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File: 407 KB, 998x500, 130D2166-633F-483C-8CC4-AC16948B8CC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14152694 No.14152694 [Reply] [Original]

Report in. I’m leaving by end of year to somewhere in Ames

Fuck America I hope it fucking rots in hell. Mutilated half my dick, taxed half my income, fed me shit, fucked up my sexual development thanks to all the feminazi landwhales here

Once I leave I’m never coming back. I will run a NEET link node in med until the end of my days

Which burgers here are with me?

>> No.14152697

Somewhere in Med*

>> No.14152773

K bye.

>> No.14152807

You should take a foreskin with you we don't have spare ones. Ask a hospital to save you one.

>> No.14152832

Cheapest countries to buy Euro residency are Portugal, Spain and Malta. Portugal has no taxes on crypto and Malta has no capital gains taxes. Idk about Spain. It will cost you guys around 350k euros to get Portuguese/Maltan residency. Spainish citizenship costs 500k.

>> No.14152850

I wish, but I'm a wageslaving poorfag. Good luck op.

>> No.14152864

Moving to aus in summer.

>> No.14152916

Same. Actively looking for employment in Switzerland. What about you

>> No.14153009

Just take the cheapest, once you got any euro pass you can go and live in any other eu country.

"im going to EU" says nothing. Which country? They all have different laws

>> No.14153025

>thinking taxes are lower in Europe

>> No.14153030

I just make wagie level money in crypto and neet from home. I cant relocate unless I marry a foreigner I guess. Go on without me. :(

>> No.14153062

I have enough crypto saved up from finance cucking and family assets to move to Switzerland permanently

I’m thinking about something like that. Just got back from EE and it was mind blowing how much hotter and more feminine the women are

America has fucked me so badly, would laugh as it burns

>> No.14153074

If I could, I would shoot you both. Preferably somewhere where it hurts and doesn’t kill you

>> No.14153085

My 120k job here pays 80k tops in nicer EU countries. I know that b/c I see international relocation offers at my international firm. And higher taxes, and a language barrier...that's a No for me dawg. I Good luck OP.

>> No.14153086

Honestly the only nice thing here is the guns, and those are going away too. Europe would probably uncuck itself in 100 years if Hollyjew and NATO were removed from power.

>> No.14153110

Nice. Switzerland is my pick since most businesses just want you to speak English for the most part.

I'm having a hard time finding companies that will sponsor. A lot are just looking for people who are Swiss Nationals or EU permits.

Also waiting on a flashy grad school decision. Hopefully I get in and will help my resume gain traction.

>> No.14153124

Fuck off we're full

>> No.14153135

And forgot to add, yea, America is done. Anyone thinking of living in this hellscape is retarded. Millions flooding the border every year ontop of chain migration and not to mention birthright citizenship

It's so fucked it's not even funny. I won't let my future kids suffer.

>> No.14153187

>tfw bad resume
Which countries will take anyone? Switzerland would be nice to begin with but I just need my foot in the door with crypto.

>> No.14153198

at least your taxes went to jews in burgurland.
enjoy paying taxes for immigrants in muslimland.

>> No.14153215

I’m not leaving burgerland until I have more money than I know what to do with

>> No.14153248

You're never going to get that money in burgerland, especially not with crypto. Once they ban LINK to make room for Zucccoin it's all over.

>> No.14153259

>fleeing your birth nation in time of turmoil
>not fighting for a future for the land that birthed you

You're the same stock as the Syrian men who left their women and children in a war zone. You're a net detriment to any yuro country you decide to reside in due to your treachery and cowardice .

Please take advantage of Switzerland's lucrative assisted suicide programs.

>> No.14153276

Fuck off faggot theres no one worth fighting for in America and I just wanna be rich, not sit in a fucking trench for 3 years with an AR-15 hiding from the Jew drones.

>> No.14153296

Seeth more faggot

>> No.14153316
File: 38 KB, 316x640, eSCEKjFl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schweiz is expensive af, small and limiting for non-Yuros as not fucking Yuro either. Most any of that general area, south germany downwards is nice tho, I'd (given the choice) try land in Yurozone, personally - can always move next door, or next-next door then

>> No.14153339

>dont wanna sit in a trench for 3 years

That's what I said you absolute retarded coward. I know you'd never dedicate yourself to a genuine struggle for your people. That's why you should stay the fuck out of Switzerland which actually has a survival chance. We dont need your filthy mixed genes and disloyal border hopping tendencies

>admits to being a dirty kike that just wants to get "rich"
You're more American that you could ever know

>> No.14153344

Not true, Spain have taxes for crypto (from 19% to 25%) plus you need to communicate to our IRS if you have money invested each year our they will screw up.

Current goverment want to increase taxes up to 54% if you have more than 150,000€ of revenue per year.

