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File: 64 KB, 751x437, 2019-06-13_0912[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14121496 No.14121496 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14121510
File: 51 KB, 1172x520, 2019-06-13_0914[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but aussie man BAD!!!

>> No.14121513

>provided the public addresses

Kek. If nothing else atleast this guy is an epic troller.

>> No.14121527



>> No.14121534
File: 92 KB, 732x734, 3BB989C4-5D47-4B91-A23E-413C82AFE20F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over Craig wins

>> No.14121536
File: 52 KB, 557x520, 1533984716528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean satoshi is a homosexual?

>> No.14121546
File: 127 KB, 766x714, 7BB908AE-7BE9-403E-8FE1-3CCF21CE6D33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi is female bigot

>> No.14121549

>'dr' wright provides the public addresses that mined the first 70 blocks

>> No.14121572

Nice source, faggot.

Get a life, and maybe have sex also, Idk

>> No.14121587

Lmao people actually support this con artist.
Really think about that for a sec

>> No.14121593
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>> No.14121594

Wow, a scam has surely never risen in price before.

Just bought 1000

>> No.14121605
File: 2.55 MB, 2140x1676, 8A55B3EF-B387-4EFC-BCCC-A0F0A86C2629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and stiffed pilled

>> No.14121607

Why the fuck do people buy into news like
>some dude looked up the addresses that mined the first 70 bitcoin blocks in the public immutable blockchain
I really don't get it

>> No.14121618
File: 154 KB, 1440x554, Screenshot_20190613-032815_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tulip Trust II

oh fuck

>> No.14121700



>> No.14121728

Asserts != Confirms

>> No.14121764


How much longer will Creg's handlers be able to shit out these manufactured pumps before everyone figures out what's actually happening?

>> No.14121839


>> No.14121841
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Official court documents LOL



>> No.14121849
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>I really don't get it
Cause you are a retard. It's incurable, sorry. Have a nice life.

>> No.14121858
File: 211 KB, 645x960, 1550001284605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will core cucks FOMO in to the 4th industrial revolution of a globally scaling BitCoin? At 1k? At 10k? Never?

Stay poor

>> No.14121869

some will jump off bridges because they cant handle the cognitive dissonance. others will break and buy in in the 4-5 figure range. its gonna be beautiful.

>> No.14121929

I don't have a dog in this fight, and in fact I don't like Bitcoin since it's a fragmented mess.
For all I care BSV is technically the closest to how actual Satoshi would've run it if he hadn't disappeared.

But Creg is a fraud. And it's clear as fucking day.

>> No.14121937

99 percent of humanity will just refuse to let bsv make them gay. The aids will kill off bsv owners

>> No.14121950



>> No.14121957
File: 70 KB, 720x904, 1556656204174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where you are wrong kiddo


DYOR - or go that link because some based autismo did it all for you

>> No.14121962

I know about that link, and it's all bunk.

>> No.14121979
File: 70 KB, 629x765, 802eec07e2683c491b6fcc16e3d57af6b69704f0679987166bb2278f82171a70.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait there are TWo tulips trusts?
Or is that just the name?
Crasig aside someone pls answer.

>> No.14121982
File: 103 KB, 640x845, 1551454055162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed room temperature IQ

>> No.14122000

Bro, the first thing that link shows is creg testifying that he mined the first 70 blocks "under penalty of perjury", as if that means a god damn thing.
And by giving the fucking public addresses, which is the same as showing a pic of a house to prove that you own it.
Absolutely meaningless.

>> No.14122020

>i refuse to accept facts because craig is an asshole and satoshi was a nice man!

>> No.14122032
File: 37 KB, 398x376, DEA7AAFB-78B5-4FB4-9EC8-28C97DD514D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are buying another “public addresses” news
the IQ level of the investors on crypto space never stops to surprise me

>> No.14122034

It's not about him being an asshole at all.

>> No.14122036

If she just took another picture after removing her makeup noone would give a shit.

>> No.14122046


>> No.14122072

they are public addresses though. PUBLIC. anyone can see those. I could go look them up right now on any explorer if I felt like it. that doesnt mean a god damn thing. Only private keys matter.

