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File: 272 KB, 1280x853, C70314FF-7256-4C21-BB9C-66CA4B5869F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14153099 No.14153099 [Reply] [Original]

>2% burn on every transfer
>18 decimals included
>you will be able to buy pizza with it very soon
>bootstrapped a competitor to $bomb in less than three weeks and improved the code
>no min burn so you don't have to wrap it to trade
>unironically going to $1000 eoy
>dex and dapps being built on top of the token
>free airdrop of 50 NUKEs on July 5th
>all team members are timelocking 50% of stack for 365 days
>after token distribution is complete devs will control less tokens than bomb devs
>idex and mercatox listing in the works
>listed on ddex, another large listed TBA Monday.


>> No.14153158

man I'm seeing this thing everywhere now

>> No.14153166

Deflationary currency? Isn't it just going to get cheaper and cheaper wtf is this shit

>> No.14153167

Yeah I just saw these NUKE people all over twitter circles today, where did they come from

>> No.14153190

New Japanese devs taken over the project, price will only increase as supply gets NUKEd, airdrop July 5th opening again this weekend, its a no brainer anons

>> No.14153191

The price will go up as it gets rarer and rarer.

>> No.14153202

2% burn on every transaction sounds fucking retarded
people will just make a sidechain if this shit ever takes off (it won't)

>> No.14153204

They are a technological collective determined to try and set people free from financial slavery through the means of a deflationary currency.

If that is possible.

>> No.14153217

Wait so it just goes to 0? How does that work?

>> No.14153228

A sidechain will not be accepted by nuke merchants. It already took off with Bomb. This is just the beginning. Don't let your ego stop you from participating in the vision nuke is creating of a world free from inflationary money.

Imagine being able to save money and it increases in value instead of decreasing. That's generational wealth.

>> No.14153232

it is a good idea for a very big experiment. what would be the point of another BTC clone or ETH clone in the cryptospace??

that is why new ideas like this should be expanded, i support the idea

>> No.14153245

I like BOMB, but it's already tanking, so why would NUKE be any different?

>> No.14153247

No, Nukes competitor bomb will just go to zero because of flawed code. Nuke stops burning at the sixteenth decimal and becomes stable. At that point decreasing total supply will no longer drive up price, only demand.

>> No.14153249

Btc has tanked and been de

>> No.14153255

1 NUKE = 0.98 NUKE

>> No.14153257

Btc has tanked and been declared dead almost twenty times. If anyone would have bought every time btc was declared dead they would be filthy rich. The same is true of nuke and bomb, with nuke being superior.

>> No.14153261

Yeah cause you keep posting it retard.

>> No.14153268

How to participate? Is it like LINK?

>> No.14153269
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>> No.14153327

It's on ddex. I've never seen a community this passionate before. Use the ddex link to buy and join the socials you find on nuketoken.com

>> No.14153338

Are the new devs still distributing the airdrop?

>> No.14153359

Bomb is going to zero? What the point of that? Can I trade my bomb for Nuke or whatever

>> No.14153360

Yes anon all previous addresses and signup for new ones tomoz

>> No.14153410

We don't know anon, you would have to ask the bomb devs. Yeah you can, on ddex you can sell your bomb and trade it for Nuke.

>> No.14153418


>> No.14153448

Okay, how do I get started? What's the website?

>> No.14153521

I found this on their website, it says the airdrop will be open here

discord app invite /6yWt6Xv

>> No.14153626

Airdrop is free?

>> No.14153642

Of course anon, check out the website as well www.nuketoken.com

>> No.14153700

Bump, bc this could be really interesting. Have people impliment deflationary curecies before in large scale, let alone on-chain?

What's the benefit of a deflationary currency as oppse to something like btc?

>> No.14153802


>> No.14153854
File: 52 KB, 1024x490, B1291C1F-0F21-45C6-91ED-0E69069B95BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A deflationary bitcoin was invented in early 2012 but there wasn't enough adoption then to truly give the experiment legs. Now there's a lot more people in btc. This could really be it. The start of a golden bull run. Generational wealth for everyone.

>> No.14153887

Remember when these trash pump and dumps were super creative and stole identities like Confido? Time destroys everything.

>> No.14153899

What a fuckin retard

>> No.14153960

I’m so bullish on this, was in bomb early and sold, nuke is literally the next thing on biz. Free airdrop too, can’t go wrong

>> No.14154007

>trash pump and dumps
>free air drop
Pick one you cuck

>> No.14154015

BOMB reached 12$ ATH right, somebody today was telling me 23$, that would be too much free money they give out

>> No.14154074

What the fuck is this now? Just a copycat project? I hope nobody in this thread is seriously considering buying this piece of shit coin

>> No.14154112
File: 283 KB, 1125x983, B829A77C-304B-410D-B95D-468D35549B79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the airdrop for free anon

>> No.14154138

It's had like 26 ETH in volume on DDEX after just being listed. You know they're giving this shit away for free right?

>> No.14154187
File: 146 KB, 588x547, ddex twitter promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1,100 ppl can't be wrong

>> No.14154261

>tokens arent being sold on exchanges

>> No.14154461
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 5633774E-E64B-442B-86A6-E64D5D6521F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

31 eth in volume today on ddex and they are only giving it away if you were lucky enough to sign up before it was closed. Which is impossible at this point.

>> No.14154689

>thinking you are forced to buy it.
How special are you? Kys faggot

>> No.14154786

NUKE $2.17 BOMB $4.80

much race, much intense

>> No.14155586

It really might flip. Nuke is the superior coin. All one has to do is check the code

>> No.14155684
File: 576 KB, 744x535, Pepe Meditation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw NUKE/BOMB flippening officially more intense than XRP/ETH flippening

>> No.14155798
File: 115 KB, 750x958, 6B97ADF0-C263-463F-90AD-92924A4F8EF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will happen soon.

>> No.14155827

Where and how the fuck do I buy this shitcoin? If you pajeets are going to shill me your bags at least tell me how to buy them and in what exchange. Willing to throw a couple ETH at this for keks

>> No.14155938

Can you read? It's already been mentioned it's on DDEX.

>> No.14155964

Wait for the airdrop sign up this weekend or buy on FD or ddex. Depends how bullish you are

>> No.14155993

Link is in the OP anon, you are possibly retarded and don't deserve nuke gains.


>> No.14156144


Someone post an actual price chart of this