If you want to pay less taxes you need to live in Andorra, there are fixed rate of 10%

> Im spaniard

>> No.14153375

What about Andorra? Unironically my top pick

>> No.14153379

How do i buy citizenship in portugal?

>> No.14153453

If you like the mountains, the villages and the snow is a good place, but the winters are hard. You have Barcelona about 100km away so it's not a problem.

If you live at least half of the year in Andorra, you can also live in Spain without problems and without obligation to pay taxes here.

In Andorra right now is where are living several of biggest Spanish Youtubers.

>> No.14153476

Does Switzerland allow you to move between EU countries? I was aware it was expensive, which is why I just need to be somewhere in Europe to make my riches then move to Switzerland and laugh at a the faggot whites that voted for their own genocide in America.

>> No.14153497

Ah yes, Switzerland which doesn't fight in any wars and is known for being a kike financial and banking heaven is going to lecture me on bravery on being anti-kike. Yeah okay. Anyways I'm coming to your country whether you like it or not.

>> No.14153503

Europe has taxes too and its filled with muslims

Im planning on moving to Montana and just shooting shit on a private farm if I ever make it.

>> No.14153536

My people are in Europe. America is lost and it hasn't been a country for decades. Fighting for nothing and we aren't going to genocide north America.

>> No.14153560

its in Schengen Area, which means you have free movement in/out, but its not part of EU and having the right to live in Swiss would not confer any similar right to other countries, which an actual EU member country would. Or vice-versa, I s'pose. Its nice tho, just 'expensive' - as in, literally fuck monotonous expensive, everything is, no shit

>> No.14153571


sign me the fuck up

>> No.14153695

Italy doesn't tax any crypto gains under 50k euro per year, and even then it's pretty easy to workaround, italians are masters of tax evasion and nobody goes to jail for money there.
I don't in Italy anymore but I did for 25 years

>> No.14153712

Good luck, I love Switzerland and it's a top tier place to live in, but it's really fucking expensive

>> No.14153744

>tfw I can't even get a job in America
There's no hope for me to land a job in Switzerland, is there?

>> No.14153790


Switzerland has a strict fuck off were full migrant policy unless youre bright and can prove to be a gain to their economy.

>> No.14153806

Well fuck. Oh well, somewhere in Europe is still better than America.

>> No.14153819

Russia is giving away free land in the East still. I'm considering just buying a few masternodes for passive income and taking up the offer.

>> No.14153848

Gotta say, unless you got money or terrific skills and killer university résumé, the gate for Switzerland isn't an easy one. Even then, actually living in Switzerland is extremely expensive (about 4x the average of EU) and people who do well live on the border in Italy or France, work in Switzerland and come back home to live like kings in the evening crossing the border back.
But honestly, you got easier and excellent options just around there, like Southern Germany, Southern France, Northern Italy, Austria, all these places are top tier with excellent life quality, good salaries, generally excellent/free healthcare and very few cons

>> No.14153864

Yeah but I like shooting and owning guns. It will be the only thing about America I miss.

>> No.14153879

Russia is a corrupted, bankrupted dictatorship, there's no future there, even for russians

>> No.14153880

I would go for northern Italy as well (hoping for Swiss tho)

Downside is Italy has far less people who speak English

>> No.14153897

>Mutilated half my dick,

Whoa whoa whoa. What happened there?

>> No.14153898

Like most poorer countries you're mostly left alone though. The government and police aren't efficient enough to care about you like in richer countries where their budgets are inflated you won't get away with shit.

>> No.14153923
File: 6 KB, 349x144, IRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*
Not quite sweetie, just because you aren't in america doesn't mean you're off the hook for american taxes :^)

>> No.14153925

You still can but you need to have a permit and don't expect to have easy access to assault rifles

On the pro side, your chances to ever die from a bullet are non-existent

>> No.14153935

fucking based but what you gonna do with the mudslima problem

>> No.14153953

taxes go to jews worldwide, every food you buy pay a kosher tax, fag, jews have global wealthfare

>> No.14153956

My chances to die from a bullet are pretty much nill as long as I don't live around niggers. Maybe someday I'll go back to America to shoot guns if the kikes haven't banned them yet but not until I am a rich man first.

>> No.14153978

If you want to know an Europe without inmigration, cheap for living and traditional womans check east Europe.

I visited Coratia and Bosnia and there are a pretty nice places. Also Serbia is a good country.

>> No.14153995

I do come from northern Italy, I lived 25 years there and was basically 45 minutes from France and Switzerland. I still come back there 2/3 times a year because family and friends and I love the Alps.
Unfortunately you'll find that most people in Spain, France and Italy don't speak English, it's a bit better in big cities but you're still looking at less than 30% of English speakers... I'd recommended southern Germany (easily 50% English speakers) and maybe Austria, non-Latin countries are usually more inclined to learn English

>> No.14154026

That's fine, I'll learn the language. Anything's better than staying here.

>> No.14154033

I hope you have citizenship there.

