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File: 576 KB, 2048x1448, SMGitally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14152622 No.14152622 [Reply] [Original]

reminder to treat your father to expensive Italian food for fathers day this weekend edition

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>> No.14152630

>reminder to treat your father to expensive Italian food for fathers day this weekend edition

I wish I had a father.

>> No.14152639

who here /bynd/?

>> No.14152654
File: 101 KB, 1200x1200, st015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a parallel universe where everything is the same except 4chan is a board for furry instead of anime and anime is banned under global rule 3.

>> No.14152658
File: 30 KB, 500x374, whenRKGignoresMYlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st for I wanna taste that rkg cunny

>> No.14152660

daily reminder that you will never beat the market and end up loosing hundreds of thousands picking stocks.

in fact, you may even be thinking about this post on your deathbed (if dying in a ditch could be called a deathbed)

anyways, have a great weekend!

>> No.14152675

fuck anime (and fuck furries)

th-thanks u too

>> No.14152679

>I wish I had a father.
whenever I have kids i'm gunna take two sets of pictures.. one set with me in them and one without me in them.. if the kid ever acts up and says they wish i didnt exist or was dead when they go to sleep i'm going to change all the pictures around the house to the ones i'm not in then take off for a couple days....... i think that might make them think next time they say stupid shit

>> No.14152683
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 314964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad loves seafood
>wants to go to a seafood restaurant this weekend
>I hate seafood
seriously who the hell wants to eat food that comes from the worlds toilet?

>> No.14152717
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>> No.14152720
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Garlic butter shrimp is delicious, pleb.

>> No.14152734
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>> No.14152738
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>he can't spell "lose"
normally I oppose pedantry but in your case it's warranted
but all those prices are v cheapies, where can you find a good steak for 999 yennies?

>> No.14152747

pleb detected

>> No.14152755
File: 1.89 MB, 640x360, 1557517203499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will eat any kind of food and am not picky in any situation. It's good to be me.

>> No.14152884

My favorite Italian food is squid ink pasta and my favorite italian-american food is cioppino (fucking delicious seafood stew)

>> No.14152891
File: 140 KB, 1000x1000, 1534354586358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going to dinner with vegetarians is actually like this
The days when Simpsons was kino AF

Kek that this youtube account is just edits to shill robinhood for referral stock

>> No.14152907

maybe i can't spell but at least i'm not incel
thank about that, kid

>> No.14152918
File: 137 KB, 516x330, nic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my daughter nico is taking me to La Salsa

>> No.14152934

>When Baja Fresh, Chipotle, Poquito Mas, and even Sharky's are all superior options

Wait, your daughter? Do you want to fuck the Nico or just hang out with her?

>> No.14152979
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Double yikes.

>> No.14153051
File: 2.40 MB, 480x366, 7gto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keks what a coincidence linked simpsons to smg and robinhooh add :D


>> No.14153240
File: 121 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky :<
she should take you for nico taco

>> No.14153303

>juice cost more than tacos
damn spics

>> No.14153349
File: 161 KB, 1280x960, Sipppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought more NTDOY after hearing about animal crossing and new BOTW, not realizing that this was a delay and old news
>Didn't buy sony instead, now that FF7 remake is actually happening

Do I deserve to suffer and baghold as much as I do? It seems, maybe.

I want to sample the Nico "juice" along with the rkg cunny, freshest available plz

>> No.14153351

Since her father died I took up the role. I just want her to be happy

Burrito Nico a little pricey, maybe wait for tuesday

>> No.14153424
File: 804 KB, 1200x628, 1560394473648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RKG is too old to have fresh cunny, you need to harvest it earlier

>> No.14153617

I thought Go Woke Go Broke was /pol/ cope but its true? I thought corporations always won.

>> No.14153730

Corporations get their feel of the world through social media which is woke as fuck. But it's not where normal people are. If a business goes in on diversity, and is serious about it, sell that shit asap.

>> No.14153731
File: 1.39 MB, 1200x1500, 1560559401071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're getting all the best Jap IP!

I'd be glad Nintendo gets Fire Emblem, but this latest entry looks like shit. Looks like IS gave up on everything but mobage/gatcha

Freshest available. I'll make do with what's on hand.

Besides, I'm not going to go for high schoolers.

I'm glad you liked my image enough to save and repost it!

Who are you talking about?
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. In general, yes the corps always win, but sometimes they crush eachother to do so.

>> No.14153801

CHK...I'm feeling it.

>> No.14154010

Investing ruined me. I can no longer buy stuff without thinking how much stocks I'm losing out.

>> No.14154134


I really gotta start paying attention to E3 shit. What else did I miss? I'm not into minecraft or whatever shit people usually obsess over.

Yes. This comes and goes. Go to /fit/ and start hitting your macros at optimal cost so you can throw your savings into the market.

>> No.14154193

don't think about anything, just blow your money on stupid shit

>> No.14154264

This is the /biz/ i know and love

>> No.14154271

t. boomer

(it's really stupid that we call safe/value investing, S&P index investing, or any other sort of investing that isn't mortgaging the future of others for the benefit of your present self "boomer investing"

Boomers don't invest, they spend and spend and then they get credit cards and spend more and then get looser regulation of financial industry and spend and then get QE and spend more and then get social security and die and leave others with the bill

>> No.14154287

>been here for almost sic months now and still don't understand option trading or why i would want to do it
>just buy stocks that i think are gonna go up
based or cringe?

>> No.14154492

I will consider trading the bounce after it crashes.

>> No.14154548

Nothing wrong with that. Trading options, rather than using them to hedge risk on your long positions, is the highest risk strategy in the whole shebang.

>> No.14154580
File: 195 KB, 1134x1683, 1560173885904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on my robinhood account: I'm still banned and will have to open a IB account instead.
You're a great image poster Anon, a lot of people ITT have great taste

>> No.14154601
File: 73 KB, 849x1200, 1560381980615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to trade options on ADRs like Nintendo. Who will let me do this?

>> No.14154603


>> No.14154614

What about options trading

>> No.14154660

Holy mother of this

>> No.14155300

What about real estate?

>> No.14155326

I have 2 and still paying for it.

