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14186037 No.14186037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Accounting the worst college major?

Is it the most miserable job in existence?

Why the fuck would anyone do this?

Every single office job is meaningless.

Whether it's engineering, software engineering, IT, finance, accounting, management, HR, PR, sales, marketing, administrative bullshit, secretarial, CEO, CFO, etc. etc.

it doesn't matter

it's all soul sucking fucking bullshit and i don't understand how anyone goes into it besides naive college kids that think it pays well and is easy

>> No.14186074

>it pays well and is easy
It does and it is.

>> No.14186086


wait 5 years and a robot has replaced you

>> No.14186091

Which of these are you doing?

That's not true for accounting, finance, IT, or engineering.

if you're doing some bullshit job, then yeah, it's easy.

>> No.14186101

Nice pooper you have there

>> No.14186325

why are the high paying careers the most cucked, wageslave-y ones?

>academia/college prof
>research scientist

literally all of these are basically hell on earth. you throw away all of your free time and spend years studying. honestly feel like high school dropouts who just become truckers are happier because they have much easier lives.

>> No.14186351

I wish my nose was right in there

>> No.14186393

>Is Accounting the worst college major?
CompSci is the new Econ degree and unreasonably flooded to the point where hiring and interviewing a complete shitmess.
>Is it the most miserable job in existence?
Social services has this beat by a mile
>Why the fuck would anyone do this?
It used to be a well paying, low upkeep job with stable opportunities. Now the middle is hollowing out and there is a lot of grindy, low paying shitwork, and a lot of super specialty high end that requires years of training and experience.

>> No.14186419

Because if it was easy and enjoyable, everyone would do it and it wouldn't pay so well?

>> No.14186434

if you dont mind doing the same shit for the rest of your life along with working on weekends, then its a nice comfy job where you dont have to worry about ageism

>> No.14186438

fuck everything

>> No.14186471

I knew tons of finance majors in college who always bragged about how much money they were supposedly going to make after they graduated. They were all obsessed with the "work hard play hard" lifestyle except the thing was in college it was all play. I only knew one of them that actually got a job at a top investment bank in NYC and he was the only one of anyone that made anywhere near their expectations. On linked in I saw he burned out after 2 years and starting working at no name places all around the country. Most of those retards work at literally-who companies with low level titles, with "fuck my shit up" looking profession profile pics. Reality hits hard.

>> No.14186473

software eng, 6 years exp. yeah it sucks ass. i hardly even write code any more. it's all political posturing, meetings, and trying not to offend people.

also everyone non technical is retarded about software and can't tell good work from absolute dog shit, which is why this is so unrewarding. put your heart 100% into it and make art, that product can't tell apart from hepatitis infected enchilada diarrhea that's been sweltering in the sun.

fuck i want out of this wagie life

>> No.14186554
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>hepatitis infected enchilada diarrhea that's been sweltering in the sun

>> No.14186579

>is meaningless
>it doesn't matter
Who cares? I'm not there to "make a difference" or whatever other buzz words HR wants to hear. I'm there to make money. It's easy and it pays well, I trade my 8 hrs for money then I live my best life every evening and the weekends. I don't give two shits about "loving what I do". I would literally shovel dog shit all day if it paid 100k.

>> No.14186602


>Robots replacing accountants

Lel this will literally never happen

>> No.14186603

>Robot fixing robots

>> No.14186611

This. Finance is hell if you're not in the top 1% and even then its even more hellish

>> No.14186633

You'll come to realize every corporate job is bullshit. Everyone who works in one is either lying to themselves that their life is fine or they go home and want to kill themselves.

This is why we need to make it with crypto. We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to change our lives forever and never work a normal job again.

>> No.14186635


>comp sci major
>wrote code for 4 years
>got a client-facing technical role for a year
>now making six figgies as a presales engineer

A CS degree is literally just a hall pass that you use to get into a good company, then springboard yourself into a real job. Only sperglords doom themselves to a lifetime of codemonkey work.

>> No.14186640

>along with working on weekends,

is this really the norm? even outside of big 4 public CPA bullshit?


>> No.14186651


>> No.14186669

This guy gets it.

>> No.14186688

jobs are a means to an end - build up your capital and eventually become self employed, business owner, or investor

>> No.14186713

Accountant in Pittsburgh.
I make 40k a year, 6% 401k with a 3% company match, and I have to buy my own health insurance.

Explain to me how this is good pay?

>> No.14186717
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>be tradesmen
>can tell anyone to fuck off at any time and not get fired
>get to pick what task i do 95% of the time
>can show up late and not get fired
>can stay late or leave early if I want
>freedom of speech is respected to the point I can say nearly anything
>get to order around a bunch of subhuman slave-tier labour workers called "mexicans"
Office cucks will never know these feels

>> No.14186747

>You'll come to realize every corporate job is bullshit

what are the career options to avoid working in some shitty corporate job?

medicine/teaching? is that literally it?

>> No.14186750

>proud that he can literally be shit at everything

Imagine... being proud of having zero expectations for yourself.

>> No.14186769

>not corporate
kek, your entire existence depends on either A) huge pharma corps, or B) huge insurance companies or C) government

>not corporate
Your entire existence depends on D) Academic beaurocracy, also see C)

>> No.14186793

then tell us you nignog

>> No.14186802


i mean even trades are often corporate, fuck.

is every job literally shit? which job isn't shit? every fucking job is shit.

>> No.14186803

Crypto-investor NEET

>> No.14186847

Startup companies are unironically non-corporate until they hit ~100-150 people, and start attracting real deal investors that demand at least some corporacy in order to not be giving money to unorganized retards.

