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14214876 No.14214876 [Reply] [Original]

whats your goal? why do you do it?

this is mine. any corvette stingray after 2015 or just a few years old with a soft top convertible. and I want a condo or a small house or something some place warm like long beach or boward county florida.

I also want a Lamborghini obviously but this is the only thing kinda in the realm of reality. oh and a crotch rocket motorcycle. obviously santa monica or Miami is the real destiny but I wasn't born rich or a super genius. I want to kill myself because I saw someone on /b/ whos rich parents lived in a giant house in LA and bought him this car for his birthday. I hate life

no I dont care if you dont like the same thing as me

>> No.14215024

if you're older than 19 and want a car like this you're too low iQ to make it anyway so stop dreaming. i could already buy this with my btc stack and it's literally the last thing i'd spend it on

>> No.14215034

lol of course an angry nerd rage retard is the only answer. just kill yourself coin obsessed faggot

>> No.14215067

absolutely based and redpilled.

Continue to chase your dream, bro.
I would never buy a corvette because American cars suck, but tastes differ.

My goal is a yuge fukkn house, an Audi RS6 and a Nissan GTR, while living comfortably with my wife and kids without having to work

>> No.14215088

My family came to the big city 5 or 6 generations ago and I hate this place. My dream is to buy some land in the countryside to grow veggies and be comfy all day every day

>> No.14215089
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This is my goal.

>> No.14215096

i want the pain to stop

>> No.14215110

your consumerism will take all your money brainlet, you wont even have to kill yourself

>> No.14215132

fuck I forgot about audi. the desire continues. yeah I want a Porsche and audi too fuck. I probably want this one the most though the first time I saw one it was instantly a car I wanted and I saw it 50-60k so I thought well hey thats maybe doable

where? I live in some country ass shit and its hard to actually grow as much shit as you want its better to just buy mixed vegetable platters and shit to get variety.

>> No.14215137


>> No.14215141

then ill just work harder and make more

also I live in the country and I literally couldn't grow anymore food than anyone living in the suburbs. honestly the country shit is the worst thing in the world the suburbs are the way to go for comfiness

>> No.14215161

I live in Rio (Brazil)
It's easy to grow grapes in South Brazil and I love grapes, so that's what I'm going for

>> No.14215195

thank everything in the world you dont live in a cold rural area

>> No.14215218

That sounds comfy, but probably terrible production-wise

>> No.14215267

you cant go outside 6-7 months out of the year and even if you can you need a coat hat mittens gloves sun glasses goggles pants boots scarf face covered

fucking 7 god damn months every year where your body cant even touch fresh air and no breath of fresh air it makes me want to die so god damn bad. and you get 0 sunlight most the year and you cant even open the door long enough to go in and out without the whole house getting cold literally no fresh air whatsoever

you have to put on 20 pounds of clothes just to run to your car and run to the door of your shitty job and then run back to the car as fast as possible and then run to the door to your house and its alreayd dark out and you cant do anything but sit in front of a tv


>> No.14215292

Jesus Christ, where the fuck is that, my dude?
Are you in northernmost Scandinavia or some shit like that?

>> No.14215335

its upstate NY. one of the coldest places in the world. literally the same as Alaska and the Antarctic and shit. theres some places in Alaska thats colder but yeah its one of the top coldest places in the world and it makes me wanna die every day.

literally 8 feet tall snowbanks everywhere. people push around feet of snow from their driveways. fucking everything is frozen solid and completely ice covered and snow and shit literally just a 9 month cold snap.

its literally hell on earth. its june and I was still seeing my breath outside. june.

>> No.14215393

I had no idea upstate NY was like that
What's the weather/temperature like right now?

>> No.14215399

I saw the corvette and was gonna shit post about it being a nigger car, but then I saw this faggot right here
Chase your dreams bro

>> No.14215405

I believe its like 70 during the day and 50s at night I really wanna get the fuck out of here before this god damn winter shit hits I cant take it anymore

and my parents house is cold as fuck because they are poor so I literally just fucking freeze non stop

>> No.14215438

Imagine wanting to buy a shit car with shit performance and horrible gearbox. Only Americans can be this stupid

>> No.14215451

fuck off eurofag take your weak genes and kill yourself off so you dont ruin this world anymore

>> No.14215475

a small house for myself with enough money on the side to I dont have to work anymore for the rest of my life.I want to grow some crops using hydropics

>> No.14215493
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>> No.14215512


Keep fighting for your dream anon. I moved to florida recently on the gulf coast its quiet here with too many boomers but I dream of moving back to San Diego and having a condo and maybe an R8 if im lucky.