>> No.14155674

>co-worker: Fuck it bro, I'm going all in on jcpenny
>what I wanted to say: You have a family. Don't do something so risky.
>what i ended up saying: Yeah brah sometimes you just gotta go all in when ya feel it in ya gut

>> No.14155923
File: 674 KB, 2000x1333, forget_real_estate_you_cant_afford_it_anyways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go out to Wendy's, order Baconator w/ small fries and soda
>"Oh my god that's one half of a QYLD share I'm missing out in 11 cents of free dividends each month for life OH GOD OH FUCK I'M NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO RETIRE!"
I know those feels too well.
I'm thinking of going to IB here soon, at least to automate some spread trading. I have to brush up on my c++ skillz tho and read the wonderful documentation that is IB's API.
>implying millennials and zoomers can afford real estate
Cute. I'll just buy O and Stag though, much closer to my affordable price range!

>> No.14155950


I think going all in on a mainly brick n' mortar based clothing retailer is bad mojo right now but good luck to him I guess. Tell him to take profit at $1.65. He's a damned fool, more so, if he does not... provided it touches that mark again.

>> No.14156060

Report: Hong Kong government might announce suspending the extradition law amendment soon.

>> No.14156074

doesn't matter HK is fucked only a matter of time

All the rich are GTFO.

>> No.14156143
File: 221 KB, 2160x944, IMG_20190615_123230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah

>> No.14156332

My powers out.
This is bullshit.

>> No.14156353

>Amerifat cuckservsatives think that the US providing asylum to refugees is a leftist conspiracy to destroy their white nation
These situations are exactly what asylum is for... Sometimes saving one life is worthwhile... damn. Fecking Belgians.

I hope HongKongAnon is alright...

(I think asylum is also for salvaging the intelligencia from being massacred and using them for the benefit of of your national interests)

OK what? Where and how do you automate trading? Is that available for retail investors? The most "automation" I can find through Schwab is trailing stop losses and custom alerts, which is nice but basically nothing.

Speaking of REITS, I'm still pissed I was too much of a pussy to jump in NRZ at those recent lows... it was basically at its december low.

Damn dude, not even a discount retailer? What the hell is he thinking... just needs to gamble?

>> No.14156372
File: 58 KB, 600x317, Lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out how to start phoneposting again, so I might be able to get back to posting more often :)

>> No.14156450

Index funds and any retard can manage funds

>> No.14156520
File: 2.65 MB, 2976x3968, La Sainte Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats ok, threads have been dead lately anyways

and baggie went out tonight so no late night shitposting or dick pics even

>> No.14156574

If I cancel my crunchyroll and my netflix and my audible (which I don't even use lately and keep letting credits expire...) I could maybe afford an extra share of MO every month...

>> No.14156582

I use Mimi for phoneposting and it's ~okay~

>> No.14156646

I thought i was reading my comment from a couple days ago.

>> No.14156923

What do you guys know about BANT? It use to be DRUS

>> No.14156945
File: 323 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190615-014759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this piece of shit on my watchlist when it was like 70 cents. Fuck me why didnt I just take the risk.

>> No.14157028


Dumpster inferno.

>> No.14157161

Bro I've been watching GMO and PAYS for so long. I am full of regrets.

>> No.14157732

Keep the netflix, bruv. Quality programming that.

>> No.14157893
File: 437 KB, 1258x444, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8xOTI0OTU0OTM0NzYxMjI2MjUvMjE4NjU5ODMxNDA4NjIzNjI2L0lNR18xMjEzLkpQRyJ9.TsuvGS3yC3TAlrOZFFryBCj_qJg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats nothing
>sell shares of HEAR for $1.00 a share
>six months later its $16.00 a share

you cant change the past so dont dwell on it, let go and move on

its not like focusing on your mistake is going to help you out in the long run anyways

>> No.14157905
File: 269 KB, 1200x952, 1558439094233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's all preordained.

>> No.14157924
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big think
do these people not understand that direct military action against Iran would be insane? They're directly backed up by Russia, have a population twice the size of Iraq, and have ostensibly competent anti-ship and anti-air capabilities. Fuckin loony

>> No.14157949

I don't think that will much matter. Just make money out of it.

>> No.14158014

It'd be a money factory, but I can't see it as being anything but wildly unpopular in the US. I can see quickly beheading the regime and reducing them to a shithole filled with militias and extremists easily enough, but any protracted occupation (which it would have to be) would be such a grinding nightmare I can't see anyone but the most brainwashed aging-out boomers supporting it. Iran is huge and much more advanced than almost any other MENA nation, material losses would be for real. It's not 2003 anymore, social media and conspiracy culture would have a nonstop field day for years upon years

>> No.14158030

>but the most brainwashed aging-out boomers supporting it
So the largest US voting bloc would support it already. That's quite a ways already for public support kek

>> No.14158051
File: 30 KB, 400x400, barrel army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got me there lol. Peep the NY times opinion and that dude's twitter feed for a preview of the next 10 years if they decide to go through with it though

>> No.14158053

What's a realistic average return over the next 15 years?

>> No.14158144

GALTfags report in. These bags feeling heavy but hey, billionaire insider right

>> No.14158167

Fucking dumbass boomer doesn't know about MC02

>> No.14158173

whatever you want it to be~

>> No.14158247
File: 52 KB, 640x360, SP500 returns time periods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what the market does over the next 15 years

>> No.14158420

>being this passive aggressive
no wonder you can't see that H&S LCI is making

>> No.14158515
File: 132 KB, 780x554, DQmVcSfmG5y1J3n3qKCkm53AbMkQiSGrU4XV8QaRbg3i3D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the FUCK has nobody ever posted this gem
up 30% this year with a 2% div
honestly fuck this thread

>> No.14158602

Because everyone should all in $BOTY.

>> No.14159045

Yes but what is a realistic forecast? I guess something like:

Bad economic conditions: 4%/ year

Average: 7%/ year

Strong: 9%/ year

>> No.14159059

more like average 4%, strong 7%

>> No.14159514

Bad: See Nikkei 225

Average: 4-6%

Good: 6-9%

>> No.14159621


>> No.14159650
File: 218 KB, 1080x1235, Screenshot_20190615-134450_Avanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downtrend broken
Iron hands always pay off

>> No.14159925

LMAO 2% returns? I might as well punt everything on fucking bitcoin

>> No.14160307

Hong Kong government have choose to suspend the legislation process of the extradition bill indefinitely
- The suspension was meant to "give more time to persuade the public" and they have rejected the notion that they are withdrawing the bill. Although they haven't gave a time limit as to how long the suspension will last
- The chief executive (i.e. mayor/president of Hong Kong) refused to answer whether she's going to resign for the fuss she caused
- The chief executive refuse to admit she was doing anything wrong, instead said the government have used their best effort to convenience the public the proposed amendment are good to Hong
- The chief executive insist that previous protests were "riot", and that police doing their job "the natural and just order of thing as assigned by heaven and the earth"
- The chief executive claim the reason why she suspended the legislation progress yet refuse to withdraw the bill was that this is a chance to prove the public's fear against Chinese legal system is unfounded. She claimed that even if the bill was to be passed, the most significant majority amount of citizens of Hong Kong still won't be extradited to China because of it. She claim that, if the bill was to be withdrawn from the legislation process, then the government will never have chance to reintroduce the bill, such that they will never be able to get rid of the fear planted within the public against the Chinese legal system by actually showing the implementation.