I mean I am planning on abandoning this shopping mall we call America and whereever I end up in Europe, I am not going to be some nigger immigrant that doesnt fit in, doesnt speak the language, and establishes my own parallel american community in the shadows

So i dont mind learning a new language, its just useful to have the crutch for the initial shock.

>> No.14154059

If you own a house and don't plan to denounce your citizenship, then yes.

>> No.14154072

This. Moving to a place without nigs is paramount. I'll take the mudslimes any day in a gun-free country

You faggots have no clue how insane shit is in the nigged out american cities. nightmarish stuff
t. Atlantafag

>> No.14154075

Dude the Balkan area is kinda shitty and still recovering from war

I would recommend Poland if you want a white only society, but keep in mind that big cities are great while the rural area are quite behind. Krakow is pretty neat though, and the pussy is top tier

>> No.14154096

you can't escape westernization by moving to westernized countries.

>> No.14154100

My cost of living here is to cheap to move and crypto has not even been life changing ROI to me id be willing to go down to Mexico but im sure it's cucked just as bad also

>> No.14154108
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving to europe
I'd rather move to Mexico.

>> No.14154116

>paying to benefit whites is the same as paying to benefit shitskins
Me. Im moving to Europe too.

>> No.14154124

I’m dual us/Swiss citizen. Can I live in any of those countries?

>> No.14154141

not if you renounce your citizenship at the nearest US embassy. It's as simple as singing a form. Just make sure you have obtained citizenship elsewhere first otherwise you will become stateless and that will suck.

>> No.14154151

I'll move to Europe after I get my masters.

>> No.14154172


You all should meet up.

>> No.14154188


Same. This or Idaho, or even New England.

>> No.14154192

Lets do a biz meat up at Blizzcon

>> No.14154211

I have italian citizenship yeah
You shouldn't have much trouble learning then, italian is maybe the easiest Latin language to learn, Spanish is fairly easy and French is probably the hardest. Some online courses might even give you the basics. Communities are generally fairly welcoming and if you are used to the american "pressure" you might find it quite relaxing here, I feel like the middle class here has quite a bit easier than the average American

>> No.14154234

What does all of this even do to crypto again?

>> No.14154248

Nice m8, I will give a look at jobs in the area now. I work for the government and there are rare opportunities to go to Vicenza. That area seems great.

>> No.14154250

I don't know about you guys but i'm looking at Canada.. They have socialist healthcare and the rich there are made to pay their share in taxes so social services and infrastructure get paid for. Also has tons of vast wilderness to explore. Vancouver is nice i hear but expensive. I could go there and rob a few rich chinks and live like a king.

>> No.14154262


"Meat up" sounds like code for gay shit

>> No.14154272


Canada is worse off than America. And chinks aren't pushovers like most faggot whites these days.

>> No.14154277

well you honed in on what I wanted you, but phrase is from some memes back in the good old wow glory days; gays should be genocided

>> No.14154284

>Europe is white

Yeah enjoy your mandatory celebration of Ramadan faggot.

Don't forget to stay out of the public areas around Easter and Christmas. Wouldn't want to get a visit from a Islamic truck of tolerance.

>> No.14154296

It's canada. They ain't got no guns up there. I could walk right into a house and shoot em all dead right where they sit and casually take whatever the fuck i want.

>> No.14154301

You're right Europe isn't white. You should stay away.

>> No.14154307

Lol, you've been browsing pol too much.
Never had a problem with muslims and christians are doing more than fine here.
T. european that lived his whole life in Europe.

>> No.14154324

>Never had a problem with muslims
this is the type of thinking that will get you and your family hurt/killed

i bet you think that since you never had a problem with blacks that its fine for you to walk around their area at night

>> No.14154337

Where in europe?

>> No.14154344

Can we swap? I want to move to America. H-1b visas are not easy to come by for relatively new grads

t. Immigrant with dual EU citizenship

>> No.14154376

I would never move here. The H1-B visas are given out like fucking candy.

Treat it like most people do, a fucking toilet / playground to shit on. Then go back to the European homeland.

>> No.14154381

Get of the internet and actually meet people. I have never been in the USA, so cant speak for blacks, but have met enough muslims in my life.

Most areas are pretty seggregated btw. Muslims/immigrants usually live in their own little communites and the native people in their communities.

>> No.14154387

america is a shit hole, central america is the vomit shit hole of hell , reggeton of shit tv of shit , normies of shit .... president in my country is a asshole who think more taxes = salvation of the country .... feminazis latinas who turn in vomit all the cute about girls, yes, my friend be a hikkineeto with infinity of money with ur bunker underground with ur loli slaves and boobs slaves is the most wonderful thing now .... be happy and pray for us who stay forever in the shithole ....

>> No.14154389

The netherlands

>> No.14154397

>Get of the internet and actually meet people.
How fucking blue pilled are you retard?

