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14134540 No.14134540 [Reply] [Original]

The noose tightens around CSW's neck.
He, being the narcissist that he is, believed he could finesse the courts, beat down opponents by litigating them to bankruptcy, and use that to finally steal Satoshi's mantle, after his attempt to prove it by crypto has all been shown a fraud.
He thought he was so much smarter than everyone that he could pull it off, even deceiving the judges and lawyers. After all, he's been doing so for years. But he's been painting himself into a corner all this time, and that corner now looks awfully small.
At every turn, he now bumps into his own past claims, like navigating a maze of mirrors. The problem is that in the past he always had time to come up with some new explanation, some new lie. Plenty of time.

One can navigate the maze of mirrors if one walks.

But now he is out of time, increasingly frantic and desperate to find the way out. But he's not even sure there is a way out this time. He's searching, grabbing for new lies that would explain it, but he keeps bumping into his own reflection, his own past claims.
Now he's jogging through the mirrors with his hands held out, looking in all directions, trying to remember where he was, and afraid of what it will mean if he's forced to run in here. If he's forced to come up with new lies in real time on the stand or being questioned directly by the judge, with his every word being indelibly recorded, and massive legal and financial consequences if he slips...

Just the thought of this and his face is suddenly clammy, sweat dripping in his eyes.

>> No.14134548

"Good morning, Satoshi!"
His secretary hands him the coffee he asked for and greets him with the greeting he demands that all Nchain employees use with him.
"Th... Thanks..." He replies weakly, still lost in thought, now thinking of orange jumpsuits and prison toilets.

At least for a time he had this group believing he was Satoshi. For a time he had BSV and all the greater fools that backed him and believed he was that genius Satoshi.
BSV, he realizes, will die without him, its entire reason to exist underpinned on his claim to be Satoshi. Calvin will hate him for spending literally a hundred million dollars of his money with nothing to show. No more 'hookers and blow' Fridays with Ryan X Charles either.
He pulls at his collar, it's getting tight in here...

>> No.14134571
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imagine being such a bagholder that you go to court trying to save you bags

>> No.14134578
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Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker

>> No.14134621

Trying to use the legal system to hijack cryptocurrency is honestly the gayest shit ever

>> No.14134712
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"If only there was more time!" He cries plaintively. "Surely paying 4 rupees per shill post instead will shift the course of the future"

>> No.14134805 [DELETED] 

Who would have guessed? They a Californian gay activist & lawyer as a CEO who is not even a techie, and their "chief scientist" is bogus and has been called out for incompetence by actual crypto devs lots of times. This is absolutely ridiculous for a crypto startup. Literally Bitconnect SV.

>> No.14134840 [DELETED] 

Who would have guessed? They have Californian gay activist & lawyer as a CEO who is not even a techie, and their "chief scientist" is bogus and has been called out for incompetence by actual crypto devs lots of times. This is absolutely ridiculous for a crypto startup. Literally Bitconnect SV.

>> No.14134862

He was able to finesse the court systems of cuck countries. He seriously underestimates the US government's ability to fuck him over.

>> No.14135318
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What will be the excuse when the "Tulip trust" matures (January 2020) but nothing happens, no dump, not even coins moved?

How will the followers react?

>> No.14135371

BSV is going to zero, but he probably cashed out all he could anyways. The small investors will get rektd, as always

>> No.14135399
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>> No.14135849

The followers will do the same thing they have always done:
Believe whatever excuse Creg comes up with.
They will continue to be delusional until the last BSV mining farm 'temporarily' shuts down. Believing their coins are frozen safely on chain until the day Creg promised to return from heaven on a white horse, they clutch a 10terrabyte hard drive containing the BSV blockchain to their chest as they curl up in the fetal position on a mountainside and drift into eternal sleep.
Eternal delusion.
Eternally confidence tricked.