There will still be a public demonstration in Hong Kong tomorrow, which will ask for withdrawing the bill for good and also to protest against police's use of violent during previous protests. It will probably be less massive than last Sunday's protect bur its scale will still be of interest, although I will be away from Hong Kong from now on and thus cannot keep track of it as closely

>> No.14160389

yet more jew tricks

>> No.14160620

why stocks not up much lately? anyone?

>> No.14160672

Because it's the top of the longest sustained pump in history, dipshit :)

>> No.14160716

he doesn't know....

>> No.14161461

just be patient anon, this downward price action is overdone

>> No.14161524

>social media and conspiracy culture would have a nonstop field day for years upon years

Fake news has been deplatformed, dontcha know

>> No.14161531
File: 43 KB, 1342x566, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the idea if the Efficient Frontier?
The ability to combine uncorrelated asset groups to get equal return prospects, with with improved risk levels.

>> No.14161532

I've made a few thousand dollars playing the volatility. If it drops back again, i'll certainly buy more.

>> No.14161675
File: 77 KB, 1200x675, yieldcurve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nervous lads

>> No.14161707
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>> No.14161716

No, that's just being a third worlder. Being picky is healthy and saves you a LOT from food poisoning.

>> No.14161723

Wouldn't mind seeing this trend line >20 years

>> No.14161805

>Being picky is healthy

Ree-ing at your mom because she got you regular and not dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets is not healthy

>> No.14161960
File: 39 KB, 702x146, options trader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Week 2 update from the guy who started his trading company because he couldn't find a job. Doing okay so far. It's actually pretty great trading for yourself. I updated my resume in case I need to go find a 'real' job.

>> No.14161962

Agree, but it's also an objective fact that dino tendies are tastier and superior in every way

>> No.14161977

Wow, nice work anon. Are you doing mostly automated trades? Did you build the algos yourself?

>> No.14162017

>I will be away from Hong Kong from now on

for good?
not a bad time to get out of HK
where next ? Canada or Australia?

>> No.14162018

who else got their VTSAX dividend yesterday?

Reinvested so sweet

>> No.14162090

Mostly automated except a few stocks where my intuition just tells me to go for it. For example I made a lot of money from Tableau (recent Salesforce acquisition). It's really hard to learn this stuff on your own because most of the info online is garbage and you really have to dig deep to find edge. Learning as much as I can about programming, ML and risk management though.

>> No.14162130

I only have ~50k so it wasnt much. I wish I had 500k vtsax

>> No.14162172

where do I find my comfy dividends on the vanguard app? mine are set to reinvest as well

>> No.14162187

Great work man, I'm living vicariously through you. I love that shit but don't really have time to devote to it besides some basic python and data analysis. Check out Kaggle sometime if you haven't already. Quandl is also a good site.

>> No.14162205
File: 334 KB, 1125x1887, 3CE388A9-BE84-46D1-B951-3978AE2E7ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disregard, found it. only $10k so not much, but still nice.

>> No.14162208

the app i dunno but there should be a list of recent transactions of course

nice reinvestment price too $71~

>> No.14162216

if ML means machine learning and not money laundering then that's some nerd shit

>> No.14162222

do you have vanguard set to automatically buy a funky price worth of VTSAX every day?

why lmao

>> No.14162261

lol yes. I automatically invest 10% of my income every month. 6% goes into matched 401(k), 3.5% into VTSAX, 0.5% into physical precious metals. Autistic, I know, but it works for me.

>> No.14162286

why do you set it to every day instead of bi weekly or monthly? because tehres no fees and its automatic so why not?

>> No.14162304

Because I like to ride the lightning.

>> No.14162713
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>> No.14162770

Currently have ~25k USD in Robinhood.
Is there a better brokerage? How would I go about transferring?

>> No.14162794

so you can't get a job, recently graduated, and got ~100k to trade with?
wew must be nice having rich parents, ask them for a job

>> No.14163002
File: 165 KB, 1490x1394, 1531425956989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> negative rates are good because it finances zombie firms
if you were preparing for the worst you might want to prepare for even worse economic outlooks

>> No.14163036

If he had rich parents he would have a job.

>> No.14163071


well according to this he has 114k

>> No.14163108

t. Sold 1k shares of AMD at $3.

>> No.14163136

Clearly this. Plus it's highly possible that the Iranians aren't even responsible. I'm thinking Israel, or maybe the Saudis personally.

>> No.14163158
File: 2.68 MB, 270x900, luda dancing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does everyone on /smg/ do trading or are there people who are B&H?
I just started buying some stocks mostly focusing on dividends since those are tax free in my country.

>> No.14163191
File: 637 KB, 1430x1756, 1544585183809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its about to get really gay in Europe

>> No.14163243

europeans are the offspring of pussies who liked being ruled by kings (and occasionally huns/moors) and too scared to explore and colonize the new world

they deserve to be poor and suffer

>> No.14163246
File: 128 KB, 1425x670, 1558159132828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIRP is a normal monetary policy is the European "QE is conventional monetary policy"

>> No.14163267
File: 31 KB, 1423x152, 1557855948122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me

>> No.14163295

I do although i'm thinking about getting out of individual stocks and just trading leveraged index funds in future. Sick of dealing with short pressure on mid and small caps.

>> No.14163325

This paper is such enraging piece of shit fireturd

Single best argument to fucking off from Eurozone, they're fucking crazy in Brussels

>> No.14163342

Need some quality dividend payers to throw my shekels at, any suggestions?

>> No.14163355

Speaking of which, i'm pretty sure US dude weed is due for a small bounce on Monday. Looking at Cresco Labs and Curaleaf mainly.

>> No.14163363

utx, jpm

>> No.14163367

>implying I eat processed fastfood crap like chicken nuggets
I make my own chicken nuggets, you fucking idiot.