>> No.14154399

You know Chinese people are dangerous if you piss them off. Imagine what they would do to you if you pressed them. Let's just say it wont end well for you. They are ruthless and deserve respect for having an alpha mentality.

>> No.14154428


FOR NOW. You have to think long-term about these things. Good luck in 20-30 years is all I'll say, same for most of America. I've already watched my town of 100k in the South get shittier and shittier with all the mexicans throughout my life.

>> No.14154432

It's redpilles to actually interact with people instead of believing everything on mongolian basket weaving forum.

You don't need to fucking kiss them, just see for yourself what the state is, instead of believing everything on the internet like a mindless sheep.

>> No.14154440

>Immigrant with dual EU citizenship
>go back to the European homeland

Nigga, I'm an East African Muslim

America is unironically the single greatest country on earth. Stop falling for reddit memes

>> No.14154452


Again, as someone who lived in the third world for years (long term travel), good luck. The poor are endless, and you all are not having kids, and your elite want to supplement that : ) It's all about birth rates.

>> No.14154463
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>stupidly thinks i havent interacted with all kinds of minorities for a lifetime
i live in the US you dumb fuck

>> No.14154489

Still not a problem, from what I'm seeing. People just go on with their lives. It depends also on the kind of people you're getting. The amount of refugees are fairly low. The most muslims are from 2 generations back and have pretty much already learnt the language and are fullfilling high degree jobs too. They don't want to do the lowly jobs either and the eastern europeans we're importing are transfering the money out of here.

Why do you think europe has allowed syrian refugees to come here? Because they have a good heart? No because no one wants to do the low skilled jobs now.

>> No.14154497
File: 182 KB, 950x968, 1555274800370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I Croat I think Croatia is beautiful. It has no niggers and the people are mostly traditional. It's very behind in everything though. Slowest internet in EU, people aren't the smartest, hard to get a job etc. But if you have money it's good.

>> No.14154812

good meme moshi, but you're anecdotal experience is a logical fallacy so good job on that one.

>> No.14154820

Was rooting for you guys to defeat the french niggers in the world cup.

>> No.14154842


>> No.14154952

Daily reminder that all EU country have white population between 80% and 95%, some even above 95%
In addition to that, several EU countries don't grant birthright citizenship and make it extremely hard for foreigners to acquire it

White population in US is 60% and decreasing, birthright citizenship is a thing and chain migration as well

So yeah, keep your /polfaggotry for yourself

>> No.14155426
File: 770 KB, 900x600, F80C4DA7-61CB-4860-BBEF-123208FA64DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also someplace I want to move to, I’ve seen pics and it looks like paradise. Will croats welcome a white america male with $$$$ who’s willing to learn Croatian and live peacefully

Please sir

>> No.14155582

Bizcon when? We'll get Sergey to give the main speech and hire Linkin Park to play Crawling

>> No.14156384

I am in 26 years old, I have seen blacks only 3-5 times in my life. But I did not live in large cities, the situation is worse there. Ukraine.

>> No.14156466

the exit fees for renouncing citizenship has gone up. remember eduardo saverin from facebook.
Dude got his millions and the first thing he did was bail,had to pay a shit tonne of money in taxes to leave.
You have to buy your freedom to leave america

>> No.14156494

honestly im black and i know you guys are gonna start with me but im moving to either Colombia or DR.

>> No.14156495

Yeah this place is unironically a prison. It's a plantation where the conditions for us slaves get worse every day and the other slaves think they are free because they get to watch gay men groom children on national television.

>> No.14156576

Have fun getting murdered

>> No.14157226

fuck off back to Algeria you dirty sandnigger

>> No.14157244

Have fun getting UMA DELICIA'd

>> No.14157440

Quiteright anon. let no damn burger put you off your dream. Murica Belongs To You !

>> No.14157447

What's Ireland like?
>inb4 fuck off we're full

>> No.14157922

lol you will all die
Europe is in a political crisis since 2009, has not recovered economically and your real public debt looks like a fart compared to the socialist hell holes with a generation of boomers retiring on a tax dime and millions of niggers fucking up the welfare system. Enjoy the war

>> No.14158380

stay away. we have enough niggas and rednecks here.

>> No.14158985
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and europilled

>> No.14159013

They all get the snip in burgerland because they're jewish.

>> No.14159043

Ausfag here. I wouldn't. We're right behind the US in general cuckoldry and the left/Jewish brainwashing is pretty advanced here already, especially in the major cities. Rural Aus is still nice and racist though but I fear not for long.

>> No.14159056

I'm French and moved to Spain. If you can make money without going through a local salary, it's really nice.

