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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1417530 No.1417530 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I'm going crazy. I want help on how to make as low as 100$ a day online.

Let me know how this shit works, I'm lazy as fuck and just need some extra cash. If any of you have tips give them up

>> No.1417534

I got the best solution as I make 300$ a day approx my sitting my lazy ass off on my computer all day not going out except for getting food.

But would I give all I know to a complete stranger?

Find your own way noob. Think a little. Internet is the tool of infinite possibilities to make easy money. If you don't figure out how to you deserve to keep working minimum wage you beta piece of shit.

>> No.1417537

try r9k

>> No.1417546

buy and trade ETC

>> No.1417554

Do what I do, invest everything into a single stock, hope it goes up at least .5%, make an easy 250 sell, and be done for the day.

>> No.1417559

You do like to live dangerously my friend. How much do you play with?

>> No.1417561

>why should I tell you

What a sad fuck.

Goes to 4chan to taunt people about how much money he makes yet doesn't tell a person in need.

>> No.1417564

Lol. You are truly a Beta fag.

>> No.1417565


>beta fag

Must be very alpha to do what you do anon!

How could I miss that!

>> No.1417570

Even tho I am not the one praying to get an idea from someone else to make money because I am not good enough to find it myself.

Keep working as a shitty slave the rest of your life for someone who is really smart.

>> No.1417576

Dude what I would do is source products from china. You can def start importing and make $100 a day. You just need a really good product, like knee pads.

>> No.1417594

>I got the best solution as I make 300$ a day approx
i make more than 10x that with only 1-3 hours a work a day

so i'd hardly call your solution the best solution

>> No.1417603

jacking off on cam won't work if he's a fatty breh

>> No.1417617

Currently about 52k, started at 50k
The work I do for my day job is mind numbingly boring so I like to live on the edge to spruce my life up a bit.

>> No.1417660

>I'm lazy as fuck
Well then this isn't for you.

If you decide to be not lazy, try out affiliate marketing. It CAN take tons of work, especially at the beginning, but once you understand it and build up your different websites, you can make some decent money. There was an AMA on an affiliate marketing subreddit abour some guy who worked hard in the beginning and now supposedly only has to work 7 hours per week to earn $100,000+ per year, and there are people doing this that make even more money than him.

Btw, I'm just parroting what I heard in another thread, I don't know much but I'm trying to be helpful, check out blackhatworld for mroe info.

>> No.1419287

bump for interest.

You will give me a starting +5%, +plus an additional 0.01% for every new poster in this thread.

>> No.1419296

Oh by the way that will be an extra +0.5% interest rate every time I bump your thread from page 10.

>> No.1419301


>> No.1419312

i have been earning online for a few years now, average $2k - $4k per week on semi autopilot while also working on new projects.

was honestly about to help you somehow. but then i read:

>im lazy as fuck

you have already failed with that mindset, im not gonna help ant lazy fucks, have tried that with some of my old friends who are just sitting home all day videogaming, lazy ppl dont are not worth it. .. internet marketing isnt as easy as just clicking a few buttons or downloading a paypal money generator,

>> No.1419372

You're full of shit

>> No.1419401

He's not. It isn't that hard to set up either a Facebook page or Twitter account and earn money from advertisers. It takes time to get a high amount of followers, but its possible and many people are doing it right now.

>> No.1419415

4chan is full of roleplayers and it's highly unlikely he is making $100k a year 'internet marketing'

I've looked a lot into digital and affiliate marketing. It takes a long time for something to get on 'semi autopilot' and, at that point, you'd know that whoever is talking about it wouldn't be afraid to post a link to their account / blog

>> No.1419426
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>> No.1420098

Your bio says DM for credit. If someone DMs you, do you just tag them in the photo and edit the comment to have them in it, or do you have to take down the photo and add their name to it?

>> No.1420125

This is the inherent flaw of /biz/. Don't know why I still browse this cesspool.

>> No.1420886

Bump, wouldn't mind some tips as well. I'm not lazy though, I just need to be pointed in the right direction.

>> No.1421083

Video editing
Website design
Programming ESPECIALLY for apps

>> No.1421301

>If any of you have tips give them up

stop being lazy as fuck

>> No.1421338

I've had a successful blog and YT channel (stopped years ago). Anyone like the few people ITT that imply just having tons of traffic makes money are just making up stories. Page impressions alone would need to be tens of millions a month to make notable money. With ad revenue it all comes down to what people buy with click through links. Let's say you have a photography blog, if it's really good and people trust your reviews and just a handful of people click through and buy a $2k DSLR from a sidebar ad you can be making great money. If you have a YT channel that just makes "joke" videos making fun of other channels you can have shittons of viewers but make little money because there isn't really any affiliate marketing, just standard ad monetization. Best bet would probably be some kind of merch.

