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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 309 KB, 980x2306, US_Federal_judge_threatens_to_hold_Craig_Wright_in_criminal_contempt_in_ongoing_court_case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14164279 No.14164279 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.14164317

B-but pajeets have been telling me for months he is Satoshi. How can this be happening?

>> No.14164372
File: 88 KB, 953x843, SATOSHI CONFIRMED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14164974
File: 897 KB, 660x715, 1525466956279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was once this girl who threatened to accuse a guy of rape. the guy recorded her saying she was going to accuse him even though she made it up. the guy didn't show her the recording because the hurt would be much better if he exposed her after she filed the case in criminal court

>> No.14165156

this doesn't sound right though. craig clearly explained the cryptographic method used by the trust. this shit will just be appealed to a higher court and be assigned to a judge with an IQ higher than a grapefruit.

>> No.14165158

CSW is fucked. If he doesnt give the addresses, either because he doesnt have them or not wanna, he goes to prison. And if he gives them, they could be blocked in a “security fork”.
He kinda deserves it tho

>> No.14165178


This is how you know he is the real Satoshi.

>> No.14165220

>he thinks that higher courts means smarter judges

>> No.14165238

Creg blight is finished

>> No.14165256

How does this even work?
>this australian man said my dead brother had billions of USD worth of Bitcoin and he took em
>thats our money
>court orders you to show up and reveal all the money you own

>> No.14165262
File: 191 KB, 1170x780, 9FEBF0BE-8469-4873-8E5C-FBA6AF04820C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder. Game over next week. Spoiler alert: Craig wins.

>> No.14165284


And then that evidence was throw out on illegal wiretapping charges, he went to jail.

>> No.14165289

stfu retard jesus christ you're moronic

>> No.14165306

spoiler alert: nothing he has promised has ever come true but THIS TIME, THIS TIME he won't be lying

>> No.14165326

>CSW is fucked. If he doesnt give the addresses, either because he doesnt have them or not wanna

How do you even prove you don't own crypto anyway? You can't exactly throw it away. We're going to see some weird situations with this shit in the future.

>> No.14165328

a court can't just dismiss something because it lacks the aptitude to comprehend it. case will be appealed. idiot cunt judge will be reprimanded.

>> No.14165359
File: 39 KB, 334x506, 1558580648876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. It's a blind trust with an unknown number of trustees that all hold different Shamir keys. Getting access to those keys is not only a PITA it could compromise the security of the trust. The judge claims that unlocking the data held in the trust would not be burdensome without providing any specific reasoning. Not only that, but Ira's team hasn't adequately justified their request to unlock the trust data. If Ira claims to be the owner of the coins, it shouldn't matter what kind of wrapper Satoshi is using to store them - he should first provide his own documentation demonstrating ownership. What we are seeing right now is a fishing expedition where Ira or his handlers think they can suss something out to their advantage, but they are clearly going in blind.
Not that any of this matters anyway. Ira trying to squeeze Satoshi for coins is an interesting sideshow, but has nothing to do with much of anything.
This guy gets it.
Kek. Gotta love how CSW triggers the s()yboys.

>> No.14165426

What will be the excuse in January 2020 when the trust matures but nothing happens? The Shamir keys were "lost"?

>> No.14165514
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1530987326055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes you think nothing will happen?

do you believe CSW orchestrated for gizmodo to leak fake trust documents saying there is in fact a trust and it matures in 2020?

>> No.14165565
File: 853 KB, 1919x1841, sicklittlepuppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're assuming nothing is going to happen. If we could be 100% sure of that, this thread would not exist.
This is what really gives away the anti-CSW derangement for what it is: 80% of /biz/ claims that CSW is either incompetent or an inevitable failure, yet day in and day out for months now he has dominated real discussion on this board. It should be obvious even to anons who don't understand the fundamentals what is going on.
It's funny because the same dynamic prevailed for both BTC in 2011 - 2012 and Trump in 2016: hordes of haters obsessed with something they are sure is going to be a failure but still feel compelled to discuss ad nauseum.

>> No.14165572

Honestly I think he literally wants to go to prison in the US for the anal pleasure he seeks this was all a ruse in order to get some raw BBC classic Craig

>> No.14165584
File: 1.53 MB, 1702x1490, 2019-06-15 21_22_45-Woman jailed for 10 years for making series of false rape claims _ UK news _ The.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not quite

>> No.14165625

Why CSW? Calvin Ayre. They're in cahoots since 2015.

