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14189148 No.14189148 [Reply] [Original]

This is my first month of dating and I spent $60 on round trip ubers to take a girl out to a restaurant where I spent $100 on a meal for the two of us. Now I’m gonna have to spend $60 on plan B because I gave her my cummies. If I do this every week it will cost me $11,440 dollars a year.

You seriously have to be wealthy to date in 2019.

>> No.14189175

First mistake was spending money on her, set the bar for all future dates.

Treat her like shit, make her come to you, and only do poor shit like going for walks in the park. To top it all off, bring her back to your place and tell her to make you food. She will prefer this.

>> No.14189177

This is unironically 100% true. Ive had friends go thousands of dollars into debt for girls.

>> No.14189180

>Not having your own car
>Taking her to the most expensive restaurant in town on the first date
>wasting your own money on abortionpills

>> No.14189181

thats a pretty good deal all things considered

>> No.14189205

Real Chads let the girls to pay all expenses

>> No.14189227

could have spent less than that for an hour with an escort

>> No.14189228


This, when a date offers to split the bill, you CALL HER FUCKING BLUFF. Even better, bring an old card and pretend it got locked for fraudulant activity. Literally works everytime.

>> No.14189233
File: 22 KB, 360x231, Ironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Plan B as plan A

>> No.14189262

congratulations, you have realized that all women are essentially escorts

>> No.14190225

It's unironically cheaper to get a 30minute massage followed by a 30 minute BJ from a hooker every 2nd friday evening. Either that or get a real doll. Women are a meme even the fucking the best looking ones becomes work after a while and you have to spend heaps making sure you have the latest clothes and other shit.

>> No.14190238


So you're taking her to dinner for...what? Conversation? Cause with your plan it's not going anywhere after that.

>> No.14190252

>First mistake was spending money on her, set the bar for all future dates.
>Treat her like shit, make her come to you, and only do poor shit like going for walks in the park. To top it all off, bring her back to your place and tell her to make you food. She will prefer this.
Based incel LARPing

>> No.14190279
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>Cumming inside
Definitely never gonna make it if you cum inside the random thots you date, learn to pull out. Wanna feel incredible while cumming outside? Have her jerk you just as you cum or have her suck you off, feels just as good with none of the worry.

>> No.14190286

>imagine spending money to try and impress a depreciating asset which will not only depreciate at an exponential rate but likely try to sabotage your financial standing after a decade

>> No.14190303

Seriously what fuck are you doing OP

Tell her to meet you at a boring free event, take a bus for $1.50. After about 20-30 min, head back early with her on the bus and chat until you get home.

If she puts out and you're feeling generous, offer to make her a 50c hotdog or can of tuna before she gets the fuck out.

>> No.14190308

>could have spent less than that for an hour with an escort
One day you will have more experience with women and understand that dating a girl and cumming inside her is much better than spending 1 hour with a shitty escort ($160/hr escorts are TRASH)

>> No.14190352

Don't worry you won't need to spend money since you're never getting a date. Have sex.

>> No.14190372

Not if you pay for the gamer girl gf experience

>> No.14190382


>Paying a girl to play with you

Peak beta.

>> No.14190391

Not how it works in real life you clueless sperg. If you don't whine and dine a girl, you ain't getting her snatch. Wake up or at the very least leave your house

>> No.14190512

I guess it worked on his dating sim literally designed for male incels

>> No.14190914
File: 8 KB, 251x242, 1554317060067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're a fucking loser ahahaha enjoy getting used by women

>> No.14190920

But he got laid. STFU stinky incel

>> No.14190940

Imagine being so ugly you have to wine and dine bitches LMFAOOOOOOOO fucking loser shit

>> No.14190982

You guys are doing it wrong
I don't know where you're finding these girls but I always make sure the girl is willing to "go dutch" or halvsies on everything
Even so, dating is still expensive simply because it's expensive to go out and do fun things that also facilitate the right courtship routines, but paying for the girl is a only a good way to: 1. Get shitty women, and 2. Hemorrhage money

>> No.14190992

Don't tell me you took her out for dinner on a first date?

>> No.14191005

My man. Exactly, go for drinks. A bit of alcohol is always good to loosen up and add some excitement. If she's not a bitch, she'll also pay for some rounds

>> No.14191025

Get your own car. What is this, the colonial era?
Secondly, dont spend so much eating at restaurants. If your bill is more than $40-50 for 2 people you're fuckin up. If it's a nice place, sure, but regular dates shouldn't be that bad.
As far as birth control, dont be a retard and nut inside girls. My buddy was always careless with it and ended up getting a girl pregnant. Ended horribly.
>friend gets gf pregnant
>her parents are pretty religious so she pressures him into getting married strictly because of the baby
>fast forward
>she subsequently let's herself go
>never loses baby weight
>never eats healthily
>never works out
>becomes a massive cunt
>they have a house together
>have a lease on a car in both of their names
>he gets tired of it
>she ends up moving out, leaving him with all the expenses
In short, make sure shes either on the pill (and actually takes it, like watch her fucking take the pill) or wrap it up.

>> No.14191034

Op just cling to the first thing you can get some you don’t have to do all that dating shit, or be single and fuck escorts every other week.

>> No.14191060

Shit, that's a real worst case scenario

>> No.14191105

>card blocked for fraud
"Omg jessica and he was such a badboy"