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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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140109 No.140109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are people who think GPA is more important than social skills and experience
>there are people who haven't done any networking in college and expect a job afterwards
>there are people who "hope [they] get rich one day!"
>there are people who party every weekend and want to fuck disgusting club sluts instead of creating something of value on Earth and making money
>there are people looking for jobs that have no LinkedIn profile
>there are people who graduate college with zero work/volunteer experience
>there are people who think their business degree will teach them all about business
>there are people who "have an idea for an app" and "just need a coder to make it" and think they will get rich without technical knowledge
>there are people who sit in class every single day and never raise their hand nor participate in activities and think they will some day be a useful business person
>there are people like me who get mad at this shit and rant about it on an anonymous chinese cartoon image board

>> No.140275

linkedin is pretty useless

i was a recruiter for a large corporation, best candidates were usually referrals and the few people i wanted from linkedin already had awesome jobs they would never leave

linkedin is more of a way people can look at your resume before they meet you for business parties or whatever

>> No.140338

Agreed. It's basically an online resume. Which is why it's awesome.

>> No.140408


>implying they don't hire engineers right after graduation regardless of their skills and experience

>implying they care about how many people you know if you are going to be a researcher in a field of physics

>> No.140460

You don't know too much about networking goy. Well I'd bet all of my shekels that you will not fare too well without internships and knowing people.

>> No.140484

Yea but it allows co-workers to size you up in the early stages of your career and in a cut throat work environment full of ladder climbers you never want that info out there.

>> No.140522

I have a degree in English from a directional state school with a 3.0 GPA and no real desire to do anything. I am a strong introvert. I have a shitty job that pays me more money than I need and I never have to work overtime.

Anyone with any college degree who is marginally smart can be comfortable in the USA. You may have to move out of the Rustbelt, NYC, LA etc to do it.

>> No.140531

>>implying they don't hire engineers right after graduation regardless of their skills and experience
Shit starting salary, no chance of promotion. These people aren't engineers, they're drones.

>>implying they care about how many people you know if you are going to be a researcher in a field of physics
Wow. That is easily one of the stupidest things I've heard all week. It's obvious you aren't in physics or even grad school for that matter.

It's all about who you know. Your supervisor's name is more important than the name of the school. Who you've worked with determines where you go. The places that "don't care" are the places you don't want to be.

>> No.140563

hehe, there sure are

>> No.140577


There are people who think that in order to get a payrise you need to work hard.

>> No.140574


what shithole country are you from

>> No.140579

USA, the world's leader in all sciences and math.

>> No.140584

>English major master race
>spend college developing character and social skills instead of wasting my time training to be a prole
>fuck a new qt every weekend when single, fuck qt gf four times a week when dating
>untermensch STEM fags on 4chan say I'll never get a job
>graduate with 3.5 GPA and great recommendations
>register with staffing agency
>instantly hired by one of Philadelphia's most prestigious law firms
>55k starting as a legal assistant
>have my own office with a window
>all the young female lawyer want to fuck me
>bosses love me because I'm funny and personable (skills I developed from an active college social life)
>saving up money and studying for the LSAT

Will probably go to law school in the next year or so (I'm aiming for top 10). I'm so glad I didn't waste my undergrad years studying something stupid like math. I didn't even read most of the books anyway.

>> No.140599



that explains much, you see in some areas of the world, people are not treated as slaughter cattle

they are treated as breeding bulls

>> No.140608

You must be a very unhappy person if the only utility you can find in the field you are studying is the potential for greater remuneration.

>> No.140622

I have no idea what you're saying anymore. If you're trying to say what I described is unique to America, you are sadly mistaken.

But it's obvious you were caught talking out of your ass, and now you're in full damage control mode.

>> No.140623

>there are people who think that social skills can be proven on paper and/or that everyone fresh out of uni applying for INTERNSHIPS and graduate positions have experience
>there are people who think social "networking" is possible to do effectively during uni (sorry "college")
>there are people who think there are people who don't hope for riches in capitalist societies
>there are people who don't know how to relax and have fun at parties
>there are people who think LinkedIn will still be up within 5 years
>there are people who think picking up garbage, helping old people into baths or even stocking shelves in anyway helps them in a technical/management/specialised position
>there are people who think their business degree will teach them all about business... nah, really, spot on with this one
>there are people who don't realise that idea people easily ignored by actual, real coders
>there are people who interupt classes to ask inane questions that everyone knows the answer, meanwhile smart people with actually insightful questions must wait till the end of class
>there are people like me who wish they had something better to do than laugh at some "college kid" who thinks his contrived cynicism in any way gives him an advantage in the real world.

