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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 338 KB, 928x692, auto-tow-service-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14182956 No.14182956 [Reply] [Original]

Is the towing industry lucrative?

>tow a car parked illegally
>charge $300, cash only for owner to pick the car up

>> No.14182995

depends, whether you like dealing with happy + satisfied customers all day, or (very) pissed-off meth-hopping rednecks pointing a gun at your temple

>> No.14183022

The only people who you can hire as tow truck drivers is Tyrone and methhead Craig. You need at least 5 trucks running 24/7 to turn a profit.

Tyrone and Craig will pass out for 2 hours on the way to a tow and say traffic was fucked or something was wrong with the truck. They will then lose 50 of the 250 and say they never got it from the customer

It's great if you can find employees you can trust

>> No.14183052

Do you really want to be absolute scum hated by everyone? Tow truck drivers and companies are some of the scummiest human beings in existence.

>> No.14183124

Do you want to make money or friends? Enjoy the water cooler.

>> No.14183144

>be college student moving into new apartment near campus
>park in from of my appartment and unload my car
>go back to car to load it back up at previous apparment and do another run
>car gone, oh no!

stupid fucking leasing lady didn't tell me they have a towing service, didn't give me the windshield pass, and didn't know which towing service it fucking was.

Had to pay them 400 bucks for parking in my own spot for 30 minutes. They're literally predatory scum that wait around for someone to make a mistake, steal your car, and hold it hostage while you accrue daily storage fees. All of them deserve the rope.

>> No.14183151

You can't buy dignity with money, dude. Always remember that.

>> No.14183201

money > friends

>> No.14183212

I flipped burgers with dignity, I'll tow your Pontiac with dignity too. Working for your money is always better than being a nigger.

>> No.14183234
File: 42 KB, 320x320, E5491A75-F348-406A-AAA9-936FA2F741A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towing thread for high quality.
Summer low-quality rules.

>> No.14183248
File: 24 KB, 400x400, trevon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tow truck drivers and companies are some of the scummiest human beings in existence.
>You can't buy dignity with money, dude. Always remember that.
says the scumbag who didn't pay his car payment and is butthurt it got repo'd. cope.

>> No.14183267

The two problems with towing:
1. Dealing with hyperagressive brainlets, meaning its just a matter of time till you will get shot in the US of A. No its no an exaggeration, and you will be assaulted on the regular whether you're a small or a big dude.
2. Dealing with people who actually know the law. In Cali if your car is parked at a plaza, its the plaza owner who has to call in the tow on your car, and they can only do it after 30 min/1h if I remember right. If you're not good by the law when you tow a car the guy might tie you up in the courts and even pull your license. So good luck selling the truck for cents on the dollar

And now you know why 99% of tow truck drivers are "people" with criminal records/ drug addictions/ other types of trash who have no other choices in life

>> No.14183451

>Do you really want to be absolute scum hated by everyone? Tow truck drivers and companies are some of the scummiest human beings in existence.
compared to who? who cares anyway?

>> No.14183761

If your a runner and have connects to accident lawyers yes

>> No.14183778

If it wasn't you it'd be someone else. Money is money.

>> No.14183814

Cops also arrest tow truck drivers if you fuck with them


>> No.14183837

Only if you specialize in repos.

>> No.14183838

Shut up you dumb pussy

>> No.14183866
File: 6 KB, 180x165, aids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the towing monopoly gang cleans up

>> No.14183870

>Getting arrested for doing your job
Fuck that pig, maybe he should had pay his car instead of spending it on hookers snd blow.

>> No.14183885

I'd rather be rich and without dignity than poor and with dignity. Atleast I won't have to worry about what food I'll eat or rent money.

>> No.14184639

tow-truck driving untermensch detected

>> No.14185461


>> No.14185481

I fucking hate pigs

>> No.14185989

If you'd rather be rich maybe you shouldn't be driving a tow truck.