>> No.14122093

This. Its literally nothing. Creg Satoj provided public information literally anyone can get in 5 minutes.

>> No.14122115

This. BSV is technically superior on all levels, as are most other coins. It still doesnt matter because this fight was over as soon as he gave up the name Bitcoin.

Also creg satoj is a huge fraud.

>> No.14122122

Do it.
I bet you can't. Brainlet

>> No.14122130

Everybody knows, but bsvtards are cult believers and they are preparing for a Jonestown mass suicide
Imagine when they realize that tulip trust is just a bullshit

>> No.14122131
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>> No.14122133

>muh its all about the name
>CSW has copyright for the name
um sweetie...

>> No.14122139
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>> No.14122155
File: 7 KB, 250x206, B0B2EC39-3210-433D-ACAD-58BB9B8BAAC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s called PUBLIC address for a reason
bsvtards are fucking cringe

>> No.14122163

address from block 1 of bitcoin

address from block 2 of bitcoin

address from block 3 of bitcoin

I could keep going forever but you get the point and are also retarded.

>> No.14122171


You can literally browse public addresses ordered by their value.

>> No.14122176

When he is able to enforce it in a court of law then I will change my tune. No joke that would actually make me buy a fat stack of BSV immediately. But until then its just a lot of hot air.

>> No.14122185

Holy shit you're satoshi

>> No.14122190
File: 67 KB, 1500x368, 1559935848135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CSW has copyright for the name
Yeah, him and someone called Liu Wei.

ANYONE can file for copyright registration, the patent office accepts literally everyone willing to say "I am Satoshi" and pay a nominal filing fee.

>> No.14122191
File: 1.74 MB, 910x898, f90968ca1cdd7eda1e05c29b61478446c89e3b5d78c4c182b14254c0ed955abe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me kek really hard. not sure why.

>> No.14122233

also do you BSV niggers really not even know how blockchain works? Do you actually believe providing addresses proves anything? If so why havent you bothered to look up how blockchain works yet? Its not really that complicated.

>> No.14122257

>he doesnt get it
lol lets all laugh at this retard

>> No.14122263

Yeah he’s 100% retarded and hopeless.

>> No.14122278

Recommend you read the caseforbsv.com anon

>> No.14122291

Alright OP I was on the fence, but this settles it. I guess CSW really is Satoj. Time to buy 100k.

>> No.14122315

Creg Sanjay is like a fucking little kid in the back of a car screaming
"are we there yet?are we there yet?are we there yet?are we there yet?are we there yet?are we there yet?"
He's nothing more than an attention psychopath with third rate coding abilities who's trying to steal someone else's work.
>Press S to spit on his credibility

>> No.14122331
File: 1.42 MB, 271x336, 1505136528129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he provided addresses he has access to if you can read the actual court documents
y-you actually think he just passed them a piece of paper with a list of addresses copied from a chain explorer?
in a court of law where he might go to jail?
>explaining that he did not have public addresses for bitcoin that was mined after those blocks because that information is held in a blind trust.

>> No.14122350
File: 2.11 MB, 1600x1000, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tulip II

>> No.14122356

>he has access to

>you actually think he just passed them a piece of paper with a list of addresses copied from a chain explorer?
Literally yes.
You can submit anything you want in your trial briefs.

>> No.14122421


>public addresses

How dumb are boomer judges that he says he can prove mining those blocks by providing the public addresses, and then the judges believe he has done it. Wtf

>> No.14122422

well it's obvious, it's implied he owns them
he provided the first 70 according to the court docs but can't provide any after that? why?
i can get them from the explorer, but he can't?
use your brain anon and think what is written and implied in the words

>> No.14122428

>he provided the first 70 according to the court docs but can't provide any after that? why?
>i can get them from the explorer, but he can't?
What the fuck are you even babbling about.

>> No.14122436
File: 73 KB, 710x298, 2019-06-13_1116[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has a single one of you retards even bothered to read the court documents? lmao corecucks will never learn

>> No.14122439

never mind, you're too low iq i cant explain it in simpler terms.