>> No.140625


>mfw when you flunk out of law school cause you never had to study or read a textbook getting your pleb degree.

>> No.140626

>>implying they don't hire engineers right after graduation regardless of their skills and experience
They dont. Trust me, I'm a working engineer.

>>implying they care about how many people you know if you are going to be a researcher in a field of physics
Not only is networking just as important if not more important in academia, now you have to deal with all the bullshit politics too

Come back when you have completed undergrad

>> No.140631


Some (most) people just love money and owning shit. They don't even think about it as sad or not sad, it just IS.

>> No.140635
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>be me
>marketing appliances across the state
>teach home improvement stores about new product
>boss calls me one day
>says I'm smart and know how to work with people
>wants me to move up
>says I would get to skip training
>get hyped
>find out I needed a 3.8 gpa with my degree because it went along with a grant
>don't get the position

>> No.140650


Never networked. Got a job right after college making 80k. I'm actually good at it too because I couldn't cheat through school like all the people with "networks" did.

>> No.140662

Honestly, I'm only going to college because I got a scholarship that pays for damn near everything and then some. If the scholarship ends I'll just drop out and start writing a fantasy book. If it fails, I might go back one day to finish a degree, but I'd rather try something else first anyway.

>> No.140667



I have an friend who majored in Electrical Engineering

>Now I can say my profession is engineer
Fast forward 10 months
>Man, I still don't have a job!
>Works at a fucking bar as a bouncer on the weekends

>> No.140673


That's awful. How was his GPA?

>> No.140682

networking for me is when I need someone in a field, I look them up, research them, and straightforward write to them or call them and tell them my proposal

volunteering is doing something I want to do on my free time

don't need this formalized strategized networking crap or anything like that.

>> No.140691


I think it might've been OK, like a 3.5-3.7 range. He has a fuckload of connections, too.

I'll tell you why he didn't get a job, though.

>No experience
>Took 7 years to finish, constantly dropping classes

The most important part of getting a decent job is to put your degree to work before you graduate. If he took 7 years to finish but had equivalent to a year of working in the industry full time he'd be fine.

>> No.140711


Seriously. I bet almost anyone who shows up at college saying to themselves "okay time to network XD" is probably going to be disliked by everyone they try to "network" with. It seems very undignified and disingenuous.

>> No.140728

>accounting degree at shitty school
>2.85 gpa
>still got a job offer at deloitte due to nepotism

Stay mad plebs

>> No.140732

>implying anyone hires people still studying unless they're GPA 3.5+
>like a 3.5-3.7 range
>implying that wasn't your ridiculous, American "weighted" system of GPA
>implying his real GPA wasn't likely closer to 2
Yes, getting work experience whilst you're still working is a winning strategy... except that no one will hire you, dumbfucks.

This is true.

It's obvious as fuck when someone is trying to "network." If you want to network right, simply share a few drinks (alcohol, coffee, etc) with incidentally successful people and/or be a nepotistic prick. Any other form of "networking" is some sort of childish, faux-Machiavellian thing.

>> No.140744


I feel really bad for him but he did fuck up by never getting any experience in all that time.

>> No.140742

I've been applying for lots of jobs through gumtree and finance agencies but i'm having not much luck. It's really getting me down and making me feel pretty worthless.

I'm part qualified on the ACCA, but I don't have any hands on accounting or bookkeeping experience but .. how do I get experience without getting work first? Bit of a catch 22!

I've installed some accounting software and am familiar with the basics, but I wouldn't be able to pass an exam on it or anything.

What does /biz/ recommend I do?

>> No.140754

>Im not a sucker like everyone elses

>> No.140753


I had people hire me left and fucking right as soon as I said 'I can do thing, I'll do it for almost no money'.

19 months later I changed jobs and got $80k like a high roller.

>> No.140762

>as soon as I said 'I can do thing, I'll do it for almost no money'.
And who did you say that too?