>> No.14159063

>he thinks europe is better than usa
How delusional are you? It's the same shit. Maybe, as someone suggested, Switzerland is a good choice.
t. Italian

>> No.14159093

lmao this guy is obviously from the middle class and lives in some sort of idyllic european village
if you actually lived in the big cities and traveled out of your little bubble you'd see how terrible the situation really is

Europe is a fucking dump. There's a seething mass of low-iq shitskins in every ghetto. All the politicians are crooked money-grabbers. The people are zealous equality preachers. The older generation is completely out of touch with the modern world, and the younger generation is completely disillusioned with any notion of state or collective national conscious.
yurop is a melting pot boiling over and will soon explode; gott strafe yurop

>> No.14159103

forgot to add that those yuropean aryan grills you all so fantasize about can be most commonly found on some street corner or hanging around train stations; prostitution isn't frowned upon here and is in fact actively encouraged by the shitskin pimps

>> No.14159129

Still better than Burgerland. Atleast Europe is free & not under some delusion of >MUH FREEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.
Burgerland is a police state!
t. live in the countryside

>> No.14159161

Still much better than the US

>> No.14159169

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.14159212

What are hate speech laws? What are Holocaust denial laws? Where is my 2nd amendment? Destination laws are pretty fucked up. Muh freedom of speech. What is an exorbitant taxation?

>> No.14159214

*defamation not destination.

>> No.14159238

Just a reminder that if you use the word "kike" and all muh jews and nigs memes you'll have to pay fines and eventually go to prison.

>> No.14159250

Grass is always greener elsewhere. I live in Switzerland and would love to live in the USA.

>> No.14159256

lmao why

>> No.14159269

Europe consists of different countries with different laws. That's for starters

>> No.14159279

I know, I am European. But free speech, for example, if far far better in US.

>> No.14159283

>south germany downwards is nice tho
except it isn't anymore. I grew up in a small village in Bavaria where literally everyone was white 15 years ago. The last time I was there (1year ago) I saw two fat nigger women in burkas walking around with their 3 children.
Big cities like munich are a lot worse. Shitskins and the "refugees welcome" type of liberals everywhere.
We are fucked. The is no place for whites anymore. Maybe eastern europe, but it's only a matter of time until it also gets cucked.

>> No.14159310

>On the pro side, your chances to ever die from a bullet are non-existent

>he said as big brother prepared to murder him for wrong think

>> No.14159317

Ukraine isn't EU

>> No.14159344

Because USA is the greatest country on Earth due to its size and economy, period. Sure there are negative things but overall you have everything you want in USA in terms of type of living (you can live in big cities with different feels like NY or LA, or in the countryside with lots of different landcapes (North Dakota / California).
Also I'm not racist so I don't mind living near mexicans and blacks as long as it's not in a ghetto. Switzerland is hella boring.

>> No.14159354

It is. But none of the EE are european countries. They were added to the european union so the big corp could take advantage of cheap labor.

>> No.14159359

The European Union was modelled to be like USA. But the States in USA are much more culturally similar than european countries with different laws , cultures and languages

>> No.14159360
File: 143 KB, 945x1458, 71eB-r+HRAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 75% here in South-Germany.
But you forget that shitskins are breading a lot faster than whites. Its around 50% whites and 50% shitskins for young people in big cities. German students are already a minority in some public schools. Its only a matter of 20-40 years until we have <50% whites here.
I recommend reading pic related

>> No.14159373


>> No.14159398

You're no better than the immigrants you complain about, faggot. How about you stick up for the well being of your family and your country. Fight for the future you want, anon, don't give up just because it isn't worth fighting for now

>> No.14159399

This is the policy all western countries should have

>> No.14159441

Stop with the muh white country meme. Plenty of whites in Switzerland who don't want foreigners are boring old farts who never left their village. The world is becoming global and borders won't matter as much in the future, especially since we'll have a world currency. Just accept that fact and move on. The anti discrimination laws you hate now are the ones that will save your ass in the future.

>> No.14159448

Not possible.
I hear spain is good. The more to the east the better, in fact.

>> No.14159494

wtf dude, I didnt know our country fucked us up so much. literally first time I hear about the crypto taxes here.

What are we going to do if we make it during the next bullrun? I dont wanna give so much to the Gov, specially considering the bullshit they spend it on.

>> No.14159560

Either buy an island or some land in russia and make our own society or start funding right wing politicians hoping that they will fix it

>> No.14159566

Spain has a huge problem with feminism. You are fucked there if you are married and male. Google it. Literally EVERY western country is fucked

>> No.14159641

Only betas and has-beens marry. Any woman-experienced guy knows it is tthe most stupid shit you can do.