Dont ever let these fuckers get you down. We will all make it.

>> No.14215522

What an ugly faggy car

Who are you James bond OP? Lmao

>> No.14215529
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holy shit you lucky fucker you moved from the desert to the tropics god fucking damn it why am I the only one suffering in this cold shit

>> No.14215534

be careful if you plan to buy the 1gen V10

>> No.14215557


Haha I was born and raised in Cuckifornia in the desert part moved to San Diego for work but price of living caused me to move here. Still happy summers are warm winters are 60-70 so could be worse I guess but I miss San Diego a lot wanna get back there in a few years hopefully.

Yeah thx for heads up looking at 2nd gen models or possible 911 Turbo S.

>> No.14215589

maybe I can use my money to buy a rope instead and not have to suffer anymore

>> No.14215615


I feel for you I guess I was lucky to be born and raised in LA. If I was born in a cold shithole like Buffalo NY i would move the fuck out there as soon as college ended and told my friends and family go fuck themselves im not staying in that icebox.

>> No.14215675

I love the Turbo S but I dont think that I ever own one.my brother has a rs4 that he bought when it was damaged .he makes money by buying cars in bongland and then taking them back home to sell the parts.

>> No.14215690

I have the worst fucking luck in the world I lost everything as soon as I find a way out some fucking disaster strikes down and ruins my life

its worse than buffalo. way way worse. im 7 hours deep north in rural bull shit with not a single resource around plus its even colder than buffalo.

I fucking hate god. I fucking hate god. I fucking hate my parents. and every day of my life is a living hell that couldn't be any worse. I fucking hate god.

>> No.14215712


Lol would you ever consider an LC 500? Love how that car fucking looks with that NA V8 and i dont care about being a speed demon.

>> No.14215743

>its worse than buffalo. way way worse. im 7 hours deep north in rural bull shit with not a single resource around plus its even colder than buffalo.

Sorry to hear that man sounds depressing as fuck especially if it was out of your control. I went to visit family in New Jersey during the polar vortex in 2014. Was there for five fucking days and experienced 20-30 degree weather with single digit windchill.

Everyone looked fucking miserable commuting to work on the path train to NYC and I could see the despair in their eyes that they were stuck there.

As soon as I got back to LAX and 68 degree weather I literally kissed the pavement.

>> No.14215778

yep and that 20-30 degrees and living in nyc would literally be my paradise. imagine a life being this bad.

I fucking just hate everything and want to die I want to die so god damn bad

>> No.14215782

never cared about lexus so idk
you are a burger right?
Have you ever considered to buy wrecked cars so you can sell the parts that are still in good condition.I know lots of people here in europoor who do it behind under the table.the poles here even steal cars to take them apart for parts.

>> No.14215805


Yeah americuck. LOOL ok will look into that never thought of buying fucked up cars and selling parts but has to be a profit to be made.

>> No.14215815

I have family living in rural NW Minnesota, only an hour or so from Manitoba. They were all tough as nails and didn't give a fuck about the cold. I can see where you're coming from though, it seemed very lonely. If you don't enjoy snow mobiling, ice fishing and other red neck activities you're basically fucked.

>> No.14215850

yeah that rural shit is not for me at all I just want to be poor as fuck in LA in some Mexican neighborhood or something

the cold never bothered me as a kid but as an adult its fucking unbearable and I dont even want to look at it for a second ever again

and plus this rural shit is worse than anything

thx for understand I guess

>> No.14215889

be careful of the taxman with that being said I have no idea how well thats going to work in burgerland.

>> No.14215906

Haha consumerism.
I want to be a saint, have a family, and know peace and nature

>> No.14215923

God, that's so fucking based
Bless this man

>> No.14215949

>what is your goal
To fuck, cum inside of, and knock up a dozen 18 - 19 year old asian girls.
>why do you do it
Cause I am on number 3 and enjoy it so much I want to keep going

>> No.14216801

cold is comfy tho

>> No.14216822

sounds awesome. I miss being up on the Rockies

>> No.14216844

run a few gpus to mine with and heat a room or 3, or contribute to the heat bill wtf

>> No.14217016

im black and not mobidly obese the cold is hell for me I dont even like 65 degrees I like warmth

>> No.14217205

Anon, the c7 Corvette has a lot of problems. class action lawsuit over wheels that break, transmission problems and over heating on the z06.

