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14188271 No.14188271 [Reply] [Original]

Normie here,

What’s it like being autistic in social situations ?

I’m genuinely curious.

>> No.14188282

Nice larp fag

>> No.14188296

Imagine being a pet in a zoo. All the normies look at you and laugh at you but you're just behaving your usual self. This is what it feels like

>> No.14188327

I’m so sorry, that sounds terrible. For me it’s just natural in any social environment so i literally can’t even imagine not knowing how to interact with humans casually and non-awkwardly. I hope you guys get rich

>> No.14188331 [DELETED] 


>> No.14188353

I'm not autistic. This sums up how I feel interacting with most NPC normies:

>> No.14188357

I doubt I will because I got fucked by buying a dead shitcoin. I'll probably just neck myself when my time comes

>> No.14188371


internally agonizing

>> No.14188374

I'm not autistic but I probably come across like I am to older white people. Just can't talk to them for some reason.

>> No.14188385

Imagine trying to play that weird Japanese boardgame with the black and white stones while roasties laugh at you for not knowing the rules

>> No.14188414

Imagine being surrounded by a group of drunk people when you're sober but they think you're fucked up because you're not like them

>> No.14188461

This. I think normies might get the same experience if they had to do a math problem before saying anything in a conversation.

>> No.14188466

Gossip about people, things, and small-world coincidences (in direct neglect of ideas-patterns) is not 'natural' it is idolatry. To not celebrate the idolatry of (((The World))) and to NOT be well adapted to the customs and traditions of Man, to be aloof to the Laws Of Man which are an idol and are often loved despite being dissonant and hypocrital self-mockery.

Moral relativism, social darwinism, and service to self material hierarchicalism is what is ascribed to every possible logical fallacy such as the appeal to nature, so as to conceal Satanism as a cult of uncare.

>> No.14188499

My buddy is autistic. Most times in social settings he keeps to himself and throws in the random pun (he really likes wordplay). The thing is he never cares if anyone gets the pun or not so 75% people just shrug and repeat what he said not comprehending "trains have loco motives? I don't get what you mean...."

That however is pretty easy to gloss over, the real problem with autist-tards is when the conversation turns to some subject they are passionate about. They lose any ability to tell that they are going into far too and into too much depth and that no one understands nor really cares about the intricacies they are pointing out. Particularly when they get all spergy with neck veins protruding and all.

>> No.14188506

You just analyze things too much,

>> No.14188512

It means your IQ is too high to communicate properly with the hoi polloi

>> No.14188549

>social situations
pick one

>> No.14188550

Easy, you start overanalyzing ever subtle body movement. Come off as weird since you'll say something inappropriate at the wrong time. You agonize on how to leave a social situation the right way and overanalyze when would be the right time to leave. You can't figure out how to keep a conversation going, especially if its something that doesn't interest you or have no knowledge of. If you do something that you perceive to be embarrassing, you will end up thinking about it for the rest of the week. It eats you alive anon.

It really helps if you can just admit to everyone you are a bit autistic before socializing. They'll understand most of the time.

>> No.14188569
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>> No.14188588
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yikes is this me im not sure if i have autism or something but fuck

>> No.14188590

Your friend sounds amazing desu.
People rarely get my puns too.

>> No.14188607

Autism isn't real kys

>> No.14188661

accurate analogy

>> No.14188663

I can't hold jack shit of a conversation with "normies", even if they are mutual friends.
I just don't know anything that I'm interested in that they would be able to have a conversation with me about. I just clam up not able to say much and go blank.

>> No.14188692

I have the same. It's not autism. It's high IQ + high inhibition.

>> No.14188733

Stop giving a fuck you spastics. "oh boohoohooo Stacy might think I'm weird because I was really into trains that one conversation."

Own your fucking weird bullshit and call out anybody who gives you shit for it for being a boring flavorless clod. If people do that shit you're supposed to cut them out of your life anyway.

>> No.14188811

You ever wonder if we're currently isolated elements of natural social ecologies?

Like tribal elders would slap sense into us, henpecking mothers would arrange marriages with low inhibition ditzes, and humanity's gene pool would continue on as it always had. That's no longer happening with everyone cordoned off in their own apartments, browsing their personalized internet community, so things get all out of whack.

>> No.14188908 [DELETED] 

Maybe you're right. I'm doing everything I can to lower my inhibition, but it's extremely difficult for me.
> t. literal brainlet who can't relate to anyone who doesn't have the same frame of mind as himself
> 'If it's easy for me it must be easy for everyone else'
It's like me asking you why you didn't get straight A's in college. Just study for a couple of days before each exam. It's that easy!!!!

