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File: 294 KB, 1200x900, blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14210945 No.14210945 [Reply] [Original]

I was just sent info on the Libra token. There is no mention of LINK anywhere in the whitepaper. They are also not using Reserve. What Zuck did was create his own blockchain and token, and the token is completely independent with a commodities basket tethered to each token being priced as $1. They did this all in house. I am not playing, they are not using LINK. LINK's price will dump at least 25% once the market digests this. You've been warned. I will post tomorrow at 7:30 PM EST linking this thread, get out of LINK now or you're going to lose a ton of sats. Be serious about your money anons.

>> No.14210957

Hey guys, it's the same guy with the same picture again!!!!

>> No.14210959

Be serious about my hairy balls UOF.

>> No.14210964

Everyone laugh at this dead meme obsolete faggot

>> No.14210969
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1560037229050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could anyone actually think facebook would use chainlink

>> No.14210982

The white paper will be signed by all parties that have invested & provided support in the endeavor. You will see chainlink noted as a signatory.

>> No.14210990


>> No.14211011

Prove it.

>> No.14211018

Fuck yourself faggot I don’t care. You have been fudding for over a fucking year.

>> No.14211021

It does mention Oracle though ;)

>> No.14211032

pro-tip for all anons out there: you can get an incredibly high-paying job working in the service industry if you work on seaworthy yachts. It's all billionaires and their bro's and they tip like saudi princes. Its just a few blowjobs per day and you get all living and expenses payed PLUS a per diem. My brother did that shit for years and met this dude. We all got thrown out of a gay bar together when he was in port and became fast friends. He trusted us on this with his play-money. We'll operate a node together once shit gets real.

>> No.14211033

u told me to sell everything before the google announcement because we were going to slowly bleed back to .60 cents

>> No.14211037

>g-g-guys i was just kidding it was all fud
you outed yourself attention whoring namefag. now fuck off

>> No.14211050

meant for op

>> No.14211054

Motherfucker I'm looking at the whitepaper right now, are you kidding me? 7:30 pm EST, be on here later today.

Yeah let me post the whitepaper I was sent and have Zuck track me down, I'm too connected

Beats me anon, I feel bad for the gullible but trying to help with a warning, sell now and hold the king

>> No.14211078


>> No.14211079

Post a sentence from the white paper and the page number it’s on so we can come back tomorrow and check

>> No.14211081

If there is one thing I’ve learned from this board it’s that you are a loser

>> No.14211086

It's weird. They use the term "Trusted Middleware". Not sure why they don't mention LINK by name since that's what they're using.

insider here...

>> No.14211089
File: 8 KB, 211x239, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too connected

>> No.14211091


>> No.14211096

get the fuck in here guys

Facebook API documentation had Oracle Transactions in their documents for a little while today and then it was removed.

>> No.14211097


>> No.14211101

Astro tier larp is back.... Super bullish.

>> No.14211106
File: 53 KB, 1120x182, 29CAC7FF-0034-44F6-9FBC-1E680DF60EDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14211107

>They did this all in house. I
no shit they got truated masternodes and a json parser why would they use an other crypto lol

>> No.14211118

this faggot

>> No.14211134

>I'm too connected
What is up with faggot fucking "business people" thinking they are actually important? Bitch, you are nothing. Nothing you do in your career means anything to anyone. You are literally a fucking nobody, who will leave absolutely no legacy when you die. Your children will have to think twice about your first name when they are telling their children about grandpa. No one gives half a fuck about how "connected" you are. You're not. No one gives a shit. Zuck isn't going to track you down, because you're not important. You're a fat piece of shit. You come on to my board, start fucking LARPing, and then have the audacity to say that you're somehow so connected to some bullshit fucking MLM company on it's last legs, that you can't even share a breadcrumb of a whitepaper from some garbage fucking token that will be dead within two years. Fuck you. 100% guarantee your wife is cheating on you, faggot.

>> No.14211139

Again, he sent me this document knowing it's still under NDA. These are people on the inside. Show up at 7:30 pm EST on biz and that's all the proof you need, I'm not one of these larping fucks like assblaster who disappeared after the expose

>> No.14211145


>> No.14211151

Do this faggot or are you just going to be a dirty larper once again? >>14211079

>> No.14211157

That’s right.... feel the anger, feel the rage. Shit post with more emotion. Don’t forget to take your pills tonight oldfag

>> No.14211161

kek oldfag btfo

>> No.14211181

>its not copy pasta
Lmao nice anon

>> No.14211185

Post the whitepaper retard

>> No.14211186

What price will monero be eoy?

>> No.14211193

So many people who leak shit on 4ch are actually connected and lose their shit, but this attention seeking fag would rather not. Hes just an attention whore who wants to be known with his bullshit mysterious connections and him being a tripfag proves it.

