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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1418424 No.1418424 [Reply] [Original]


Based Dev Team Secures TrumpCoin.com Address W/ Their Own Money

www.trumpcoin.com <--- Brand New & Improved

https://twitter.com/TrumpCoinTweets <--- Official Twitter
www.trumpcoin.info <--- Official Wiki-like website

https://twitter.com/raexno92 <--- Help these two awesome community members spread the word!

Now an officially registered LLC!
>Link to the SCC filling

When TrumpCoin was established, a substantial fund was set aside to support the election of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. By using TrumpCoin, you're helping support the value of the Trump Fund so we can make a Trump sized impact this November and beyond.

TrumpCoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of TrumpCoin is dictated by the supply and
demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a TrumpCoin
becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes.


>Sicc new TrumpCoin block explorer

http://www.makemoneygreatagain.org/Content/Guides/HowToBuyTrumpCoin.aspx <--Buying with Circle
http://www.trump-coin.info/get-started/ <-- Buying with localbitcoin

>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin

>Low-energy Ron Paul talking about Ron Paul Coin


They're actually doing it, the absolute mad men!

YUUUUGE things to come...

>> No.1418431

Great updates, we actually are making progress! Great job devs!

>> No.1418434
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Any news/rumors about being added to new exchanges?

>> No.1418439

I think there will be news about it this week

>> No.1418457

I'm out lads.
I wanna thank the anon who posted about Trump 3 months ago that allowed me get my 70k or so.
I'll be taking profits on all 70k tonight.

I just can't be involved in a project that is still dealing with the influence of the most bizarre person in crypto.

His name will always be attached as the founded, he's linked as the head dev in some articles about trumpcoin.

its just too bizarre at this point and I can't see mainstream attention when.people do a little research and see chickens antics.

I wish everyone luck and thanks for the memes

>> No.1418462

Can't wait to pick up your coins friendo. Best of luck

>> No.1418470

Don't blame you. Chickens throwing his final tantrum.

>> No.1418471

Later, thanks for the price drop.

>> No.1418491

Quick reminder that Donald Trump is a billionaire and doesn't need your pitiful PAC. Not that there even is a PAC, cause there ain't.

Have a great day, assholes!

>> No.1418513


Just saw your dump on yobit, Not bad, man. I'll enjoy eating your profits. Look for excellent TrumpCoin news later this week and try not to blow your brains out.

>> No.1418522

Oh look, another fudster who hasn't bothered to look into how the TrumpCoin LLC is intending to help Trump and doesn't even have an infantile grasp of how campaign financing in the US works to boot.

We have the greatest fudsters, don't we folks? :)

>> No.1418523

wasn't me lad, mine will be later tonight when I'm home from work if you want more discounts.

I'll keep the whole head blowing off thing in mind, no promises

>> No.1418532


Is his dump already gone???

>> No.1418540


Sorry bro, someone dumped hard like, 20mins after your post. Best of luck..

>> No.1418543


Ah okay great I'll make sure to watch out for some cheap Trumps.

I suggest you do not follow the project any longer, its a bad time to sell and Trump will rise again. But hey...if you really think Chicken65 is gonna hold back the project that much, then so be it, I guess...

>> No.1418560

I condemn chicken, but thinking about it, the public loves a good story. We should be milking the "controversy".

I'm the @TrumpCoinG guy, and to be honest, I got interested in this because of the chicken issues on bitcointalk. Didn't have anything to invest, but I liked the politics and mystery that unravelled. It's cheap, but that's why there are paparazzi. It sells.

As far as he's committed to the TrumpPence16 cause, we can milk the voyeurism of the public, because there's no actual loss.

Don't worry. I haven't attempted it on Twitter. I just calls it [SOLVED] when asked by FUD.

>> No.1418620

Whens the big marketing campaign happening? Trumpcoins current audience seems limited for its purpose

>> No.1418633

>first break at work
>check TCG
>someone mentions huge dump
>check price, its still above 11k SATS

everything turned out better than expected

>> No.1418636

why not just set sell orders and forget about it? a 70k order at once would be unwise. set orders of 500 at different levels and come back next week.

>> No.1418644

All we need from the devs is to get a way to buy easily with fiat and a simple instruction page/video on how to. The community can do the rest with social media and constant shilling to reporters

>> No.1418645

Hopefully soon, i think the devs have some things figured out already

>> No.1418652
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reminder that when first shilling trumpcoin on /pol/ the dev literally admitted it was a scam

>> No.1418659


That faggot is OUT.

>> No.1418669

Hope so, I'll keep tweeting about it until something drops

>> No.1418675

If you were to sell 70k on yobit all at once you'd have to fill buy orders all the way down to 500 satoshi.

Personally I think this is just someone trying to get other people to dump their holdings.

>> No.1418695

thx for your work man

>> No.1418711

No probs, me (raexno92) and I assume TrumpcoinG just doing this because we believe in the purpose the new team has given the coin.

>> No.1418736

Well, let's face it: 'huge' when it comes to trumpcoin is a relative term.. since everything about it screams 'small time' and 'amateur'. Not to mention 'convoluted' and 'scam'. Just some truth for you guys, I know you don't like hearing it. At least some of you waking up.

>> No.1418773

You can't deny that the devs turned this thing around and made Take-Off prepartions in under one month which is quit un-amateur like.

>> No.1418779


>> No.1418782

>Look Ma! I posted it AGAIN with no proof or rational argument of any kind!

>> No.1418817

dump please I want cheap trumps

>> No.1418828


Agreed, please dump I want your cheap Trumpcoins

>> No.1418867

>if we act like we want "cheap trumps" people won't care about the price dips that are coming r..right guys

>> No.1418881

>it's a tyke shills his crpyto ebook that nobody is gonna buy episode

damn trumpcoin is a mess, should we just rename it CruzCoin? and start a new trumpcoin that wasn't originally created to rob people ?

inb4 it makes for good theatre.

media will never touch this coin once they research the old threads

>> No.1418885

cope harder, but if you want to buy, we have a small dip right now

>> No.1418886

>media will never touch this coin once they research the old threads
Speaking of the old threads, why aren't they wiped they?

>> No.1418891
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Nice, keep this up.

>> No.1418896

If you think the media researches anymore, least of all through the mess of a bitcoin ANN i have some soul crushing news for you

Even if they did they'd be MORE likely to run the story as a trump "hitpiece" like the last eighty that failed

>> No.1418909

Heh. I ain't here to argue the finer points of the retardation of trumpcoin with you. No, I'm just here to call it like I see it. All that left for you to do is come to terms with the fact that I'm right. Don't worry, I'll be here as the realization slowly dawns.. to offer you closure, in the form of confession, if you want.

