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File: 256 KB, 860x460, link-singularity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14144572 No.14144572 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't accumulated enough already, that's your fault. You're fucking it up for everyone who did. Now is the time to shill this to the moon and let the plebs on Reddit buy our bags. STOP WITH THE FUD.

>> No.14144592

Pay me and I'll shill it for you

>> No.14144611

>let's get redditors rich :D
>we need them to pump the price tho!
Link isn't a ponzi.
>you had two years
This isn't about accumulating more.

>> No.14144628

Fuck off retard, you had two years. Let's initiate the smart contract bullrun bubble with LINK as first mover.

>> No.14144639

Fuck off faggot. I'm a top 300 holder, if you had any semblance of intelligence you would realise that that is a waste. Chainlink succeeds, shilling or not, it succeeds. You just win, as holders have been doing and will continue to do for the foreseeable future

>> No.14144642

Crabs in a bucket mentality at its finest, folks

>> No.14144651

Then don't shill, but also don't fud it to extinction you larping fag.

>> No.14144655

Well, I'm a top 500 holder as well and I'm ready to cash the fuck out. What is your point?

>> No.14144657

if all was true, pathetic fud attempts of bizraelis do not matter at all

>> No.14144668

hey frend i was checking the ranks earlier. congrats on the stack. i only made it to top 500 myself but i hope that we can have a drink some day over a beautiful sunset and remember the good times.

what will you do with your (potentially) new freedom?

>> No.14144669


>> No.14144683

My dad is actually the number one holder he says buy more

>> No.14144702

I don't FUD any more it's not worth my time. But Fudding is fine by me, you think a bunch of $500 dollar reddit based boys are going to change anything? They won't and they haven't, that's cats out of the bag, but I'd be happier if those cucks don't make it, twitter fags as well.

>> No.14144704

How so? I'm a crab who escaped the bucket and I dont want the liberal soi boy crabs escaping.
This place is flooded with reddit cancer. If their own site is such a great platform then why weren't they able to pick out a gem like this?

>> No.14144709

Stay poor faggot.

>> No.14144741

The CEO Jason Parser is a pedo and scam artist operating from a massage parlor in Guam. Honestly can't believe people are still falling fro this scam.

>> No.14144787

shut up faggot

>> No.14144809

Nice job marine, sharing war stories as global elites is going to be great. I'll buy the first round. No plans yet, I'm getting everything in order, don't want to draw down on node funds and my stack until a certain point, so will continue to cuck until I have some certainty. From there I can only imagine, hedonism until I figure out the next step. Yourself?

>> No.14144815

Chainlink will only succeed like literally anything: through exposure.
You idiot.

>> No.14144822
File: 23 KB, 600x350, A8AADADA-5B61-4AF8-988D-6DBDB884CCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could take retards like you irl and beat the fuck shit out of you


go fuck yourself you fucking cuck, you and anyone else who ha this mentality shouldn’t even be here

>> No.14144862

In other words: "I don't think Chainlink will do very well, so I need to hoard as much as possible".

Chainlink is 1.5USD, it's time to open the floodgates, mainnet is out and Google Cloud just endorsed Chainlink to the world at large.
Exposure is the key to success, and the ball is rolling.

>> No.14144879

THIS. We all had the the ability to research the project ourselves and think through the fud. What made this project good was the lack of spoonfeeding and the fact that drooling 'muh partnerships' retards weren't here to fucking ruin it.

I'll promote LINK once it has real utility and users are paying to use the network. We're still a long way off from that point

>> No.14144882

You are scum and I hope you have a minimal stack that you will daytrade away. If you had any understanding of the project you would realise that exposure is baked into the fucking protocol and a bunch of crypto traders will have no control over its future.

>> No.14144902

you are a retard. The internet leaves traces. The fud has been enough faggot. If you keep on fudding it even corporations wil eventually say nah fuck that that thing is associated with the far right, lets take the second best choice. Would indeed be a good thing to take you irl and beat the shit out of you fucking mouthbreathing retard.

>> No.14144914

Yea pumping before utility is sooooo smart. Fuck you have to go back

>> No.14144944

You have absolutely no clue what your dealing with, your post exemplifies how retarded things really are for someone like you.