>> No.14217289

Already owned a 2016 Z06 corvette, was fun, but was constantly stressing because I knew every single day and mile that went by I was losing a fuck ton of money on it.

Will probably buy a porsche, lambo, or the new mid engine corvette depending on how the corn goes.

Goal first though is a very nice house, and then 100k or so in the bank, and then another rental house or something, then a nice car.

>> No.14217307

>My goal is a constantly depreciating asset

>> No.14217325

I dont care I just want it and id be so fucking lucky to get 60k Ill never be rich

>> No.14217336

I bought a bored and stroked 1,000cc ninja yesterday. It's bored to a 1,200. Sat for a bit but it's mostly all there. Talking from stitches in my dome ripped off fingernails, busted teeth, and permanently fucked up shoulder i will tell you to get gear first. Full face bluetooth helmat, pads in pants and jacket leather is best, uphrade back crash plate in jacket, and riding boots. You'll feel like a stormtrooper and some fucking never been down cucks will laugh. ...untill they almost die bouncing down the highway at only 45mph like me. With gear it would have been funny.

To get thos cars all you need to do os first find out what the payments would be. Then go build or buy an assett that could pay for it. If possible put that asset into an llc and use the car as a legal commercial vehicke and legally write it off in taxes.

Learn to git gud and the cars will follow.

Alternatively spend twice and much and piece your own together.

>> No.14217373

youre never gonna be rich if you blow 60k on a fucking old country white man dream car the first time you get any kind of money thats for sure lmao

>> No.14217391

Y’all are retarded it’s Porsche or nothing

>> No.14217414

Stop being cringe dude are you a pajeet

>> No.14217470

You want toys. I want 15 kids, 5 from each wife. Live on a 200 acre gated compound. Kids will never leave or see our degenerate shitty society. I will arrange marriage for them between their half siblings.

>> No.14217518

dont care literally dont give a shit. I grew up poor as fuck in the woods in hell my life is literally always suffering no matter what I do.

if I lived in a box in la my life would be better than its always been. I have never had anything and dont give a single shit if I die.

>> No.14217956

>You're to low iq
>shitcoin gambler

Op dont listen to this retarded faggot. Dreams and goals is the only reason to get out of bed in the morning. If a twice community college drop out can make mostly passive rental income then you can certainly buy this car and 5 momormomore like it if that is your goal

>> No.14217972

Hell, it could be an asset in and of itself. Put together a business plan. Get your credit score up there. And guet a business loan to start a car rental company. Get all the cars you want and rent them out.

>> No.14217981

T H I S .

Anon is absolutely based. So how do you make money bro?

>> No.14218001


Kek. I'm fat and can hardly walk. I vant even get in a Corvette.

But I'll be fucked if i aint throwing a vette motor in my 86 shortwide chevy.

>> No.14218017

Look into microgreen farming in the city and indoors and geothermal and aquaponics. Might happen sooner than u thinkm

>> No.14218056

It wont. Not without a lot lf time and help. The main thing for me was that i gave up because i just couldnt do it anymore but couldnt an hero either. Just stuck hating it all. Figured fuckit. Get brownie points and maybe make it upstairs. If i cant be happy I'll at least help other be happy by cracking jokes and helping out where i can.

I am a long ways from hapy but it does hurt less.

Fuck it anon. Give up. Just try not to stress, and help other find happiness. Do this and i think after some time you will start to slowly feel beter like me. CBD oil is life changing for anxiety also

>> No.14218076


Oh anon. All you need is room and brains. Higher 5 part tine kids on mininum wage to garden and head to the farmers market

>> No.14218123


You sound really angry anon. Don’t do anything rash, life does get better and nothing is forever, good or bad.

>> No.14218131

im trying im stuck in a rut. I come from really bad poverty so im just naturally destined to be a poorfag it fucking sucks

I make a little bit of money now and I want to invest it but at the same time im too scared. I want to save all my money so I have a cushion and can buy things but ive been telling myself im going to invest forever now

>implying i own a farm

>> No.14218743

Seems doable in murrica, no way of making it in Germoney.

>> No.14218801

Bro I'm on the Corvette boat too. I'm waiting to see what the mid engine is like. They're releasing it in July.

>> No.14218872

I don't give a fuck about buying things I just want to live without financial worry and have the fallback money to pursue a career I will truly enjoy. I'm so sick of being a low tier wage slave with no future.

>> No.14218961

i make 100 dollars an hour sitting around getting high but i dont make much more than the 100 and its a shameful job

i want something part time but my fucking chronic fatigue