>> No.14122443

Personally, I'm waiting for the Tulip turst III

>> No.14122445

Who the fuck says he can't "provide" any public addresses past block 70?

>> No.14122451

>sworn declaration
>sworn declaration of authenticity
>swore to their authenticity
Big yikes from me.

>> No.14122463
File: 104 KB, 929x781, d5sd5test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14122467

>trust formation documents
>documents reflecting the use of bitcoin rights from the trust to suppport research and development by his Australian entities
its like you faggots want to get rekt on purpose hahahahha

>> No.14122493

can we take a moment to appreciate BSV has been going against the trend for about 3 months now, both up and down
there's at least one fag out there who's been swinging BTC/BSV back and forth and made millions out of it
memes aside we all know it's a scam, but what a profitable scam for anyone with balls big enough to be willing to hold BSV

>> No.14122498

All of which he "swore" were authentic.

So he himself is making that claim.
Got it.

>> No.14122505

You fuckers that argue against him understand that all your anti-craig “evidence” is hear-say, wishful interpretation as well as largely “aussie man bad” crying WHERE on the other hand the shit that points indirectly towards him is more than solid? Literally we need Hitler back to gas all these sub-IQ humans.

>> No.14122510

>bitcoin streetshitter version

>> No.14122511

>the shit that points indirectly towards him is more than solid?
You mean the public addresses and swearing under oath?
Because he has zero actual proof.

>> No.14122514


Only his heart rate, pulse frequency, finger print and anal crease topographical information suffices to prove csw is satoshi.

Fuck this private key mumbo jumbo, you faggots are not demanding enough. You know he can could theoretically have a quantum computer and be faking, right?

I want to literally taste his blood on my tongue to verify the blood type and pH level to retroactively deduce what he ate in December 2008 and cross reference that to SN posts to infer identity.


>> No.14122520

Start with gassing yourself, pajeet.

>> No.14122543

Its not a scam, they have a real vision and thats not only in the name. With bsv you have no more bullshit addresses like 1jdjsiJdkHdjk.....but can use real domain names like xxx@xxx.com. On top of that BSV scales into the Gigabyte realm so that you can store business documents on the blockchain. A second layer on BSV , the Metanet, makes effectivly all lf Ethereum OBSOLETE as it has smart contracts and tokenized assets all on ONE BLOCKCHAIN that can scale and is fast. How the hell do you think is this a scam when there are literally dozens of people involved, working fulltime on it, many with incredible reputations as well as Billionaires like Ayre legitly backing it? You must be fucking BREAINDEAD AND DEMENTED to think that BSV is a scam. Really jump in front of a train and exit the genepool now you worthless disgrace.

>> No.14122553

muh Public Addresses
> P U B L I C . addresses
go get fucked

>> No.14122556
File: 68 KB, 400x243, 8D25BB99-31AC-4957-A8E4-565CABBCF32D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14122561

and you're another argument for stricter birth control.

>> No.14122562

None of what you said has anything to do with creg lying about being Satoshi.

>> No.14122567

>muh coin is better and faster than BTC or ETH!!

t. dozens of BTC/ETH killers.
Get in line.

>> No.14122739

and by then it's too late, and you just bought BSV for 3000+...

why dont you non-bsv brainlets understand this???

>> No.14122764

balls and brains

>> No.14122776

He knew for certain he did the first 70 then he had other people mining and he doesn't know which ones he did and didn't mine.

>> No.14122794

Satoj sirs please bring rupee and luck sirs satoj please

>> No.14122820
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>> No.14122825

Anon I... I have 21

I will make it

Satoj is back

>> No.14122863

You can compete but using the name Bitcoin is illegal ..soon

At least liecoin doesn't claim it's bitcoin

>> No.14122869

>using the name Bitcoin is illegal
It's literally not.

>> No.14123852

Not yet.

Welcome to law.

>> No.14123880

He'd have to actually prove to experts that he's Satoshi though.
Swearing under oath isn't going to cut it.

>> No.14123887

Anyine can show the public adress. If you fell for this you are a normie. What happened to this board?

