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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 304 KB, 4000x1500, KEKCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1416090 No.1416090 [Reply] [Original]

/KEK/ - KEK Coin General

Long road ahead Edition.

Primary topic: Brainstorm

>What is KEK coin?
It's the biggest fucking thing since sliced bread! With a name universally recognised, beholding infinite prestige, Kek is the official crypto creation of /biz/

>Why KEK Coin?
Remember the dot.com boom? Well the same has been happening these last few years with cryptocurrencies. KEK Coin is bound to be created at some point, would you rather a bunch of Reddit fags do it in a years time??

>How can I he apart of the revolution?
Begin by sharing your ideas, KEK Coin is the official crypto of /biz/ created by /biz/, as a regular, your input matters!

The logo is a rough draft, intended to provoke ideas, feel free to criticize or contribute your own renders.

>> No.1416108 [DELETED] 

kek is based on the founding principals of repeating digits. therefore if i get dubs or higher then kek wills it and ill invest some sheks into this

>> No.1416111

kek is based on the founding principals of repeating digits. therefore if i get dubs or higher then kek wills it and ill invest some sheks into this

>> No.1416118

Consider yourself a founder

>> No.1416126
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>> No.1416130


confirmed by kek

>> No.1416154

I saw you you snake in the grass.

>> No.1416165

yea i forgot my name, was posting on another board

>> No.1416184
File: 4 KB, 250x250, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer the other logo from the previous thread if i am honest. it has the doubled/mirrored K and trip "I" for the E. it also is much simpler.
i don't know how people go about creating new fonts or characters, but perhaps the kek sign, like the $ or the B with lines through it for bitcoin could be a backward K for the kek.

>> No.1416186

We use KEK to troll people. If something gets enough votes then the money used for voting can buy lets say a commercial or something and troll with it or get a message across to the masses like buy KEK if you want to be rich. Or we can troll with it like buying a billboard in flint, michigan and saying "hahaha filthy people deserve filthy water," or something.

We can actually do these things with the money invested in the voting, so we wouldn't burn KEK but it'll be sent to a wallet where someone who believes in KEK won't steal it all.

>> No.1416193


We can literally vote on ways to make us money by organizing pumps and dumps on the masses who'll believe anything to make a quick buck or propaganda for trumpcoin.

>> No.1416199

so its like a ponzi scheme but on purpose and all the investors are fine with it cuz-
>muh new religion

kinda like dis. kinda concerned though


both logos are very dull. they need more life in them and they need to be eyecatching. obviously green should be the predominate colour

>> No.1416209



>kinda like dis. kinda concerned though

>> No.1416216


My biggest concern is finding the person who won't fuck over the main wallet for all the voting.

I'd do it in a heartbeat

Skype: liotmaan

>> No.1416223

So "top kek" is the value definition for a 24h/all time high of KEK?

>> No.1416224

I like this one much more.

>> No.1416225

idea building on what 'buy billboards/commercials anon' said --


somehow stir shit and troll the world and create happenings for investors entertainment... not to the extent that people die but to the point that its pretty edgy.

investors are drawn to the currency for entertainment purposes and a return on happenings

>> No.1416227

Is this board completely retarded? What the fuck are you talking about? When did you turbo autists get here and take innocent jokes and memes seriously?

>> No.1416233


Sometimes a smart idea sounds stupid to stupid people :^)

>> No.1416237

The same time when the first guys wo went into DOGE and TRUMP coin in the very beginning.

We are in the era of crypto currency, available for the broad mass. If we aren't taking the money from the common people, someone else will do it.

Invest good ideas so this won't be a dev scam coin and be glad for some profits senpai-desu neeee~

>> No.1416246

That logo wasn't created by an anon, reverse search it. However we can take its design principal

>> No.1416256


Where is the idea in this, or any of the other literal hundreds of shitcoins? Where? I beg you tell me. Tell me these aren't anything other than standard crypto templates created in half a day with a little C++ knowledge and then stamped with the latest d4nk meme as a name.

>> No.1416264


stop it. this is the new thing. get on board or go to bed.

>eth is a mess
>buy trumpcoin
>buy keksheks

>> No.1416277

OP Here
Yeah I agree, I too like the mirrored K and 3 I's, I was concerned that if this were to conceptualize, an intellectual property infringement could arise, as the logo shown is one of the results when googling kek. I'll draft a few renders tomorrow, and try to make it somewhat similar to the Bitcoin logo, since normies are guided by cognitive ease. More logos of different colours and varieties are definitely coming soon! I'll eventually put up a straw poll as well, so you can all vote which one best reflects /biz/ as a whole. Please create your own logos or share your logo ideas if you're interested, if you have no prior knowledge with adobe illustrator or whatever, feel free to draw your submissions :^)

Note, if this project is to enter a development phase, it'll likely be entrusted to a few members on /biz/ who'll communicate though discord or something similar.

>> No.1416284

It should just be KEK since the KEK is the currency like a (You).

>> No.1416291

Has someone made YouCoin yet :P

>> No.1416301

Ok so to not make KEK worthless as soon as it is released, let's up the complexity a bit.

Every time there is a happening in the world, some KEK is removed from the total cap. There would be a public chart/algorithm as to how this would work, so it wouldn't be a clusterfuck. This turns KEK into a deflationary currency, and gives it some value in the long run.

