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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14157060 No.14157060 [Reply] [Original]

How many people here are actually rich or successful? Sometimes it feels like I'm just spending time talking to NEETs or people working minimum wage trying to "invest" $200 into a shitcoin scam.

>> No.14157116

neither rich nor successful yet, but investing $1.5k a month and trying to build up a solid portfolio

>> No.14157126

Find another website then faggot

>> No.14157142

Just put a little in and you'll be fine.

>> No.14157181

For the most part, you are talking to idiots.

Great job anon! Surely by portfolio you are referring to sensible investments, like maxing out your Roth IRA and maybe getting some index funds.

>> No.14157187

The meme is getting through without effort. You don’t hear about grinding it out behind the scenes, educating yourself and consistently making good decisions to accumulate and build wealth. Put the time in and make it a reality and embrace the grind as the melanin enriched say.

>> No.14157204

I am of course talking about that, boomer stocks and bonds and all that good shit

>> No.14157212

>how may people on my board designed for losers aren't losers?

>> No.14157219

Good to know at least one person on this board isn't completely retarded.

>> No.14157235

R u new?

>> No.14157254

You’re being sarcastic right? The market and all that boomer shit is going to crash hard. The 2nd Great Depression is nigh.

>> No.14157263
File: 178 KB, 480x356, gatheraround.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm actually quite old. This board wasn't always crypto delusion you see.

>> No.14157271 [DELETED] 

> Cloud consulting company
> 200,000€ in cash
> Nice home
> BTC and LINK holder

>> No.14157270

Oops, nvm. Enjoy your cryto gains fool.

>> No.14157316

NEETs are eternal. Once a NEET always a NEET in spirit. There are people on this board worth millions who shitpost on cheap thinkpads and live minimally, not because they can't afford better, but because it is all they knew before they made it.

>> No.14157461

I made a popular indie game that has grossed about 10mil in revenue

/biz/ will think I'm larping though because they don't think anyone can succeed

>> No.14157469

Success is based mostly on luck.

>> No.14157508

I make around £100k GBP at 25 which is pretty successful. I also have about £65k in crypto. So doing decent all round

>> No.14157729

It's 10% luck yeah, theres always a splash of luck behind any good success story I agree but you don't create a successful business without the other 90%. It's not like you are going to randomly inherit a profitable business by a long lost relative while you play vidya games and jerk off to hentai all day while shitposting on a basket weaving forum

>> No.14158174

I'm not rich, but I do have $16k USD.

>> No.14158196

Which job? What's the takehome on that with student loan?

>> No.14158473

fucking larper, you are literally saying you are one of about 2 students who graduate in the UK and get paid a six fig salary

>> No.14158489

How hard was it to pull off?

>> No.14158704

>trying to "invest" $200 into a shitcoin scam.
its called doing the needful sir

>> No.14159087

2 years programming every night after work and weekends on my indie game, investing 15k of my own money into contract art, sounds and a server

>> No.14159228

I'm building a mobile game. I'm looking for investors as the game is made but I need $$$ to push marketing. Interested to invest?

>> No.14159311


Dude chill. Its possible to earn that sort of money if you run your own business. I have a friend who was making that sort of money at 25 (and I hate him).

>> No.14159329

i'm sorry as fuck if you're talking about crypto in that bad manner because you watched /biz getting rich from the sidelines in 2017. you were probably here long before me, and i still made 800k$ in unrealised profits in 2017, cashed out 150k, and lost 550k again, made every possible mistake, and am still up almost 400k$ on my investment, while i'm fucking 24 years old. boomers like you must be sad as fuck after witnessing this shit without taking action

>> No.14159540

IRAs and other compound interest meme plans are a scam. Have fun saving for 40 years of wageslaving just to get the stock markets bogged a decade before retirement and killing yourself.

Slowlaners lmao.

>> No.14159586

Its a pity that /biz/ is basicly "on which coin do I put my pocket money to become a millionair"
You become rich by starting a business in inefficent markets, not "investing". That comes after you aquired a lot money.

>> No.14159637

I always try to tell youngfags. The absolute best investment you can make is in yourself...I don't mean that in a faggy self-help way, but in a real financial sense. Building marketable skills (a $20 book and 1 year of study), will pay off much better for your life than putting $20 into Mr Shekelsteins latest Uber stock IPO.

Anyway, "the need for investment" only really exist with inflationary currency system. In a deflationary system, you never need to invest.

In 1970 if you had a gold coin it would buy you about 14 barrels of oil....if you sold that for $35 fiat and invested....after 50 years of accepting all types of market risk and paying your kosher taxes on those gains, you would once again be able to buy 14 barrels of oil....or if you were white you could've just put that gold coin in your sock drawer and let it sit there until today where it still buys 14 barrels of oil

>> No.14159693

>until today where it still buys 14 barrels of oil
Where what?
WHERE does it still buy 14 barrels?

>> No.14159932
File: 58 KB, 1080x1074, DanLok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, but the lane towards becoming a millionaire is a lot more complicated to explain in the few sentences/paragraphs of this image board... you'll need to read a lot of books (In like Dan Lok) but basically:

>learn a high-value skill (sales is especially good)
>own a corporation or two or more (especially online)
>invest in a large array of investments (especially real estate), you'll need to take some risks to make it big

It should take 5 to 7 years of hard work to make it (to have enough passive or semi-passive income coming in to pay your lifestyle until the day you die), less if you're content living frugal.

>> No.14159959


You aren't speaking to rich or poor people, you are speaking with horribly average people that are as equally sold the image of 'success' as you are.

At least when you're poor you're motivated to improve yourself. Middle Class people are comfortable enough to not work hard, but not rich enough to feel the pinch.

You're in limbo.

>> No.14160076
File: 136 KB, 1024x682, you just know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute best investment you can make is in yourself

This is THE absolute truth, your mind and body are the only things you can't sell and that starts losing potential gained value as soon as you're born.
Workout, live healthy, get regular doctor check ups, learn skills that you and others will need, have projects and realize them.

To any youngfags reading this don't become an old man who doesn't want to remember who he is out of disgust or shame.
Live a life that leaves you with invigorating memories once you're an old man, not disgusting ones that make you try to forget who you are.

Also this if you want to get rich in your life, this >>14159932

>> No.14160284

Or just buy link