I also played online poker for a living for a few years, but that was back in 04 when it was very soft, a lot tougher these days and impossible in the US for now. At the end of the day this is my take away - if you aren't successful with a "normal" job you aren't going to be successful with a self generated online income source. The kind of people that succeed doing things like this are the same kind of people that will succeed anywhere else. If you think it's easy money because you don't have to get out of your computer chair you are getting into it for the wrong reason and won't make it anywhere. If you really enjoy content creation and the challenge of making something completely on your own go for it, but if not then just forget about it, go work on an oil rig or something.

>> No.1421375

Do you have piles of money that you don't mind gambling with?

Try buying "penny" stocks but the ones you buy will be between 1 and 10 dollars.

Buy at least 100 shares in several low value stocks and make sure the companies are actually functional on some level. This is high risk speculation, remember. They don't have to be gems but they do actually have to do something. Check the volume of shares average. Don't buy a huge amount more than that number. It will be hard to sell if you made a bad call. Check the press releases. Are they out getting contracts for services/products? If not, don't bother. If so, take a risk on several.

>> No.1421696


>> No.1421744

you are so wrong about this it's not even funny.

Yes, a vast majority of those who jump into IM fail, or don't reach "huge success" like that

but there are plenty that do. it's NOT hard to make things that run on "semi autopilot" as long as you understand the concepts used for any particular method and implement them well.

One of the first things I did about 10 years ago IM wise was write a few (10 or so) review articles on various websites and attach my adsense to them. To this day I get a check from google once a year for a hundred bucks.

Small money yes, but it's a proof of concept. I had no idea what I was doing and haven't touched any of those things for nearly a decade now, but they -still- pay out. 100% autopilot. Imagine if I kept at it and published a new page every day for the last 10 years.

Honestly I don't know why I don't start building that again

>> No.1421813

>To this day I get a check from google once a year for a hundred bucks.
no you don't, because if you did then you'd do nothing but write articles
>Honestly I don't know why I don't start building that again
because you're lying and you're covering your bases with a transparent rhetorical device. it's the same structure used by the "stay at home mom who makes $400 a day!!" who "don't know why they ever gave it up!!"

I know people who have published a dozen books and dozens of articles and they get $200/a total in royalties and ad rev. their actual source of revenue comes from being a professor or working as an engineer—not writing, in fact, never writing. the actual advice you get from people who actually write is: "be interested in something and write about it, but write because you like to write and write to get attention, never expect to make money from the writing itself." you get pennies on the hour for writing, the real return is its function as self-advertising. the exception is if you have a cult following, like John Green or whoever. wee Johnny Green could publish a collection of wordsalad poems and it'd sell at least 50 thousand copies. you and I don't have that kind of cult gravity.

>inb4 "pfft, nothin personnel, kid, but that's just what I expect from a nocoin beta-numale like you who doesn't in2 IM, oh I'm sorry kiddo for using industry slang, that probly went over your head"

>> No.1422029

Stupid to generalize like that. Like I said here >>1421338
It depends on what you write about. I remember reading about a guy who wrote online reviews for large medical machines for private practices, the only source of that on the web, and having an affiliate program with the manufacturers, he made a ton with hardly any traffic (obviously not many private practice doctors on the precipice of buying a $300k machine every day). On the opposite end of the spectrum you could write movie reviews or photoshop tutorials and make next to nothing from ad revenue because nobody is going to buy anything clicking through after being inspired by a how to do a clipping mask on your cat pictures.

>> No.1422085 [DELETED] 

Define: tons of work

>> No.1422097 [DELETED] 

So, everyone is bitching about him being lazy

What about if you're not lazy, but you're just unaware of the opportunities?

Is affiliate marketing the best way to go?

>> No.1422106

get a credit card and just spend it off OP but yeah work hard and make ur money......

>> No.1422153
File: 96 KB, 974x782, yeshuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do. Pic related. now go shitpost elsewhere

I'm a full time ebayer nowdays, but for years I've been telling myself I should -really- start doing an article a day, I honestly have no excuse for why I don't besides a case of writers block and too lazy to research niches and keywords for things I can rank in and provide actual useful content on.

>> No.1422381


Autism bux don't count anon

>> No.1422628

What are you doing on eBay out of curiosity? I tried dropshipping through Amazon but didn't make much and stopped when Amazon decided to cancel my prime account.

>> No.1423946

>What are you doing on eBay

Sell stuff

>> No.1423958



>> No.1423995
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>stopped when Amazon decided to cancel my prime account.