So, I actually said something similar and now my future hinges on an unpaid "traineeship" I'm being interviewed for tomorrow.

>> No.140775


I wish I was you. I'm driven, but have few connections. Kinda sucks.

>> No.140784


Whoops, I meant $85k and this was also immediately after graduation.

>> No.140785

Just wondering, how do you get internships if you don't have any experience at all?

>> No.140794


I mean I got mine through my cousin working at the company but how do regular people do it since internships here require experience?

>> No.140799


Programming shit (I had taken literally one class on C# and another on Data Warehousing using Oracle and PL/SQL). I just put my resume on DICE, made it clear that I was looking for a job to grow and gain experience. Had a couple recruiters call and started a job at $40k.

I would definitely take the unpaid internship, and if they jerk you around then in 6-12 months apply for a job that actually pays.

I graduated last December and switched jobs.

>> No.140802


>needing experience to get someone coffee for $0.00 USD per hour

Are you trying to intern for Steven Spielberg or something?

>> No.140826


My college had a job fair and a website where companies would post openings for internships. The companies never expected you to have experience for those positions but it would help.

It's funny because I always thought my college was complete shit but I guess it wasn't so bad after hearing that you guys don't have this.

>> No.140843

Have to agree with this sadly.

Some fields need studies and unless you've learned that you gotta work to get shit you're not gonna get far.

But hey, at least you got lucky!

>> No.140889

What kind of shit does an engineering student need to do before graduating to land a good job after college?

>> No.140892

I dont know what you're talking about. Im an electrical engineer for GE and we hire kids straight out of college. They make shit money, but we do.

>> No.140897

How much money is shit money?

>> No.140914

Around 50k starting. Its not bad, but for an engineer its not great, considering I'm making around 100k.

>> No.140926
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Finished college not attending a single class; ~50k tech support job for a year.
Started CS @ Uni; Shitsux, still got a part-time web publishing job for a year.

Moved to admin BAC part time; Web dev job for 2 years at 60k.

GPA is shit, get over it; People care 'bout your paper and work experience. Suck it and choke on it. No one wants to have weekly retreats with a nerdy fag.

mfw filling my pockets, getting drone and not-so-drone work experience and networking.

>> No.140934

Oh, that's really not that uprising then. How much experience do you have?

>> No.140936

a whole bunch of crazy shit

like attending career conferences and finding out what it is that corporate america is looking for

you will find that there is a lot of demand for engineers, they are just very specific

>> No.140943

Competition is heartless too. You get to compete against people who wasted their life playing wow instead of getting pussy in their early 20s.

>> No.140947

>wasted their life playing wow instead of getting pussy in their early 20s.
Because somehow the amount of pussy one gets correlates to how well they'll do their job?

HR whore detected.

>> No.140952

I would say it builds confidence.

>> No.140970

You don't need to get laid to be confident, and before it's posted, just because you're confident doesn't mean you'll get laid.

>> No.140995

That makes them heartless?

>> No.141003
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I'm in the exact same boat, anon. I was the guy the got the golden ticket in my class despite having a pretty mediocre GPA but very strong work experience (through so good ol' nepotism).

>> No.141029

You seem bitter about not getting pussy in your early 20s and played wow instead.

>> No.141038


both things have equal non-transferable to money or experience value

face it, you'd prefer to play wow and have fun rather than get shitty pussy and waste shitloads of money on some bimbo that will find a new guy within a week

>> No.141046

>play wow and have fun rather than get shitty pussy
TBH girls are a lot more fun than video games, even if you're just meaninglessly flirting.

>> No.141067


maybe for some extrovert normalfag

i don't care for attention whores and i have yet to see an INTJ girl, or any girl worth talking to for that matter

>> No.141070

>flirting and girly mind games
>better than video games

>> No.141077
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>grandfather owns a corporation
>mom's a drunkard and a shit vice president
>he's implied he feels i'm the right one to inherit it as top posistion as long as i get a business degree
>already know a shitton of business because i'd sit in with my mom (before she discovered alcohol) and him talking business moves and such since i was 5
>mfw my life is going to be smooth as fuck considering my grandmother cut my mom out of inheritance and put me in her place, i'm a writefag and everyone i've spoken with has said my stories, if published correctly, could be the next harry potter, i'm an artfag, and i'll own a business

>> No.141082

Protip: If you meet one, you'll probably not be interested in her.