>> No.14163418

GALT or LCI are good buys

>> No.14163546
File: 55 KB, 458x487, ODP-5-percent-dividend-yield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither one of those pays a dividend. Now Office Depot (ticker: ODP)--there's a quality dividend paying stock!

>> No.14163617

please......ive lost so much money...please just pump my bags

>> No.14163668

>Girls' Frontline
/smg/ is truly the greatest general on this website.

>> No.14163762

>go at the center of NYSE building
>play GFL
>while watching the world glow red
I can't wait for the moment when that time comes.

>> No.14163822
File: 351 KB, 750x750, d306a4efc046723004fae2c284ae9374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

penis penis ... butt.... VAGINA !!!!!

>> No.14163884

I hope that shit gaps down to like fifty bucks Monday. I'm trying to turn $1000 into $1 Million and if I can get a 10 bagger from it I'll be 1 third the way there.

>> No.14163990

Can US have negative rates? I want to be paid to borrow money.

>> No.14163992

You said that last night Baggie

>> No.14164022

This. I wanna be charged for saving money.

>> No.14164024

my favorite italian-american food is cioppino, a seafood stew

>> No.14164176

you should be

>> No.14164275
File: 298 KB, 374x342, 1560621920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pendy are you a red sauce man or an Alfredo sauce man

>> No.14164276


>> No.14164281

if you can make 44% annual return you don't need a job lol

>> No.14164301

We need this shit to crash.

We need all the zombie firms to perish.

All the unprofitable firms are holding society back. We need an economic fire to clear all the dead weight.

>> No.14164324
File: 193 KB, 1125x817, 1552785171463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't inverted curve actually bullish for a year or so before recession hits for real? Or are investors pricing in the inversion now?

>> No.14164336

The stuff with the pine nuts, garlic and basil is where it's at.

>> No.14164358

alfredo sauce, including on pizza
white sauce pizza (chicken, bacon, spinach toppings) is kino

>> No.14164410


>> No.14164441

Agree to disagree - I much prefer red sauce, but I'm also a huge fan of buffalo chicken pizza.

>> No.14164452
File: 18 KB, 657x153, leuekima galectin-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Because galectins seem also involved in tumor drug resistance
(see Table 2), combinations of galectin inhibitors with current
cytotoxic drugs might increase the efficiency of present treatments. We believe that galectins could be interesting therapeutic
targets for 3 main reasons: they are overproduced along cancer
progression, their presence correlates with poor prognosis, and
they seem to regulate cytokine production and function."


>> No.14164458

5% in 15 years LMAOOOOO

Wow, this is the power of American globohomo neoliberalism?

>> No.14164488

the only galectin-3 inhibitor remotely close to being brought to market is GALT's drug

>> No.14164589

Also nobody really cares about the other galectins yet

>> No.14164597
File: 255 KB, 473x438, hoes_mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based call writer. Biomemes need not apply, see pic related.

>> No.14164666

though GALT's drug does also inhibit galectin-1

>> No.14164744
File: 158 KB, 926x1632, 1560108166605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to read option trading books. Turns out buying naked calls and puts is fucking retarded

>> No.14164821

I have the Options Playbook and Options as a Strategic Investment (which I have somehow misplaced). But yeah. being naked is sinful.

>> No.14164907
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, 10C26444-02A1-4F84-9176-D93E2D31C60A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He gets his trading knowledge from others before him rather than deriving it from the known mathematical laws of the universe.
Never gonna fuggin make it, unless you keep writing calls.

>> No.14164926

What if I money borrow money get paid then pay my debt with the borrowed money and repeating it?

>> No.14164947

a + b =c^2

>> No.14164964

Do this with student loans. Used to be free money.

>> No.14165015

nice chicken scratch

>> No.14165041

Yeah I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.14165141

wow you seem like a really smart person, what stock suggestions did your formula give?

>> No.14165179

Robinhoods not updating stocks wat do?

>> No.14165232


>> No.14165272
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neither does he

>> No.14165297
File: 154 KB, 1590x1280, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chart of the week - gold. Every settlement for the past 2 weeks has been in between the 6/3 settlement at 1327.9 and the 6/7 settlement at 1346.1. This is the important range to watch.
The pivot is at 1342. This matches previous price action and is almost exactly 1/2 way between the 1362.2 high and 1323.6 low.
Gold went into the weekend fairly neutral. My guess is the longs were a little more nervous than the shorts because of that quick fall from the highs.

>> No.14165298

Honestly i wish I had maxed my student loans. In 2010 if I had poured a bunch of money into the SPY I could have probably made all my payments from selling covered calls.

>> No.14165399
File: 34 KB, 675x342, you_just_posted_cringe_bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr write covered calls.
I can't really say I advocate for buying stock at all, unless you intend to write calls. If you must buy stock, find anticorrelated pairs (SPY/TLT or UPRO/TMF) you can use to hedge against each other, or buy broad market indices like spy or vti that grant you safety via the central limit theorem.

If you just want to trade without buying stock, your best statistical advantages lie with either short term otm credit spreads and long term atm/itm debit spreads.
pic related for (you)

>> No.14165424

explain what the numbers mean and i'll take post more seriously

>> No.14165467

can you just tell me what to buy? thanks

>> No.14165621
File: 135 KB, 360x271, stonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll model the change in our portfolio value as Z, represented by a linear combination of a stock's value S, and the intrinsic value at expiration of any options written/bought against it.
Buying stock is simple, and looks like this:
>Z = n * (S - S0)
where S is the stock's price, S0 is the price you bought it at, and n is the number of shares. I'll be omitting n from here on out.
Writing a call against a stock is simple too, and looks like this:
>Z = S - S0 - C, here the (-C) term is a short call. A long call would be (+C). This equation expands out to either two of the following:
>Z = S - S0 - S + K + p = - S0 + K + p, S >= K
>Z = S - S0 + p, S < K
where K is the strike price and p is premium.
You'll notice for both equations, we earn a flat premium rate. This is why writing calls is so powerful, because Z represents change in our account, and we're just fuggin adding numbers to it.
Let's write a call, and then BUY a put, at the same strikes.
>Z = S - S0 - S + K + pC - pP = K - S0 + pC - pP, S >= K
>Z = S - S0 + pC + K - S - pP = K - S0 + pC - pP, S < K
wait, those are the same equations, no matter if the stock is below or above the strikes. We have found a way to make risk-free monets as long as
>K - S0 + pC - pP > 0
which can be obtained by buying a stock, writing a call, then waiting for a moment in the future where the premium of a put falls below the credit received. Or, we could've bought the put first then wait for the call premium to rise above what we paid for. In practice, just writing the call suffices for good profits anyways.

buy qyld

>> No.14165708

interesting, seems well thought out
make sure to post your returns as you implement it in the actual market (even if they aren't good)

>> No.14165763
File: 28 KB, 732x412, Screenshot from 2019-06-15 13-32-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I'd say it's working pretty well. It's literally just the addition of dollars into my account lol.