>> No.1418941

>I don't need to look at the details because I am a transcendent being

STILL not seeing a shread of evidence to support a single one of your claims or even an ATTEMPT at a rational argument. It's just 'it'll never work!', 'it's retarded!' over and over and over again. You're right, you will still be here, and we'll be on the moon driving ferarris. I'll confess how good banging a new dimepiece every night feels when I stop in at this place every now and again.

I am very, very happy to debate you on the merits o this coin and project. You just need to, you know, make some coherent points that don't ask us to prove a negative first.

PS loving the bumps either way, great exposure :)

>> No.1418953

As you said they never research and will look to however they interview with open arms. They wont bother looking through forum posts because that involves actual work. You can create any type of narrative and they will eat it up as long as you come off well spoken and professional. Look at the Sam Hyde mic.com interview for reference. The guy did zero digging.

>> No.1418957

Regardless of that I'd still wipe them because someone will try to pull shit out of context from there at some point.

>> No.1418975
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Bye friend

>> No.1418995


>media will never touch this coin once they research the old threads

Actually, the media loves a good story. I think they would certainly love to interview both Chicken and Signal7.

>> No.1419000

So basically every week the FUD topics cycle back from one thing to the next. Last week it was slow updates, week before that it was Trump sueingm now that we have timely weekly updates its back to "Dev drama."

You can't make this stuff up. They basically cycle through a set of debunked oppositions and try their hardest to put down the coin when time and time again the coin has survived and even thrived.

>> No.1419005
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Trips of truth. It's like the DNC never ended.

>> No.1419021
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Honestly we shouldn't even give the attention anymore. First the community tried to be helpful and provide answers but it's clear they're not going to listen and counter argue any points provided

>> No.1419028
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>tfw want to buy in but can't for a month
Don't leave me behind guys.

>> No.1419049

I'll admit it was a huge announcement.

>price still didn't move/went down even.

so news/updates don't move the price like you guys shilled.. what else you got?

>> No.1419061

The devs have tonstart advertising as soon as possible, that will move the price

>> No.1419066

*to start

>> No.1419079

>as soon as possible

As soon as they have an extremely simple fiat > trump conversion system in place.
So not yet.

>> No.1419086

I think the payservice thing supports that so it should be soon

>> No.1419103
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Until we have a thing that looks like pic related we shouldn't be trying to push this to the general public.

>> No.1419106

that's not possible on payservices
:^) rip

>> No.1419114

Well you are right, as soon as we have fiat to trump the marketing should begin

>> No.1419123
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It should be very much possible but

what the fuck am I reading

>> No.1419130

is payservices.com a pajeet website?

>> No.1419143


Been busy with other things for the last week. Is Chicken still fucking up a good thing? Is that why the price keeps edging up to $0.10 but then goes back to $0.06 every few days?

>> No.1419144


>> No.1419153

normies will never buy this shit

>> No.1419161


Unfortunately this. Look at any bitcoin exchange and think like a normie. A) they look like some kind of wall street techno wizards computer screen with numbers and stats and shit all over the place constantly moving and updating B) they look like they were thrown together by Albanian gangsters.

Until you can just buy a bunch of trumpcoins with your bank account/paypal, theres too many steps involving too many sketchy looking sites for the man on the street to want in.

>> No.1419163

Yes, go to BTC talk and tell him to fuck off.

>> No.1419168

See, this is why I don't need to waste my time coming up with arguments and evidence and all that shit. My lines just write themselves, and the plain truth speaks for itself, louder than I could ever argue for it.

>> No.1419169

I think normies don't matter much....

Just media mention and then money from other alts or BTC will come.

>> No.1419170


So the question is - is this possible to make?

>> No.1419173

not really

>> No.1419174


Well... =/

>> No.1419183

Here's a counterpoint, if you're just going by what you see posted on biz:

Yes, with a few changes, absolutely.

>> No.1419190

Will the trumpcoin collapse together with btc? Because trumpcoin is traded through btc

>> No.1419195


>> No.1419197


Friendly reminder that you can still post on the_donald with a handle that mentions the coin

Make sure you do not spam, create threads, or post stupid shit. If you actually put in a little effort you can really help market the coin. If everyone does a couple of posts a day we can get more eyeballs to read the project's mission statement

I've had plenty of comments get 50+ upvotes now

>> No.1419202

All this talk about "normies cant do X." Is annoying. My "normie" friends were the ones who showed me bitcoin because they would all buy MDMA for raves off silkroad. Hell the fucking lamborghini and mclaren dealership near me take bitcoin as a form of payment. Idk where you guys live, but everyone knows what bitcoin is in SoCal.

>> No.1419205


Link to the specific thread?

>> No.1419206

>looks at buying process
too hard; didn't buy

I'm interested but not that interested fa'm

>> No.1419211

If you think SoCal is representative of the US at large, I have some bad news for you...

>> No.1419212

>chicken is still involved?

>> No.1419230

define involved

he's not in the dev team

>> No.1419236

if that's the case I guess the majority of the US is retarded. I'm just going to stop browsing for the time being. I'll start checking again in a month when things have calmed down.

>> No.1419237

ugh, I tried..
but payservices is frustratingly bad.
I thought we were getting an actual trumpcoin specific mobile wallet?
not whatever this is

>> No.1419239

that's a seperate development

>> No.1419256


>> No.1419258

shit the trumpcoin website is really slick. actually gives me a bit more confidence to invest

>> No.1419260

trumpcoin.rocks is also gone and redirects straight to .com

we're doin it fellas

>> No.1419270

>transferring coins from yobit to ccex
>transaction complete but ccex shows nothing
How fucked am I?

>> No.1419273

Get on twitter/insta lads. Post your account so we can follow. Start getting the word out now and we can spread to a larger audience. This can make trumpcoin visible to larger exchanges

>> No.1419280

How long ago?

>> No.1419289

A few minutes. Yobit shows the transaction is complete.
I was transferring bitcoins before and it was pretty much instantly shown as pending.

I'm sweating already.

>> No.1419290


>someone actually defending his social media """"strategy"""" of spamming creepy as fuck memes over anything Trump related.

I'm calling sockpuppet.

>> No.1419297

I think transactions aren't confirmed in the trumpcoin wallet until 10 confirmations. Maybe its the same on c cex. Check in 10 minutes

>> No.1419302
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Ok I found this now. That's a bit of a relief.

>> No.1419322


>> No.1419324

Can someone give talks in colleges?

>> No.1419331


There are people selling off their bags as they claimed they would earlier. Look at the buy walls on c-cex. There is 19 BTC buy wall up to 9k.

