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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 88 KB, 1200x600, binance-panic-social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14204359 No.14204359 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck binance. I just tried to get my linkies off of binanace, onto my trezor. Flagged for suspicious activity, need to verify my identity. Ok, fine, whatever. Go to do so and the US is not in the list of countries, and won't let me get past without it. Wtf am I supposed to do? Has anyone done this since the announced they were fucking burgers?

>> No.14204387

How many linkies do you have?

>> No.14204409

i can log into your account and send your linkies on your wallet if you want.
t. not a burger

>> No.14204413


>> No.14204414

Post a screenshot of the flagging, redact your info of course. I havent seen a pic of it yet

>> No.14204416

>us not in list of countries
yeah it is, did you check under u?

>> No.14204421

I just moved 6k worth of ETH without any problem.

>> No.14204426

this, i’m curious now. you might want to get a hold of chink support OP

>> No.14204433

Kek, nice try, but it limited all withdrawals

>> No.14204439

Just accept that they are gone and move on with your life.

>> No.14204576
File: 12 KB, 849x213, Countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go through the very first step of verification and see for yourself. There is no US

>> No.14204614
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>> No.14204688

Can someone go through the motions of verification and see if I'm retarded? I tried typing it too, but it doesn't show up whatever I try

>> No.14204834

I see the same thing, although it looks like the last couple entries might be cut off by a wonky scroll bar. I tried using Firefox on Linux

>> No.14204858

This has me a bit freaked out op, I'm getting my shit off of there right now. Wish me luck

>> No.14204862

>try to verify
>US not on the list because US anons not allowed
>cant verify because US
>cant get coins
uh oh

This is a classic move by Binance tho.
>get hacked
>pretend its okay
>ban a country and confiscate their funds to get made whole
>do it under the guise of regulations

>> No.14204864

I can't get my funds off, wtf is going on

>> No.14204889

lol bye bye crypto

>> No.14204888

Its only linkies, fake internet money. you're never going to "cash out" anyways. Just move on.

>> No.14204980

I was able to get out a small test withdrawal

>> No.14204986

How small?

>> No.14204994

The real question OP is if you have already done KYC initially to raise your cap from 2BTC withdraw. You may be close to over it. Binance already knows im a burger and they stated even in their paperwork even after september you can't deposit or trade but only withdraw. I think this might be more due to a non KYC account. Please elaborate.

>> No.14205161

When you fags gunna realise 2020 will be the year of total regulation. We are already seeing KYC for wallets, Binance removing coins to meet regulation, regulation compliant coins, stable coins, smart coins, Zuck Coin and the list goes on. This market will be locked down by 2020 act accordingly

>> No.14205189

But can i still use BTC to buy uncut drugs though?

>> No.14205321

I have never done it, this is the first time. The withdrawal was a test as I've never used the Trezor/MEW. I planned to take 100ish out and put it back to feel better about the process

>> No.14205393

Get fucked criminal

>> No.14205412

I have dealt with the huobi.pro to huobi.us when I invested in Nebulas a long time ago. I actually even got locked out of my account because of some 2fa mishap. I just called them and told them all my deposit details and let me withdraw to cold storage. The reality is you can still call them. Burgers technically have full access to their funds even after september as long as they dont trade after the deadline. https://binance.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new I would go to zendesk and open a support help line with them. Try to get in contact with a person.

>> No.14205437

Thanks, I tried both firefox and chrome on linux. I see what you mean by the wonky scroll bar, but the text box clearly searches and it doesn't show up when typing it in.

>> No.14205447

explain to them that you have not done kyc yet you are a burger and have access until september. They may have pre-emptively done that to stop new people from registering from US on an exchange that is stopping support in 2.5 months.

>> No.14205458

Yes, this is my next course of action. Thanks. Everyone here should be at least a little concerned by this.

