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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 87 KB, 1355x600, dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14149018 No.14149018 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro XCM is dumping fellas... This is your chance to buy in if you haven't already. XCM is the next BNB. 2019 is the year of regulation and Coinmetro is the single most regulatory compliant exchange. They literally wrote regulation for Europe and the CEO is regularly meeting with regulators from all kinds of European countries, Buying XCM is like betting on the house, We are already starting to see what's happening to Binance... If nothing else you should at least get a small suicide stack. If you haven't signed up yet use my code Salt and you'll get some freebies.

>> No.14149228

Don't listen to Salt, short it for a quick profit.

>> No.14149230

>trying to catch a falling knife

sounds like a great idea

>> No.14149249

Yeah I forgot to mention this, there is now margin trading, you can short or long XCM.

>> No.14149280

It's my go to strategy.

>> No.14149318

i'd love to short this since it's obviously going to dump to 1 cent again, but fuck no i'm not sending any funds to this pile of garbage exchange

>> No.14149322
File: 80 KB, 502x523, coinchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a good idea to wait a day or two, yes? So nows a great time to make an account and start the KYC process

>> No.14149374

I'm a Coinmetrofag but I agree
Wait to see if the price stabilizes for about 4 or 5 days before buying in
The price was just hovering around 0.085 yesterday; now it touched 0.075
No telling how low it could go after that last hype-based run....worst-case scenario, I could see it touching 0.05 again if there are no major updates soon

>> No.14149425

somehow I feel that they ramping up their news and update circle

>> No.14149441
File: 112 KB, 820x687, 2342343645468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to load my bags with this shitcoin yesterday, but my KYC wasn't approved

>> No.14149456

Capped this for later, cheers.

>> No.14149506

I love seeing the pajeets in the telegram get upset because it's not pumping forever

>oh shit margin trading is coming we're going to pump!
fucking retards, we're not going to get any good pumps until the exchange starts buying and burning xcm and until we get more features.

>> No.14149511

based and luckpilled

>> No.14149727

Thanks captain obvious, do you manage a fund by any chance?

>> No.14149769

Found the pajeet, or maybe you're one of those desperate autists shilling his ref code every day. Get fucked

>> No.14149820

Calm down malo/björn

>> No.14149823

Asked on the ama when was the xcm going to be burned but it was laggy and gave up. What did kevin say?

>> No.14149870

What separates CoinMetro from any other exchange? Do they have fiat ramps? That gives them a FinCEN license like Coinbase or Kraken. Where are they different? Do they have a license to trade securities? It's my understanding that Nash is the only one pursing a securities license.

>> No.14150142

they have direct fiat/crypto pairs + margin trading
other things they are planning to add is virtual IBANs and debit cards so it will be like a crypto bank

>> No.14150339

>still dumping
Wtf stop

>> No.14150406

>Cheapest fees in the industry (MARKET MAKERS GET PAID TO TRADE)
>Fully regulated and based in the European Union
>Has the only Chainlink to Fiat pair on the market
>Regulated margin trading
>Best support in the industry, 24/7 live chat that, replies within seconds
>Liquidity providers on the top 5 cryptos
>Exchange token XCM gets burnt WITH EVERY SINGLE TRADE
>Grandma-safe interface
>Professional trader interface as well
>Buying XCM is like betting on the house, they are literally helping governments to write regulation on cryptocurrency, their recommendations went into law in Estonia
>Dozens of fiat currencies coming soon
>Personal IBAN accounts for users coming soon
>Tokenized asset management coming soon

>> No.14150569

So, nothing different from Kraken and Coinbase.

>> No.14150596

Yea, Nash has way more going for it down the road than coinmetro. Good luck with your centralized bags. That'll be me waiving from the yacht when Nash replaces Visa and PayPal.

>> No.14150708

coinbase doesn't have margin trading
nash doesn't even have a working product

>> No.14151000

buy a suicide stack, fren

>> No.14151059

Does coinmetro have Link for cucked Americans like myself?

>> No.14151093

yes but it doesn't have much volume at the moment

>> No.14151107

Nice, still, will sign up this weekend

>> No.14151134

use my ref for bonus coins if u want "metrocoin" :^)

>> No.14151190

Sure will do if I actually end up signing up

>> No.14151221

bro please use my code it's in the OP. the other guy is lying to you you dont get free coins you get entered into a raffle for a big XCM price pool

>> No.14151282

yes the price pool are the bonus coins

my ref is better pajeet

>> No.14151333

I'm an ICO investor, and thought I got absolutely Justed. I can't believe Kevin is actually pulling it through...

For those just looking at this token now, Kevin is a cool operator who has always been down to earth and up front with the community.

If he managed to get it back on track after the clusterfuck which was the first development team they had, then he will make XCM everything he's saying he will make it....

Granted it will probably delayed a million times, but he has proven his commitment to the project I think.

>> No.14151473

Dammit I'm missing out on btc gains because of this. Sold my XCM to get in, too

>> No.14151480
File: 36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190614-160050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic. Seriously, just update your app Kevin you dip

>> No.14151503

The UI is still fucking garbage. How can people even use this shit exchange?

>> No.14151553

Feeling bad uh koni?

>> No.14151566

High quality fud you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.14152234

they are reworking cmex/trade. simplex is great and the margin interface is great

>> No.14152897
File: 9 KB, 650x304, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck am I supposed to receive this?

>> No.14152917

Feels so good to have sold at the top for a change. Couldnt be happier to have dumped my shitmetrobags for BSV

>> No.14153451


>> No.14153517
File: 96 KB, 750x510, 1537567983874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14153565

Sold above 10. Rebought below 9. Made another 5% gain from holding ETH in the meantime. It might dump from here but I will take solace in outperformering holders if it does.

>> No.14154325
File: 83 KB, 1005x740, 1537585546114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this dumping now? Bought at 0.07, if this goes below my buying price I might not afford to pay taxes this year lmao

>> No.14154826

Order book is mega thin, with 60k buys we get back to 0.14 cents.
Dont look at this coin as if it were a big volume coin because of now its not but will be.

>> No.14155218

because sell the news. margin trading was always priced in. but, the platform is awesome and the market cap is still tiny. this baby will grow into a healthy chad, just minor teething problems at the moment