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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14200411 No.14200411 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14200431
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rank 44 and dropping

>> No.14200437

there is nothing more satisfying then seeing redditors btfo

>> No.14201094
File: 388 KB, 531x517, 2019-06-16_23-03-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK OFF NAZI BIZ!! Soon this shit site will be taken down due to all your HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY and XENOPHOBIA. I will LAUGH in YOUR FACE!

>> No.14201123

dubs and you die from anal bleeding

>> No.14201183
File: 91 KB, 700x537, crematorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in you go subhuman

>> No.14201237

Someone post the Reddit screenshot of that moron who kept buying more as the price went down.

>> No.14201285


>> No.14201653

Lmao retards actually bought this shit?

>> No.14201715

Nano ded. Sell now before it drops to 2k sats.

>> No.14201748

I agree holders got rekt, but I fail to understand the hate about this coin. A feeless, near instant coin, with no mining.

There is no better contender for becoming an actual global currency. My understanding is that it's not fully finished, and 2 big updates will make it spam proof. Then what possible issue is there with the coin, aside from the price and reputation. Tech wise, where's the problem?

The chart is not juicy enough for me to jump in, but damn, it has my interest.

>> No.14202048

still hodling, still believing here baby

>> No.14202068

It is stealing at these prices.
The nano team is stealing money from the pockets of bag holders.

>> No.14202768

even dogecoin is unironically better techwise.

>> No.14203240

There are a million coins that are more likely to become a global payment crypto, for instance zuccbux or the eventual fedcoin. What we need in crypto is a store of value to isolate from the system, payments will be solved by a ton of other players coming into the space. Fiat itself is pretty damn easy already. Just buy bitcoin

>> No.14203259


>> No.14203277

Very cringe NANO fud.
Fuck you.

>> No.14203298

still holding this shit lol

>> No.14203321


My anus has been bleed for over a decade and I’m still here to beat your ass faggot

>> No.14203323
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 2523236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know who the stupid fuck was that changed the name from: Raiblocks (XRB) to nano… I mean, how retarded can you be? Raiblocks sounded fucking awesome and XRB is like a cooler version of XRP. BUT nooo, stupid idiots with no sense of whats cool start rebranding it to nano. just... omfg... its soo ogre... stupid lame idiots..

>> No.14203559

i have 300 bags of nano that are kinda heavy but why the fuck don't I just sell them into btc
I'm selling buy NANO