>> No.14205494

Was just going to take out 100, but ended up making the balance an even number, it was like 176.567

>> No.14205564

Anon, there is also a chat bubble on the bottom right I would try.

>> No.14205589

Man, glad I withdrew everything from Binance the night the US news was announced. Shit like this is probably going to start happening more frequently. Hope it works out for you guys that are having problems.

>> No.14205633

Funds are safu
Just not in your wallu

>> No.14205635

Have you ever used a vpn on binance? Which one?

>> No.14205695

took all my cones off the other day.
got 17 xrp stuck there. i dont give a fuck. its gonna be worthless soon anyways lol

>> No.14205713

exact same thing i did. you gotta move quick when news like this hits

>> No.14205714

Just went through that, it's mostly useless. It just uses AI to find articles for your problem, eventually directing you to email support, which I have now done.

>> No.14205773

No, but likely the cause was I logged in from a recently reloaded computer. It saw it as a new device and had an extra validation step. I then asked for the withdrawal pretty quickly after validating and logging in. I'm betting that's the case. Some of the articles they suggested in the process had reasons for withdrawals being disabled, changing 2fa, password and a few other things - some said they required 5 day wait. New device wasn't listed, but that seems reasonable

>> No.14205827

If you tried to withdraw over 11K link that's more than the 2 BTC daily limit for unverified accounts, this is daily of course. If you tried to withdraw less would it have asked for KYC? I'm mostly betting on the requirements being under 2 BTC and they don't try to pull anything but I've never withdrawn funds before.

>> No.14205853

Also, I'm really parranoid about using MEW since I've never done cold storage or my own wallets for crypto before, is there anything I should know? I plan on getting a trezor or nano S but I have to wait for shipping, can I reasonably just make a MEW wallet temporarily on a wiped PC or should I risk it by sending it to the PC that's associated with my binance account first?

>> No.14205900

It was 100 link test withdrawal, I've never used my trezor/mew. I planned to send them to trezor and back to binance to verify I control them with a small amount.

>> No.14205932

Trezor walked you through the whole creation process, it was simple (or I assume so, as I've not actually completed it). I watched a couple videos first.

>> No.14206534

Hey, back. I just tried withdrawing .5 ETH to a newly created MEWconnect wallet on my phone from binance and it seems to work fine so far for me. So far so good the transaction is currently processing so maybe it's a temporary thing on your end? I'm a burger too so it must not be related to them shutting us down (yet).

Although this was with ETH. I need to transfer ETH first for gas fees

>> No.14206729

Save the Private Keys as .TXT then archive the file with 7zip.

>> No.14206769

jeezus this captcha shit is out of control..

anyways - who else experiencing this as a burger with lvl 1 (unverified) acct? going to take my btc off tonight and into the wallet o_0 but worried

>> No.14206795

This actually sounds like bad advice. I don't think you want your private keys anywhere on your computer. I guess you could encrypt them though

>> No.14206812

I decided to to a test withdrawal. Might just be permanent though. I liquidated my BNB to round out my Xrp stack. Just sent all my Xrp to Coinbase from binance with no problem, you’re probably a retard though.

>> No.14206868

>keeping your shitcoins on an exchange

>> No.14206872

7zip gives you the option to encrypt your archive.

>> No.14207810

lol sucks for you. i liquidated all my open positions same day the news came out of platform changes and got everything off the exchange.

>> No.14207845

Binance said we have until September to withdraw, why are they asking for ID now? Wtf?

>> No.14207911

I cashed out 1k of shit coins over the past 2 days. Stop money laundering op and the algos won’t block your withdraws.

>> No.14208040
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Your coins are forever SAFU on Binance.

>> No.14208352
File: 149 KB, 800x450, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled all of my funds from Binance when they were part of the Tether scandal, and I've avoided any of the following fuckery.
If you left any serious funds in there, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.14208944

Check under 'Murica.

>> No.14209089

Bnb coin is done without usa sorry buy BSV