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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1413825 No.1413825 [Reply] [Original]

So let's br honest here.

Whil at work (whatever work it is) how much time do you spend actually diligently working and how much time do you spend wasting time.

Also what do you do to fill up the work time with stuff that is not actual work.


>> No.1413826

2 of the 6 hours in my shift is actual work
I work in a dinner theater where service is 2 hours long. The rest isn't really work cause there isn't any urgency, you can just dick around

>> No.1413828

2 hours a day.. the rest of my time is spent trading memes

>> No.1413839
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1-3 hours of my 40 hour work week is actual work.

I'm a systems administrator at a data center, and as long as nothing is exploding, my free time is my own to do as I please with. I spend it on here, playing video games, reading books, watching shows, and hanging out with my coworkers.

This is pretty much optimal for me. I don't understand people who seek fulfillment though work.

>> No.1413849

During a eight hour workday I usually take maybe 5-10 minutes to respond to a personal text or take a breather. Thats it. Dont have time to fuck around

>> No.1413850

Sounds dope, what are your qualifications?

>> No.1413852
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I don't frequent biz but I am a CDL class A driver. Just started. It's a 7a-3:30pm M-F job, all local stuff. However I'm basically busy the whole shift, I dont even have lunches or breaks. I love driving and it's the perfect job for me at the moment . But basically 9 hours of being completely disconnected with the world is uncanny.

>> No.1413853

During my 8 hour workday (breaks not inlcuded) I work 7:50 hours.
There are sometime people who want to drink a coffee with me and I join them but I don't like it.

I'm german.

>> No.1413859


>> No.1413867

I worked in Germany fora while, these days I work 7hours of my 8 hours. Feels good to be productive. I don't carry my personal cellphone to work.

>> No.1413872

0-5 minutes / month

some fucking shops still don't accept credit cards.

>> No.1413886
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This truck has Ukrainian license plate. And Ukraine never took part in Chechnya war.

>> No.1413890

work in a call center, so it depends on the workload for the day. sometimes ill work 1 hour out of my 8 hour shift, other times its 50/50,etc. the free time is spent trading shitcoins and reading all kinds of business materials

>> No.1414024

I'm sure the people at my employer's data center think it's OK to screw off all day too. They misconfigure software, let it fill up hard drives, and then send us endless automated alerts crying about no space left.

Anyway I'm busy most of the day because we have a lazy data center contractor and a stupid software contractor. When I'm not busy cleaning up after their incompetence, I'm stuck doing work they can't even try to do despite claiming expertise in the field.

>> No.1414155

I don't understand people who seek fulfillment though playing video games, reading, and watching shows.

What is the point of being on this earth if you just want your brain to release pleasure signals. When you die, do you want to leave behind a bunch of meaningless video games, or do you want to affect the world around you before you die?

Meaning is the hardest thing to find in this life. We must seek meaningfulness, to help others, to grow our society, to leave behind a positive legacy.

>> No.1414195

I'm an analyst, usually try and stick to 8 or 9 hour days (12-14 on occasion), basically I check business news a couple times for 10 minutes and that's it outside of lunch.

I've been basically running at capacity for the past 2-3 months, no time for vacation or even a day off. I'm probably going to put in 6 hours today because my next 3 weeks are going to be hell.

>> No.1414200

I'm a freelance journalist. The answer is way the fuck more than I should have to for the same amount of money at another job, but the work is fun and fulfilling so I don't mind it.

>> No.1414266

Intern in the finance industry. 2 out of the 6 hours is average. Just not a whole lot of shit to do right now. But for our office move I was putting in 10hour days and during mass mailings im in for awhile so it evens out?

Some brokers put in 4 hours a day and shoot shit on the phone for most of that time. While collar allows more flexibility.

>> No.1414292

Tell me more about what you do? How to get an jnternship in finance?

>> No.1414294

My last 8hr work day was stressful because people can call or walk in at any time. And the less people the more stress you have.

>> No.1414331

I'm a technical analyst and like >>1414195 says, it's basically dependent on certain goals/quotas you need to meet for a particular week. Sometimes it's laughably easy, other times I can barely manage to squeak in a break so I can work out.

I found out recently that night shift is cheat/easy mode, so I'm trying to get placed into that instead so I can actually do analysis rather than be a call line boy

>> No.1414354

Connections is the only reason I got a foot in the door.

Excel work, mailings, client bdays, anything that needs getting done really. Work is mostly for CA's than FA's.

