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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14134471 No.14134471 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14134494

I just turned 30. Its sucks man. Do you own Link atleast?

>> No.14134512

29, balding and prepping
'sip a day keeps the roastie away'

>> No.14134555
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I woke up and I'm already 32. I thought I'd be further along by now.

>> No.14134556

40 in a couple months but I bought a lot of link so at least I'll be able to relax soon.

>> No.14134577
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you fuckers arent serious right im 20 no way this board is a bunch of boomers

>> No.14134591
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welcome to 30 something

>> No.14134599

All in BSV

>> No.14134611

31yo boomer here
fuck off zoomer

>> No.14134631
File: 768 KB, 2032x1524, 100_1727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just turned 34 and look like the guy on the left on pic related.

>> No.14134646

Happy birthday anon-kun. How did your year go?

>> No.14134681


29 y.o 12k linket checking in. Wish I bought more

>> No.14134748
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1552566590946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just turned 31 years young end of last month, yuuup, 20s, now THAT was a decade.

>> No.14134751

If you really do look close to the guy on the far left, then I have some advice.
>shave or keep some stubble
>change your hairstyle (go short 4 inches top max and 1 inch on the sides and back of head based on this skull structure
>and get involved with /out/ activities, then you'll be able to make friends and increase the odds of you finding someone
Hope this helps anon, there is true potential here. You could pluck your eyebrows if you wanted to, but I don't think you need to do anything too drastic with them for now.

>> No.14134766


Youre old too lol

>> No.14134772

Turning 29 in November, I can feel the cold bony fingers of Death tightening around me.

>> No.14134786

What do you perceive the problem to be? I'm sure there's things you can do to immediate improve your life.

>> No.14134793

Age isn't what brings people to biz. People who actually know think it's a great source for crypto especially link. Nothing I enjoy more than sitting back with a big scotch, shitposting with the rest of you degenerate faggots

>> No.14134821

I'm nearly 35

>> No.14134824

I’m gonna be 28 next week. Best years of my life wasted. Feels bad man

>> No.14134845

ahhh... the folly of youth... don't worry anon, you'll be 20 forever.

>> No.14134846

34 2 months ago. Get mistaken for 25 all the time. Still feel I'm in my prime. Just lift and own link.

>> No.14134860

How was it wasted? How do I not waste it ?

t. 24 y/o boomer

>> No.14134866
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turning 33 this year and never experienced young puppy love - only worn out skanks and girls not sure where life is supposed to take them. at least i have imaginary internet bux

>> No.14134908
File: 171 KB, 700x647, 1557617129620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your time and advice, anon. To tell the truth I totally lost interest in social interactions (havent seen "friends" in over 5 years) or the way I appear. I havent bought any clothes for years, my shoes have holes in them and I dont even own a smartphone. I just stay inside taking care of my plant collection, gambling on shitcoins and playing the piano. I try to exercise a minimum so I dont die of a heart attack before I turn 40. I'm slowly turning into some kind of crypto-hermit. And I dont really feel the need to change, to be honest I dont know if I feel anything.

>> No.14135050

Same frens

>> No.14135093

Just turned 29 and today my linkies hit $110k. Getting urge to breed my girlfriend soon while all of our parents are still alive to see their grandkids

>> No.14135207
File: 100 KB, 630x315, 2546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm turning 45 this summer. Boys, time runs out on you no matter what.

Bottom line is, nothing is more important that your teeth.

>> No.14135224

I do the same thing in a way, but I just hide in my semi truck and play old RPGs on my retropie. I deleted all my social media and only talk to my dad and one other trucker. I feel pathetic but have become content with it all. I drive when I need to drive and play amazing SNES gems on my freetime. If I make it off crypto I'm planning to buy land and build a solar powered cob house. If I dont, I'll just beat every SNES rpg in existence and then move on to the Switch. There is nothing wrong with being comfortable, although I think relationships with people are important. Thinking about starting to exercise too, I think that will be a good way to feel more confident. Hope you have a good birthday and remember, when life no longer has the ability to make you suffer, that is when you will know enlightenment.

>> No.14135233

On a more serious note, have sex for once

>> No.14135246


>> No.14135373

>tfw 18 year old zoomer with a 10k zoomfolio

>> No.14135423

He'll make it but get cocky and lose it on a future investment. He's got that vibe. He won't have any skills and be completely broke forcing him to move in with his parents at age 30. Karma is real.