Talking about the "dynamic". lol. This is not elections, this is cryptography. You either have the private keys or don't. The public opinion doesn't matter AT ALL.

>> No.14165674

because he comes up with more shit nearly every day, he is an attention seeking whore and people fall for it, that's why it is discussed

>> No.14165683

>They're in cahoots since 2015.
Way earlier. Read this https://archive.fo/kjuLi

>> No.14165706
File: 279 KB, 1590x1028, 1B9C5D172E5F4C759070676D59710874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao if he loses it means the court has legally confirmed him as satoshi. Bullish

>> No.14165732
File: 22 KB, 882x211, Creg TV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14165738

>Lmao if he loses it means the court has legally confirmed him as satoshi.
What? How would that confirm he is Satoshi?

>> No.14165746

aussie man bad

>> No.14165754
File: 66 KB, 741x800, 1556781869132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can he even show the private keys if someone can just steal his money if they see the key...

>> No.14165765

fucking lol

>> No.14165805

If he was not satoshi how would he have the coins

>> No.14165910

But the whole point is if he fails to prove he has the coins he will be proven not to be satoshi. The court is asking him to prove he has the coins.If he cant do this or refuses to he will go to jail and will show he is not satoshi. Are you retarded?

He doesn't need to show the private keys he just needs to sign

>> No.14165913
File: 253 KB, 280x390, tismprism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not elections, this is cryptography.
I'm talking about correlation not causation, you midwit. A large cohort of foaming at the mouth haters isn't going to cause anything to happen per se, but it is an interesting observational data point.
Tons of people seek attention. Only some are given it. I wonder why? Your deferral of agency is interesting, though.

>> No.14165915

Did Kleiman write somewhere "oh lol gave 1M BTC to satoshi today lmao no biggie we besties"? For all that it's worth, CSW lied about having those coins in the first place. What he might have is an encrypted wallet from Kleiman that he's trying to crack.

>> No.14165927

I don't care about your conclusions. Undergo an IQ enhancement surgery before posting.

>> No.14165931


>> No.14165940

He's not going to jail over any of the Ira shakedown bullshit. You realize he and nChain have retained the services of some of the best lawfirms in the UK and US, right? If you think a million-dollar legal team is going to let their client go to jail over some procedural nonsense, there is nothing to say except you are clueless.

>> No.14165949

>this is your brain on curry

>> No.14165961
File: 99 KB, 720x720, 0fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, if you didn't care, you wouldn't be here responding. Exactly my earlier point. Also, we both know - and anyone else who's reading this can easily figure out - that I'm smarter and most likely wealthier than you. If the disparity is great enough, you can just tell.

>> No.14165993

For all we know this was forged.

>> No.14166008
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>> No.14166019

Everyone can see that you've gone full cope mode because deep down you realize how humiliated you'll be in half a year when the trust is supposed to mature but you're left with nothing but empty promises and a cock in your mouth.

>> No.14166072

the fact that you're so certain he's not satoshi makes me want to buy more bsv. any rational person would be uncertain if he's lying or telling the truth

>> No.14166103
File: 16 KB, 224x215, happydedede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's still responding.
Very much doubt I'm the one coping here.

>> No.14166156

Said the one who's churning out paragraphs of cope with "IM_NOT_COPING__WINK_WINK.jpg" pics

>> No.14166167

>welcome to law

>> No.14166231

Nobody is coping about faketoshi or your scamcoin, brainlet faggots. We just want your spam off the board, and your verbal diarrhea toned down. 100s of scamcoins got pumped and dumped before, and 100s will after. Go to one of those absurd boomer parties with ugly bitches and jack each other off over your faggot scam leaders vision there, you triple faggots.
He has been proven a fraud multiple times, and here comes another one. If only you knew how subhuman you were, you wouldn't post out of shame, but no knowledge of self is the whole thing about being subhuman I guess.

>> No.14166268
File: 677 KB, 2031x2652, 8fafa1c9b21256369d38da9ad0b56d788b5446980c6b441bfda22a340267ef2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one coin that has attracted as much discussion for as long as BSV. You retards haven't stopped blubbering about it since the hashwar.
Hundreds of shitcoins have come and gone, and not a single one ever produced such epic levels of butthurt as the true bitcoin. Hilarious.

>> No.14166286


>> No.14166287

lol I knew when I read about a "female judge" that this would be good. Its obvious this dumb cunt doesnt understand the conceopt of a blind trust. and dumb cunts like OP dont understand the article theyre gloating about. hell, they dont even understand that if CSW lost the case it would only confirm that hes satoshi. if corecucks had any braincells left they would root for him to win.