>> No.1419346

the announcement causes the coin to drop 25% in value, hahhahahahah.

aren't announcement supposed to move the price up?
lololol lololol

>> No.1419352

That's actually amazing, chicken could dump his 100k and it would only drop just under 10k with another 50k left till 9k.

>> No.1419354


When the announcement is proudly announcing yet another sketchy looking site instead of what people were actually waiting for, its not really surprising.

>> No.1419362

9k confirmed for a 30% loss in one day.
glad I padded
thx chicken for deterring me, saved me a bunch
leave crypto gains to the real coins

>> No.1419397

Should I sell and buy back later or just hold?

>> No.1419402

was payservices an elaborate meme to drop the price ? has crypto gone too far?
it looks like a Pakistani built site that steals your cc info.

i..is it over lads?

>> No.1419403

If you think a 20btc dump is possible then sell. Otherwise hold.

I'm sure they'll get someone to build a nice frontend for it.

>> No.1419404

if someone is stupid enough to have a huge buy wall at 9k, fill that shit and run, you may never get to liquidate your trumps with any real volume again.
soon as he realizes people are eating into that wall, he will remove it and down to 1k sat we go.

make shitcoins worthless again :^)

>> No.1419406

I still can't figure out what exactly that company does. Can someone explain it for me?

>> No.1419407

Really? I'll just quote signal on the reasons for using PayServices.

" MEOS gives us a complete and powerful suit of merchant tools, payment gateways for hundreds of currencies, and advanced APIs for seamless integrations into 3rd party storefronts.

Third, PayServices is hosting a node for us on a dedicated 12 core monster server in a PCI DSS Level 1 environment that provides bank-level security for all services hosted there."

>> No.1419408

ehhh I don't know about that...payservices.com handles their own front end shit and from iv heard they are really pleased with their rolling out, like I think they think the world is gonna flip over their design...ehhh

>that logo

jesus christ

>> No.1419413

>bank services

who asked for that

>> No.1419424

All the people asking for direct buying with fiat?

>> No.1419427

PayServices is going to enable them to allow direct buying and they will use it for selling trumpcoin merch

>> No.1419429

it's not on demand like circle or coinbase, it's like an exchange but worse, you need actual holders selling their trumps for fiat, and you also have to assume they'll list it for market value (protip they wont). in the end you just end up with a worse layout version of ccex usd for trump offering.

plus people enter crypto to leave banks.


>> No.1419442

Payservices will be the backbone, that isn't what buyers will see. That is one reason people enter crypto, not the only one.

>> No.1419443


>that logo

It looks like something that came prepackaged in Microsoft Works in the early 2000s.

>> No.1419445

Well ok, but it's not actually advanced APIs that they offer, it's "Tremendous APIs". I assume those are higher quality.

That's kind of the impression I'm getting, that it's a half-assed replacement for a real exchange. Which is fitting for such a half-assed coin.

>> No.1419458

English isn't their first language it sounds like. Another red flag.

half ass is generous.

it's more funny how proud they are to launch...

5.7 cents and DROPPING and chicken (the real puppet master) posts a picture confirming he looks like an actual child rapist
wew this is entertaining

>> No.1419467

Oh I'm having a field day today, Believe it. I ain't even gone over to the bitcointalk thread(s) yet.

>> No.1419482

>As the weeks have gone by I have had time to think about this and came to the conclusion I cannot in good conscience hand over the remainder of the TF fund to him or any one in this community.
Oh for fucks sake....

>> No.1419488

Time to sell Trump for ETC, then. Fuck chicken.

>> No.1419494

>By handing over the coins I would effectively be validating all accusations made against me and end up feeding the mob mentality which often seems to surround this project now.

>people say I'm just going to keep the coins and sell them on later
>they say I should give then coins away now like everyone agreed
>in order to not validate them, I'm going to keep the coins and "give them away" as I alone see fit

Jesus H Christ this is now deliberate sabotage.

>> No.1419500

Chicken literally allowing us to buy one more dip before he BTFOs

>> No.1419501

payservices is just a framework to build off, it isn't a main announcement, there's more than enough coming this week

new video in 24-48 hours (not how-to-buy)


vocalise your concerns with him then, the team will happily raise their half of the fund to 200k again if he refuses to be of any use, then he can donate at his leisure

remember he's irrelevant now and giving him attention is what he wants because the new direction doesnt revolve around him

>> No.1419508

This is the coins founder refusing to give up his stake, understandably. He can't be stopped and this doesn't stop TrumpCoin llc from fulfilling their goals.

>> No.1419518

This. For those that have weak hands listen to my analogy. Compare your investment to asking out a stacy on a date. If you never ask, you will never go on a date and nothing changes. If you ask, there's a chance she will say yes and a chance she says no. So you can either walk away now and go back to your boring life, or you can wait and maybe your life will change for the better.

>> No.1419538

gonna move all my trump and btc into ETC, this is a bad joke

>> No.1419545

I'll buy all of your 50 trumps m8

>> No.1419547

i would wait mate, there's some very interesting movement coming

>> No.1419548

I wasn't following ETH/ETC
What happened?

>> No.1419553

ETC skyrocketed, though it's starting to undergo a correction.

>> No.1419556

I can see that. But what's the reason behind it.

>> No.1419562

Huge pump because the bitfenix hack caused a $70 drop in Bitcoin's value.

Of course I always listen to /biz/ too late and buy things right before they dump, like with ETC and TRUMP.

>> No.1419576

Chicken is offering us one more dip before we moon

>> No.1419584

when you say moon how much are we talking

>> No.1419587

Small steps 1$ then 2$ and eventually 10$

>> No.1419599

10 cents max now

>> No.1419601

Stop fudding, this happened before on a much larger scale and the coin recovered

>> No.1419608

believe me when i say this is about to be such a non-issue its not even funny

>> No.1419628

how many times does a coin nend to recover
at the end of the day we are at 6 cents and it's august and your coping/fomo

>> No.1419631

it doesn't need to recover, like i said it's a non-issue

ETC is causing some shit and a bitfinex hack is fucking btc like crazy

chicken is about to be a distant memory

>> No.1419637

is this the end? shits plummeting like crazy

>> No.1419643

Yawn, this tested the 10k sat floor and the coin recovered. No big deal.

Fudders will have their day today. Yes Trumpcoin takes a hit. So Fudders can relish the dip that trumpcoin took to 10k sats.

But there is a silver lining....

This is actually a blessing in disguise. Chicken65/Chris Cowie has essentially pushed himself out of the project entirely now. He has made himself a complete nonfactor, and even if he does try to do anything with Trumpcoin, no one is going to take him seriously.

This should be the last we hear of Chris in any serious capacity in the Trumpcoin thread. Chris can do his own thing but again he will not be able to compete with the real team and is not a member of their LLC anyway.

