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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14124600 No.14124600 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, wtf. So i've been talking to this girl, her and her boyfriend were going though a break. We played games together at night, I bought her a few things. Now she ignores me for a week then tells me her and her loser bf are getting back together. I've got a little money, I make more than her shit bf will in a lifetime and told her she's making a mistake picking him over me. How can I convince her shes making a mistake? I can literally give her anything she wants. Why are women so fucking stupid?!

>> No.14124617

Beta buxx, Chad fucks

>> No.14124621

show her your link stack

>> No.14124622
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Stop trying to win girls over with money. You will only ever win an act, and the glimpses you get behind the curtain will ruin you. Find a girl who is really ugly and she might think you are attractive enough to treat you well.

>> No.14124623
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There's nothing you can do. Move on

>> No.14124631
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Business and finance

>> No.14124632

rape her. It's the only way to make her understand. Tell her sorry after but make sure to go rough and hard on her asshole.

>> No.14124641

> her and her loser bf are getting back together.
Found your mistake: apparently you’re the beta and he’s the chad

Its always the same story, the beta’s thinking of the “unpleasant assholes” that they we’re loosers.
Well apparently he gets laid and you not. Should make you think FAGGOT.

>> No.14124647

You were on the back burner anon in case things didn't work out. Remember you're never Mr. Right only Mr. Right Now. Just move on and never put pussy on a pedestal.

>> No.14124653

> We played games together at night, I bought her a few things.
You’re already in the friendzone. ZERO attraction. Just end it with her and end yourself as well , you’re hopeless.

>> No.14124691

Nope, he was the "safe friend" she wanted to play games with and never saw as a risk of being a sexual partner to help take her mind off things while she was in no shape to consider pursuing a new relationship.

>> No.14124754

you lost the moment you played vidya games when she was over your house. + you bought her things ?

Don't worry anon, after her market value drops significantly and she has the 1000 cock stare, she'll come to you.

>> No.14124782

top tier beta

>> No.14124820

You suffer from oneitis and are drawn to the challenge of "winning" this particular girl away from some guy. Be the best version of yourself you can be and you will attract women instead of chasing them. Be busy and occupy your time. A woman should beg to distract you from the important things you have going on in your life.

>> No.14124828

OP just found out he's the beta.

>> No.14124850

No dude, you’re the safe friend that she tells these things to

>> No.14124877

Seriously lmao
Bitches don't tell the niggas they are fucking these types of things. Probably told him that to keep him in her orbit.

>> No.14125022

Because she can probably read you like a book that you think you're a great guy but the moment she doesn't respond to you buying her things with sexual attraction, you go full autist cringe. The fact that you made this thread to complain about women shows this, and you aren't good at hiding it IRL.

Many guys are like this OP, but the ones that actually have sex are the ones sociable enough to conceal their intentions and don't sperg out over everything.

>> No.14125039
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>talking to this girl
never gonna make it

>buisness and finance
go to r9k you weed

>> No.14125185

>How can I convince her shes making a mistake?

Women are dumb and make bad decisions. Maybe someone can tell you how to use NLP and hypnosis to win her over.

I don't know how to do any of that shit though. I would just tell her the door is open.

Don't limit yourself though. She's probably just going to keep doing dumb stuff. I've seen plenty of women throw away their best years on nonsense and come out worse for it.

Start pursuing other women. You can't wait for someone who decided to date another person.

Also, do have any major character flaws?

Do you shop lift? Do you get into fights in public? Do people call you selfish? Do get into arguments with waiters a lot?

I've seen rich guys who have anti social tendencies and then they wonder why people don't like them. It's because even if you have money you still can't go around acting like an ass all day.

If any of that applies to you then stop it. If it doesn't then she's just another goofy woman making bad choices.

>> No.14125559

Keep giving money until you're broke, and then you'll have a rude awakening

>> No.14125741

she was obviously using you to either try to get over her ex or to make him jealous. then you go and buy her shit? learn from this experience senpai

>> No.14125797

>We played games together at night, I bought her a few things.
>Thinks she should date him because of this
You are the literal definition of a beta

>> No.14125818

>Why are women so fucking stupid?!

Actually you're the stupid one because you don't understand how women think and act.

>> No.14126013

>playing games (video games?)
If so she probably lost all respect for you right there. Why would she want some manchild soi to stick his dick in her?

>> No.14126110

>We played games together at night
>I bought her a few things.

beta cuck who will never make it in life

>> No.14126406

they are laughing about it right now, she's showing him photo's of you and he's encouraging her to keep leading you on.

>> No.14126508

Being this stupid and posting on /biz/

>> No.14126521

Wait a minute. All these triggered responses. Damn OP baited us good boys.

>> No.14126533

instead of just thinking shes stupid, coming to us, and being nice to her, realize you are stupid, go to her, and let her know you think shes stupid. from there its her loss

>> No.14126582

This guy is right. You fucked up, go and find another girl and make it clear from the begining that you mean it in a romantic way.

>> No.14126598

bro, quit being a beta and realize women will walk all over you given the chance

>> No.14126870
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This has to be bait..
Have sex

>> No.14126900



>> No.14127084

Mfw ur tryna win a girl over. Wtf is the beta cuck shit.
Be an alpha and the girls will be the ones fighting to win you over.
Either they pay to suck dick or they get gtfo and get free dick from the hobo down the block.
If they want alpha chad they need to work for it and prove their diligence and consistency. Otherwise im good.
Neva eva eva tryna win a girl over. Mata fact if she talk about others i always insist to her that she should choose them not me.

>> No.14127279

Best case you were back burner contingency plan, worst case you were only filling her attention void. Not only do none of them deserve the pedestal, they'll be disgusted by you if you put them on one.

>> No.14127374

Pay for shit, but, don't ever buy them shit. Make that a rare fucking occasion, and only after you're fucking. If you buy a girl gifts before you're banging, she's going to lose interest. You're making it too easy, and thereby sending her the primal mating signal that she can do better, which will subconsciously render her unattracted to you. She'll end up telling her friends "I don't know what it is, he's really nice, and perfect on paper, but I'm just not attracted. I don't know why."

>> No.14127392

Man guys like you are really pathetic especially going for another mans girl thinking you are benevolent. Off yourself cuck.

>> No.14127556

>I bought her a few things

I have literally never bought anything for a woman who I wasn't already fucking on demand.

Go work out and spend more time outdoors.

>> No.14127664
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>Why won't she pick me /biz/ WHY! I am such a good guy.

How does it feel like being a little bitch and needing attention from women?

Disgusting pussyslave.

>> No.14127714


>Business and Finance