>> No.14159762
File: 213 KB, 971x1300, 47347150-pueblo-de-montaña-hallstatt-alpes-austria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second that.
I'd strongly recommend Austria. Max. 3hr drive to the following countries: Germany, France, Italy, Swiss, Croatia, Czech republic, slovenia, hungary. Everyone 35 and under speaks at least decent english, government is a nice mix of social conservative with some liberalism (i.e. there are still bars and restaurants you can smoke inside if you wish to) and the pre-alps are beautiful. Pic related is hallstadt for instance.
t. Austriafag

>> No.14159809

Wow amazing, much Beta

>> No.14159822

Don't, everyone is legit retarded. My friends just came back from living there for 4 years. Just telling me yesterday how glad he is he didn't go back to that fucking place

>> No.14159836

and*rra is beautiful country
im a mountainfag, so might be biased but only developed and livable non-nigger tax heaven
EU cucks forced them into 10% tax but that is still pretty acceptable

>> No.14159914

Wow. What an utter piece of shit you are. You are literally no differant than a mexican border jumper.

>> No.14159992

You don't need to phisically move to europe, just use an european platform, https://web.bitpanda.com/user/register/3513265713655380518

>> No.14159998

fuck off were full

>> No.14160023

We are the most racist and xenophobic nation in Europe. You can either live in a communist city filled with roaches, niggers, "syrians" and welfare queens while having higher costs of living than in Jew York or you move to the countryside in the middle of nowhere and have to take into consideration disappearing

>> No.14160056

yeah big cities are pretty much 50% shitskins already.
not to mention those 70-80% numbbers count for all ages. most natives are old and the younger cohorts are already getting to majority shitskin too. its game over. only a burger could be stupid enough to flee to europe to escape taxes and mass immigration.

>> No.14160058

Set up ur business in Malta
Reside in UK in the country
Best way imo

You can't debunk this

>> No.14160065

shit bait bro

>> No.14160109

The problem is, that you will have to live in the UK.

>> No.14160122

>We are the most racist and xenophobic nation in Europe
So? Since when is this a negative?
>You can either live in a communist city filled with roaches, niggers, "syrians" and welfare queens
This Problem is existant in every major western city
> or you move to the countryside in the middle of nowhere and have to take into consideration disappearing
Kek, you've never lived in the countryside. It may bw hard to integrate into a small village (400-2k ppl) but after time it grows to be your extended family. No matter how degenerate you are, after 2-3 years you're one of them. Just make sure to go to church every sunday and to the local pub afterwards and you're set.

>> No.14160140

Come to the Netherlands.
No capitol gains tax.
Small less than 1% wealth tax for your holdings above 30K.
Buy BTC Directly from your bank account at various Dutch websites.

Only downside is you will be manlet, we are all 6.3

>> No.14160150
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live like i said, in the country.
there's nothing wrong with UK countryside.
great people. 98% white in my area.
the citys are a lost cause. i've lived in a few.
some towns are really nice, some are a bit scummy.
UK travelling is like travelling through whole of europe 1000s of miles in the space of about 300.
go to asia twice a year to fuck 10/10s.
or don't. up to you.

>> No.14160213

> We are the most racist and xenophobic nation in Europe.
> city filled with roaches, niggers, "syrians" and welfare queens
you austrians are deluded boomer cucks living in the past

>> No.14160259
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*reside in UK*

>> No.14160325

This is in major western cities (London Paris Berlin) outside of that it’s not true

>> No.14160332

I'll bring my harem over

>> No.14160393

I think I'm gonna move here if Link moons and I can't cash out in the US. Beautiful place and cool people.

t. 6'7 americhad who still mogged everyone in amsterdam

>> No.14160410

Lol America is awesome if you're an unhappy whining miserable faggot here you're going to be an unhappy whining miserable faggot when you become a europoor. Enjoy being one step above a sexpat. Enjoy being taken advantage of for the rest of your life.

>> No.14160529

on a plane back from there rn. great place, fit in cuz I have a lot of dutch ancestry. also right about the height thing, 6 foot is short there. is housing expensive?

>> No.14160572


After the rural exodus, thus began the tentatively mutt crypto refugee summer at the cusp of a quarter century of the new millenia at levels that were never deemed possible to be sure

>> No.14160591

Nice bait. Was just in Vienna and was happier than I’ve ever been in 15+ years

>> No.14160614

this. Portugal best country in europe for tax etc..

Though almost all the countries have favourable expat laws. For a lot of them, if you live as an expat and make investment in real estate there they will give you zero taxes. Very favourable laws. Even the Uk which is socialist shithole has good tax laws for expats that want to move there.

>> No.14160641

Americans would be most at home in UK or Ireland due to the language and shared culture. I am a bong and crypto is pretty decent here because our tax authority is too brainlet to tax it properly. We have little tax haven islands all around us - Man, Jersey, Guernsey - where you can hide your made it bags. Scotland is one of th most beautiful places on the planet.

Try to find out if you had an Irish great granddaddy and you can easily get an EU passport

>> No.14160690

I just wish London wasn't being overrun by shitskins. I would move to a 95% white London in a heartbeat. But it's fucked and I refuse to live thru another 30 years of watching my home go to shit. Once you've seen that happen in an American city you never want to see it again.

>> No.14160744

For holiday it may be nice, just like so many other cities are, but long term it's not the same.