>> No.1414589

Depends on workload, but it's usually 90%+ of the time on the clock that I'm working. The business is pretty optimised, and I keep my cushy role by actually working at it and not slacking off half the day.

>> No.1415663
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Part-time on-campus technician. 1/4 of my usual 4 hour shift will I spend actually working.

I live here though, so not really enough money to pay for a place just yet

>> No.1415701

55 hours

Might seem like a lot, but I live 2 minutes away from my warehouse and own my business.

>> No.1415734

> le meaning and legacy meme

spoken like a true idiot.

nobody gives a fuck about your "legacy" just enjoy your life and try to make the most for yourself out of it.

what the fuck do you need a legacy and a meaning for, when you arent here anymore?

>> No.1415742
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it doesn't matter.

none of it matters.

>> No.1415744

I didn't even notice the Carl picture until after I posted mine.

Carlmind, kinda.

>> No.1415836

I work 11 hour shifts. Every moment not spent on break is work, barring equipment malfunctions.

>> No.1415842

my work day is from 8am - 5pm. the company gets 3 three hours of productive work from me. I take an hour to two hours lunch. Most of the day I am browsing yahoo finance and commenting on stocktwits. The trick is to appear busy while in at my desk.

>> No.1416202

Probably 2 hours a day.

I'm a financial analyst and when I report to the CFO it always seems like i'm annoying him. I would like to do more, and I feel bad for not working more, but if he's not going to give me work to do then fuck it. I'm not going to bug him about needing more work.

>> No.1416443

This is similar to me. I have regularly scheduled stuff Tuesdays and Wednesdays that require me to work about 9 hours, but M/Th/F I probably work 4 hours a day and spend the rest messing around online, usually with financial junk (like right now). I watch a lot of afternoon baseball and soccer in my office. And every 6 weeks I have to fly to a customer and actually work all week.

>> No.1416879

I work a wagecuck job and usually 3.5 to 4 out of 5 hours are work, the rest is a combination of breaks, extended breaks, feeling guilty about having nothing to do, and slacking.

>> No.1416896

I work 4 days on, 4 days off at around 13 hours a shift. In a busy day, there is 30 minutes worth of work.

>> No.1416900

muh nigga..
network engineer.. same here :D

>> No.1416902

How often is something exploding, and how long does it typically take to deal with the fallout?

>> No.1416921

Work as a massage therapist at a spa.
Usually work 6.5 hour shifts, 30 minute breaks. Depending on how I'm booked I can be working the whole time or have sweet 30 minute gaps where I literally lay on the table and still get paid hourly.

>> No.1416936

Retail inventory.

Typical shift is 6 to 8 hours, minus 30 minute break. Working pretty much continuously.

>> No.1416973

You live in a bus? Is it mobile?

Fuckin' weird. Go find a job that pays you for full-time work, you hippie.

>> No.1416983

I work in IT consulting for a large bank.

My work day is all over the place. I get paid for what I know and what I've learned working in the industry, so some days I work 20 minutes, some days I work 14 hours.

The one thing I wish I didn't have to do is deal with F500 red tape. Getting anything accomplished in a large corporation is like pulling the sword from the stone. I would say that, on average, it adds about 8-10 hours of bullshit hoop-jumping per week to my core work product.

>> No.1417005
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>red tape in IT

FUCK red tape. Let me get this shit done and working for you. Stop wasting all of our time.

A 5 minute retermination of a cat5 cable doesn't need 3 hours of fucking deliberation before it can be done.

>> No.1417008

I'll be on duty for 12 hours tonight. Four of those hours are overtime. I will work about 1 hour as far as actual work. I'm basically a ridiculously overpaid security guard at this point. One who doesn't give a shit as long as this bitch doesn't blow up or burn down.

Also I work for the Federal Government. Thank you for my paycheck.

>> No.1417056


It's a balance between pleasure and meaning, but seeking meaning thru work is overrated as fuck.

You think when Metallica is on stage and they are playing "Master of Puppets" for the 1,000th time they are experiencing meaning in their work?

>> No.1417066
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Ever get freaky with a client?

>> No.1417487
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It was not mobile when I originally found it, it now is. I'm in college and cannot afford housing.

>> No.1417499

40 hours a week in a warehouse. Not understanding where the fuck to get a higher paying, less work job with a resume that shows nothing but manual labor. Don't get how I passed HS with honors and gr8 grades in all AP shit yet can't figure out the enigma of getting a job without related job experience.

>> No.1417501

I work about 2 hours a day when I'm actually working.

