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14195423 No.14195423 [Reply] [Original]

Sooo what are the chances it will be using chainlink

>> No.14195431

Sooo what are the chances it will be using the internet

>> No.14195465

Evan Cheng is the literal Director of Engineering at Facebook. Libra supposedly needs an Oracle to receive market data. Chainlink is the most technically sound and decentralized Oracle network to choose from. Ya I'm pretty sure they're using Link.

>> No.14195469

Chainlink 1K EOY screencap this

>> No.14195498

High enough

>> No.14195514

Sure is swinglinker manipulation in here

>> No.14195559


>> No.14195572

hmmm hmmm why do they need a whitepaper for a centralized scamcoin? why didn't twitch release one for their bits?
any boomer who falls for this exitscam from a dying company deserves to lose their money

>> No.14195580

Zilliqa day tomorrow..........................

>> No.14195603

>why didn't twitch release one for their bits
I don't know, why don't you tell us zoomer?

>> No.14195605

No one cares fren, we know we will become rich as fuck and let me tell you why:
There are two kind of power that control society, the front end and the backend.
The normies think the front end is what really controls everything, the autists know it is the backend.
The normies think Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Putin are powerful, they're not, the bankers that lend the government are powerful and people pay taxes to the government so it repays them, they can make a whole country go to war in an instant, they control the media and everything else.
The normies think Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Bill Gates are geniuses, sure they're smart but not geniuses, when (((they))) want something done they will find someone who is not only an autist, but who understands the inner fabric of reality and can think about reality from above, as if he's playing a sims game, lots of anons here love to do psychedelics and think about the world from above, now Sergey is this kind of person, he is a legit philosopher genius, and he is going to bring forth the industrial revolution...
Sergey is unironically the incarnation of the three bogatirs, he is both Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich and Dobrinya Nikitich, and he was born gifted with the power of sight and wisdom, how? the jews Bolchevik jews sacrificed 1000 kids to Satan to impregnate the Russian branch Rothschild girl and give her a son, she changed her name and her son's to Nazarov, to desecrate the image of God.
You will all become rich, but at what price

>> No.14195622

Who gives a fuck honestly, i hope it doesn't so this current batch of moonboy newfags sell and fuck off

>> No.14195696

One is certain. If /biz/ says something for sure then it definitely won't happen

>> No.14195710

>FB using security tokens banned in the US

>> No.14195722

Sub $1

>> No.14195769
File: 10 KB, 225x225, F3465389-E1B8-4723-806D-C912641CEE4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know if they will announce chainlink integration right away, but eventually they would probably stand to benefit by using it. I think in the white paper we’ll see the need for a decentralized oracle expressed, but no specific tech mentioned. Kind of like bow Reserve protocol said “we’ll see if chainlink works out” and then announced later. Facebook could say “we’ll find the best solution and use that to keep our price feed decentralized” without mentioning chainlink.

There *is* also the completion from Reserve AND now Google Cloud so maybe that’ll push them to announce Chainlink. Here’s to hoping.

>> No.14195935