>> No.14188928
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I'm dying laughing

>> No.14188947

Maybe you're right. I'm doing everything I can to lower my inhibition, but it's very very difficult for me.
> t. brainlet who doesn't understand not everyone has the same frame of mind as him
> 'If it's easy for me it must be easy for everyone else'
It's like me asking you why you didn't get straight A's in college. Just study for a couple of days before each exam. It's that easy!!!

>> No.14188965

For me it means not being able to hold down a job because people think I'm unhappy. I'm just quiet and afraid of messing up.

>> No.14188968

Listen up!

Sub $1. Near future. Screencap this

>> No.14189071
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I dont connect with people
I cant read social cues or facial expressions
I never know wtf to say or have anything to say so I'm usually silent and awkward
Being social requires a lot of thinking and analyzing and doesn't come naturally
I also have prosopagnosia so I dont recognize most people including people I know. The exception is people with unique hair or facial hair or something very unique like that but if they shave or get a haircut I'm I usually wont recognize them. Prosopagnosia is common among high functioning artists

I don't even enjoy being around people or socializing. I like being alone studying whatever I feel like or doing whatever I'm interested in at the time.

Here's my tard card

>> No.14189088

Nice excuses sperglet. Cute how you think /biz/ is populated by silverspoon chads though. If only we could understand how hard anon has had it *sob*

>> No.14189116

I can't make conversation, incapable of small talk, awkward, can't make eye contact.

>> No.14189120

> Cute how you think /biz/ is populated by silverspoon chads though
Never said that.
> If only we could understand how hard anon has had it *sob*
You clearly don't. Again, proving my point.

>> No.14189133

>I don't even enjoy being around people or socializing

Why are you on here explaining your life story then? Maybe you're just bad at socializing irl and hence can't enjoy it, doesn't mean you don't enjoy talking with others in other context.

>> No.14189139

>high iq
my iq probably isnt that high. My schooling days were not the best
yes same

>> No.14189146

>You clearly don't. Again, proving my point.
Nah, I can clearly see what the issue is now. You're an unlikable cunt.

>> No.14189161

I have a fuckton of anxiety and chronic depression but went on an ssri when I was 15, 22 now. Best decision of my life. Went from awkward borderline incel to being outgoing in social situations and even funny/not fucking up timing, not giving a fuck or second thinking yourself every other moment is the biggest blessing in the world. Brought on confidence, which allowed me to make lifelong friends and which brought on roasties. Chad-tier now but if I went off that pill for 2 months I'd be absolutely rekt.

>> No.14189168

It's like suddenly losing the ability to talk or act without making a clown of yourself. autism should be more accurately labeled social clown disease

>> No.14189196

I mentioned college/studying as an example of how some things are a lot easier/more natural for some people than others. It was easy for me to get almost perfect grades in college with almost no studying. That doesn't mean it's easy for everyone else. The same goes for social interaction and being low inhibition. For a lot of people it's natural/easy, for some people it's not. You don't get that.

>> No.14189217

he's succesful in talking to people because of his looks not because of his intelligence

>> No.14189232
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Are you guys REALLY autistic? I thought you guys were larping.

>> No.14189245


>> No.14189261

I think most of the people here are socially stunted from spending literally all day every day on the Internet. Every scientific study has shown that it makes your mental health terrible. I'm sure there's a decent amount of spergs too, but there's probably just a lot of awkward fucks.
t. was awkward fuck

>> No.14189297

im not larping at all

>> No.14189313

Why are you so angry? I have friends, I just don't find social situations as natural/easy as most other people do. You clearly don't understand that social interaction isn't equally easy/natural for everyone. But you probably do understand that studying/ learning new concepts isn't equally easy/naturally for everyone, right? It's a similar concept.

>> No.14189325

I feel superior everyone normie is just retard NPC trash. In the day of old the most autistic people were the most powerful, in in our reigns of power we were at the height of society. When normies take over thing become trash. Once we get a powerful autist leader like Hitler to mobilize us all, normies will assimilate or get the rope.

>> No.14189359

>implying autists could ever take control
as soon as they stand up to the mic to make a speech they would start stuttering, then spaghettipockets.bat

>> No.14189396

Guys like Zuckerberg and Elon musk are pretty spergy.