>> No.14165772

I bought a house and now rent it out for twice the mortgage

>> No.14165822

nice, good that you're generating consistent returns so far
i have a hard time believing that any "free money" strategy can work without some kind of catch or other unforseen element that introduces risk coming into play at some point tho

>> No.14165839

Only thing that’s updating is doge coin tf

>> No.14165891

There's still risk, you won't be able to get the risk-free condition right off the bat, you have to wait until the market moves in a favorable direction first. Good news is though, you can pick the direction based on whether you write the call first or buy the put.

>> No.14165900

what if the market doesn't move in a favorable direction?

>> No.14165922

>writing options is risk-free money as long as they expire worthless and are never exercised

now you're onto something

>> No.14165934
File: 37 KB, 720x371, me_explaining_5hourenergy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUSTening occurs.

Hopefully your written call premium is enough to offset the loss in equity. Or if you bought the put first, it's a married put so you just get to sell your stock high anyways.

>> No.14165990

>Gold went into the weekend fairly neutral. My guess is the longs were a little more nervous than the shorts because of that quick fall from the highs.

That's not what happened. They won't let you drink at the metals exchange anymore so nobody showed up to trade.

>> No.14166006

i dont get it, your basically guessing if a stock goes up or down then

>> No.14166034
File: 46 KB, 150x262, su_smug16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you are, but you're also given protection to ease the blow. If a stock falls with a covered call, you still collect the entire premium.

>> No.14166067

He is offsetting risk and increasing his potential to make money though (as opposed to a naked call, where you're literally gambling).

>> No.14166074

>They won't let you drink at the metals exchange anymore
What does this mean?

>> No.14166124


I know he was joking, but to clarify what I wrote earlier a little, I meant the longs *that held their positions through the weekend* were a little more nervous than the shorts.

>> No.14166175


>> No.14166198

TGT cheapies on monday

>> No.14166200

wouldn't it just be easier to do research on which stocks are least likely to fall and just buy those then?

>> No.14166216
File: 64 KB, 960x932, 1556026948001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If everyone start to sell covered calls, then the jews *will* crash the market to zero to collect your shekels.

>> No.14166243

you would be better off than people that just own stocks outright

>> No.14166392
File: 73 KB, 960x720, i know their wrong because i used to agree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you could save a lot of paper by just learning how to make a matrix bigger than a 2x2
you have a bunch of redundant and wasteful steps in that scratch
and learn some fucking handwriting skills

>> No.14166475

Oh boy linear algebra, i've completely forgotten everything from my linear algebra and differential equations class

>> No.14166505

>i've completely forgotten everything from my linear algebra [...] class
how is this even possible

>> No.14166513

Never use it
It was a decade ago

>> No.14166524
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, EF94BBF5-6998-430B-A31A-D426B83597FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My handwriting is just fine, thank you very much!

>> No.14166571


>> No.14166589

are you a doctor?

>> No.14166788

Dr Dobber to the OR - a patient tried to anhero after buying 1,000 shares of GALT at the top

>> No.14166830

arent we all tho?

>> No.14166849

>the top

You haven't seen the top yet

>> No.14166888

Nice retort Pendy

>> No.14166897

Then what if we just buy naked puts instead?

>> No.14166914

thank you

>> No.14166931

eternal crab market that only benefits people who hold long term fixed income and buy companies that grow and fail independently of the broader market like biotechs

>> No.14166981

and also day/swing traders

>> No.14167063


Yeah you tell the bioshit sector to stop being so bearish then.

>> No.14167081
File: 2.30 MB, 1538x1286, Screen Shot 2019-06-10 at 6.06.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My portfolio is recovering roughly at the rate that crypto is surging
>All my crypto limit sells were hit, now there's just a small amount of HODLs and limit buys if the robot bull ever becomes a cybernetic bear


Jeebus god damn Lou Dobbs...

Elementary schools need to start teaching cursive writing again, otherwise these tragedies will continue.

>> No.14167198

be patient, bud
biotechs are catalyst-centric, they go sideways and down in the meantime
finding a good biotech company is finding a company that has good science supporting the drug(s) it'a developing, which means it'll pass its clinical trials and get its drug(s) approved

>> No.14167227

Ahem, Go AMRN, Go AMRN, Go!

>> No.14167276

also management is important for things like financing and trial design

I take that back, both science and management are important

>> No.14167315
File: 1.26 MB, 1450x996, Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 10.04.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow... the shittiest poster in the thread is now beginning to echo things I said to them weeks ago... Maybe I can educate the deranged slowly and counterintuitively

Unrelated, I'm getting the feeling I should start investing in gold or the smaller gold miners. Anyone know which small gold miners have profitable operations?

Kirkland Lake seems to have already sailed.

>> No.14167322
File: 1.51 MB, 540x368, 1531390564942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving this as a copypasta

>> No.14167328

If you're talking about me, I knew that well before you said anything
Kys, faggot

>> No.14167341

You've been here for like three months and done nothing but lose money in all that time

>> No.14167343
File: 20 KB, 223x203, salandit_thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill probably be granted an honorary PhD in economics from any university of my choice once I've achieved a 1M portfolio in robinhood
Funny you should mention, my class was the last one to learn cursive. I exclusively wrote in cursive all throughout school to flex on the retards who couldn't learn it. Around highschool or so I just sort of adapted to my own writing into what you see today.
give the patient 10ccs (10 covered calls) stat!

>> No.14167395
File: 859 KB, 784x784, OhShitHeForReal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this b8?

This is b8, isn't it...

Did a tranny-chasing virgin just call me a faggot?

>hating on others for being honest about their flaws and foibles
whatever man. That judgemental dickery is why rorposter won't post their positions, and just shows that they did indeed get duped into buying LCI.

Being honest with yourself is important, getting help with your flaws is also beneficial.

Seriously? I could've done a better job writing it, but you get the message.

>> No.14167416

I reformatted it and fixed the punctuation but I like it.