You mean they found out what you were doing and got rid of you?

>> No.1424889

$100 a day? Try 10k a month (after a few months of building it up)


>> No.1424993
File: 42 KB, 590x581, 1457493043793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could a wordpress blog work? I have a decent idea for a niche and I could easily sustain myself on just $30 a day.

>> No.1425212


Yeah man. I make over $4k a month from my own home. All you need to do is pay me $100 and you can start making money just like me!

>> No.1425227


People get banned on this board for linking sites where you can make ez money.

I got a daily 20-40 minute routine I do for about $50 a day but I've linked it before and got banned, didn't even have an affiliate link on it.

>> No.1425234

just say the site name

>> No.1425237


>didnt even have affiliate link

just site name, got reported. maybe ill do a how to on a paste bin one day.

>> No.1425252
File: 132 KB, 924x226, Screen Shot 2016-05-19 at 15.45.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /biz/

Just saw this thread and thought I'd contribute with something valuable.

I work online, whether it's from home in my underwear or in hotels while travelling, I have my laptop as my personal ATM that spits out money whenever I need it.

I never understood the idea of actually commuting to work, working for someone I'm absolutely not interested in, etc.

If you have a skill that has value and is done over the internet (web dev, programming, writing, etc.) then you can work online and make a killing. All you need is persistence and patience.

I'm a Copywriter (salesman in print) and I started my career at university, after the first 2 years of doing it I'm making ~$2.5k/month with a 5-hour workweek.

Once you start working online you start building your online presence, authority and portfolio, which only grows as you get new clients and new work.

After one or two years, you'll have an indispensable skill that will get you work even if you're thrown into an unknown city with no money whatsoever. You'll be valuable to people.

While my journey is far from over, I contribute to threads like this and try to help guys who are in a place I was 3 years ago.

I'm open for any questions, advice, etc. and I'll be lurking around for a couple days.

>> No.1425284


im >>1421744 and >>1422153

Wordpress is completely viable (so is joomla etc etc) and used by lots of people.

Personally I suggest Learning HTML/HTML5 and CSS and building your own websites from scratch as I hate depending on 3rd party softwares for stuff that's not overly hard to learn. Mostly because I have trouble learning how to alter templates and stuff. I tend to build something then tweak it t perfection over time, with template systems that can proove hard.

With wordpress etc you have limited control of how you're going to design your site, pretty much limited to "what templates can I find that best matches what I'm wanting" vs creating what you want -exactly- how you want it. Unless ofc you learn how to edit/create templates.

On the other hand, it makes changing to completely different layouts literally the click of a button which is nice.

The best advice I can give is read up on how to emulate a web server on your desktop, it's easy to do. You'll be able to test all the various ways to create a website and see what you like without paying for hosting and incurrig charges. Also useful for updating/editing your site without making live changes in case you fuck up

i'm curious what ur routine would be. Interesting in sharing privately?

im curious how you are able to make a good living purely as a copyrighter when hajeeb in the services offered section over at SUPERAWESOMESEOFORUMSDOTCOM will write a thousand page article for 99 cents. Writing always came natural to me in school and I have no problem creating my own content when i need to. When I first got into internet marketing I considered offering my services as a ghostwriter to get some startup funds but quickly changed my mind when I saw what the going rates are.

not calling you a liar, legitimately wondering.

>> No.1425319
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hah, yeah it's tough at the start when you don't have credentials, experience or testimonials.

The smart thing to do is find a mentor. A guy is already making >$100k in his business. Talk him into taking you under his wind for minimal pay, just for the learning opportunity - that will completely change your mindset on this.

The most accurate thing I can say about pay and clients is - If you pay peanuts, expect monkeys.

Clients who are actually worth working with appreciate your work and pay accordingly. I get royalties for my sales letters to this day, 10% from each sale is normal if something you write is making thousands consistently, but that's achievable when you have skin in the game.

If your copy gets results and brings in the cash, you dictate the rules because you know how much the client can make with your words.

Not really experienced in ghostwriting, but to me it would be too ambitious for a beginner.

Before you write copy, you must learn about sales and marketing, a wordsmith is not a copywriter because he doesn't know how to sell.
That's what Indians and those working for peanuts will never comprehend as they exist as bottom-feeders.

>> No.1425327

I mean I was dropshipping through Amazon, I don't get what the big deal is, I guess shipping costs maybe, but I was making money for other people. I was just a middle man. I nean I don't care that much since it was only a couple hundred a month, but I was thinking of scaling things up before they crushed my dreams.