>> No.14211195

Fucking larper. You just want us to sell so you can accumulate more.

>> No.14211208
File: 105 KB, 1024x762, E4D20F3D-2463-4F86-812A-F836258C01D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


liked and subscribed

>> No.14211224

>so you can accumulate more
the accumulate more line is a meme
people on here are straight up cunts who want to part you with your money and laugh at you when you dont make it while they do

this isnt some business power move, its being a complete cockhead

>> No.14211226

Hes just a troll

>> No.14211228
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, 1515854397525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people are going to get rekt when it comes out that facebook wont be using chainlink, so if you bought in thinking this you only have yourself to blame I've tried to warn people of the facebook larps but people refuse to listen

>> No.14211241

200 iq

>> No.14211251

Thanks for trying to tone down the hype. Fucking swing linkers keep trying to push this Facebook meme

>> No.14211258



>> No.14211272

Absolutely based and truth-pilled

>> No.14211286
File: 309 KB, 1242x1324, 75F254B8-FAFE-447B-85A8-E728AB4693D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just showed up on google today and as of 1 hour ago it’s returning 404 page not found errors. That’s all the breadcrumbs I will share.

>> No.14211299

>are actually connected
Connected to what? A bunch of rich faggots? Why are they so fucking scared of leaking some shit on a goat milking chinese forum? It's not like some Mr. Sheckle Jew can track the fucking posts. And even if they could, if they are so connected and successful, why would they even give a shit? Anyone who comes here and says anything along the lines of "I can't say much more" or "I won't tell you my position" are just a bunch of wage slave fucking pussies with absolutely no courage or drive. They bent the knee a long time ago to live the imaginary American dream, and they spend their entire lives trying to be "important", but in reality, they'll end up dead with nothing to fucking show for it. Sure, they might have a few more dollars in their pockets than I ever will, but at least I'll have bigger balls and a hotter bitch.

>> No.14211307

This can be referring to a centralized oracle developed by facebook.

>> No.14211315

I believe you uncs. We'll be sipping Dom Peragnon tomorrow night while these losers panic sell after a 50% drop hahahaha

>> No.14211320

How nu are you? This tub of lard been talking out of his ass since $.20 range. Outted more times than I can count. FB more than likely will need an Oracle, is it link? Nobody fucking knows. You think oldfags care about a 25% dump? When they’ve already 5x, 10x? I don’t want to be just rich. I want.fuck you money.

>> No.14211325

I wonder why you dont create a new character after revealing several times that you're obviously a low effort larp/stinky trying to swing it. Guess you still got some mileage left with this trip code, huh?

>> No.14211362

Oldfag comes here to try and make anons lose money because his daughters are taking the BBC on the low and his bloodline is finished.

>> No.14211366

Even if facebook isn't using link, the fact that google is integrating chainlink confirms that link is a bluechip and it has a bright future ahead.

>> No.14211384

>FB more than likely will need an Oracle
every masternode is a propertiary permissioned posdibly staked oracle they dont need link for shit

>> No.14211397
File: 29 KB, 440x570, 1560755706311 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason parsor confirmed

>> No.14211402

must be easy as shit to FUD these nulinkers

>> No.14211409

we are not pumping because of facebook you dumb pajeets. All this shit is priced in and if you think we are going to bleed you have a single digit IQ.

>> No.14211420

>Link will never reach 60 cents again

Oh would ya look at that Mr larp

Could you post the pajeet pajeet you shit in the street pasta agin?

>> No.14211431

Why are we pumping then

>> No.14211441

google had nothing to do with that aside from its cloud services used by oracles lol you are do gullible

>> No.14211446

maybe people realized link is not a scam and all of a sudden it came into the top 30 in coin market cap.

>> No.14211468

I don’t care. Already close to 10x. Not fcking selling.

>> No.14211470

>Muh NDA
>Cant post one sentence
Fuck off kikebook boomer larper

>> No.14211481

God you Nulinkers are annoying.

Facebook isn't going to mention Link and you dumb fucks will sell.

We won't drop below 1.75 and we will be over $10 EOY when you neck yourself.

>> No.14211496


>> No.14211504

>not selling to buy more bags later
suck to be you retard

>> No.14211505


this manlet whale >>14211082 decided to throw some light weight around. But Sergey is suppressing the manlet whale with his big beefy Bacon Mc Cheese Belly.

>> No.14211509

They are obviously not going to use link. It would cost $1.50 for every transaction, and with facebooks volume that would shoot up to $40 pretty quick. It would be a completely unusable currency.

Do you dipshits actually think ethereum will be used here?! EOS maybe. EOS is fast enough.