>> No.14166298
File: 61 KB, 902x567, 2334snndsf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussie man bad

>> No.14166352

There is no discussion, everyone with a brain knew it was a pump and dump scam shitcoin fork from the start, it's just you faggots spammimg it non stop that might give the impression to someone with a <80iq that there is "discussion". And the absolute shitheads posting faketoshi pictures (who saves this shit to his hard disk, wtf) all the time are even worse.

>> No.14166444
File: 475 KB, 1080x1020, 1558541498492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"There is no discussion"
>Immediately goes into emotional screed
kek, you sound like my wife. Maybe check those T levels.

>> No.14166467

checked and kek'd

>> No.14166480

How's her son doing?

>> No.14166519

I hope you're a good father to your wife's son.

>> No.14166543
File: 378 KB, 2405x1603, jeff-bezos-amazon-ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont underestimate how much law and courts hate their time being wasted, especially in fraud. Creg will be made into an example. Faketoshi has no pull here in the states, we will fuck his shit right up

>> No.14166597

Yes I'm sure that cold hard logic is behind this BSV shilling, not emotional bagholders at all.
Brainlet bagholders that is.

>> No.14166643

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin

>> No.14166672

u godam right

>> No.14166720

I absolutely cannot wait to see what bsv shills say when Craig blows this one too. Lmao. Btfo btc is king.

>> No.14166744

I am a simple man. Whatever angers soi goblins, I know to be a good and righteous thing.

The screeching horde after Craig would not be so loud if he were a mere imposter.

>> No.14166771

yeah exactly this. thats why I bought a bunch of BSV at $50. I know when everybody was losing their mind and this coin was getting delisted left and right that there had to be something to it. only then did I actually start doing any research. turns out BSV is miles ahead of any other shitcoin and Im sitting on comfy profits now and laughing at all you retarded bandwagoners.

>> No.14166813

>The screeching horde after Craig would not be so loud if he were a mere imposter.
THIS. I know that JNT was a great investment because the threads were always filled with screaching fud

>> No.14166869
File: 2.55 MB, 2140x1676, realityisabitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bingo. We have a winner.

>> No.14166917
File: 40 KB, 329x399, 1560330204986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Craig shills talk in such a weird narcissistic way? This is what they all sound like:

>You fucking small-brained small-dicked peasant, how ABSOLUTELY DARE you commit the lèse-majesté of besmirching Craig!

>> No.14167044
File: 69 KB, 704x576, 1558462856727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, good explanation anon.

>> No.14167048

hes a genius-tier INTP and pissed off at retards asking him the same dumb questions over and over again. Im a total brainlet with an IQ of at least 40 points lower but can totally relate. I cant imagine the amount of rage this poor man must hold inside.

>> No.14167100

Ira has failed to demonstrate which coins belong to him though.

>> No.14167107

...well you say "I don't own it" firstly.

CSW fundamental problem is that he is claiming he owns them
>Be creg
>Concoct lie, say you own 1M "Bit Coin"
>lie involves dead man
>dead mans family says ... ok, great give us have
>oh fuggg.jpg
>get 8.5B judgement declared against you for coins that neither you nor the dead man ever owned.
There is literally no better case of being ass fugged than this, I dare you to try and even imagine.

>> No.14167117


>> No.14167124

BSV was BCH before the fork, so you just proved his point.

>> No.14167141

Who generated the original Shamir shards? Someone at sometime had all the pieces

>> No.14167165
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, D9CcutSXYAALRII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an INTJ my friend.

>INTJs tend to have a structured and systematic theory of the world, and they might approach life in a structured way too, rather than keeping options open and flexibly changing without accommodating to their structured world with discretion.

"The Mastermind" psychological type

>> No.14167200

hes obviously INTP master race.

>> No.14167220
File: 24 KB, 657x527, 1560149513837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't ask about Craig, I asked about his shills.

You, like most of the Craig shills I've seen, have this entirely strange identification/attachment to the man, like you're just as narcissistic as he is or else you wish you could be his gay lover. That's how weird the tenor of these threads is. Not even stinky-Linkies have such a strange complex with Sergey.

>> No.14167228


I knew JNT would be the absolute winner when I saw tons of screeching FUD against it. Literally went all in and put my savings into it. LINK BTFO.