>> No.1419648

I'm putting 0.3 BTC on Trump in the firm belief that the value holds as Ethereum and BTC sink now. Reasonably, if we buy now we'll probably rally. Trump in the wake of this whole mess.

I'm storing in my own wallet though, I wouldn't trust online wallets/exchanges for anything more than trading and transit.

BTC is dead, long live TrumpCoin.

>> No.1419649

What's the most recent chicken drama?

>> No.1419654
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>Trumpcoin takes a hit

Zoom out a bit.

>> No.1419655
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So, in simpler terms, if we shelter in TRUMP now those of you formerly holding BTC might make it.

Buy you fools!

>> No.1419658

chicken got upset that the new Dev team is doing well without him and decided to keep the 100k hostage forever. This effectively zones him out and now the new devs have a clear path for take off.

>> No.1419660


He's not handing over his part of the fund.

>> No.1419666


What a retard

Good thing he's lost all possible respect and we can just focus on hype and real improvements

>> No.1419671

Have any peopel actually made any money with this?

>> No.1419692


Exactly, Chris has essentially pushed himself out of the project which IMO is actually a total blessing in disguise. Now we dont have to deal with his narcissistic and out of control attitude about everything. And he did it all on his own!

Next week this will be just a distant memory. And the fudders will cycle back to another stupid non-issue like the Payservices logo or something nonsensical like that.

>> No.1419697


We need something very crisp and clean to wow newcomers

Need more fresh cash from normies, then the real marketing can begin. Doesn't matter what happens in the future with it, once we are able to do that we will be on the moon and already have tons more credibility

>> No.1419703

>thought about investing
>saw payservices
>did a 360 and walked

good luck with alllll that

>> No.1419705

So what you're saying is that you walked right into it?

>> No.1419721

Oh, so you saw the company that will be providing the framework for new TrumpCoin features, saw that they have experience working with cryptos and then decided to walk? Makes sense m8.

>> No.1419723

lol he took it

>> No.1419756
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>> No.1419770

Yeah, oh well. There's been alot of fudding today, easy mistake.

>> No.1419782
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You guys along for the ride or what?

Post wallets.

>> No.1419787
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>> No.1419810

So will this coin really do anything? I'm starting to think the only people who have anything to do with it are delusional neets from /biz/. The price isn't going to go up because they've already put in all the money they can afford, and the only reason the price hasn't totally crashed yet is because they are all holding out for a moon that will never happen. The price will just stay where it's at stagnating until it eventually wastes away as they each take their turn to sell off after coming to the realization that this coin, just like their neet lives, is completely pointless.

>> No.1419841

What is the rationale of those so opposed to TrumpCoin?
All coiners stand to gain from a successful crypto PAC.

>> No.1419848

It's the uncertainty of the whole thing combined with developer infighting. I don't know enough about the whole chicken65 ordeal but that seems to play a big part in it. Reddit's Trump board denounced the coin early on in infancy because of the whole thing's disorganization but the team despite inexperience has managed to pull together and set up services.

I don't know much about PayServices though so I'm keeping my TRUMP on a private wallet I've compiled myself.

>> No.1419849


>> No.1419862

>this coin, just like their neet lives, is completely pointless

But what if we're all Absurdists? Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought that perhaps the meaninglessness and futility of human existence is by no means a deterrence for life or action?

>> No.1419865

Reddit denounced it because they were being spammed and this was before the current team were involved at all.
I'm also keeping my desktop wallet. TC joining payservices is just the first step in implementing of buying TC with USD and for protecting the fund.
Chicken is an attention seeker. So they and everyone needs to stop giving him any.

>> No.1419875

who /biz/ to /phil/ here?

>> No.1419888

I'm just worried about the 100k in the Trump fund. What will be done about that now? Just donate to it till it goes back up? Or maybe something a little more extreme? Perhaps surpassing 200k to certain milestones?

>> No.1419895

I wish, but there's too much overlap with /lit/ for it to work. Also, what would /lit/ even be without discussions of philosophy? Picture books?

>> No.1419935

Don't worry, it will be overcome.

>> No.1419943


>It's the uncertainty of the whole thing combined with developer infighting. I don't know enough about the whole chicken65 ordeal but that seems to play a big part in it. Reddit's Trump board denounced the coin early on in infancy because of the whole thing's disorganization but the team despite inexperience has managed to pull together and set up services.

Really? That's it? It's like people never traded crypto before. There is developer infighting all the time, and uncertainty is a given in this kind of business.

It's like people never traded coins before. If they never traded coins before, then they have no idea what we are witnessing literally happens to hundreds of coins.

Well okay maybe not hundreds, but its more common than you think. Is this really enough to kill the coin? Seriously?

I find it mind boggling that there would be so much opposition to Trumpcoin. Its like no matter what the devs do people always find a way to bash it.

>> No.1419950

I mean wow, Chris is not giving up his fund. Oh no, its going to kill the coin? Cry me a river, big whoop. Hell if anything this is a good thing, he's finally stepping back and letting the devs step up and do the work.

Next week this will all be forgotten and then I am sure the fudders will be on to the next topic of the week.

Seriously this whole thing with Chris is over, its such a non issue. Hell the community could donate Trumps to refill the 200k, and it would probably raise awareness and respect in the crypto community as well that way.

>just like their neet lives, is completely pointless.

Fucking projection much, lmao

There is absolutely no reason to drop the coin, zero, there was a mega dump and its back at 11k sats. Iron clad floor.

>> No.1419959

Thanks for staying on as long as you did. Shit's getting crazier all the time, but I resolved from the beginning to stick with it until November, at the very least. So I'm just going to sit pretty on my 55k and enjoy the ride, should that ride go either to hell or to the moon.

See you space cowboy.

>> No.1419966

>See you later space cowboy.


>> No.1419987


That's the spirit.

>> No.1419997



>> No.1420000

Ima ride this ride with you brother,
30k reporting in,
been debating on buying more for a while now

>> No.1420003


>> No.1420016

I'll be buying more should Chicken's shenanigans drop the coin below $0.05. As someone mentioned earlier, Chicken's giving us one final opportunity to buy the dip. The election's getting close, the hype is palpable, Trumpcoin's infrastructure is strong, and its fans are fierce.

I expect massive gains in the coming months.

>> No.1420040

to be honest im not surprised hes holding the 100k hostage, at the same time im kinda glad hes doing this.
I thought the community was way to nice to him through all the fud hes been causing and now that hes crossing the final line for himself ill be glad to see him cut out of the project completely. Hes just been a leech for awhile now.

>> No.1420065

this for days

>> No.1420119


>> No.1420121

Did someone actually help me out?
Is there a gentle god within this thread?

Thank you.