I've gotten away with 15-30 minutes in the past, but it eventually gets me negative attention.

I make 100k a year as a sysadmin.

>> No.1417503

Work ~50 hours a week
Actually work ~20
Shit post

>> No.1417504

how hard do you honestly think your job is to do? how long do you think it would take someone to learn?

>> No.1417567

I work 11 hour shifts, and minus the breaks, it's 10 hours of actual work.

>> No.1417581

Same. DevOps here making 80k

>> No.1417605

Thats some fallout looking shit right there. Are you a raider?

>> No.1417613

Not yet, I've seen a glimpse of boobs here and there, and the occasional girl who /really/ likes her glutes worked,

>> No.1417624

We look for a college degree, but to an extent experience in the field is enough.

There are a few routine things every day that take about 15 minutes, but the rest varies. Someone could need a simple physical reboot, which is as easy as walking over and pushing a button, or someone's business could be falling to pieces because their server just shit the bed, and it could take an hour just to get things where they were before. Plenty of times unmanaged clients probably have stuff going wrong with their machines, but since they don't pay us for management it's not my problem.
There are special days where everything is a nightmare, and I'm working for my whole shift.
Like this, but leaning way more towards the less work end of the spectrum

>> No.1417627

No, just sadly a very poor orphan.

>> No.1417632

Manufacturing Business Analyst

In an 7hr day i do about 3 hr of real work. Preping for and giving client meetings. Pulling info and maintaining HSE documents

If i am analyzing a problem. I might do 6-8hrs of real work.

If i am reading aganst a grievance from the union i might do 8 hrs of work.

If it is contract time i am doing 12+hr days.

If we have a fatality.... I am told to prep for 48hrs of hell. I hipe i never jave to go through that.

>> No.1417649

can you give me a job

>> No.1417678

Excel jockey/automation guy here. Some days I work 10 hours, but most of the time I work 2. I get paid salary of about $180k/year so it's cool. I figure I'm like an attorney on retainer for my abilities.

>> No.1417851

I like your bus, anon. I'd live in one if I lived in an area that didn't hit -40C in the winters.

>> No.1417880

A couple hours a month checking up on "passive" investments.

But about 40 hours learning investing, reading business books, etc. Does not effect my income in any way, yet.

100k yr.

>> No.1417887


>> No.1417889


Can you tell us more about working in automation?

Just finished reading couple books("The great Stagnation" and "Average is Over" both by Tyler Cowen) and I was left with the impression that automation is THE place to be.

What kind of education?, typical day, etc.


>> No.1418911

Mainframe programmer for a finance company. Most weeks I work maybe 10 hours of honest work, but I feel like most of the job is being available and knowledgeable. When stuff catches on fire at quitting time you stay late until its fixed and babysitting programs running at 2 in the morning is part of a regular schedule. A lot of my office time is spent looking busy and waiting on emails.

Overall I think it's a good gig, make 80k and have lots of free time for vidya and shitposting.

>> No.1418989
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work two part-time jobs

>scan boxes at a warehouse for 3hours a morning
>weekends work at the harbor handing radios out 20 hours a week

I'm barely scraping by and have nothing saved.

>> No.1419027

you are one of billions of humans to pass over this earth.

you are 1 in 1,000,000,000s

are you aware of the legacy of billions of people? Can anyone at present recall the legacy of billions of people?

you are the eternal anon. forgotten in a sea of other anons

>> No.1419254

I think OP is talking to people with actual jobs. You know, people that actually have a degree and work the system to be lazy?
lol, dinner theater...you may as well work at luby's

>> No.1419337

IT consultant specializing in Salesforce implementations

i run projects and have to bill clients
i average 30-40 billable hours a week and I really only work 10-20

100k / yr

>> No.1420167
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I live in Michigan...

>> No.1420451

I work about 75% of my time, the rest I chill and talk to my co-worker
>am a receptionist/shop clerk at a beer brewery
>if there are no customers i do nothing

>> No.1420483

AYYYYY my nigga. I start my ITSA course in September. Any recommendations or tips?

>> No.1420486

Why does meaning need to come from work? Why can't your meaning come from having a wife and children and raising them properly and them loving you back and respecting you? Family is more important than anything to me

>> No.1420492

For you aswell >>1420483

>> No.1420599

Me too. Best jobs I ever had were ones where I wasn't supposed to be a "real" programmer. Every time I get hired as a developer, the place is drowning in process. Then they wonder why nothing ever gets done. Well, I sat in 6 hours of meetings today, had to get this fix approved by 5 people, the 3rd one sent it back because I capitalized an acronym and again because he didn't like my spacing and again because I uncapitalized the acronym from before, the 4th decided the fix wasn't necessary, then I had to go manually fix the problem the fix would've prevented, then I had to write a timesheet report followed by a report about why the backlog is growing that nobody will read, let alone understand, but eats up more time...

