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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14167430 No.14167430 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any NEETs on biz turning their welfare bucks into crypto?

>> No.14168210

yea i get a crazy check for $1400/mo with muh mental disability SSI and i spend 80% of that money every month on crypto.
i also got $12k in loans out that i used entirely to buy ETH with when it was about $90
first thing i ever bought was LINK cause of the shilling on here.
bought 28k at $0.16 and have around 40k at the moment
crypto has been the best thing thats ever happened to me.
my main plan is to sell the top of this bull cycle and go into DAI and just lend it all out on compound.finance and get 8% interest on a stack of like 400k - then just live off the interest until i die i guess.

>> No.14168229

kek, yes

>> No.14168243


>> No.14168261
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If all money is someone's debt, can I convert my student loan debt into bitcoins too?

>> No.14168284

how do you sign up for welfare bucks? I haven't had a job in years and could use some extra income. Do I have to prove I'm applying for jobs or some shit or will they pay me no questions asked?

>> No.14168299

I am not a neet, but I am a paypig to a neet guy who has made quite a profit in crypto with the money I give him

>> No.14168311

>selling LINK
>is literally mentally disabled
Yep that checks out.

>> No.14168317

what country are you in?
might be easier for some sort of diagnosis regarding autism or depression than unemployment

>> No.14168338

If I was even getting half of that per month I would be like three times as good of a trader as I am. Right now the scariest thing about trading is that I have to do it or I have no meaningful income. Getting a guaranteed income per month that doesn't require me to work for 16 hours on the weekend doing retarded shit to make less than I do in 1 hour of trading would be the biggest fucking breath of fresh air. With $1400 a month ALL of my trading income would be going to compounding my account. I need to find a way to get on this shit.

>> No.14168454

How do I get retardbux like you, Anon?

>> No.14168854 [DELETED] 

the way i did it was i called the cops on myself for "suicidal ideations" and they took me to the psych ward. then i just told the shrinks a bunch of shit i read about on /x/ and then after they prescribed me some medicine that didnt really do shit i toned it down a little and acted more normal so the shrinks would think that the medicine was working. i got a double schitzo diagnosis for the price of absolutely free. had to spend about a month in the psych ward tho. got out and immediately applied for SSI, didnt even get rejected on my first try. lucky i guess. just remember to say some crazy shit to the SSI fags when they call u otherwise they reject you. make them think you are not responsible enough to even manage money - then get a co-payee, higher approval rate this way. then after a couple months after you get your checks, go back to your state sanctioned shrink, tell them you want to manage your own money, you get a letter saying "yeah this guy can spend his own neetbux" - hand that letter to the SSI fags, and the money deposits to your own bank account.

its a process but its better than working a shitty 9-5 for some smelly jew all day.

>> No.14168878

i have no plans to sell any LINK until at least 2025

>> No.14168918 [DELETED] 

and everything i learned about crypto i learned from /biz/
im mostly a /pol/, tv, and g poster

and at this point from the little bit of swing trading and smart investing ive done, following the biz pnd coin/tokens of the month, ive turned a portfolio that started in september 2017 into over 180K in USD value as of right now (and i still invest $1000 into crypto every month). im not crazy or anything, ive worked at more than 60 different wage cuck jobs and i just got burnt out on all of it. so neetbux was my only real solution to my money problems.

>> No.14168934

So jealous of my fren. He gets $600 a month. He's a nice guy though and just bought me a vidya game on steam. What a guy!

>> No.14168951

big if true

>> No.14168960

cool story, bruv

>> No.14168968

student loans straight into crypto

>> No.14168975


>> No.14169019

I get a ~$100/month scholarship at uni for being part of some honors program kinda shit and I'm spending 90% of it on crypto

>> No.14169527

oh shit what did i miss?

>> No.14169572

Whole 90 neetbux gj anon

>> No.14169606

1400 USD damn son, you must be more mentally fucked than i am or is it just liberal states being more generous?

>> No.14169635

If you're not working and not touching welfare then wtf is financing you?

>> No.14169826

I trade my snap benefits for drugs or money to spend on alts abd use the profits to buy tendies and ps4 live.

Few live like this; I do.

>> No.14170015

no one gets that amount fggt

ssi or any ,gov

you got caught lying fake fkn larp

>> No.14170051

i'm get 3k disability from .gov
mental and physical conditions

>> No.14170064

gains you literal faggot

>> No.14170086

i heard they do in europe or other countrys. US seems ~$700ish plus housing/food help if you want

>> No.14170242
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whats the best way to get this

should I really hire a lawyer ?

I have mental issues well documented

plz let me know I need to help my family


>> No.14170518
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>working this hard to not work

Its actually impressive really. I wish I were that ballsy.

>> No.14170587

How do you make reliable money at trading? It seems like trading is mostly guesswork and failure with the occasional massive score.

>> No.14170615

anon said he went to psych ward for a month to get schizo claim for ssi

sell to fomo and buy back when it dips. you gotta be willing to lose money and play in a crab market

>> No.14170949

i was injured in the military, and yes i had to hire a lawyer

>> No.14171274