>> No.14144946

>chainlink is good because "muh partnerships" retards weren't here to ruin it
No, now it's retard fudders like you fudding Chainlink by crying "BUT IT'S NOT A PARTNERSHIP" when Google Cloud endorses and integrates Chainlink.

>you would realise that exposure is baked into the fucking protocol
The Chainlink network itself is the last place where exposure will spread, you absolute moron.
What brings exposure is word of mouth; like Google Cloud shilling Chainlink to the entire world.

>> No.14145004

Now? Suck my dick you fucking retard. I've been all in on Link for almost 2 years now.... the FUD has been here since day one. That is the point of the FUD. It is what made us strong while you were still filling your closet with nano merch. Fuck off faggot we're full. The chainlink team makes al lthe connections they need on their own, they don't need us shilling to redditors to find people to use the network

>> No.14145024

it's time for you to shut up

chainlink has never been about the general population

>> No.14145031

>The chainlink team makes al lthe connections they need on their own
So while they do their best to bring grassroots exposure to Chainlink, you'll do your best to undercut their efforts because.... you believe in Chainlink so much?
Nice logic, schizo.

>chainlink has never been about the general population
Decentralized oracle network.
Wrap your head around the basics first, boomer scum.

>> No.14145033

I bought enough you mentally ill faggot, I couldn't care less if redditards are buying in now. Not my fucking problem that you can only afford to buy LINK when it's under 1$. Go die in a fire. Let it fucking fly.

>> No.14145073

Yeah, so you believe that shit posting from anons on the internet mitigates the utilisation of the protocol by industry leaders. Because industry leaders will not utilise the standard protocol for oracle's of the Web 3 stack because of some deluded fans. Hmmm... Because industry has been known to distance itself from efficiencies and savings, because some people that have utilised the same methods appeared unseemly. Shit obviously your business acumen is godly. Yeah and why did Google shill it? Oh that's right, because of the utility of the protocol, hence I guess one could say it's baked in. Your beyond helping, your too stupid to even realise it.

>> No.14145095

Link is as inevitable as the sun rising in the morning, we've all been convinced of this since the beginning. It's going to happen whether or not you can get redditors to buy your bags at $2. Decision makers at top firms aren't getting investment advice on reddit or twitter. you guys are newfag cancer.

>> No.14145097

>chainlink has never been about the general population
What the fuck did I just fucking read.

Smart contracts are about cutting out the middleman through peer-to-peer decentralized finance.
You absolute trenchbrain.

>> No.14145101

You didn't sell during the exit pump? lmao good luck with your bags

>> No.14145135

Now that binance is off limits for burgers, this is never going to pump unless it gets listed on exchanges popular with burgers. same for bnb and all other tokens that get nearly all their trading volume from binance.

>> No.14145178

It's not a ponzi. If it is going to reach significant prices it will be through industry adoption. Not retail investors talking to other retail investors. You have no right to calling anyone else a retard.

>> No.14145208

This is what pisses me off the most about nulinkers. Literally the best part of the project completely escapes them and they still think they're in Nano which requires other bagholders in order to moon.

LINK was built to be used.

>> No.14145214

>industry leaders
>decision makers at top firms
>industry adoption

You have no idea what Chainlink even is.

>> No.14145227

checked, you are right

>> No.14145226

>LINK was built to be used
... by peer-to-peer oracles.

>> No.14145267

>It's not a ponzi.
So you don't need increased numbers of users and buyers for Chainlink to succeed?

No wonder the Chainlink fud is so stupid, you're actually retarded.

>> No.14145345

>Fuck off retard, you had two years
If you know this then surely you know link doesn't need people to buy it for price increase

>> No.14145348
File: 16 KB, 476x244, 1544225295883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we don't need ordinary people, only muh industry leaders!
The same industry leaders that would sell their souls to get more ordinary people to buy their product?

>> No.14145380
File: 598 KB, 598x780, 1362665267311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link doesn't need people to buy it for price increase
good one, anon

>> No.14145381

Link isnt Nano fucko.