>> No.1420131

iktf literally nothing besides circle works for me and the fucking $300 limit is making me rage

>> No.1420135

I never meddled with Crypto before Trumpcoin and am still in the red for buying during the first pump (I bought again at $0.45) I'm sitting on 1k Trump after putting 500 trumps into ETC (which I'm also in the red on, lol), so I'm pretty sure I've wasted my money. I'm going to just hold until November and see if I can break even.

>> No.1420139

You're in the right place, senpai.
Time is on our side.

>> No.1420141


Break-even? Hell of a fighting spirit you have there. Real optimist.

>> No.1420158


>> No.1420194

Does the proof of stake thing only work if you have TC wallet running with an internet connection? Or are you collecting, as long as your coins are in an official wallet?

>> No.1420229
File: 85 KB, 1128x425, JFMSRUF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1420232

Yes, you must be connected to the network

>> No.1420233

You need an Internet connection. Not sure the status of the mobile wallets, but those will stake wherever, whenever.

Strong as the rock in my pants :^)

>> No.1420242


Do you have to be connected at all times though? Like are you only collecting while connecting, and missing out when you're not?

>> No.1420244

I kinda did the same but managed to make a little profit just before this current dump. The promise of November is probably not gonna turn out since no average pleb is gonna invest when there's that obvious pump and dump spike from a month ago. Plus people that really want to support Trump will honestly just donate to him directly. As much as it hurts to say (I mean it, I woulda been down for this if it worked long term), Trumpcoin is never gonna get back up to that peak you bought at. Cut your loses and get out as soon as the price hits around .08 USD (which it will probably do once the price evens out from this current drop). The odds of it getting better than that are damn near 0. Sry.

Or just say "fuck it. Already lost it all, might as well stay on this ride." Either or.

>> No.1420249

>chicken being a retard again
At least I bought low as fuck

>> No.1420402

The wallet only stakes when it is connected and unlocked. If it's closed then you aren't staking.

>> No.1420408

Hillary shill?

>> No.1420409

Okay guys, I merely dabble in TrumpCoin. Can someone quickly catch me up on this chicken thing? Is that what's causing the price hiccups?

>> No.1420424

He has refused to hand over his half of the trump fund. He says it's because he can only trust himself to finish what he started.
He doesn't want to cooperate with the new team, which is unfortunate but this also means they have their reasons to finally ignore him. Chicken does this for attention now because he's been pushed out and has zero support.
Now TrumpCoin llc can focus on their crypto PAC without his interference. They can either replenish the fund or continue with 100k trumps. Either way, chicken has severed himself from the project the community is backing, which is what we wanted.

>> No.1420433

/biz/ does it matter if I do my trading on c-cex or yobit?

For instance are buy and sell orders on each site linked to the other sites market and if not, which one is the most popular?

I apologize in advance if I come off as retarded. when it comes to cryptocurrency I kind of am.

>> No.1420439
File: 73 KB, 500x627, 1469427377918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green text and pic for attention



Just want you guys to realise how fucking popular trumpcoin is becoming. a month ago it would take over a week for a general thread to fill. this thread was posted 15 hours ago and already it has 191 replies and the market cap for trump is doing rather well. well done guys, very proud of our work and the support for our causecoin

could see drop to 10000-9000 sat level, get ready to buy more

>> No.1420440

They are linked so far as buyers and sellers will watch the order books of both sites and adjust their price accordingly

Organic and stable growth my friend. People want the PAC to be established, too support Trump and to eventually profit big time.

>> No.1420445

oic, thank you. I put my coins up for sale at 0.00010401 TC around an hour ago and it still hasn't sold yet but I'm guessing it's because it's not that attractive to buy in right now?

>> No.1420449

ill buy it at 10250 put em up

>> No.1420460

I wish you were in my timezone. Shame. Hope you at least kept some trumps though!

>> No.1420478

Guys join us on telegram to discuss our strategy on trumpcoin


>> No.1420479


I bought in at .8000-something and got it sold now at .10250. Not much of a win but I'm just trying this out. As I said earlier I'm new, how does timezones correlate to this?

>> No.1420489

Ok so the bitfinex thing brought the price of all cryptos a bit down, but there is nonteason to panic. It will recover and the chicken thing is good as there is no fighting at the moment and chicken is essentially out now. Now the dev team must bring us some good news and we are all in the clear . MAGA

>> No.1420490

It correlates with me buying your discount Trumps. Managed to buy at 650 earlier today. Good enough for now.
Have you been keeping an eye on the btc price too? That could obviously cut into gains

>> No.1420494
File: 100 KB, 916x940, IMG_20160803_101121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1420501

That's a good point but unfortunately I haven't so I'll have to look into it.
Thanks for the pointers I'll make sure to keep it in mind in the future

>> No.1420517

Yeah we will get this to the moon, never seen a community this dedicated

>> No.1420537

Fucking shills.. Yobit's down btw.

>> No.1420545

Back to copenhagen

>> No.1420574

Go back to your mess, we'll enjoy our comfy causecoin

>> No.1420593

Stags hate fags

>> No.1420596


>> No.1420635

It's been great everyone but I gotta liquidate my $20k in trumpcoin over the next few days. This bitfeenix hack is too good to pass up and I've made enough money here. Maybe I'll be back later you gotta ride the charts, you know?

>> No.1420637

Thank you for letting us know in advance like the many other posters here that you will be selling. It's appreciated, MCGA!

>> No.1420644


> this hack is too good to pass up
> the prices being lowered means this is the perfect time to sell

Never change /biz/

>> No.1420647

Yep, no dip for us

>> No.1420649

You understand that a dip in bitcoin is much more worthwhile than a dip in trumpcoin?

This coin has a great concept but it's not decentralized. Proof of stake doesn't make sense when the major holders of the coin are the founders of the coin and therefore the major generators of it. But of course the market is psychological and most of you /biz/ kiddies don't understand that, which is why I was able to make a profit off of TRUMP. Now it's time to take my money and leave.

>> No.1420674

Reminder that there have been multiple "I'm doing to dump 10btc" posts over the last few days
Reminder that there were no significant dumps during the last few days

>> No.1420685


>Proof of stake doesn't make sense when the major holders of the coin are the founders of the coin and therefore the major generators of it.

There was only 1 founder. We have no idea who the major holders are. Clearly the developers have big bags but, uhhh, of course they do? Like literally every other coin in existence.

Proof of Stake makes perfect sense, I don't see a problem with it.

>able to make a profit off of TRUMP

Bro, you're selling on a dip. Lmao.

>> No.1420689

>majority with the founders of the coin

Please research before attempt fud

>> No.1420701

>We have no idea who the major holders are
>Please research before attempt fud

ITT: people who don't know how blockchain works

>> No.1420724


>ITT: people who don't know how blockchain works

ITT: A person who thinks he knows how the blockchain works, but doesn't.