>> No.141086

The girl I had in mind writing that post is a slightly awkward introvert with the prettiest eyes, I met her through a friend which requires zero extrovertedness. She got out of me that I really like her ass (and a fine ass it is) and shit just went from there.

I dunno, get a few (purely platonic) friends who happen to be female. They won't help you get laid (ever, ever, not unless they can use you as a bargaining chip), but they will introduce you to a bunch of single girls, some on the rebound and looking for guys to make them feel good again.

Games are always fun if you're on the winning side. I know their games better than they do, so I always have fun.

>> No.141088

Fedora-clad ENG-fag detected.

>> No.141091

>there are people who "have an idea for an app" and "just need a coder to make it" and think they will get rich without technical knowledge

I hate how much I identify with this.

>there are people who think their business degree will teach them all about business

Well, fuck, what's the point then?

>> No.141094

>If you meet one, you'll probably not be interested in her.

Introverted girls are so fucking annoying, if she's not making as many moves as you are, chances are you having something with her is all down to luck. The most introverted girls won't reciprocate conversation, they won't tough your stomach or thighs, chances are their fantasy for their next kiss is from a 10/10 movie star/model who spontaneously kisses them after saving them from a speeding truck, or something obscene like that.

>> No.141106
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oh no i've been found out


>> No.141108

Butthurt physics student, good luck with that shit bud

>> No.141113

Business degrees are there to show that you've at least have a college education. The people that get them tend to have connections that will line them up with a job as soon as they graduate.

>> No.141117

To not get instantly trashed by automated resume scanners

>> No.141164


No degree-fag here. Can I fake my degree? How does one go about doing it? I just need to get a foothold, then once I gain experience i'll need it less.

>> No.141176

Best thing you can do is get in a cheap college. Study parti time and try to land a job with that shit.

Work your way up with a few years of experience and let the good times roll after your degree.

>> No.141179

I believe that's illegal, but I do recall reading some green-text story from some anon that pulled it off. Basically you need connections and luck, not a good thing to bet on.

>> No.141191

didn't that guy from catch me if you can specialize in that - I think he managed to be a doctor and a lawyer for a while using that technique. I bet it would be harder today with our technology and more sophisticated background checks - but I doubt it would be impossible. Just make sure there's a place to bolt to when you get caught and that it's not something that will attract too much attention or background checks

>> No.141195

I am not condoning faking a degree but most employers never check that crap. Maybe if they do a background check it will show up that you dont have a degree i dunno.

>> No.141202

You'll just get fucked when they ask you to do the job. No big deal.

>> No.141254


I bet I could pull it off. I actually did 2/4 years of a Mechanical Engineering degree so have some paperwork from the university. Hmmm i'll have to look in to this one.

>> No.141261

I'd be careful, that's not the kind of job where you can fuck around. Then again, I've had a few engineers at Boeing say they've never really used anything more complicated than algebra.

>> No.141405


I wouldn't be applying for engineering positions.

>> No.141439

Oh, that might work.

>> No.141445

You WILL fail. It is easy as fuck for them to call the school and ask if you graduated.

>> No.141448

>Im an electrical engineer for GE

Do you guys still subscribe to the toxic Welchian philosophy over there?

>> No.141475


Maybe I could change my name to someone who did graduate.

>> No.141497


I like you m8. You're going places

>> No.141823

Business student here. Not learning shit. Courses repeat content. Close to graduation.

Business is how well you communicate. If you want to make money you either have to have a good idea or be good at convincing people your idea is good.

I'm basically going to school for a piece of paper to do something I already do.

>> No.141965

I disagree. If you have skills that employers actually want, LinkedIn is the shit, as people will actively head-hunt you. I have about a half-dozen recruiters who have added me and contacted me about positions. I'm mulitlingual and have a business masters- bear in mind Multilingual Recruitment is a big area, so Multilingual headhunters seek out people with those qualifications

>> No.142008

I'm doing a business masters. It's 1-year, and for people who didn't have a business undergrad.

It's pretty much like a 4-year commerce degree packed into 1 year, with a big variety of topics, so it's intense as fuck.