>> No.14145394

EVERY PRODUCT EVER needs increased numbers of users and buyers to succeed.

>> No.14145396

And YOU don't need to be gay to be a huge faggot. Fuck off. Even if that's true, there is NO reason to actively try and stop people from buying.

>> No.14145403

>i'm here for the tech

jesus i hope you are larping

>> No.14145417
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1560348664178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you read the rest of my comment about industry versus retail investors. These small fry investors can buy before OR after institutional money comes in. If these small fry investors are redditor soilent males then I would much prefer it is AFTER the price has taken off due to major corps getting in and pushing the price up. If this is hard to argue against then feel free to just call me a retard.
Yes. Doesnt mean retail buyers drive the price.

>> No.14145430

I'm here for the tech and I hope he's larping as well.
Because for the tech is literally about being peer-to-peer. That's what fucking differentiates Chainlink from Oraclize before they turned to Chainlink.

>> No.14145467

Industry interest is derived from grassroots interest.
Like Reddit awaring the people behind AXA Fizzy about Chainlink.

>> No.14145514

Banks are not browsing reddit to determine whether to implement a technology.
You dont know what larp stands for.

>> No.14145515


you literally need an SC developer on staff to make us of it. Any time end users will be interacting with chainlink will be whitelabled you fucking idiot.

it's a b2b product that we're lucky enough to be able to provide data for

>> No.14145546

>Chainlink is a b2b product
It's literally not.
Holy shit anon.

>> No.14145573

>you literally need an SC developer on staff to make us of it. Any time end users will be interacting with chainlink will be whitelabled you fucking idiot.
What in the flying fuck are you talking about?
The whole point was always that anyone could run a Chainlink node.
A year ago they sent emails to everyone from the crowdsale if they were thinking about running nodes, and Sergey then proudly announced 12k respondents said yes.

>> No.14145668

So many faggot nulinkers who don't get it. Nulinkers deserve the rope, been in since ico, notice how this cunt beat the fucking market whilst being fudded to death. You onions cucks need to dilate and have sex.

>> No.14145683
File: 25 KB, 418x475, 1481060908694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a b2b product
Yes anon, the peer-to-peer network specifically designed around SMART CONTRACTS that were invented in 1997 as a way for people to engage in contracts without banks and courts, is a b2b product.

>> No.14145725

And now mainnet is out and Google Cloud just kicked off the global awareness phase.
Get with the times, gramps. That period was fine and dandy, and I'll look back on it fondly; but the ball is rolling.

>> No.14145753

oh yeah alice is going to write a derivatives contract for bob to sign.... kys retard

this is true. nodes are decentralized. that doesn't mean consumers are the end users.

not even a p2p network faggot how new are you? you could maybe build a p2p sporsbetting app with LINk on the backend, but i don't think those usecases are a priority, and even then you'd want to shill the app rather than the architecture it runs on. Same with Fizzy and shit like that.

>> No.14145761

Hey faggot, stop and think, chainlink will succeed via its utilisation. People, ie anyone, using the network will pump the price. Not some insignificant trader cucks. I can't comprehend how your still alive, I guess you live in a country that has a well funded disability sector and its nice that you've been allowed internet access. You need to go back.

>> No.14145853

>let the plebs on reddit buy our bags
jesus christ

>> No.14145887

so much plebs in this thread trying to pump their $100 LINK bags.

Buy more LINK and fuck off.

>> No.14145952

>oh yeah alice is going to write a derivatives contract for bob to sign.... kys retard
Derivatives contract?

>that doesn't mean consumers are the end users.
Yes it does.
Probably the first mainstream smart contract is AXA Fizzy, which refunds CONSUMERS for delayed flights.

>not a p2p network
Yes, it literally is.

>> No.14145973

>People, ie anyone, using the network will pump the price.
So fudding to "regular people" because "muh industry leaders" will boost Link on their own is retarded.

>> No.14146029

No it's not, it's natural selection. Why should I make it easy, you want to attract the right people to join the network. If they believe the low tier FUD they aren't the right people and I'm glad they didn't buy in.

>> No.14146043

>buy our bags
What part about NEVER selling so you not get?