>> No.1420771

who here is still holding? I'm holding 13k but this shit is so annoying

>> No.1420784


Also holding 13k here, annoying but whatever, crypto has made me numb to volatility. If I sold now my profit would be an entree at Applebees so I'm riding it out, I still think we have a great chance to moon especially with chicken gone, the BTC hack just has everyone shook right now

>> No.1420827

I am still holding. It's a bear market for sure. This Bitfinex thing is hitting the coin pretty hard. Luckily bear markets dont last long for altcoins and this hacking thing will blow over in a week or so.

>> No.1420870

Yes and then we will have our 1$ mark

>> No.1420899

I sold all my trumps (4.7k) for etc. Planning riding that up and then getting back on the Trump train. Devs have been putting WEEKLY-ish updates out so I think we can expect one on next Monday-Wednesday. Until then I'll are gains elsewhere. If I were to jump back I'd already be up 800 coins. Not to mention I plan on dumping another btc on it.

>> No.1420908

Hi /biz neets, been waiting for something you can do to support Trumpcoin? Now's your chance, help us get listed on Poloneix!

All you need to do is go here:

And fill in the form with the info provided below. For the short answer portions, pick one or two points to focus on and put answers in your own words.

What is the name of this coin?

What is the coin's symbol?

Please link to the coins announcement page.

If the coin has a website, please link it here.

If the coin has a block explorer, please link it here.

Please explain why you would like to see the coin added to the exchange.
Store of value
Recognizable and appealing to non-crypto investors
Strong dev team
Strong web presence
Ambitious goals (causecoin, PAC)
good fundamentals (limited supply, POS, fast, inexpensive transfers)
High energy community

If this coin has any significant innovations over other coins, elaborate on them here.
Recognizable to non-crypto investor
Ambitious goals (causecoin, PAC)
Partnership with Pay Services for currency exchange

Let's Make Crypto Great Again!

>> No.1420959

Hell yeah we will help

>> No.1420962
File: 30 KB, 371x309, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted. I'm really stimed out so I wrote a great essay about why to add. Unfortunately, I had to lower it to 500 words, but it still was really great!

>> No.1420967

Great job

>> No.1420968
File: 209 KB, 1086x811, 10-donald-trump-debate.w750.h560.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also posted.

>> No.1421012


Holding 10,500, I was buying and selling for a bit, but now I'm just going to hold them. Still have faith in this thing, it's too bad that Chicken acts like a 5-year old with the drama, but that's not enough to tank it.

>> No.1421029



>> No.1421084

>they don't know that Polo will see multiple submissions as meme spam

>> No.1421104

Yup. Leave it to the devs to sort it out. If you really want to help then get off biz and onto Twitter, insta and reddit. Show them the coin has a big audience. More $$ for them.

>> No.1421113

So if they receive many requests at once they automatically assume it's spam without, you know, reading the contents of the requests? How do any new coins ever get added?

>> No.1421121

They're already cautious the coin, that's why it's not aon there. They need good reason to add it.

>> No.1421131

Do you mean like all the reasons people are writing in with their requests?

>> No.1421142

It's been tried before. They were worried about legal repercussions. The reassurances should now come from the new team that can handle that. Spamming them does help.

>> No.1421147

They will not list the coins until we have the volume, market cap to convince them it's worth listing a coin with out history.

Until they see the amount of transaction fees they can make, it won't matter how many requests you send, in fact it may just annoy them.

Unfortunately 10btc spread over 2 exchanges isn't tempting anyone. We need 10x that much minimum. 10x that volume for a few weeks may get us a look, unfortunately this coin doesn't look like it's headed that route.

I know! more memes!

>> No.1421152

Does not help*
It's good that you want to do something, but do more. Expand the coins online presence. Tweet with @TrumpCoinTweets included and TrumpCoin.com

>> No.1421162

Just to reiterate this to TrumpCoin supporters. It's time to promote this coin outside of biz. The devs will continue with updates, but while they're setting up, actually do something to promote it. Bonus points for Chinese promotion.

>> No.1421166

the """unbreakable"" 10k floor has been obliterated.

last chance to sell guys, final warning, don't get caught paying for chickens bags again

it was a fun meme fir a whilex but it's over tb'h

>> No.1421186

More fud

>> No.1421192


Why would I sell during a dip?

>> No.1421193

>Goes to check out poloniex
>Bonus points for sending photo of you holding your own id.

What is this, a prn site?

>> No.1421254

>waking up in the morning
>gotta check /tcg/, gotta buy discount trumps

Based post, thanks

>> No.1421260

Haha yeah sounds like it, smart /biz/nessman

>> No.1421262

catch chickens falling knife

>> No.1421269

Over 100k Trumpcoin waiting to be bought. His "knife" is just cutting the leash my coping friend.

>> No.1421280

Why must nocoiners always cope so hard

>> No.1421284


>> No.1421287

>he didn't sell above 10k
>he's not waiting for the real dip

>> No.1421314

>literally no one selling

Ffs. Try harder man, do something.

>> No.1421340

down to 9400 sat

To all new readers of this thread:
your gonna see a lot of "you can get cheap trumps now" nervous coping to try and convince you this massive crash Is a good thing, please do not fall for it

>> No.1421344

More cheap trumps for me

>> No.1421346

Of course it's a good thing. I already dumped all of mine and now I'm waiting for a good moment to buy back in again, the more it drops the more free trumpcoins I'm getting.

>> No.1421351


>> No.1421357

>massive crash

Calm down m8. There's nothing to fall for. TrumpCoin cryptoPAC is being put together piece by piece. Supporters of the coin are confident.
Crypto fools treating this as the usual tech 'feature' pushing coin get worried when there aren't big price movements continuously.

>> No.1421363
File: 133 KB, 820x840, 1468412142495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screen capped, starting my collection with this

>> No.1421365



>> No.1421381


12k to 9k is a "massive" crash??? Have you never traded cryptos before?

>> No.1421383

How long does it take to sell trump coin, and similarly, how long does it take to buy it?

I can't work out what the mechanism is.

>> No.1421393


>> No.1421407

I bought 500 Trumps am I a cool kid now?
Will The Dondald be proud?

>> No.1421408

Signal announced a new announcement today. Hype!

>> No.1421409

daily reminder that it will only take 2btc to bring TC to 4k sat on yobit.


>> No.1421411

should we expect the same type of reaction as his last huge update?

20% drop in price?