It's general, but it's taught me a lot of about different business areas, given me some clarity on where I want to go, and has given me the ability to upskill on any topic (e.g. cramming Finance shit) really really quickly if needs be, as I know the fundaentals.

All in all, the degree alone won't get me a job, it's what I do with it and how I build on it that will

>> No.142032
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>graduated high school, honors diploma, national merit scholar
>went to trade school, apprentice machinist
>get hired in shop
>scope the place out, dope as fuck
>mfw running 9-axis mfg center
>2 years later, company sends me to school
>full ride as long as my grades are good
>work full time, 65k/year
>school part time
>two semesters left
>engineering job lined up with my name on it and a ribbon
>mfw all my high school friends have a degree, six figures of debt, and shit service jobs

C'mon step it up!!!!!!

>> No.142088


I speak three human languages fluently, am able to emulate seven distinct dialects, have an adequate understanding of latin, an estimated working vocabulary of 500k, and am currently learning Korean and Serbian. I am also fluent in nine programming languages, four of which are esotheric, two of which are for distributed systems and one of which is targeted at quantum gate hardware. Am I multilingual yet?

>> No.142128

>people actually go straight into a 4-year college with no connections at all
>proceed to do nothing for said connections at college

Holy shit enjoy your debt

>> No.142138


>people actually pay for college

my biggest expense is gonna be the handscribed diploma

>> No.142164

If you repeat this 100 more times, it could (possibly) become truth (and reality).

>> No.142182


I'm serious though, is that considered multilingual, or just average? My parents traveled a lot, enabling me to pick up natural speech from different regions as a youngster. Frequent revisits kept me "honed". I'm lerning Serbian in an attempt to get the "east block trifecta", and I have an active interest in Korean because of the language's history.

>> No.142190

so this is my first time on /biz/ but its exactly the kinda shit i need to get my life sorted so ill be here often now.

I'm going to school for architecture and want to know what you all think of my qualifications and aspirations. My design studio is top 10 in the nation, and my professors have commented on my advanced skills in: design process (really just being process rather than product driven), graphic design (communicating through visual means), software fluency, construction skills and experience (i did alot of that shit growing up), and drive (i bust ass on a daily basis, sleep like 4 nights a week on average). I feel like im a people person, pretty good social skills and can chameleon into almost any social environment.
I DO NOT want to be an architect however. While i love architecture, the tedium of drawing/designing/choreographin/nitpicking every little detail of a structure does not appeal to me. I love the design process, and love the freedom granted by my skillset. I think my calling is furniture design, and would love to find a firm or freelance projects working with firms, but have no idea how to break into the industry. I WILL graduate with the architecture degree, maybe a few years of internship, but do not intend to take the licensing exams unless it would be a large help with networking.

so i guess what im asking you, /biz/, is how do i make this life into something i want? By graduation i will have honed my skills in communicating, coordinating, and designing/creative process, but just don't know what channels to use/avoid. should i start checking out start-up firms? should i start producing public domain or creative common licensed projects so that i can get my name into the zeitgeist under the guise of academia? should i find other like minded archis and develop plans to form a freelance group or start a firm? should i try and get toeholds in developed firms as a way to make connections despite not caring about what they do?

what do?

>> No.142220

>there are people that weren't born into wealth

just end yourselves, peasants.

>> No.142224
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I like you m8

>> No.142591

Is the working world "easy" once you have a job? Is real life easier than school?

It seems like to get your first job, you have to be God's gift to the economy, Mr. Perfect, but once you have your first job, you can be mediocre and laze around looking busy... but anyone will hire you because you have "experience" which is apparently so much better than the best 4.0 fresh graduate.

>> No.142650

>>there are people who think GPA is more important than social skills and experience
>tfw family comes from india where GPA is all that matters
>repeatedly get told GPA is all that matters
>NEET for 2 years after college
fuck this gay earth

>> No.142760
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>mfw my father owns his own business
>mfw he makes 500k+ a year
>mfw I majored in the same thing he did (mech eng)
>mfw inheriting the business once I graduate
>mfw never have to follow your arbitrary drone rulebook bullshit

>> No.142761

then no one would make food for you and you'd starve mr. silver spoon

>> No.142771

Nepotism really is the best way to get a job, its no surprise its the jew's method.