>> No.1420600

this fucking poor faggots working 95% of their day.

I'm a business dev manager, i spend about 4 out of 8 hours working. The rest is browsing memes.

Pays well. Travel a lot.

>> No.1420605

I work 3 hours a day to keep my mind healthy. Mostly driving a private taxi that people contact me through. Im at the stage in life that my investments are making enough money to live off without working at all. I get antsy if im not doing anything productive.

>> No.1420610

I went from a joke do nothing job to a job where shit happens. The time actually moves at the job where I have to work.

>> No.1420614
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>night shift

>> No.1420618


Large companies are cancer.

>> No.1420622


What is your title? I am doing the same shit at a fraction of that.

>> No.1420650

Director - been at the company for 14 years. I started at $44k.

>> No.1420664

looks comfy anon.

>> No.1420681
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It's weird. My last job was at a Japanese company in the states, and I worked every hour of every day and thensome. My first December there was a big fuckup at the plant and I was pulling 18 hour days every day for a month. I hated it. But now I work a 9-5 where I'm dialed in at 1% for way more money and I'm bored to tears. It's like you can't win!

>> No.1420951
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Bout 5 hours from 12 hours

I work as a maintenance guy in a hotel

I'm cleaning a pool for three hours, and two hours is me going to rooms where people have complained "uhh nuu my toilets leaking, uhh nuu, my door can't open"

I just come around to say "it's fucked, can't do nuthin' bout it missus" and let someone else deal with it

The rest of my time I either spend on a shitter reading books, shitposting on 4chan eating or taking loooong smoke breaks

I sure do love me some Lucky Strikes.
(Smoke Lucky Strikes - It's Toasted!)

I also have a room for myself there, toilet's not working but I can't repair it, so I just flush with a bucket

It's just a summer job so whatever happens, happens

>> No.1420972


6 days a week. Shit pay, 11 hr, i browse /biz/ 90% of the time

>> No.1422205

Go on...

Are IT jobs really so fucking chill? I'm applying to a school system that pays 45k a year. I just want enough to live and not do much of shit at work.

>> No.1422210

I get an hour for lunch every day, and then I'd estimate I waste a little over a half an hour spacing out and choosing youtube videos to listen to throughout the day.

>> No.1422211

I have a 9 to 6 job and on average I only tend to work for an hour.
It's actually very depressing, but the pay is great for not actually doing anything.

>> No.1422221

i literally work the entire fucking time. it's pretty brutal desu.

>> No.1422236

Hey I have a degree in networking, how do I get a good job? It's just an AAS, do I need a Bachelors to get anywhere in the corporate world?

>> No.1422245
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I'm a logistics manager
10 hours a day m-f working from the moment I walk in until I leave.

>> No.1422342

lol basically my thoughts thanks for saving me the response

>> No.1422556
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chemical engineering

have a 40 hr work week and work to fill up that time but no one knows what I really do so unless I know something might blow up i just kinda bull shit it

>> No.1422558

that looks like a shithole if I've ever seen one.

and I have, in the oilfield. cool stack though.

>> No.1422560

You're a ballsier man than I am. Thanks for the stalin gif.

>> No.1423986

Marketing Assistant

4-5 hours per day of actual work

The rest is listening to music on youtube vids, and browsing relevant-ish content.

Don't think it would be a good idea to go on 4chan using the work computers desu

>> No.1424126

I used to work for a large corporation so never got to go to shady sites... Now I'm with a small company and can go on motherless with no fear senpai

>> No.1424391

I deliver food

I work about 26 hours a week

I watch anime and play video games for about 20 hours of that time

>> No.1424448

I work about nine hours our of eleven :(

>> No.1425959
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>be working for 54 hours evey week
>go to internet
>pay denpts

>> No.1426423

Of my 12 shift, I get one hour of paid break, and can only stop working when my machine is being maintained (1 hour or so). On a perfect day, I'd be working 11 hours.

>> No.1426444

process improvement engineer in a factory

in an 8hr day probably do 1hr of walking around looking at the assembly lines and 7hrs sat at my desk staring into space