of damage we took months to fix up, lost lots of sales in that time due to the lasting damage, fucked up our SEO results as we got slammed with lots of bad reviews.

I strongly suggest any employers out there to actually check references. If someone is too stupid to at least lie and put down someone who will give a glowing one, you don't want them working for you, no matter how good they look on paper.

>> No.1425226

That's my point exactly, if you put down advanced excel but don't know how to ctrl+f then you're full of shit.

Something more advanced would be things like vlookups, if statements, etc.

>> No.1426433

definitely going to start making up resumes just to piss people like you off, faggot.

>> No.1426720

My resume is always peppered with fabrications. It's how you get ahead in life.

>> No.1426744

>learning CIS degree shit
>literally just learning about how to use computers
>can google almost any computer function related thing I don't understand and get easy answers

internet's great

>> No.1427813

Put on your CV that you can work with linear functions on excel and you're good to go.


That's in the top 10 functions you start off with.

>> No.1427883

>using vlookups

lmao what a laughable function. Index-match or bust.

>> No.1428118


>if statements

I'm screaming. Totally forgot how finance guys and "analysts" think that VB if statements are considered "advanced". Lmfao.

>> No.1428132

yeah I've done. I lied about school education, the length of previous work experience and fake references.

didn't get accepted into major banks, but other than that no rejections.

Nothing to lose really.

>> No.1428138

on top of that my first jobs as 21 year old are
>Head of Marketing
>Member of the Board

2 registered legit firms, references(friends of friends, lmao) back my claims up, say I've been mentored ever since I showed genius potential since age 16

>lmao at people who start their "carreer" at fast food or retail

>> No.1428282
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just a few
>lied about having a college degree in economics ( never went)
>lied about having 3 year experience in sales (never worked a day in my life)
>lied about volunteering, abilites, having a driving license (I take the bus), having courses, an intership, and of course references

got hired as a junior recruiter and I harass people that have 0 experience on their resumes

>> No.1428493

Well, after trying to be honest, and get a fucking decent part time job to go with my studies, and failing because of lack of experience, I think Its time to get creative with my resume.

>> No.1428504

Also thanks for the moral boost to most itt

>> No.1428542

You all are morons. I weep for the future.

>> No.1429556

you envy us

>> No.1429578
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>> No.1429664

that's what all the fags which was the reason for every political/economical revolution said too

>> No.1429681

Its always been like this, it was even easier before the internet

>> No.1429699
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some industries do, some industries don't.
I've had interviews where somebody printed out my website and publications and asked me in-depth technical questions for two hours, and I've had interviews where they asked about my goals, likes, and dislikes and showed me around their facility. Jus b yourself dude ;)

>> No.1429951

I have a cousin with a different last name than me and my grandma with a different last name and I always use them as references.

>> No.1429961

Never lied but always stretched. Did this for all my college application. Yeah I worked at Wendy's for only 2 months but I got hired in November and my last paycheck came in March. So I worked November to March while in reality I worked for maybe 7-8 weeks. Usually doubled how many hours a week I spent on activities like track team and working. Idgaf. I'm in college now and I have a 3.7 so even if they wouldn't have accepted me if I didn't stretch I'm still bringing up the schools GPA and shit

>> No.1430030


>hotel management interview
>lied that I know spanish, italian and french
>HR guy knows only english (not my mother tongue)
>well we'd ask you something in spanish but I only know english hope you don't mind haha
>n-not at all haha

>> No.1430034

Everyone lies...erhm, I mean "stretches the truth."

For my current job, I said I was an Excel expert and have had years of experience with it. Anything I don't know how to do, I just Google search.

>> No.1430045

>your team
thanks Ronald Reagan.

>> No.1430054
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What exactly is it that you do?

>> No.1430068

According to your shit understanding of things as basic as grammar, it looks like you fucked off in grade school and then some.
You're just a daddy's boy bitch that took the reigns and doesn't know which direction to go but south.

>> No.1430084

Kill yourself, bootlicker.

>> No.1430088

No but I lied about my doctors decree
pulled trough also

>> No.1430109

Yeah ok Internet doctor man

>> No.1430121

My employer used this and the dates of employment must have been different from what I said on the application (as I had been in many different positions in my previous company over they years, and depending on the format of the application I would give a different date ranges) so they had me send proof of my employment for the range I stated because it didn't match their verification software. This was mandatory before they would hire me.

>> No.1430125

he probably meant doctorate.

>> No.1430148

Lied about having a degree. Company with 50 employees.

>> No.1430165

Human resources director for Acme Dildo Company.
Our company has very small margins because Wong Dildo Company is producing a similar product for less.
Why in the fuck would I want to hire a fucking liar for my open positions?
Do yourself a favor - be truthful. Fuck these morons on this page encouraging dishonesty.

>> No.1430166

You're in the wrong market, compadre.

>> No.1430177

no,you would be surprised to hear how easy it is to fake a doctor

>> No.1430239
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Any good source or tutorial on how to properly manage an interview like a boss that you recommend?
>inb4 be confidente, dress well and a firm handshake

>> No.1430243

They don't really care about your personality, unless you're a drag or incompetent.
Of course, you need to have the experience and education.

>> No.1430351

RP's on the internet. :^)

>> No.1430428

Single worst job of my life

>> No.1431123
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>get internship at recruitment company
>learn how they operate
>learn how to make the best cv
>learn how to lie and avoid being caught

I got a manager position after that

>> No.1431146


tfw I literally saw some jap girl giving a guy an interview in my office today

>> No.1431304

Had to turn in my college transcript for literally every job and internship. but i am in engineering

>> No.1431344

>I had a cab waiting out front for him
Did you tow his car as well?