>> No.14167453

So what if I got T babies, AMRN, GE, other stocks on my mind and dream of Bags of cash falling from the sky and dream of Pamela Anderson from when she was on tool time in my bed? Least I'm making Profit and my portfolio is in the Green and not down in the shit called debt up to my neck to the tune of 60k. Life is for living and you better move fast cause before you know it you'll be 80 and strapped to a nursing home bed. To add insult to your plight all your smart ass kids will be there not to show you support or loving but to wait and hope you die quick as you can. Cause they want all your money and hate coming all the way to see your old decrepit ass.

>> No.14167476
File: 51 KB, 254x305, epiphany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so any good movie tonight? or is the thread just going to get gradually worse for the next dozen or so hours?

>> No.14167513
File: 168 KB, 282x358, 1560634819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I found my copy. Time to get learned up

>> No.14167529

this company is a blatant scam

>> No.14167574

comfy usually picks shit movies from like, the 1950s or shit. But youtube put up Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey for free. I think they put up one of the Ip Man movies too.

>> No.14167610
File: 280 KB, 720x720, esj4i04bcsw21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow... I wonder if it really will be bad enough to give us cheapies...
Target's tech trouble clogs stores with long checkout lines
4:54 PM ET, 06/15/2019 - Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Target suffered a technological glitch that stalled checkout lines at its stores worldwide Saturday, exasperating shoppers and eating into sales at a prime time for retailers.

The outage periodically prevented Target's cashiers from scanning merchandise or processing transactions. Self-checkout registers also weren't working at times, causing massive lines in some stores.

Target temporarily closed some of its stores rather than risk aggravating shoppers.

Target acknowledged the checkout headaches in a tweet and apologized for the inconvenience without providing a timetable for fixing the problem. The Minneapolis company has yet to respond to inquiries from The Associated Press.

A Target employee was warning customers of the checkout trouble as they entered a San Francisco store early Saturday afternoon. Sales were still being completed after intermittent delays.

its one holding is showing signs of recovery, so it's going to be angry and vindictive while also smug and self-righteous. I'd expect it to shit up the thread for the rest of the weekend. I wonder if its parents will invite it out for father's day tomorrow, so maybe we'll be spared for a few hours.

>> No.14167669

Scam or not.

Low float, huge volume and shitty weed pump news means you can make some cash on this pig during the pump.

>> No.14167670
File: 222 KB, 800x1090, akix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soundcloud will begin monetization of tracks like youtube
Finally, Im gonna be rich.

Facebook needs to buy soundcloud if they want big growth. surprised no one has put up big offers for this site

>> No.14167687

that is true, just make sure you don't hold onto it for too long

>> No.14167702

Pshh you newfag. Comfy's always fail and Sundown chooses a obscure one as backup

>> No.14167704

The time to buy was during the Dec shit show last year. It was like $60 something.

>> No.14167724

Twitter has a large stake already. Wouldn't surprise me if they gradually take it over.

>> No.14167728
File: 92 KB, 237x182, laff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok comfy

>> No.14167764

I watched revenge of the nerds with some friends last night. It was a pretty funny movie.

>> No.14167824

There has to be cheapies. The amount of people who abandoned carts of food in the aisles today across the country was absurd. I would bet a dip Monday, or if everyone is retarded, a severe dip at earnings when they remind everyone that today happened.

>> No.14167935

Wait there was a target Chimp out today? Remind me why we're so reliant on tech? I don't need tech to make exchanges for goods and services because I have gold. Gold is a great asset to have in times like these because it's a true storage of wealth and you can give it to chicks and they'll fuck you.

>> No.14167938

Allow me to make a good case for Amazon buying Chewy (the online pet store):

1. Pet Food/supplies is big money.

2. Chewy follows Amazon already in how they distribute/deliver your order (several regional warehouses). Would also boost amazon deliveries cause both could use the same warehouses.
3. Since Chewy is online based would be a simple thing to rename the site; Chewy a Amazon company or redirect Chewy orders to Amazon site itself.

4. Chewy would allow Amazon to expand easy into a market segment that currently Amazon has no real teeth into.

5. The CEO of Chewy used to work for Amazon so it's a good bet he still has contacts there.

Just saying. All good points.

>> No.14167981
File: 427 KB, 1340x583, 1560637299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that's a hell of a long thesis

>> No.14167994

I won't advocate for buying Chewy because I've done 0 research whatsoever, but I do own 1 share of Chewy.

The prospects get better when you realize Chewy isn't just a pet food business, they're a logistics company. They have that shit on 100% ez-mode. I can definitely see amazon taking some sort of stake into chewy.

>> No.14168010
File: 39 KB, 600x407, 1560310139436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I usually switch IPs once an hour
>It didn't work

>> No.14168019
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>> No.14168032
File: 983 KB, 1624x752, Screen Shot 2019-06-01 at 2.06.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what happened, and if it will cause future problems...

Maybe were quick to jump on BA, assuming that the problems were just coincidental and did not reflect badly on the company.

One day of lost produce sales will hurt, but everything else will go back on the shelves, and most of it will be purchased over the next week, barring any other technical difficulties. I wonder if people over at Zebra are scrambling and getting fired over this, I'm not sure who else works with them.

I'm actually not convinced I blew it by purchasing Chewy at an avg cost basis of $36.61... if people panic that "oh no it's not Beyond Meat, let's take our losses and GTFO!!" Then I might just buy more.

The big downside is that I won't have the cash for GO, the IPO that interests me just a little bit more.

>T-baby-poster is making this argument
absolutely bearish

>giving away his gold
I thought we all agreed that the best way was to stack your bars and then invite women over to admire it?

Pet food and pet PHARMA
That's the biggie. Set it and forget it pharmaceuticals, I would absolutely just subscribe and leave it alone forever.

It's one of the reasons I wanted to buy Amazon when they bought out PillPack. But I'm too much of a pussy to buy shares of companies that are priced as high as AMZN and BRK.B

>> No.14168047

>Maybe were quick
should say "Many were quick"
Still amazed at how well BA has done, all things considered. They should be in the bargain basement.

>> No.14168122

Is anyone actually here wealthy?
Like owning 600k in stocks/several apartments or houses rich ?

>> No.14168144

The majority of CHWY shares (the shares that weren't IPO'd) are owned by Petsmart

AND, the way that the IPO shares are structured, Petsmart pretty much still has 100% control of Chewy.
So any buyout from Amazon would have to be either Amazon buying Chewy from Petsmart or Amazon buying out Petsmart (privately owned by BC Partners and Argos)

Also Amazon initiating a spicy big buyout right now would be odd given the geopolitical and judicial uncertainty they find themselves in: I see Amazon preferring to hold cash or it's own shares instead of whatever high price BC Partners would ask for.