>> No.14189481
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>implying communications wouldn't be strictly text

>> No.14189498

Im here for the memes and general atmosphere
Some stuff on here actually makes me laugh out loud
Its great free entertainment for me and I enjoy it
OP asked a question so I figured Id post an
honest answer
Im not looking for advice or anything, I enjoy my life

>> No.14189540
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I really believe the majority of us are the spectrum

>> No.14189566

Im just saying, you claim not to like interacting with people but here you are passively and actively interacting with others. I think people can sometimes be too quick with labeling themselves, that's why I wanted to point out the seeming discrepancy.

But you know you better than me of course.

>> No.14189583

Eh, I think once you get past a certain IQ you're just on an entirely different wavelength than everybody else except your peers. Most geniuses are this way, not necessarily spergs. Although there are high IQ spergs with serious intellect in certain fields while just being literally retarded in others (aka most aspects of life and socializing)

>> No.14189622

> I think once you get past a certain IQ you're just on an entirely different wavelength than everybody else except your peers
That's basically what I meant. I don't mean full blown autists. A lot of very high IQ people have a hard time interacting with other people in a "normal" way.

>> No.14189626

The truth is, nobody that has ever browsed this board and participated in threads like this will ever be able to tell you what it’s like NOT to be autistic in social situations. Sure some of us can play the game and have menial conversations with normans, but there will always have those autistic thoughts lingering in the background. Consider your “autism” a blessing anon. It gives you awareness of how trivial the vast majority of social interactions are.

>> No.14189632

its sucks and people give you weird looks and then you just want to go home.

>> No.14189689







FUCKING LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14189696

Yeah, and a lot don't have any trouble dumbing shit down for the masses, or being able to converse about sportsball. Everyone's different, it's kinda beautiful unless you just got some shit-ass genetics and look like a fucking child molester

>> No.14189751

Nah dude he’s right. As long as you aren’t literally saying “fuck jannies trannies niggers and Jews” or whipping your dick out in the middle of the conversation who gives a fuck.

So you end up talking too intensely about your model train collection and are known around the office as the guy that likes model trains... who gives a fuck? You like that shit don’t you? Fucking be the model train guy then. You only do yourself a disservice by always trying to cater to what other people like because if you don’t expose your “autism” you’ll never connect with people who feel the same way about those subjects as you. If Stacy gives thinks you’re weird for liking the things you like then your social relationship wasn’t going to go much further anyways. Better to get to know the real person than have Stacy think you enjoy talking to her about interior design every Monday morning.

>> No.14189752

Theres many high IQ spergs such as albert einstein, nikola tesla, isaac newton and thomas edison
Theres celebs like jim carrey, jerry seinfeld, andy warhol, courtney love etc etc

>> No.14189771

What does this have to do with business and finance?

>> No.14189830

I 100% agree with the last part of your post. As I said, I'm trying really hard to lower my inhibition and just say/do what I feel like. It's good advice. My point was that it isn't at easy as that Anon makes it sound. Trust me, I really do try hard to not give a fuck in social situations but it goes completely against my nature. Please understand that it really is very difficult for some people. I have gotten a lot better at it though.

>> No.14189896

This is exactly it. You overanalyze everything, which causes you to barely start conversations and to never be able to keep them going, leaving everyone with the impression that you're a freak, which leaves you socially isolated and thinking about jumping in front of traffic.

>> No.14189915
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Albert Einstein was a mediocre scientist, he was just great at plagiarizing ideas and selling his silly persona (look at his CARAAAAAZY HAIR!) as a kike that got kicked out of Germany by that evil meanie Hitler!!! He took advantage of his skills of signing his name on other brilliant goyim's works and since he was perfect Allied propaganda, he was celebrated as le highest genius.

>> No.14189979

It’s a skill anon. Keep practicing and it’ll get better. There’s literally billions of people on the planet, who cares if a few think you’re weird. You’re the only one that can make it easier for yourself.

>> No.14190001

unironically this. half the people in the grocery store I work in are either socially retarded or actually sperg, but its ok, they're pretty good people. plus I can just sit in the back and hit my thc vape in front of them and they don't give a fuck

>> No.14190070

>As long as you aren’t literally saying “fuck jannies trannies niggers and Jews”
>be the model train guy
You don't get it. Jannies trannies niggers and Jews are my "model trains". Most pressing issue of the day and everything else is boring and not that important.

>> No.14190368

I can relate to pretty much everything you wrote. Should I get myself checked?

>> No.14190373


We're all going to neck ourselves by 40, fren.

>> No.14190500

Autists are actually just narcissistic assholes. You could cure it if you could just make them stop being such fucking asshats.