>> No.1421412

Haha cope harder

>> No.1421415

all the "you can get cheap trumps now" are irrelevant. there are people buying coins who have a plan and are just buying them slow and steady under the radar.

the 10,000 level is soon to be irrelevant.

there has been TrumpCoin threads on /biz/ for 3 or 4 months. if anons haven't bought coins by now then who cares. there has been plenty of awareness. folks should just hold their coins and sit on them for the next 2 months.

>> No.1421418

Exactly right man
Dont know what to expect desu maybe it will turn the it back on track maybe not, i still have great confidence in this coin

>> No.1421429

fucking this. its so obvious. and the stupidity of everyone eating it up kinda strains my faith in /biz/

>> No.1421434

>10k being irrelevant
yes when it is so far below it

>all the biz neets are in by now
agreed that's why I'm confident there aren't enough possible new entries to move the coin up at this point.

You've tapped out 4chan, reddit btfo you, normies will go btc or eth, and tech savvy normies are libertarian and hate trump.

so your guys are effectively same fagging and selling to eachother, there's nobody else to sell to and we are seeing the price slowly fall as a result.
2btc to 4k sat? that's the sign of a coin barely hanging on.

>> No.1421443

>You've tapped out 4chan, reddit btfo you
>He doesn't understand markets and buy/sell orders

>He doesn't follow anything besides his coping and doesn't know about the Bitfinex hack causing all altcoins to take a hit

This is the sign of [anxiousness intensifies]

Ps: Screenshot

>> No.1421448

Stop coping anon and get in

>> No.1421455

who /cash out trump for 007 coin/ here?

>> No.1421466

A lot of cryptocuck cope ITT.

>> No.1421478

it was only a matter of time, I just wish I didn't try and time the top.
cya at the next meme coin general thread

>> No.1421492


>> No.1421495

Why would anyone get out at this point!
9k to 8.5k is established concrete floor.
If you wanted out, should've done it at 12k.


>> No.1421500

Let them go, more cheap trumps for us

>> No.1421509


>> No.1421510

im on the fence about this whole thing but your post reeks of desperation so despondently disconsolate.. it seems like the people arguing against the trump coin are very vehemently vicious to the thought of buying this specific crypto. i dont like to think so callously cynical, so causticly compentouos. but you people seem to have monopolized this modicum of malignity.

>> No.1421515

On the bct thread

>> No.1421526

what an odd thread, both sides are coping lol

>> No.1421541

>it's a tyke shills a book nobody wants episode

>> No.1421566

your alliteration is alarmingly autistic

>> No.1421568

This is really not that big of a deal. Rises and dips happen all the time in crypto. People just seem to be super sensitive about Trumpcoin one way or another, especially the people against Trumpcoin.

They treat Trumpcoin like its some kind of cursed coin doomed to fail, when it actually has been extremely stable and generally rised. Now we have a downtrend and the sky is falling.

Trumpcoin has been estremely stable for a crypto, 12k to 9k is not that big of a deal. Hell even if it falls to 7k its not that big of a deal really. As long as the dev team continues to pump out updates and improvements Trumpcoin will continue to gain like it has been.

>> No.1421573

pretty much this.

>> No.1421579

well done kek, 8/8

[1 trump has been deposited]

>> No.1421587

>lost your legitimacy when you tried to lay the ground work for 7k (nearly a halving of price in 3 days) being no big deal

shill confirmed

>> No.1421606


> Lost your legitimacy for forgetting the fact that this is crypto and coins gain and lose half their price in a few days all the time

Idiot confirmed.

>> No.1421612

There sure is a lot of coping going on there today. And it ain't the nocoiners that are coping.. hahahaha. Maybe the next 'big announcement' from the "devs" will tank this shit even more! What do you guys think?

Trumpcoin shills are truly the clowns of crypto.

>> No.1421633

astute as fuck lad

>> No.1421638

So many nocoiners fudding in here all because of a typical crypto dip

>> No.1421651

Our API's will let you create websites which your layout and URL while running in the background all sorts of services such as users connection accounts, money accounts, e-commerce catalogs, shopping carts etc. all within your website we've been I frames so that the user's experience is within your site where is all the complex secured tools you need and there banking type regulations such as: know your customer, anti-money laundering and governance risk and compliance are fulfilled within the PayServices.com system.

>> No.1421653

>trumpcoin cope
I told you that you shold have never traded your btc.

>> No.1421655

Can you say "incompetent fools"? Yes, you can.

>> No.1421724

Well that sure dropped this thread right off the front page, now didn't it? Like a fuckin' brick.

What, no snappy responses?

>> No.1421736

here's a response for ya'




>I agree

>> No.1421745
File: 1.58 MB, 2048x1536, 1468348184457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1421746

It's wednesday mid day in America. People who aren't NEETS tend to work at this time.

>> No.1421755

hi neet

>> No.1421756


>> No.1421768

The drop in price has been explained several times to you and could be the result of any number of factors, not the least of which being the recent btc selloff. You just cant seem to comprehend that when you keep making the same trivial point over and over again, people get tired of you not bothering to actually respond when someone corrects you - choosing instead to move on to the next unsubstantiated shitpost or attack.

By all means, keep coping nocoiner. Every post, every bump in this thread is exposure to a neet who haven't been to /biz in the past few days. Do you think you're actually convincing anyone with your baseless assumptions, and not just driving them to do their own research where they find out the truth?

Please respond

>> No.1421792

Our API's will let you create websites which your layout and URL while running in the background all sorts of services such as users connection accounts, money accounts, e-commerce catalogs, shopping carts etc. all within your website we've been I frames so that the user's experience is within your site where is all the complex secured tools you need and there banking type regulations such as: know your customer, anti-money laundering and governance risk and compliance are fulfilled within the PayServices.com system.

>> No.1421802

this can't be real

>> No.1421808

Oh yes, it's not a nightmare.. It's reality. ^_^

>> No.1421824

what point are you trying to make by repeatedly posting this

>> No.1421826 [DELETED] 

that he has actual autism

ignore him

>> No.1421846

Yup, trump for usd would require them to follow banking regulations.
And before you say it, yes people use crypto to get away from banks. It's not the only reason though. Trumps for USD doesn't exclude it from exchanges.
It's a legitimate PAC, doing anything other than following banking regulations would be financial suicide for them.
Your opinion on what a crypto should and shouldn't do isn't shared by everyone.

>> No.1421847

We need this on more exchanges....also, I hate to say it but Reddit could help blow this thing up to *shivers*

>> No.1421849

they blew trumocoin the fuck out already

>> No.1421853

That no one can possibly take this PayServices bullshit seriously? Do I really have to spell that out..

>> No.1421856

Exchanges are coming. Nobody likes waiting but the devs are delivering. Trumpcoin reddit page is there to be utilized.