Haven't really been trying to do anything online until recently, trying to learn about Shopify. Anyone have any luck with it? Seems like the only way to be successful is to spend a ton on advertising and even that might not work.

>> No.1425364

I'm interested in online copywriting, but have absolutely no idea about how to make it happen. Where do you start? Where do you market yourself? Do you goto companies in the beginning or do they find you?

>> No.1425385

>posts in this thread mentioning the revenue of getting to people to enter an e-mail address
>even more revenue if they enter credentials
>suddenly the best thing to do is join stackthatmoney forum to learn how to do this
>where they need your e-mail and credit card info


>> No.1425386
File: 35 KB, 420x280, tumblr_nqx8yumAGD1tubinno1_1280-420x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, firstly I'd suggest reading the following just to get you into the right mindset and also to get you familiar with the principles of sales and marketing:

"Scientific Advertising"
-by Claude Hopkins

"The Robert Collier Letter Book"
-by Robert Collier

"Tested Advertising Methods"
-by John Caples

"How To Write A Good Advertisement"
-by Vic Schwab

"The Gary Halbert Letter" (all back issues)
-by Gary Halbert

"The Boron Letters"
-by Gary Halbert

"The Lazy Man's Way to Riches"
-by Joe Karbo

"Break-Through Advertising"
-by Eugene M. Schwartz

"7-Steps To Freedom"
-by Ben Suarez

Once you have a foundation of knowledge, you need to get your hands dirty, i.e. find someone to work with.

There's tons of great FB groups for where copywriters, marketers and business people gather and talk valuable talk.
People sometimes post job offers there and I've seen numerous times where someone who is offering to pay peanuts gets scolded and ridiculed in the comments, then leaves and goes to Odesk or whatever to find himself a low-income Indian.

Anyway, join those groups, look and learn, then when you come across some good info in the books mentioned above, create a post or two, making sure you're relevant and the info is interesting - people will see, react and eventually develop a good impression of you.

Then just post that you're looking for work and smile as you get several offers to choose from.

The important thing is to be active, provide value and stay relevant.

>> No.1425389

Forgot to mention the Fb groups:

The Cult of Copy
The Cult of Copy Job Board
Internet Marketing Super Friends
The Content Marketing Lounge

There's more, but I follow those primarily.

>> No.1425925

Could you email the site?

>> No.1426175

I don't know who you are, or why you chose to contribute to this thread. But I want to thank you. I hope whatever challenge you have in life right now strengthen you. I also wish you the resilience and grit it takes to share valuable wisdom to all you come across because we need more people like you in this world. Keep on fighting champ!

>> No.1426213

can you email me site also?

>> No.1426467


Stupid to sat people who blow at a normal job blow at making it online. Steve Jobs was fired from Atari. You saying he didn't make it?

>> No.1427752

>postloop 5$
>fiverr 5$
>amazon m-turk 5$

These are three legit places that DO pay. Fuck I wish m-turk worked in places that are not the US or India. I'm in Italy and there's a sever lack of paypal-paying websites to get a few shekelsons from.

>> No.1427771

>as low as 100$ a day
wtf that's a lot of money for sitting on your ass doing nohing

>> No.1427773

>Programming ESPECIALLY for apps
i don't get it nobody i know ever bought an app for money.
most of these apps are easy to dismantle and repackage removing the ads or any pay feature.
so i don't see how app dev unless doing on commission for a company will ever be profitable. probably for ever app that made money millions are that made nothing.

>> No.1427952

>projecting this hard

>> No.1428053

Damn bruh slayed

>> No.1428074

So for the people who arent lazy fucks, what do you do that makes 2k-4k per week?

Is that you? Over 500k followers is impressive. How do you monetize? Shoutouts?

>> No.1429359

Yeah I'm interested and driven. I have 6 months before i go off to uni and I want to learn how you do it. Bump

>> No.1429437

Daily reminder that no one makes money on the internet.
The vast majority does jackshit using various swagbucks survey shit.
A small amount does something with low paying postloop m-turk crowdsourcing type shit.
A smaller amount banks a bit selling "how to make mony" guides to gullible fucks.
An even smaller amount makes a living out of this.
An even smallererer amount makes proper money in SEO or marketing or youtube n'shiet.

>> No.1429441

Fuck, I've been posting all this same shit on reddit for 6 years and I've never made a cent, you posted the same shit on instance and snap and you are making 200k yr?

I literally made 3-4 posts a day for the last six years on reddit. Should have don't it on instance, snap, twitter and private blog huh.

Thanks for opening my eyes bro, you've got yourself another follower.

Will you accept a money to promote my blogs/twitter/snap/ insta? How much?