>> No.14167259
File: 78 KB, 619x622, 1542488208065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more accurate:

>Ira: Hey Craig stole my coins!
>Craig: No I didn't, I mined my coins alone
>Ira: They belong to me, whatever coins you have give me some of them
>Craig: nope, gtfo
>Court: which coins do you have Craig?
>Craig: my coins are locked in a legal trust, none of them belong to Ira.
>Court: Ira which coins are yours?
>Ira: i dunno lol wtf just give me some of the coins Craig has.
>Ira: Just tell Craig to give me a list of his coins, and I will tell you which ones I want hehehe
>braindead Court: Craig show him your coins lol
>Craig: how about get the fuck out

And that's pretty much the gist. Ira claims he coins belong to him, yet he can't demonstrate legal ownership.

>> No.14167267

>gay lover
nah youre just a brainlet and BSV shills recognize genius when they see it.

>> No.14167330

Craig shills are incessant and attached in a way I didn't even think possible. They also didn't even pick a worthwhile cult of personality to attach themselves to like Synth from Skycoin.

>> No.14167350

This. The gay vibes are real too. More than from anything else in crypto, in fact.

>> No.14167394
File: 62 KB, 350x335, 1507425381829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suing "David Kleiman" in the motherfucking USA
Always though of him as IQ90...now this is IQ 70 confirmed. Literal retard

>> No.14167423

8d chess play goin on here, ay svelievers your faith shall be rewarded

>> No.14167432

Sanjay, the problem with your analysis is that you left out the last part

>Greg: gtfo dumb court lady
>PACER: 8.5B judgement filed against CSW
>Greg: oh fuggg. shoots self.

>> No.14167443
File: 1.48 MB, 322x242, sike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14167445

Imagine being such a dumb aussie to not know

>> No.14167462


fake news

>> No.14167641
File: 205 KB, 1364x1250, kleiman_oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ira Kleiman is the one suing Craig, not the other way around. David Kleiman was Ira's brother, he was a friend of Craig, he helped him create Bitcoin and he is dead. Imagine not even knowing basic details like who is suing who.

The 70 IQ here belongs to you.

>> No.14167763

Imagine the butthurt when it's 2020, there is no trust and "unlocked coins", but your larp is screencapped and ridiculed by everyone.

>> No.14167802

wow this is big

>> No.14167808

Tread lightly dude, I'm worth 9 billion, just forgot the PIN to my banking account.

>> No.14167940

Fake news!

>> No.14167965
File: 37 KB, 703x800, 1558968952905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Replies that are just naked vitriol / wishful thinking and have nothing to do with what they are responding to

>> No.14167972

if yoo lie vishnu will poo on yoo so be careful satoj

>> No.14167991


>> No.14168040

Cope harder. 6 months, bitch.

>> No.14168100
File: 142 KB, 1024x764, 1558903369376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14168105

I'm sure you'll still be in here bellyaching for the next 6 months. In fact, I'm counting on it.

>> No.14168117

>Prove your holdings
That's the real issue, fuck Craig, but this is authoritarian.

>> No.14168123

Liberal cuck court house trying to scam CSW

Also doesn't IRAs claim half way prove csw is satooosho?

>> No.14168151

its not like he claimed anywhere that he owns those coins

>> No.14168188

is this some elaborate joke
these people can't be this fucking retarded, can they? which part of 'public ledger' they don't understand?

>> No.14168248

>Also doesn't IRAs claim half way prove csw is satooosho?
yes but people don't believe what they don't want to believe

>> No.14168257

IRA sued him?

It's his burden of proof

Logically speaking however we have a shadow war going on and we live in clown world

>> No.14168295

How can anybody look at this hambeast and think she is a victim of forced and unwilling sexual intercourse

>> No.14168452

it's the jews again. they will do anything they can to make sure goyim don't have sound money.

>> No.14168482

did you miss the news about the judge saying craig has to show it

>> No.14168508

>Illegal wiretapping
It's only illegal if you're not a party in the conversation, at least one person needs to consent. Only speak to topics you understand.

>> No.14168553

Mental gymnastics

>> No.14168559


>> No.14168608

not really
any above 80IQ person would realize that this guy is outside his comfort zone, cryptography is the moon to him.
he could literally log in to bitcointalk and just tell Greg to fuck off. instead, he makes up a bunch of bullshit like he did on the BBC interview
you sound like those pitbull owners blaming the world around them instead of looking to the basic truth of 'your dog race is trash'

>> No.14168640

bitcointalk was taken over by core shills like you a long time ago. his account has been locked just like mine was when i started questioning the 1mb limit. they axed all the old accounts that werent major bag holders. same with the bitcoin sub reddit. speak ill of segwit or small blocks and it's a perma ban.

we know who you people are and we know what you've been doing. the jig is up.