>> No.1416316

good idea, but i dont think its nesessary. if the coin is based on the entertainment factor given from happenings then the reward for investing is watching the chips fly.

>anon buys 1000 keks
>anon is wanting to make money
>price is stable
>devs create or incite a form of happening with the invested money
>anons realise the coin is delivering
>anons buy more kek for more happenings
>price rises
>anons 1000 keks are now worth much more

>> No.1416353

Maybe it's a good idea to just have it the way you say it should go, I personally have no idea.

Also I can set up a discord server if we want.

>> No.1416464

you have a good point. why is there more than one newspaper when they all contain the same news? why does Nike exist when the world already had Adidas? why did someone open Burger King when McDonalds was already trading?

we only need one of everything. you make a good argument.

>> No.1416469


Also let's all agree to keep shilling this until the market cap is atleast $500k

>> No.1416472

We keep telling you guys it's KEK and not kek coin.

>> No.1416490

wait is the kekcoin already in existence?

>> No.1416501

Supposedly it's coming very soon

>> No.1416505
File: 438 KB, 1365x2048, 1462858564221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important thing is: it must have low supply. Quality over quantity
Also we absolutely need to make it the official currency of the Meme Exchange, or of that other meme trading platform some other anon said he is developing. Giving it a real application is the best way to keep the hype going.

>> No.1416540

What's the difficulty for mining? I'm pretty much just available to CPU mine lol.

>> No.1416546

Make the algo scrypt or sha-256.

>> No.1416573
File: 62 KB, 625x482, enhanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is this lucid succubus?

>> No.1416574


The epitome of fucking autism right here. Is this your first analogy? Do you even know anything about computers or programming?

>> No.1416650

I had an idea some time ago for a "dubs coin" of sorts.
Instead of a standard mining method, coins would instead be gained by rolling dubs or higher in your 4chan posts. A bot would monitor the boards and, if there is a post with a coin address in its name/email/whatever, it'd check the post number, and award the appropriate amount of coins if any were won.

What do you guys think?

>> No.1416669

I'm kind of ambivalent about having something monitor my posts.

>> No.1416671

not kek coin

boards infested with "dubs dubs dubs - Threads"
But a hell of traffic for 4chan eventually :)
Maybe putting it in an own "mining board".
and Bonus for 4chan pass users

>> No.1416680

It wouldn't be tied to you specifically. It'd just be a general bot that looks over every new post on the website, checks for a coin address in the options field, then checks the post number. It wouldn't even need to read the post's content.

>> No.1416703

it would create too much shitposting. Also it implies Hiroshima gets to be part of it.

>> No.1416752

OP from original thread here.
Any devs who want involved get in here.

>> No.1416797
File: 12 KB, 480x205, 1469395742747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1416923

I'm fucking in is there an ann thread on bitcoin talk yet

>> No.1416938


Make sure, that the wallet address only consists of dubs!

>> No.1417106


I ain't stupid /pol/... This shits gonna be big

>> No.1417120

Let us know when it's live im going all in

>> No.1417121

Aight I'll have a server set up by tonight, I'll post it and we can get stuff rolling

>better be a 1000 KEK bounty on making a discord server devs [/s]

>> No.1417145


There're enough shit coins around. Take you kuk coin and go home.

>> No.1417157

We can discuss the KEK coin and how to orchestrate the entire operation top to bottom on the telegram group:


>> No.1417158

Did this little poor boy lost all his money in the Cuckthereum mess :^)?

>> No.1417176

>Using telegram
Skype is probably the best tool for development discussion. It helps being able to drop files, screen share etc.

Here's a Straw Poll, please decide on a name, only one submission per person:

>> No.1417198

^Discord server is up, will set up new channels and permissions as needed.

>> No.1417201

Can easily be done on tg except it's secure and private

>> No.1417205


ADD: kek.crypto
OR: kek.crypto@outlook.com

NOTE: you must contribute and be respectful, there'll be a separate group for Dev discussion

>> No.1417207
File: 169 KB, 635x615, wc3-orc-large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered, as a boy, what the next religion would be. If you told me it was an ancient Egyptian Chaos frog god I would have told you "kek".

>> No.1417210

Bad web based skype

Designed for gaymrs
Supports none of the shit we actually need
Glorified teamspeak skin

Plus we can better filter trolls on Skype

>> No.1417215

skype is for cucks. If you want absolute anonimity then utox. Otherwise telegram is fine

>> No.1417222

Telegram is the best. Get off the skype bullshit

>> No.1417246

Please let skype die out.

>> No.1417261

was not going to invest until this shit happened.

>> No.1417281

Don't fall for this obvious scam you idiots.

>> No.1417284

wasnt there a /biz/ coin already..

>> No.1417290

Where do I buy them?

>> No.1417298

Looks pretty high energy. The other pnds shilled here have been losing steam. I will be looking forward to kekcoin developments if you can bring this same amount of energy. Keep it up bro.

>> No.1417303

We do have the highest energy, the dev thing has like 10 people so far.

Maybe it'll work?

>> No.1417313



okay where can i sign up

>> No.1417320

I like it. Let's make crypto great again.