>> No.14160759

I completely disagree. I had no problem talking to women in Vienna. They were open, feminine, not obese

If you’re not in UK and US you have appreciation for how botched women are here. If you don’t have lots of sex in college you’re screwed

>> No.14160760


Why would you move to London anyway? Even places less than an hour away on the train like Cambridge comfy as fuck tiee

>> No.14160791

Do most women even speak english in Vienna? Obviously any women are better than UK/USA, these two countries have the most cucked, ugly, fat women you'll see in a first world country.

>> No.14160848

Your wrong and it is called the Dutch American Friendship Treaty

>> No.14160922

What’s this about? Binance shutting down?

>> No.14160935

take my advice. move to birmingham. start making preparations today. dont even look it up on google just trust me. comfy as

>> No.14161058

>Spot the working class white boy
You mongoloid cracker. Have you ever seen a map?


You can keep Europe. It'll be a restrictive cesspit of political conflict, unironic nazis and commies after the impending economic doom.

>> No.14161132

Is cambridge mostly white? I don't mind a small minority of educated blacks I just can't handle seeing literal nigs everywhere.

>> No.14161142
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And let me tell you, I was expecting it to be better, but just *how much * better was truly fucking shocking

I’d give girls my number and they’d be triple texting me 2 hours later. Usually happy glowing and in a good mood when you meet them, open to going out etc. 75-80% didn’t even have social media, which also made a massive difference

Meanwhile in burgerville, I have to jump through ten billion hoops just to talk to these miserable kunts, and 90% of the time they don’t even respond to a text, the other 10% they do once or twice. And this is on girls that are less attractive. Basically all American women respond to is intense kino escalation at a loud bar or night club, if you don’t get their attention its gone in an instant

Because of just how fucked up this difference is, my sexual development is truly fucked up. I’m in my mid twenties, I’m a good looking charismatic well off white guy, and I’ve barely had any girlfriends because I refuse to date the hampigs here. And this value I always knew I had actually fucking showed instantly in EE and Central Europe, even just from the iois I would get before they knew I was american.

I would say I couldn’t care less about America but it’s not true. I actively hope America gets Nuked or blown up or ripped apart. I could write entire novels on the subject

And CZ finally gave me my reason to leave permanently. Thank you based slant eye. I’m fucking out of here by years end

>> No.14161181

Ya I can tell you're naive because you don't seem to realize those Austrian fuckholes were only so hot on you because you're a "foreigner". All women are the same, learn now or suffer later.

>> No.14161224

Except it wasn’t just austria. It was Romania, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech, even fucking France and Spain were better and I wasn’t even expecting that

I also speak fluent French and Spanish and so many times they didn’t even know I was a foreigner until I told them later.

I used to actually believe the all the women are the same meme, and it’s true. But something about America has botched them beyond repair, that is undeniable

>> No.14161236

lurk more before trying to use this site faggot

>> No.14161238

I have to kinda agree with this guy partially >>14161181
because it's very likely the responses you got was because you're american and i'd like to tell you that locals can tell you're a foreigner even before you speak a word, it's obvious, even in any other city, they can tell you're not from there.

>> No.14161246

>t. Retard

USA is greatest country on earth for starting most types of business or making money through wagecucking. But with crypto now it’s one of the worst for that. In every other aspect many parts of Europe are better and if you think otherwise you’re a brainlet

>> No.14161256

I think you'll find you can can thank liberals and zionists for that.

>> No.14161261

Bulgaria is also good. It is looks like it never left the union

>> No.14161297

Also this isn’t true. I was approached for directions several times in the local language of where I was. I could pass for any type of non Nordic or Anglo white really

>> No.14161328

There's no denying that european women in the countries you listed are far better than usa/uk, but the lifestyle there is quite different and their culture and mentality of the women is also different. If i make it, i'm also living in one of the european countries, but you have to be careful that these european "whores" that will notice you're a foreigner and get attached to you because they want to go to america/uk and get out of their "shithole" which is the exact opposite for us. It's tricky because there's a lot of these types of women who look for foreign men to seduce and get a greencard etc.

>> No.14161360



Just go fly out to SEA and be done with it.

>> No.14161405

It’s wrong man. None of them wanted to leave, many I talked to said they had no interest in going to America. Even one Romanian girl I hooked up with who had been to America multiple times, where EE girls are notorious for trying to whore themselves out for a green card

But forget about sex even. The women in Central Europe and EE are a *pleasure* to talk to. And I didn’t even realize how much just unnatural lack of that alone was making me permanently depressed

The only thing America is good for is making money or intense self improvement/monk mode, and with crypto now being banned it’s not even good for that. I’m back here just now and I’ve already gained 10lb from the fked up lifestyle. It’s not a meme, America really is screwed up

>> No.14161433

East Asia is for subhuman coping incels. There’s nothing else good about it. Kys

>> No.14161438

Anyone who can comment on Hungary?