>600k or several houses
lol. that's middle class, everyone >50 should have 600k in a retirement account and a second house

>> No.14168246
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 737000AF-C530-49CC-9AE1-5829A30FE313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOUBLES!! !! !! !!

You make an interesting point, but I don’t see the FTC getting spooked by an internet monopoly over pet supplies.

If they had problems making this kind of acquisition, it would be validation if the theory that trump is determined to fuck with big tech for their ties to the not-Fox-News media which would mean amazon cheapies and build the bull case for CHWY

>> No.14168369

You don't give them 100% pure gold are you fucking kidding me? You get some jew to plate a lesser metal into some kind of jewery with like fucking rocks in it and shit so she can wear it in her holes.

>> No.14168370
File: 177 KB, 1000x1100, 1559633362468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a pretty big deal in the news last week, all the big companies are under investigation of either the FTC or the judicial department, as well as the house of representatives.


Basically any large mergers or buyouts are less likely, because all three branches of government are looking over the companies for being what they are: huge money monoliths that will continue to buy out everyone.
If Amazon (or google, apple facebook, etc.) start large buyout proceedings with anyone during these investigations it would be extremely surprising. Even if these companies don't blob up any smaller companies during the investigations,they might already get broken up.

I could go into more detail about possibilities of these investigations, if needed, but you can also read about the recent things that companies like google and apple have been charged with. basically behaviors that use the highly-integrated natures of their businesses to prioritize their products.

Even if amazon has done nothing wrong, they still have to spin things down and open their books to regulators. and 'has done nothing wrong' is completely up to political interpretation right now :^)

A fun historical case to read about would be:
Which probably didn't occur during the lifetime of many of our posters here.

>> No.14168444

Did me. (b.1983). But on the flip side suppose Google for example does get busted up. You'd get shares in each new baby company if you owned Google stock. T companies became T, VZ and CTL. Over time 11 of those smaller companies got re bought by T. (22 all together).

>> No.14168606

Amazon has acquired 83 companies since inception:


Google has acquired 234:


I am really not sure the U.S. government is really all that interested in breaking up the giants. Appearing to care? Slowing them down? Plausible. But it seems to me they'd much rather just give em a grilling and then continue to cup their balls behind the curtain.

>> No.14168644
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Of course, some people recently think an Alphabet breakup might actual add value (value of the break-up shares is higher than the current conglomerate).

but the question is, can we expect buy-outs from these big tech companies in the near term? the answer is probably not. And whatever political hindrances that Trump and the democrats throw at AMZN might be better for Chewy in the mid term.

yeah sure, sure. We don't know what Trump intends, they might just be putting on a little show, or only trying to apply a slap on the wrist. It's very unlikely he's gonna put their balls in a vise right now, it might be bait for the House of Reps dems to see if they get overaggressive, who knows..
I'm not telling you what they're going to do.
But the idea that a ~several hundred million dollar buyout of Chewy by AMZN (or a ~1-2 billion buyout of Petsmart) is around the corner seems misguided in this climate.

>> No.14168665

Yeah, boomers fucked themselves over for 15 years. Good thing I wasn't investing until 2013.

>> No.14168669

I definitely agree with that.

>> No.14168821
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awww man I'd be careful about pet pharmaceuticals and I'll tell you why
let me try and lay this out in the most coherent way that I can think of

you remember about a month ago when Bernie and the more socialist dems started chimping out about how medical care is too expensive and we should control prices?
that sort of blew over for now, but it could rear its head again at any time. most people have no idea what a price is or where they come from, so they easily go for it when a politician tells them that they're going to make something cheap/free

now just imagine the same thing happening for pet pharmaceuticals. just think of all the pictures and videos of some poor cute cat or dog who has some random disease, and their medication costs a bunch. or all the people who don't take their pets to the vet as much as they should or buy them the care they need or whatever.
Then some enterprising young politician takes it up as a cause and tells everyone 'elect me! I will implement price controls' (they won't say it outright like that, but whatever) 'to save all these poor cats and dogs from the EVIL pet pharmaceutical industry that thinks they can charge these absurd prices'
then that person gets elected overwhelmingly and the pet pharmaceutical companies get wrecked. I can see this actually happening for pet companies more easily than for human medicine because it's a smaller market and people are more emotionally manipulated where animals are involved.

what do you think?

>> No.14168904

I think the argument for healthcare as a basic human right holds water.

The argument for medicare for all [pets] doesn't hold shit.

But maybe my opinion should be ignored because I'm not one with the popular sentiment here:

I'm pro-euthanasia of all American Pitbulls and I don't get upset about shelters having to put down a huge population of animals that breed incessantly and contribute nothing but emotional support. I fucking love cats and dogs, but I'd strangle one to save a human.

>> No.14168936

Awe man the fat one reminds me of Big Cat. The best cat ever.

>> No.14168954

>I'm pro-euthanasia of all American Pitbulls

not surprising, considering how shit your taste in everything is

>> No.14168964

Big Cat got to a point when he was old and didn't care he stopped cleaning him self too. I miss him.

The whole difference between pets and shit, is it's private vs public. Pets are treated like slave niggers and get no rights, but what ever you make compromise in politics. Like alright bitch we'll make a dog park, but if your thing is shitting on the street we'll fine you.

>> No.14168988

I'd support legislation that treats homosexuality as the mental disorder it is, and support laws that would remove the ability for faggots to adopt children.

>> No.14168991

I see the 'arguments' mostly as being about emotional manipulation (pathos, not logos).
basically the logic in situations like this is 'priced in'. That's sort of how politics works, people who have reasoned beliefs aren't going to have their minds changed very easily. politics is about manipulating the shallow waters, putting in arguments to sway the emotions of the less logical voters to get what you want.
That is very much how things work right now in American politics; the reasoned voters aren't the important ones, politicians have to look for divisive issues that can be manipulated most easily.

I'm also anti-pitbull, have seen some pretty serious sudden violence. I don't understand why some one would get a pit instead of literally any other dog breed. Mud and blood all over the place, dead animals. Never killed one of my animals, but killed a cat in the house I was living at that was pretty much my best friend at the time. that was a fantastic cat, killed by a shitty dog.

>> No.14169015

That's your choice Baggie

>> No.14169035

That means you, faggot

>> No.14169041


>> No.14169048

This. It is a mental illness. It isn’t normal and to put it on that pedastal could be dangerous to society long term. Idk why you’d even want to chance it. Faggots are annoying fucks anyways and the raw data show the molest children at rates 20-40x the rates of heterosexual men. Even lesbians are like 20x hetero men.