>> No.14168670

the admin account has been 'taken over'?
how exactly? lmfao you don't even know how a bulletin board works
let me guess, you think the board stores the passwords instead of the password hash

>> No.14168675


>> No.14168702
File: 336 KB, 745x726, boomerpath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the admin account has been 'taken over'?
That's not what he said. Learn to read, brainlet.

>> No.14168781

your cybercafe neighbor said this, pajeet:
>his account has been locked
he's essentially saying that this account has been locked:
but it's not banned
this is an admin account
he also has the previous account
which controls the whole fucking board

But sadly for Craig and all you sorry ass curry niggers, the account belongs to Szabo

I can't wait for India to have it's inevitable water shortage, all you faggots will die

>> No.14168784
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 53A78659-3335-4EF3-A521-82DA57875930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posted that image again
>he lives in biz... in faketoshi threads only
>his cultist COPE is intense

>> No.14168818

>say no
>jail for contempt of court
>leave 4 days later

>> No.14168849

f**k off, reddifag

>> No.14168860

there's more than one admin and admins can lock each others accounts. satoshi couldn't post there anymore even if he wanted to.

i urge anyone that doesn't believe me to register an account there and start trash talking 1mb blocks and segwit. make sure you post a link to your threads here for all to see. same with bitcoin subreddit. you'll be banned so fast it will make your head spin.

go ahead. try it. i dare you.

>> No.14168876

>he's never heard of state laws

>> No.14168892

idk what's going on but I just sold 200 BSV out of fear

fuck you guys..

>> No.14168978

I was confirmed as retarded last year, I could see creg being satoj

>> No.14168997

>I just sold 2 BSV

>> No.14169062

take your meds

>> No.14169073

>jail for contempt of court
>leave 4 days later
I don't think you understand quite how contempt works anon - meet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._Beatty_Chadwick
in short - you really, really don't want to be landing in jail for contempt, not least as you're not getting back out till the court decides, you're no longer an asshole. Which, in cregs case, would be as near approaching infinite sentence as can still be achieved, what with having to maintain the illusion of 'people have rights' etc

>> No.14169193
File: 30 KB, 625x390, 1551691717795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nakamoto consensus vs NopeANoNo consensus.
Yes yes aussie man bad, based jew synth good.

>> No.14169360

Craig was forcefully removed from my local library after exposing himself in the children’s book section.

>> No.14169415

Those coins never moved from the public addresses corresponding to those keys, so whoever broke the key up and distributed it still has the actual key itself. This is not how a trust works at all. The trust would need to create a public address and the Satoshi coins would need to be transferred to it. That's the only possible way the original owner wouldn't still control the funds. Anyone that believes this story has never owned any Bitcoin or has any idea of how it works in the most basic level. This is why Craig is trying to prove this in court by trying to fool non-technical people

>> No.14169613


This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRZgtTEH08&t= [Embed]

>> No.14170214

Precisely....its maddening to hear this endless drivel about 'blind trust'....how could it be blind? Its the original address....ergo it was the original key! If the key was later split, it doesn't matter someone at sometime had the complete key.

>> No.14170217

first of all, a bulletin board has levels of admin, you would know that if you had worked with one before
the first tier admin (creator) CANNOT be overruled by a lower admin
the only way to overrule them is to STEAL the fucking account by stealing the password
a master CYPHERPUNK is not going to lose his admin password to his own forum you fucking retarded pajeet, that's 101 basic shit

and second
GREG gets shit talked by BCH guys there DAILY. They fucking trash talk his code, his decisions, everything he does get's fucking criticized. He probably eats the most shit there. They also don't get banned, the threads go on for days, BCH people usually post them here where Greg gets BTFO by professional C ++ coders taking a huge shit on his commits (which are all public)

half of India will die from water shortages

>> No.14170243
File: 31 KB, 472x461, 1559454467080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much BSV to make it to a party like that??

>> No.14170602
File: 285 KB, 948x710, no_direction_home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not a price you want to pay

>> No.14170694


>> No.14170931

>declare bankruptcy
>dont have to pay anything, debts instantly wiped out

he isnt THAT fugged

>> No.14170962

link to documents?

>> No.14171354
File: 325 KB, 1125x388, 1560585446308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14171595

There's no such thing as Bitcoin SV. There's only Bitcoin (c) CSW.