>> No.1432204

What is google?

>> No.1432241

I've been "liberal with the truth", as in, made out that I did much more than I actually did by using vague yet fancy language, but never outright lied.

>> No.1432247

Hey guys, similar question so I don't feel it's appropriate making a new thread.

My high school grades/accolades were garbage so I went to a community college for about two terms, and flunked the second term (just stopped going). I moved away from home to a different state and restarted at a different community college and I'm doing much better now (all As) and I'm curious: How dangerous would it be omitting my two-term transcript at my old community college in my transfer application to a university? How likely would it be that they would check for other community colleges and if they did find out would the consequences be anything more than rejecting me?

>> No.1432258


>> No.1432620
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How often do companies call your references?

I don't want to forge them but I also can't think of any people apart from my mom who like me enough to give me a positive review.

>> No.1432630

I want to answer this but I may be wrong.

Universities ask for every college you have attended AFAIK. When you turn in your better CC transcript there may be a record of you transferring credits to it, which will lead the curious type (who has all your info in front of you) why they can't find a record of this. They may inquire about this. Not sure since I have never been in this situation.

Two options.

>leave out that transcript and hope for the best
>include that transcript and hope for the best

I'm sure your case isn't that unique. So unless you are applying to a selective school you should get in. Transfer scholarships may not go your way though.

>> No.1432640

Get a throw away phone from 7-11 and give your mom another name. Or just try listing a "friend" and make up a number. If your interviewer asks about it say the business doesnt exsist anymore or that your reference must have changed their number/moved away since the last time you spoke. Thats a reasonable answer.

>> No.1432688


Honestly I don't think they care, besides, they like improving grades over time more than consistently high grades.

>> No.1432788

>When you turn in your better CC transcript there may be a record of you transferring credits to it, which will lead the curious type (who has all your info in front of you) why they can't find a record of this.
I didn't transfer any credits from the first school, those grades and credits are essentially worthless to me at this point since I won't use them ever, but I'm seeing universities wanting everything I did (and apparently the Law School Admissions Council adds those useless classes to their own custom GPA to give to law schools). I asked my adviser about omitting that transcript during transfers and basically all she said about it was 'that would be considered dishonest'

>> No.1432792

A few of my internet friends do this with each other, me included. When asked about the different area code we just say it was an online business so it looks even more like we're proficient with computers.

It hasn't failed yet. Of course, we lie for each other with other stuff too. I am a professor at Cambridge according to an English teacher of his.

Being unemployed, I wish I could turn this kind of thing into a business but it's fraudulent, no? Also it seems like if you need someone to lie for you with job stuff then you don't have a lot of money to spend.

>> No.1432844

Interesting thread.

I've been NEET for 10 years, but I want to get a job. I've been going to the gym for a year, so my fitness has really improved and I have a work ethic now, problem is I have no work history and no references, so how the fuck am I meant to get a job.

>> No.1432845

same here

is putting in ur resume that i have a succesful channel a good idea? ive been making money from it + NEET for 5 years

>> No.1432886

That really depends on your line of work. If you're applying for big4/IB/consulting, mentioning a channel is worth than MLP. If you look to jump into media/web related fields, it's definitely worth to mention.

good luck, anon.

>> No.1433143


The key to successfully interviewing is you can make whatever experience you have relevant to the job you're applying to. Hell, most any position is going to increase your "soft skills" at the least, so you can always talk about how your past jobs helped you gain better customer/client service skills.

Claiming a degree you don't have is absurd, and worth firing over. It's one thing to massage the length of your employment/work history, but to blatantly lie about something easily verifiable is pure stupidity.

>> No.1433275

You'll eventually fire the wrong person and get killed.
If they are doing a good job do not fire people faggot.

>> No.1433990

so what are you waiting for? tips plz

>> No.1435015

I disagree with you.

He probably only fires people who straight up lie about things and not over embellishing to a certain point. So that guy who got fired has to explain to everyone he knows about why he suddenly stopped working.

He can try to dance around the bush and say he got into it with his boss when the fact is he lied on his resume. This prevents someone who actually has the qualifications from getting the job. The actual person who worked hard gets shafted and you give the lazy guy the cake.

Would that guy have gotten the job if he did the normal amount of resume embellishment (adding clubs you only went to a few times, things like that) maybe. But misrepresenting yourself (faking degree or previous job) is absolutely unacceptable.

Also sometimes this may not be up to OP, since he may have got word from HR or his boss. If I was him, unless I had known the mad on a very personal level, then no I would not try to advocate for him. Nothing personal, just that kind of behavior is bad for the company and that trash needs to be taken out. If it was my close friend id try to talk to him a bit more but orders are orders. He knew this day might come. If he wants to murder me for that then he is good at making life choices /sarcasm

>> No.1435027

She didn't know what she's talking about

Are you sure the transcript has no record of it? Perhaps you applied to the second CC and listed your previous CC but didn't report the transcript?

If not then make sure there is no google hits showing you went to that CC (or Facebook info, but this is getting into the paranoia zone) then I say you are good to go. Be prepared to explain what you did during that time.

>> No.1435033

What about lying about volunteering?
How easy/hard is that to verify?
>inb4 I'm a terrible person

>> No.1435058

Was it through an organization? If so then they have a record of it since most organizations can confirm whether you were a member (i.e. Joining a school club) or that you worked that day

If they can't then wtf you doing volunteering for? If you want to lie about volunteering lie about a school club that picked up trash or went to middle schools. I wouldn't list court ordered community service tier work

>> No.1435231

I do only with businesses my father owns