>> No.14146160

>Chainlink has to be speshul for me and my speshul frens

>> No.14146196

desu all you autistic idiots who need link to MOON and think FUD has anything to do with anything, really don't understand link. Good Luck with that.

>> No.14146315

You realize no matter how long you delay the pump SOMEONE is going to get rich off of LINK by buying after you did, right? You cant get rid of nulinkers forever if you ever want to be rich. I would rather Reddit make a couple million off of LINK than JP Morgan.

>> No.14146346

It's not a ponzi. See >>14145345

>> No.14146355

What's cringe, is that you can't understand how great the FUD has served me. Because of the FUD I was able to accumulate a 100k plus stack. I'm in it to win, your just another faggot who doesn't have a clue.

>> No.14146371

See >>14145417

>> No.14146387

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe those who want to continue fudding to "accumulate" more even though they had 2 years are actually nolinkers who want to suppress the price just for the sake of it? They're obviously indecisive in that chainlink can either be a scam or a revolutionary service, so they fud it nonstop because their peanut-sized brains can't comprehend it's functionality all while larping as stinkies

>> No.14146471

>all successful products are ponzis

>> No.14146493

>Because of the FUD I was able to accumulate a 100k plus stack.
Wow, you really don't have much faith in Chainlink, huh?

>> No.14146496

>Probably the first mainstream smart contract is AXA Fizzy, which refunds CONSUMERS for delayed flights.

exactly you doofus. at no point will they even be aware they're interacting with chainlink. I guess it's moot point because normies can't even grasp this shit beyond 'muh google' hype.

>> No.14146530

What? It's unironically the best project in the space

>> No.14146633

Most people don't know they're interacting with TCP/IP, doesn't mean it's b2b.

If you actually believed in Chainlink you wouldn't feel the need to hoard to the point where you mislead others to suppress the price.

>> No.14146709

The opposite, I believed and therefore felt the need to hoard. Do you understand how this works? The more link you have the greater and more complex jobs you can acquire while operating a node. It's literally the token economics.

>> No.14146737

Oh wow great example you retard.
Link does not depend on normie adoption.
Link does not need normies to hold it to use.
Just like Facebook doesn't depend on your mom knowing what TCP/IP is to work.

if you discovered oil somewhere would you go out and tell the world for internet points? Or would you buy all the fucking oil land you could in the area not to push the price up. There's going to be demand for oil whether strangers know about it or not.

>> No.14146769

I don't know where these retards are coming from, but I have my suspicions

>> No.14146796

Sergey wants regular people to run nodes.
You don't.

The conclusion here is obvious.

>> No.14146835

Kek, you fell for the FUD huh. I'd be bitter too if I realised I was a retard. Have sex.

>> No.14146850


>> No.14146856

The people who found link in 2017 and early 2018 are not "regular people". Mentally ill faggots who need their opinions validated through upvotes and popular opinions are not "regular people".

Shut the fuck up you loser you don't even know what you're talking about. There will be no normie retards running their own nodes.

>> No.14146874

>The people who found link in 2017 and early 2018 are not "regular people"
They're private persons, as opposed to b2b parties.

>> No.14146914

What don't you understand about them not being regular people?

>> No.14146924

I'm just really happy this thread is still going.

>> No.14146927

you have to go back
none of the people that depend on your shilling are going to be able to run a node on their own

be thankful you got in. shill it to your loved ones. I fear the day when sergey memes make the front page of reddit.

>> No.14146934

The point made was that Chainlink was b2b.
Sergey wanting private persons to run nodes contradicts that.
Either read the thread or fuck off.

>> No.14146975

What don't you understand about them not being regular people? Get back to pleddit you fucking loser, regular people are too retarded to run their own node, just like you.

fuck niggers
fuck kikes
and fuck npc reddit fags like yourself

>> No.14146980

>"none of the people that depend on your shilling are going to be able to run a node on their own"
t. anon

>"We currently have over 19,000 people that have told us they’d like to be ChainLink Node Operators; even if there is a small conversion rate from this large initial group, we expect that we’ll be able to have a sufficiently large amount of independent node operators to provide a fully decentralized oracle network."
t. Sergey

Time for you to stop posting.