>> No.14191480

remember that one time you did or said something embarassing in front of people and you still remember it a year later,
well it's like that but with every social interaction in your life

>> No.14191915

Which ssri? I was on one for years but it seemed to stop working and I thought it was causing other problems so I stopped taking it

>> No.14191935

social skills have a lot to do with business

>> No.14191969

>the real problem with autist-tards is when the conversation turns to some subject they are passionate about. They lose any ability to tell that they are going into far too and into too much depth and that no one understands nor really cares about the intricacies they are pointing out.

haha. This is me, except I don't care enough to engage in conversation with people. When something that really gets me going comes up it freaks people the fuck out because I suddenly KO them. It freaks my wife out still that I seem not to care (no desire to engage/correct people) on most topics then sperg the fuck out.

>> No.14192007

anon, you're posting this on a board that fell for a shitcoin scam spearheaded by a serial entrepreneur and globetrotter who used to have thots from all over the world crash on his couch in NYC, just because he applied his degree in psychology to manipulate autists by larping as one of them through wearing the same shirt and bulking up fat

>> No.14192008

Fucking this! Never apologise for being yourself, never think that because you dont fit in you are less worthy, if your surrounding is boring just change it... Just fuck it and do what makes you satisfied, longterm you'll meet interesting people along the way, also you will probably meet (meaningful) women this way too....

>> No.14192089

But if your estrogen is high enough you can communicate with the soi polloi

>> No.14192121

Delete this

>> No.14192138
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Everyone is annoying, you hate them and they hate you back. Their voices are grating, their facial features freak you out. Being in a chaotic noisey situation stresses out until you feel like you want to die, but then everyone gets mad at you because you're not chipper. Then you take a long deep breath to calm yourself down and then the normies get pissed off at you for doing that too, or they think you look creepy doing anything to soothe yourself like stimming. Nobody cares or understands your feelings, most people are convinced if you just try to acclimate to social situations it'll get better, but you know it just gets worse. You are hyper are aware of how social norms make no sense, people say what they don't mean all day long, criticize and gossip other people then act like a hypocrite 30 seconds later, doing the same things they criticize. You are hyper aware of how unconscious normies are, a large proportion of them can't accurately remember what happened 5 minutes ago, which leads to these "Mandel Effect" situations, where normies basically all misremember things in the same way because it fits their normie meme narratives.

tl;dr: It sucks.

>> No.14192218

Fuck this hits close home.

>> No.14192257

feels good
anyone who tries to get you to act will get ego bruised because you cba to pay attention to things that don't personally interest you

>> No.14192315
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>caring about what normies think of you

>> No.14192334

most people on here are not "autistic" they just carry a huge load of childhood trauma from being emotionally neglected or straight up abused. in social situations they get triggered into their repressed traumas and either fly off the handle or just completely withdraw and go "blank".
tl;dr its not very nice

>> No.14192569

Social skills are called skills for a reason. Practice enough and many of you'll be able to out-social fucks who were born with a knack for it.
the narcissism is a coping mechanism and the assholery is in part a symptom of their difficulties. We're probably in agreement, but most of them aren't dicks because they want to be dicks.
this is shit advice. there are definitely parts of yourself you may want to tone down around most people. unless you use the internet, you're never going to find that one special person who likes all your quirks.

>> No.14192757

Except being a narcissistic asshole is chad behavior.

>> No.14192783

not if attempted when unattractive, and not when done without any form of tact.

>> No.14192816

>you have to be narcissistic but in moderation else you might offend someone
t. clearly not an autist because they wouldn't know or care if someone got offended

>> No.14192860

who's "someone"

>> No.14192909

>not if attempted when unattractive, and not when done without any form of tact.
if an autist acts like a narcissist in the forest, is it still cringe?

>> No.14192935

So I guess we just gotta figure out a way to make spergs attractive then.

>> No.14192956

probably not?
you act for the occasion, if acting "like a narcissist" in the middle of nowhere makes you feel good I can't see much harm in it
I wonder how society would look if everyone was a 10/10 appearance wise.

>> No.14192980

I am not diagnosed, but big facts

>> No.14193010

then why do you ask dumb questions?
"someone" is someone in the autist's immediate vicinity, not some random shmuck on the other hemisphere

>> No.14193040

It's like you speaking with us right now

>> No.14193056

Interesting take. I never thought of it that way before.

>> No.14193061

KEK. This.

>> No.14193103

but who that someone in your direct vicinity is matters

>> No.14193850

>We're probably in agreement, but most of them aren't dicks because they want to be dicks.
Even worse