Even then, until they get larger(300+ employees), Sales culture is unironically the wild west, because the only thing that matters at that point is making money, and most sales activity happens outside the office.

>> No.14186855
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Actually compared to officecuck """""work"""""" it is actually much harder to be a hack in trades. If you fuck up everyone can see it, it is physical and in your face. If you do nothing but slack off, it is blatantly obvious you did nothing as there is nothing done in front of you. You don't get fire for poltical correctness or timeliness at trades, but you do get fired for being shit at your job.

Everytime I do work in your office cuckshed workplaces, I take a look around and see this: 1/3 of you are on facebook/social media, 1/3 are slacking off talking to each other, and the last 1/3 are pretending to be working while actually day dreaming about killing themselves.

>> No.14186865

Lmao this. With every incel going into compsci and Pajeet flooding into the west the Compsci = easy 6 figures meme is dying. Many talented friends stuck behind the helpdesk nowadays

>> No.14186892

And yet your post was just:
>bragging about being late(lazy)
>bragging about leaving early(lazy)
>bragging about working with subhumans(who actually enjoys working with retards?)

Sounds like you are the one who does shitty work in a shitty environment, friend

>> No.14186906

>fire for poltical correctness
my bad: fired* for political* correctness

>> No.14186919

>Many talented friends stuck behind the helpdesk nowadays
As someone who has been in the tech industry for 5+ years, there are only three kinds of people "stuck" in menial roles:

>those who literally started at the BOTTOM, with no pedigree(no college or work experience), and haven't earned enough cred to get hired for an engineer role
>those who have the skills, but are too afraid to either demand an engineer role, or too afraid to leave their company and interview elsewhere
>those who actually aren't good enough/smart enough, and belong in customer support

Nobody who is worth anything is actually "stuck", most people just never try to do any better.

>> No.14186963

welcome to the era of bullshit jobs

self employment and business owner pays much more because you can do real and effective work in your work week

>> No.14186975
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Anon I'm sorry you are so emasculated and beaten down by your overlords that you think being minutes or even seconds late to your slave work is laziness. For actual men it matters more on your overall quality and speed of work than formalities.

Also I said "order around" not work with, you use the subhuman slaves as your overlords use you officecucks; like a tool. They carry heavy objects or tools from across the room for you.

>> No.14187018

Now you're just projecting, anon. I didn't say what you're saying I said.

I just said the fact that you brag about being able to be late and leave early shows your true character.

>> No.14187024

Yeah except it’s not a meme anymore cause chainlink.

>> No.14187069


why do you boys still say this? it sounds insufferable

>> No.14187104

It's shorter than saying "i am doing alright because i make more than most households"

>> No.14187105

six figures isn't even really six figures after taxes either

>> No.14187122

It is clear as day to anyone you were saying that leaving early or being late is laziness as you gave them separate lines to be distinct. You even went to far as to point out in brackets how you equate them to (lazy).
>I just said the fact that you brag about being able to be late and leave early shows your true character.
Actually no, you didnt say that. Try reading your own post and coming back friend.

Its ok to admit you are emasculated and lack a power process in your work. You can always find a new job or start your own thing and become a man again anon.

>> No.14187147

I'm not wasting any more time with you anon, you're clearly project some kind of inferiority complex

>> No.14187171
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tfw 0% state income tax master race

>> No.14187201
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>officecuck runs from confrontation
Make sure to file a complaint to HR sweetie.

>> No.14187230

>everyone non technical is retarded about software and can't tell good work from absolute dog shit,
More likely you're overindexing on things that legitimately don't matter, or you aren't good at explaining technical tradeoffs to higher ups

>i hardly even write code any more
Writing code is a necessary evil in order to deliver features or improve experiences

>> No.14187233

Outside sales you dumb nigger. I work from home with flexible hours and get paid a ton. You'll have to start out in a bitch business development role that sucks super hard but if you do well in that you can transition to a comfy regional territory manager.

>> No.14187248

>More likely you're overindexing on things that legitimately don't matter, or you aren't good at explaining technical tradeoffs to higher ups
great post, this is 99% of engineers

>> No.14187250
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delete this!!!!!

>> No.14187316

Is job hatred a forced meme? It seems like there is a thread like this 24/7, just get a job and shut the fuck up asshole.

Was there some cartoon Zoomers watched that implied you would never need a job or something?

Each of those jobs has an amazing upside if you just fucking look at your interests that could be exciting for you. Engineering is awesome, IT is fun, computers are fun, HR is fun you can basically micromanage a company and you have salary power over everyone and can troll people, marketing is awesome, get to work at a place with creative juices flowing, do some inside sales, maybe create a new logo, CFO is insanely powerful and you have the ability to make or break a company and everyone kisses your ass like your name is LeBron James.

Sorry but had to rant. life is an MMO, find your bliss.

>> No.14187526

fuck everything man.

>> No.14187556

a rough estimate would be better. this six figures nonsense is wagie talk

>> No.14187566

none of that matters and never will
its all empty bullshit you tell yourself to keep yourself going
>have everyone kiss your ass
Why the fuck would i want that

>> No.14187569


Based and optimismpilled.

I use my engineering degree to design operating rooms, cancer centers, pharmacies (not the Walgreens kind) and an entire hospital one time. You can argue that healthcare corporations are insufferably greedy and selfish, but you can't deny that my work is saving lives.

>> No.14187615

ow the edge

>> No.14187634

Have sex.

>> No.14187644
File: 95 KB, 1300x752, 55529566-band-aid-picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a band aid

>> No.14187659

I envy you.. seriously.