>> No.142782


>Your dad's face when you graduate and he says "you know I kind of like working, I'm gonna stay for a few more years"
>Fast forward to when he's 70
>"OK I'm all done!"
>Your 45 year old face when

>> No.142793
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>mfw my father owns his own firm
>mfw he makes $1.5mil a year
>mfw I have the same professional degree
>mfw he is retiring soon
>mfw im honestly not sure that I'll make more money taking over the reigns.

>> No.142806

1. Start designing furniture and make a portfolio. You are studying architecture so you should already know that

2. Since you are still a student use the "im a young bright eyed kid full of potential" angle to your advantage. Find a person in the industry and invite them to coffee or lunch to talk to them about their job. DONT hit this person up for a job. Ask them their background, how they got into the business, what their typical day is, how they like their job, things like that. Ask him how you can get your foot in the door in the industry.

3. If the licensing exams arent too much trouble take them anyways. If you appear successful in architecture it makes you look good overall

>> No.142826
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>not staying in to get your masters in mechatronics
>not moving your family company into raven production
>missing out on the glorious anacap revolution
nigger you won't even be a footnote in history

>> No.142830

Other people's experience might be different but I do about 3-4 hours a work a day. I'm also a consultant so I have to be billing 8 hours a day of work to client projects. I keep thinking im gonna get in trouble for how little work I get done but I keep getting praise. I seriously got an email the other week about how awesome I am from one of the project managers. I think it's because nobody actually keeps track of what I'm doing. My boss and other managers only care about my utilization (% of my time billed to projects) and if I get the one thing they specifically ask me to do done. I spend the rest of the time browsing reddit on my phone. This may sound awesome but the work itself is pretty damn boring and browsing reddit all day gets boring too. At the end of the day I want to kill myself from boredom. I do spend a little time teaching myself programming at work but I dont want to be messing around on company computers in case they decide to check my history one day. Actually looking to quit this job because it's so damn boring.

>> No.142857

thx homie will consider. what do you guys think about forming an undergrad posse to start some shit after graduation, kinda like archigram but organized way beforehand.

>> No.142943

That's pretty much the same as a wide network of friends. Meet and befriend people in complimentary fields and you'll be surprised at the free advice and viable business connections you'll all have once everyone begins working.

I'm a soon to be lawyer and my best friends are a CPA, CFA, and an economist

>> No.142971

i understand what youre saying but i was picturing something more along the lines of a turn-key firm. like we would have our design philosophy and team roles already, then as soon as we got a project go official with either a DBA or some other IRS approved entity.

>> No.143770

>there are people who think GPA is more important than social skills and experience
Depends on the major. But for the majority correct when it comes to doing anything on your own.
>there are people who haven't done any networking in college and expect a job afterwards
It can be done.
>there are people who "hope [they] get rich one day!"
A little hope never hurt nobody. Neither does having a good plan and executing on it.
>there are people who party every weekend and want to fuck disgusting club sluts instead of creating something of value on Earth and making money
Nobody wants to burn out. Shit happens to me and I get physically sick. Stress be that killer.
>there are people who graduate college with zero work/volunteer experience

>there are people who think their business degree will teach them all about business
This shit so much. Unless you just want to collect that 40k for 35 yrs.
>there are people who "have an idea for an app" and "just need a coder to make it" and think they will get rich without technical knowledge
Them there project management skills. Even if they do find "good" coders, doesn't mean their ideas aren't shit anyway.
>there are people who sit in class every single day and never raise their hand nor participate in activities and think they will some day be a useful business person
Let these passive people be. I am guessing they enjoy where they are in life and just want to coast.
>there are people like me who get mad at this shit and rant about it on an anonymous chinese cartoon image board
People do no more than they think they have to. Be thankful you realize what it will take to get what you want. Also college is way to upper middle class. The shit you need to do and learn come from other places.

>> No.145206

sorry bro to be multilingual to need to be literate speak fluently in 6 western languages, Mandarin and one other Asian language and if you want to be taken seriously you should also speak 2 African languages. Really, the bar is at 10+ languages, right now you about as good as a public school student from Russia.

>> No.145774


Give me 4 years and a middle six figure job offer.

>> No.146715


That's the plan but it's a decent school and a friends family member that I'm relying on getting me in.

>> No.146732


You can but if HR finds out, they're almost required to fire you.