>> No.14136303

BSV will dump on around June 18

>> No.14136404


>> No.14136528
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You cant beat someone with 17 degrees and 200+ iq.
corecucks will get BTFO so hard

>> No.14136608

i'll be really surprised if Craig doesn't get shot for this.
some insiders I know are pissed, but I can't talk much more about it on clearnet.
you can buy degrees.

>> No.14136750
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Why would OG Bitcoin whales be pissed... Assuming they didn't dump their fork coins they have just as much bsv as their fat stacks, if anything they should be grateful that someone is actually trying to save bitcoin and have it become adopted by the world, that would pump their OG stacks.
in my opinion crypto really needed Craig to show up, you really think 1mb blocks, lightning, and segwit would increase mainstream adoption? I dont get it he's just restoring the original bitcoin tenets..
Forget Craig for a moment, are you really not in favor of BSV's implementation of BTC? ETH could of been built ontoo of btc.. Imagine what could of happened if all that ETH hype went to BTC.

>> No.14136773

BCH did it first.
BSV is a copy of a copy. Nobody cares about forked coins anymore, most of them are just here to steal your wallet.

>> No.14136848
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But Craig and nChain originally supported BCH and it started gaining a lot of cred, until BCH shot themselves in the foot by adding a bunch of non bitcoin shit into the code... Which forced the bsv crowd to have to start their own PURE BTC.

Are you guys really in favor of the segwit LN protocol? Do you think it is beneficial to bitcoin and the idea of it ?

>> No.14136905
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Hey, boomer tards, things change with time. Try to keep or go cry somewhere else. People want gambling instruments then that is what they'll create. Don't like it? Stiff. Welcome to law and tell craig to enjoy prison poverty, faggots

>> No.14136987
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I know! Were making so much progress! I'm so happy I can finally be gay in public with my transgender girlfriend (xe identifies as female / polykin) I mean it is 2019. Cant wait to see what 2020 holds in store for us :) hopefully we can print BTC paper currency so we can save electricity and fight global warming! #notmysatoshi! #resist

>> No.14137118


>> No.14137200

Pretty good English for someone who shits where they walk

>> No.14137481

Nobody reads what you clowns have to say dipshit

>> No.14137731

It probably doesn't matter much to "OG Bitcoin Whales", because they don't matter much. It matters to those who are 3 - 10 levels above them.

It matters to wall street, regulators, companies like Fidelity that have $1T under management. Hedge funds, etc. The whole nexus of legal / finance / power brokers.

The veracity of CSW tale no longer even matters. The time for "satoshi" to come out of the shadows has passed...that was only possible to happen in the very early years.

The story has now been scripted that "bitcoin" is going to be the test balloon for this new form of cryptocurrency regulatory framework. It has been given the very tentative nod to attend the dance....no one absolutely no one wants a retarded aussie and his sleazeball money laundering buddy who lives on an island to fuck that up.

This is what tone-deaf nChain and BSV rubes can't understand. Its over. You are a ugly fat bitch and no one wants you at the dance. Period. Disappear fat whore. The more you press the issue the worse it will be for you. The adversaries you now have are not even the adversaries you imagine you have...you are deeply out of your league and the counteroffer to "disappear fat whore" is "total destruction".

>> No.14137837
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It threatens Jewish central banking power. That's why they are so mad and fight him like their lives depends on it - because it probaby does to some extent.

>> No.14137861

Recommend you read thecaseforbsv.com OP

>> No.14138100

You can't spend segwit coins. Yes it looks like spendable by all to old nodes, but new nodes would just reject these blocks. Typical Craig's technobabble.

>> No.14138153

when the fuck is this court case ending getting bored of this shit now

kjust put him in prison already

>> No.14138510

this guy's face is proof that if your wealth is gained by way of dishonest decietful piece of shit methods; the universe will punish you and you will never fully rest

>> No.14138527

The just world is a fallacy friend.
Do you think Calvin Ayre made his money honestly?