>> No.14146991

See >>14146934

>> No.14147004

Fuck are you an xrp bot?

>> No.14147005

What don't you understand about them not being regular people? You bought this coin like 1 month ago and think you know what you're talking about. Kys

>> No.14147017

"Regular people" referred to private persons, as opposed to businesses.
Whatever point you're trying to make, it's irrelevant to the discussion you just entered.

>> No.14147024

What don't you understand about them not being regular people?

>> No.14147032

Jesus anon.

>> No.14147037

dude your'e a fucking moron

nodes provide data-- this needs to be decentralized. nobody is disputing that.

but there aren't going to be p2p smartcontracts for long long time. you want to shill because you're an impatient faggot that bought post mainnet, likely from a reddit or twitter shill posts. this is why we caution against this, because it brings faggots like you

I stopped accumulating a fucking year ago. I only fud because it's funny and I don't want newfags shitting up the board and piggybakcing on our OC

>> No.14147048

Shut the fuck up you filthy kike. Your existence is irrelevant, your not a regular person, your a retarded nigga. So I guess Sergey wants you to sell.

>> No.14147050

>shilling a scam like this
shame on you

>> No.14147065

No one agrees with you dunning kruger cunt, maybe some self introspection about how retarded you are might help.

>> No.14147079

kys bsv/qnt subhuman shitskin

>> No.14147081

>quoting Sergey means you're an xrp bot

>but there aren't going to be p2p smartcontracts for long long time
Says you.
One of the use cases outlined by Google Cloud yesterday is a p2p smartcontract you can implement right now using mainnet: the bet about the future ETH price.

>No one agrees with you
The pro-fud anons itt don't agree with me no.
Luckily Sergey himself literally does, see >>14146980

>> No.14147118

No he doesn't. What don't you understand about them not being regular people?

>> No.14147124

uh huh
and you think randos are going to be writing those contracts themselves?
fucking redditors?

Just be patient you fucking fag. There's a reason we're still getting reddit threads locked.

>> No.14147134

surprising linkies don't like craig considering you guys just huddle up with each others dicks in your hand all day

>> No.14147139

Give chainlink more room to grow and stay the sole first mover before thousands of competitors want to make their own product on the ideas and implementations of Link
What's the rush?

>> No.14147145

yeah we don't like faggot frauds who have already been outed as a scam and not satoshi
only subhuman shitskins and inbred White retards buy bvs

>> No.14147147

You are insane.
"Regular people" referred to private persons, as a rebuttal against the "Chainlink is b2b" bullshit.

>and you think randos are going to be writing those contracts themselves?
Absolutely not.
Standard and custom contracts will be available through listing services etc.

>> No.14147188

>enjoy your chainlink sandwich, comes with a complimentary side of autism!

>> No.14147192

No you're just a faggot loser. What don't you understand about them not being regular people?

>> No.14147211

enjoy getting scammed by a literal fag, shitskin

>> No.14147237

>What don't you understand about them not being regular people?
What on god's green earth is your point?

>> No.14147291

>assuming I have a position in BSV
lemme get an extra side for you

>> No.14147368

>respects craig
>doesn't own bsv
yeah huh

It's not my fault you're too stupid you don't understand that the people you think will run nodes won't ever be running nodes.

>> No.14147397

>assuming I respect craig when all I did was make a joke
and you call me a shitskin? do you even have blue eyes you puny linky? :^)

>> No.14147408

>the people you think will run nodes won't ever be running nodes.
The people I think will run nodes include private persons.

This is literally what Sergey wants:
"We currently have over 19,000 people that have told us they’d like to be ChainLink Node Operators; even if there is a small conversion rate from this large initial group, we expect that we’ll be able to have a sufficiently large amount of independent node operators to provide a fully decentralized oracle network."
-Sergey Nazarov

>> No.14147421

Make me, fucking faggot

>> No.14147619

I'm going to go with whale killer on this one

>> No.14147698

Mainnet is out and Google Cloud just endorsed Chainlink, it's time for positivity.

>> No.14147742

I've already heard this one
we don't need them