>> No.14211539
File: 96 KB, 471x523, 8BD26207-2AB8-4A60-9E83-085092BD88AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about last weeks anouncment

>> No.14211544

it probably won't contain anything, but it's also probably not going to dump the price much. mainnet dump was pathetic, you think cuz some autists and twitter fags hyped a facebook connection that it's going to dump the price massively?

i might still watch binance tomorrow and be prepared but i'm not expecting much price action.

>> No.14211551

> what are threshold signatures

>> No.14211553

Nice Image Cpy+Paste


>> No.14211557

Suck my dick faggot

>> No.14211560


>> No.14211587
File: 752 KB, 1125x1934, F0478E13-C244-41D0-998C-C35A7C26A9C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14211590


Holy Shit. This place is Reddit now. I'm out.

>> No.14211599


Incredibly based


Trust me, people are going to have a meltdown and take to biz/twitter/discord asking why fb isn't using link

>> No.14211616

I just bought 1k link

Just in case.

To me the regret of seeing this go to $3 hurts ot more then seeing this shit gush blood to .80 cents again.

If it goes to .80 cents I have 10k fiat ready to buy

>> No.14211620

Have a (you) Uncle Dumfuck.

Remember the time he forgot to turn off his trip? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA stupid fuck.

>> No.14211624

its true

>> No.14211638


Should I sell all my link and go with Monero from now on`?

>> No.14211644

Trust me, you are one lonely fuck who should kill himself.

>> No.14211652


>Trust me

How much have you lost swinging? Go buy XRP you faggots.

>> No.14211775

Fuck off faggot

>> No.14211809

>TRIGGERED, the band

No, buy BTC and ETH as I've been saying for a long time now. BTC is headed for the rafters

>> No.14211819

Where's the 0.15 chainlink you larping faggot?

>> No.14211820

Can someone post the cap of this fag shilling link when he forgot to turn his tripcode off

>> No.14211836

Sell ur stinky linkies

>> No.14211848
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1556008626670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this

>> No.14211853
File: 490 KB, 1125x2436, 1550197561360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14211856

Never sell, only buy.

>> No.14211858

Get help. You are the worst larper in the history of this board, fucked up badly, and still come back here. I've spent enough time on you tonight, Astro. Shift-click bye.

>> No.14211972

ID giving mixed signals

>> No.14212092


>> No.14212211
File: 427 KB, 750x866, 4D785DCD-643A-4BFC-B6D8-089B013E1CFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t find KingCoin!? Is it on Robinhood?!

Or... do you mean cash. As in, cash is king?

>> No.14212260

If you were an insider you’d know the white paper is being released at 5am EST

>> No.14212291

holy...fucking based

>> No.14212313
File: 15 KB, 251x242, peplaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to laugh search for all his posts it's quite easy since he larps with a trip. Unironically this tripfag has been here larping as resident jester for TWO YEARS now telling us to sell link

>> No.14212320

Based and pastaed good job anon here's a (You)

>> No.14212326

scroll up it's here already:

>> No.14212331
File: 375 KB, 1200x1200, 1560824939936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for the time he left the trip on and suggested buying link. > Literally do the opposite needful of the biz

>> No.14212363


>> No.14212369

that's nothing. he used to say LINK was going to $0:

>> No.14212583

Put ice on the burned area.jpg

>> No.14212618

ETH is finished without threshold signatures from Chainlink

>> No.14212631

Oh this faggot is back

>> No.14212645

So the dude from Earlier today was a larp and this is too?

>> No.14212726

Daily reminder that the mouthbreathing nigger OP spent almost a year unsuccessfully fudding link back when it was between .30 and .50 cents.
He couldn't even spell perignon right and kept trying to insist that he was rich, but never posted proof of anything at all.
He was eventually caught out when he forgot to take his trip off and he was shilling link. It was so embarassing for him that he only made a few posts after that and faded away as a memory of little more than a nuisance - and now he's back acting like a retard again.

As I said to you a while back "oldfag" - go drink some drain cleaner and lie down in a landfill. You're too stupid to make it.

>> No.14212745


>uncleoldfag saying chainlink won't be [something]


>> No.14213175

Based. Kill yourself OP, you've been exposed before and you're trying to take advantage of nulinkers. Absolutely pathetic.
>he makes sure that he post with the exact same photo with an American Express credit card every time he's larping
>his life is literally defined by a photo of an American Express credit card that isn't even his
>he has to larp about being """"""""too connected""""""""" because it's the only thing that can remotely give him any sense of importance in life

>> No.14213216

I remember this. It was beyond pathetic. How can a man spend countless hours on this portuguese goat dressing arena, spreading lies and talking to fellow retards wishing to influence the price...He's a sad little man. Anyone who listens to him should know better.

>> No.14213236


This is a massive LARP, But 100% true! See you @ 7:30 OP

>> No.14213413

W-wait, you mean this isn’t legit? I shouldn’t have sold?

>> No.14213738

Truly my favorite larp. Welcome back uncle.