>> No.1421862

You feel that you need to spell out that payservices will be the framework used for usd to for trumps and trumpcoin shop?


>> No.1421863

new favorite pasta..
cause it's actually real

>> No.1421868

Gentlemen, for your entertainment I give you: Trumpcoiners.

Send In The Clowns!

>> No.1421873


>> No.1421878

Keep laughing, at least someone laughs

>> No.1421880

We'll make sure to get the next thread started right.

>> No.1421883


What does this mean? That the devs will have their own sleek website and this "PayServices" that looks like it was made in 1994 will take care of things in the background? I will buy a 3 more BTCs of Trump if thats the case.

>> No.1421887

That seems to be the implication, yes

>> No.1421889

Yes thats what it is going to be, but let the nocoiners have their moment

>> No.1421903

Hey I'm not the one who made this 'Big Announcement'.. it was your so called devs.

>> No.1421915

NEVER, EVER in my years of trading cryptos have I seen a coin take this much dirty, rotten fear and doom mongering as Trumpcoin.

From calling people that invest in a novel idea, "losers" to calling a cryptocurrency a scam (what a joke) to relishing in the fact that a relatively obscure altcoin is going through a major dip, that literally EVERY SINGLE CRYPTOCURRENCY in existence goes through, its just unbelievable.

No coin has taken this amount of FUD. For what? Trying to do a PAC? For some dev drama? Trumpcoin had big 1 pump, 1 pump that's it. ????

This only tells me Trumpcoin is special, and in a good way. Theres something special about Trumpcoin and that's why you have so many angry, frustrated fudders on here telling us Trumpcoin is doomed "because they care so much about you."

2 weeks from now and Trumpcoin will have rebounded and hit an ATH most likely

>> No.1421916

But you are the one doing everything in your power to make it look bad when it's actually a huge step in the right direction while also claiming to be having a negative impact, even though every crypto on every exchange is down today because of the btc hack

>> No.1421917

You mean the guys who turned this coin around and saved it from a complete crash? Yeah those guys announced it and they made a good decision with choosing a fiat to crypto payment processor

>> No.1421925

Yet you're still here. Posting alot, but not really saying anything. Just spazzing out over a cryptocurrency which you have no stake in.
Do you attempt to control biz threads because you have no power irl? 19 posts of pure attention seeking and you've yet to make a rational argument against the coin.

>> No.1421926


>caring about the front page
>not knowing about the catalogue

>> No.1421928

You know who the real loser here is. The guy who gets on here, gets a big smile on his face and relishes in the thought of someone or some team trying to innovate failing miserably. Cause apparently they have nothing better to do. They could be contributing positively to society, but instead they wallow in negativity for their own empty, sad lives.

Oh wait its "because they care and they want to warn others"

>> No.1421937

Call it delusion or shilling if you want, but this coin is going to get a lot of people a lot of money, and if you aren't in on it, don't worry about it. Your life won't change much.

>> No.1421938


>> No.1421943

I just hate shills, that's all. Shilling is unethical, manipulative, and criminal as far as I'm concerned. You guys just happen to be the easiest shills to mock. Sorry, but you're like a goldmine of incompetence and cluelessness.

So make another thread, go ahead. What are you waiting for?

Like I said: the truth speaks for itself. I don't need to argue for it or defend it. That's what is so great about being me in this situation.

>> No.1421950


You are at a total of 20 posts bashing this coin. And you dare call me a shill?

YOU are the shill. You clearly have a vested interest in driving the price down.

>Shilling is unethical, manipulative, and criminal as far as I'm concerned.

Man, this is rich. This is straight up projection. That is exactly what you are doing. And you arent even here to have any rational conversations, you're just here to spread negativity.

>> No.1421960

Moi? A dirty lying shill? How dare you suggest such a thing, sirrah. Shilling is the promotion, via false, misleading and/or inflated positive statements about something the shill is trying to pump UP the value of. Does that clarify it for you? I know that there is a lot of overlap between the victims and the perpetrators in the shilling game, and that many of you believe the bullshit you're spreading to some degree or another. Unfortunate for you.

>> No.1421964

let us know when your shitposting actually has some sort of payoff

>> No.1421972

There's no misleading. These threads are reactions to dev updates. Most coiners want to profit and a successful PAC. This is made clear in every thread.
If you hate all the 'shilling' that you see, don't come to crypto containment board.

>> No.1421975


From Wikipedia: A shill may also act to discredit opponents or critics of the person or organization in which they have a vested interest through CHARACTER ASSASSINATION or other means.

Well, there you go. Its not necessarily "positive statements". Pretty much confirms it. You're a shill, a plant, a stooge. This is why you have over 20 posts and jump on anything negative to discredit Trumpcoin.

Just because someone has an opinion different from yours doesnt mean they are a shill. Calling someone a shill because they have a different opinion from you is and of itself, criminal and manipulative.

You are particularly suspicious because you clearly have a vested interest in discrediting Trumpcoin as you have consistent post activity on here. In fact looking at the timing of your post history, you've been on here all day long.

And you dare call other people shills.

>> No.1421992

Eh, it's weak, but I'll give you a C- for putting some effort in. We'll have to continue this discussion in the next thread though.

>> No.1421997


I really didn't deserve that, it doesn't take much effort to discern that you're a shill.

>> No.1422052

and who do you think will pay for that?

all the people you convince (see also, shill) to get in

you're ruining lives, it's a shitcoin

>> No.1422122
File: 14 KB, 500x400, iq survey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just mirroring what's been already posted on the official bitcointalk thread, I've released 64-bit AppImages of TrumpCoin for GNU/Linux.

All you have to do is download the AppImage, make it executable, and then run it. No configuration or installation is necessarily. It just werks.

It's built against my repository, which is even with TrumpCoin upstream at the moment. They have my Travis build script committed but haven't enabled continuous integration.

Anyways, tell me what you think!

Gitgud's TrumpCoin Repository: https://github.com/gitgud-software/V2TRUMP
AppImage Travis CI Build: https://travis-ci.org/gitgud-software/V2TRUMP/jobs/149625087
TrumpCoin 64-Bit AppImage: https://transfer.sh/SYSsK/trumpcoin-qt-gitc67431c-glibc2.15-x86-64.appimage
TrumpCoin 64-Bit AppImage (Mirror): https://mega.nz/#!DRQyCI6B!egOenfgL3G4SjBV9lpgvLZ7s2RyaRJk1-i72IHvQgR0
AppImage Info: http://appimage.org/

>> No.1422139

Temp Thread




>> No.1422144

virus total coming back hot.

this is intended to steal your coins.

>> No.1422237






Spread this Trump shit. Perfect for all social media!

>> No.1422398

you are an amazing person and i think that you are so smart and k