>> No.14169071

I don't know what's going on, watching this pebble beach golf shit and drinking scotch on my saturday evening. The kid i paid to cut my lawn did a good job, got the shit around all the fencing and shit. Tomorrow I get to take my boomer father to all you can eat lobsters and shit. The markets should react positively, except all the boomer dads will probably sell off.

>> No.14169080

ok, but don't punish faggots who don't molest kids.

>> No.14169107

Kind of nervous about buying tomorrow, Sundays are notoriously volatile

>> No.14169127

it's ok don't worry, just go blow your uncle while your dad watches and jerks off tomorrow, faggot.

>> No.14169154

Nope, I think we should tax the fucking churches. There's too god damn many of them, and they're not beneficial to society. They all fight and you know what fuck them, tax the fucking churches, have the same disclosure as a business.

>> No.14169157

It's going to be ok baggie

>> No.14169166

Elon Musk tweeting 2b. What does it mean? Should I buy Tesla to help fund sexy androids?

>> No.14169172

post a pic of your lawn
I can't mow for at least 2 days because of rain :(

>> No.14169248

Sometimes I wish all I had to maintain was a lawn. I have acreage and it's a bitch in the spring/summer. Nice to be able to do pretty much whatever the fuck I want and not have neighbors 50 feet away though.

>> No.14169260

It's about how you raise the dog, not the breed

>> No.14169264

sun has started its setting, but what ever.

>> No.14169271

as a biofag, you should know that it's a mix of nature and nurture determining an animal's behavior. yes, pitbulls were bred to have aggression.

>> No.14169294

I agree that any scientist would say it's a mixture of both, but the vast majority of pitbulls are friendly and don't bite people or kill animals
How you raise the pitbull plays a much larger role in determining how likely it is to be violent than anything else

>> No.14169319

nope, some animals are born to be dumb niggers and there is nothing you can say or do about it except spend another generation attempting to prove wrong what is already known.

>> No.14169333

you shoulda bought it at 190, the hint was Morgan Stanley calling the bottom

also short MS

I did both those things a couple weeks ago, v happy with it

>> No.14169348

yeah dude, i'm too fucked up to figure out how to go from phone to computer.

you know what though winter can just dump like fucking feet of snow and then I end up having a bitch getting to the office.

>> No.14169377

A 2017 study by the American Temperance Test Society found that 85.5% of pitbulls tested had good temperaments
This is on par with most other dog breeds and above some

The arguments for euthanizing pitbulls that people in this thread have given are anecdotal and emotional in nature

>> No.14169393

Forgot my link


>> No.14169409

87.4%, not 85.5%

>> No.14169425

Ok, but easiest solution is people should just get a chocolate lab instead so they can keep kids around without having to worry about whether or not that kid is still gonna have a face after being around the dog

>inb4 tripfag

>> No.14169449

higher than yorkshire terriers, rottweilers, siberian huskies, great danes, and golden retrievers

>> No.14169458

those being popular breeds that have no unfair reputation of aggression alone, not to mention the many other lesser known dog breeds that's higher than

>> No.14169462

So who actually brought these dogs to tests? Do you think niggers would support a grass roots fucking organization like this? It's selection bias at it's best. You're fooling your self kid. Look at the bigger picture. Maybe one dog from 10 litters of puppies will show at that test, and even then you're looking at the cream of the crop. Stop being a fucking dumb nigger faggot your self.

>> No.14169470
File: 37 KB, 500x375, 1556132767529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to argue for euthanizing pitbulls
but saying
>It's about how you raise the dog, not the breed
just means you have no idea what you're talking about

a well-bred and well-raised pitbull is certainly better than a poorly raised mongrel pit. Unfortunately, the majority of pits are poorly raised mongrels.

But more importantly, for the majority of dog breeds, you would have an extremely difficult time raising it to be as violent as a well-raised pitbull. I mean, it would take an expert dog trainer years to get a golden retriever to do the things to other animals or humans that pitbulls will do readily. Even then, the dog might not have the physical capacity to be as explosively violent as a standard pit.

It certainly is about the breed. and pits aren't the only breed on the violent end of the spectrum, but they are definitely the most prominent on that spectrum, in combination of physical and temperamental capacity for sudden violence, and a large and not very well raised population in the US.

There is nothing emotional about pointing out that pits as a breed are more violent than other breeds. They're supposed to be violent, it's what they were bred for...
it just so happens that there are dozens of other dog breeds that weren't bred for violence, but to be good companions or work doggos.

>> No.14169484


>> No.14169524

the types of people you're talking about would raise any dog badly, not just pitbulls

>> No.14169597


>> No.14169614

i'm talking about averages, and how your test doesn't test the average dog of the breed. just fucking give your ass up to some nigger and catch aids already..

We have come up with a 3 day rule on the IPOs, moostly these things run on hype and momentum, but fuck it, just fucking be patient and not a fool. Just don't be like Pendulum and suck a cock.

>> No.14169622
File: 129 KB, 1440x1426, 1556137533439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the study you posted does nothing to contradict my post.
the study you posted is from an organization that was formed to prove 'oh pits aren't mean'

these tests aren't being done when a pit is ripping the throat off a cat or smaller dog ;). if for these temperament tests they leave the Dog under Test (DoT) in a room with other animals (or small humans)and see what the violence rate is, then I'll take it seriously.
You leave a golden retriever in a room with a cat or another dog and walk away, you don't worry about it (*unless the cat is grumpy). But you leave a random pit in a room with a cat or dog, Schrödinger takes over, you might return to a bit of a mess.

I'm not even going to post the violence statistics of how many attacks occur per dog per year, we all know what they say.

The important thing you have to concede is that different dog breeds behave differently because they were bred for different purposes. If you don't agree with that, again, I'd say you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.14169651

I don't deny that both genetics and environment play a role in the development of behavioral traits
That's what I agree with you on, and I never mean to imply otherwise

>> No.14170100


>> No.14170359


All this guy is saying is.

Buy a stock and sell covered call options.

Pray that the stock continues to rise such that you can buy a put option at a decreased premium. (Note that if you buy the top, you get fucked. You won't be able to purchase put options at a premium less than the write of the call unless it keeps rising. In this case you're holding the stock and it's now less than what you paid for it. The write call premium only saves you for so long till you're in the red).

You net the difference in premiums. Which will be dog shit, like $10... congrats. Are you using a no fee broker or something?