>> No.14161544


>implying Czech Republic and Romania are any better

This nigga praising ugly poorfag balkans, and the literal brothel girls of Europe while slandering Anglo women.

>> No.14161664

try /int/.
Brother you are delusional about america being a paradise land. First go stay there for 6 months then form a proper opinion.
Honestly there is no perfect country out there, every country will have upsides and downsides to it, it's just which positive things you require and the negative things which you can live with. If you want to make money, America is THE place, i even wanted to move there years ago since UK wasn't enough for me, but now with all the crypto regulations and taxes, it's pretty cucked if you're relying on making it via crypto, otherwise the waging and business side is pretty good and will remain that way most likely. USA is notorious for junk food/fatness but that's just self control and can't be blamed on the country. Depressing lifestyle can cause that though, talking to women will make any man feel happier, it's only natural and something most 4chan autists don't receive. I've been to multiple parts of spain and france, decent and i'd say above UK atleast, especially in spain.
Spain's economy is shit, france has a ton of other issues but if you're financially sorted, most of them go away or aren't as much of an issue. I do want to visit america for atleast 6 months to a year but i don't think i'm eligible to stay besides holiday visit which isn't that long so multiple trips most likely since USA is so big, have to experience it first hand myself.
Good luck, hope we all make it.

>> No.14161672

I knew an american who moved to croatia and got 900$ a month to teach english 4 times a week in a language school (C1 level, never needed to say a word in croatian), guy also earned around 500$ from private corepetitions in his place. you can live a decent life with that. that's a 0 skill required job for you. regarding the quality of life, it's fucking amazing if you're not into luxurious shit or newest retarded american products.

>> No.14161718

The whole country is a gipsy filled shithole apart from the capital and the center of the larger cities (Szeged, Deberecen). People don't speak english and the prices are catching up to western Europe levels.

>> No.14161880

Capital is a tourist trap, ruined by drunk brits and French on stag or bachelorette parties. No Hungarians want to talk to foreigners because of all these retards that have ruined it for us

Rest is full of pleb villages. I won’t be going back to Budapest any time soon

>> No.14162063


Honestly, these expat laws should be banned. They're fucking up Portugal.

>> No.14162092

Capital gains counts towards income that year. Meaning you can get taxed 45% on your crypto gains

Also crypto to crypto counts as a taxable event.

>> No.14162093
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Checked and based

>> No.14162220

bitcoin atms with printed fake ID has worked for me but I've only ever cashed out <$5000. Not sure what I'm gonna do when I cash out my stinkies.

>> No.14162845

Zagreb or Belgrade, mid size cities, 97% white, top pussy, cheap living compared to USA.

>> No.14163060

alpha male here, you betas don't know shit about money/women

>> No.14163412

what you dont understand is that uneducated whites (aka chavs who are everywhere in England) are as bad as ghetto nigs. Instead of being mugged by a black you're mugged by a hooligan. big deal uh

>> No.14163547

we are not retard

>> No.14163653
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fuck off w*sterner we're full. maybe the only exception can be made for linkmarines. you can enjoy croatia though :^)

t. serb anon

>> No.14163710

this go to belgrade but don't go there if you are a manlet you will kys since everybody is 6' minimum

>> No.14163795

Uzbekistan did away with crypto taxes
It’d be an interesting choice

>> No.14163815
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no don't come here we are slav subhumans we don't want you here. do the needful and go to thailand or something like the rest of crypto rich westerners.

>> No.14163831

>It will cost you guys around 350k euros to get Portuguese/Maltan residency. Spainish citizenship costs 500k.
LOL you got ripped off big time fren

>> No.14163875

>implying Europe isn’t full of feminazis and that you won’t get taxed more there

>> No.14163919

>implying I’m going to live in some totalitarian western shithole like Spain or UK

KYS pajeet

>> No.14163964
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Yeah going to Imperial was the worst mistake of my life. Thought about killing myself every single day when I was doing my PhD. The mental health services was an absolute joke and the shrinks there really don't give a fuck about you because they see hundreds of depressed and suicidal Imperial students every semester anyway.

The careers service is another joke and completely out of touch with reality. Their advice was literally "just bee yourself anon" when I told them I couldn't find a job even after following their retarded advice. Today's applications are processed by sophisticated applicant tracking systems that use AI and machine learning to filter out applicants based on key words, experience and "extrapolated" competencies. If you don't have the required number of months or years of experience, you're fucked because they use Random Forest Decision Trees that just automatically reject you.

Despite being ranked top 10 in the world, a degree from Imperial only has value if you are Chinese or rich. If you don't have daddy to give you a job in management at his firm, its a complete numbers game for the rest of us plebs.

>> No.14164046

Fuckoff yank. We don’t want you here. Don’t come polluting our atmosphere with your exceptional attitude. You deserve everything you are getting in your shithole country. If I had my say, visa for cowboys would be priced over. $1mill.