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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1418612 No.1418612 [Reply] [Original]

>I want to leave University.

I'm sick of living in Neverland. Peter Pan can suck my dick. Anyone here drop out of Uni? Got any stories?
I'm about to enter my Third year, currently working a shitty job at KFC with the potential to get an office job at a legal firm with a base £15,000 salary.

On top, I'm trying to set up an business of my own I've been working on with two other students for 2 years. We're looking to register in the next few months with a good contact.

What should I do /biz/, should I escape the meme that it Uni? So far it's given me nothing but stress, financial instability (borrowing money and have to repay debts right now...) I'm in a house with a year long contract, which will only cost me £3,600 in rent if I get the office job.

I could repay what I owe my family, learn to drive, live life on my own terms, start my company, work out and most of all escape those dreaded students! I'm sick of them, they're toxic. All with Peter Pan syndrome.

I have the chance to tactically fail my course. I'm re-sitting a module. If I don't submit my document, I can say I failed and I wont have to deal with everyone questioning why I dropped out and wasted 2 years instead of sticking it through to the 3rd.


>> No.1418623

Memes are only meant for trading. Don't become a meme, anon

>> No.1418624
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I'll also be learning how to trade, have been for a while but haven't had the money to do so because of being a student.

Everything just points toward moving on and escaping another pointless year.

>> No.1418639

if you can land the office job with decent room for growth and opportunity, then sure, drop out...or maybe take night classes while working and slowly work towards a degree

but I also think you're putting the cart before the horse and talking as if your business is already making a profit to live off of, if that is the case then of course drop out

>> No.1418643

what's your intended degree?

>> No.1418655

Film (BA)

>> No.1418663
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the fuck were you thinking

>> No.1418672
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I know what you mean, which is why I'm setting the idea of the office job as my foundation to live off. With only £3,600 financial commitment to a £15,000 salary I will have enough to start saving, living off and investing.

The business will slowly grow and profits kept in a company account to build it up for investors to see. Only until it's able to self-sustain would I move on from an office job.

>> No.1418682
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The pains of a 17 year old making life decisions...

>> No.1418698

we've all been there. it's not too late to fix things. i can't tell you what to do but i wouldn't finish that degree personally. doubt you could even find a job with it.

switch majors

>> No.1418715

I don't want to be a student anymore, I hate everything about being a student...

Living at the bottom of an overdraft, it's not the life for me.

>> No.1418718

yeah i was broke as fuck in university too, dropped out and got a trade. mind you I didn't pick fucking film to study, so going back is a possibility. maybe you need a break? a 'gap year' as they're called. where do you live

>> No.1418722

follow ur heart OP do what u love everything will take care of itself

>> No.1418724

UK, recently moved to the city in a student house with 3 others. Currently on my own here working to afford bills at KFC...

>> No.1418732
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What about crack addicts? They just love crack...

>> No.1418737

i don't have a clue how the job market is in the UK but if leaving isn't a possibility for you, really look into the trades.

look up scaffolding. I know that's big in the UK. carpentry is obviously a good fallback too.

>> No.1418750

youre not going to get any job with that kind of attitude, even if you fake it in an interview theyll call your bluff.

>> No.1418756


I dropped out of uni after my first year of a biology degree. I then went on to work a little bit and travel and have ended up back at university studying accounting and finance.

I recommend taking some time off if you went straight from highschool/sixth form to university. I found that when i was travelling talking to shitloads of different strangers about what field they worked in and what that entailed was helpful in making the decision of what I wanted to do with my life.