>> No.14123914

>What happened to this board?
relentless paid shilling

>> No.14123949

Thecaseforbsv.com . Even the faggot that wrote up that large ass shit lays it out there for you in very simple terms how FUCKED you are as a btc holder if craig gets confirmed

>> No.14123959

>f craig gets confirmed
see >>14123880

>> No.14123963
File: 91 KB, 1500x1000, 1559821174074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically BSV supporters are not paid.
Blockstream has long track record of narratives of corruption and other shill activities.

>> No.14123967

Anyone with more than two days worth of crypto exposure has to be paid to unironically claim creg is Satoshi.

>> No.14123981
File: 109 KB, 1200x677, 1559841895126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since 2011.
BSV = original vision for Bitcoin.

>> No.14123983

>BSV = original vision for Bitcoin.
That has nothing to do with creg lying about being Satoshi.

>> No.14123996
File: 800 KB, 493x939, schizogreg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all agree Greg is pathological liar.
Pls educate yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/74se80/wikipedia_admins_gregory_maxwell_of_blockstream/

>> No.14124001

Serious question, did he just find the public addresses of mined blocks? I went on a blockc explorer and pulled the public addresses of the 71-75th mined blocks:


Is that all he did?

>> No.14124004

>Is that all he did?

>> No.14124007

Hardly gonna submit a document with the private keys now is he?

>> No.14124031

How did a court not throw that out? Half (maybe a quarter) of this board could have done that in 2 minutes

>> No.14124039

you literally own those now

>> No.14124044

The case isn't about him being Satoshi or not.
This is about a bunch of bitcoin mined in the early days.
In fact, the opposing side (Kleiman) might even claim creg is Satoshi if they think it can help their case against him.

>> No.14124048

sigh. I mean its literally in the court documents I posted. >>14122436

>> No.14124051

>its literally in the court documents
What is?

>> No.14124087

Creg "swore" that his documents were authentic, instead of providing a signed message, we just have to just believe (unlike the way bitcoin works). He is literally trying to double spend Satoshi Nakamotos good name in real life, but hasn't figured out how to do it on the blockchain yet, so he is trying to get the courts to do so

>> No.14124092


>> No.14124099

>The case isn't about him being Satoshi or not.
>swears he mined the genesis block
And how is this not implied?

>> No.14124150

Because this court case isn't about him being Satoshi, he can "swear under oath" that he is Satoshi without any pushback from either his opponent or the court itself.
People like you who are unaware may end up being fooled in the process.

>> No.14124191

He listed the first 70 as he knew he definitely mined those. He's not sure about after that because he got other people involved and had his block rewards go to a blind trust.

>> No.14124197

>He listed the first 70 as he knew he definitely mined those
But anyone can list them.

>> No.14124201

>CSW can commit perjury by providing forged documents
>its not about him being satoshi nakamoto
just another day in opposite land

>> No.14124207

Can't wait for Tulip Trust III: Revenge of the big block

>> No.14124221

The court case isn't about him being Satoshi or not, so neither his opponent nor the court itself has any real reason to verify his ownership.

>> No.14124246

>Because this court case isn't about him being Satoshi...
You are right, it's about him owning the private keys to a bunch of addresses Satoshi would also have. Either way, ZERO proof was given, and ZERO will be given (ie a signed message) because he doesn't have them. Anything I am missing? There is no other way to prove you have keys without a signed message, that is literally how bitcoin works.

>> No.14124257



>> No.14124259

>ZERO proof was given, and ZERO will be given
Because Creg is only submitting shit that will receive no pushback from his opponent or the court.

>> No.14124301

heres whats gonna happen. CSW is gonna provide more and more indirect proof in court that hes indeed the big man. every time he drops a hint, the price will pump. everytime the price pumps, corecucks will say it doesnt matter because [reason]. eventually, he will dump his BTC holdings, enforce his copyright and sign the genesis block. corecucks will either kill themselves or jump ship and pretend they were always on the BSV train. all BSV holders will live happily ever after. BSV is literally an IQ test and most of you fags are failing terribly at it.

>> No.14124326

Why didn't he simply prove he's Satoshi years ago?

>> No.14124330

So signing a message would mean his opponents could take his bitcoin?

>> No.14124375
File: 162 KB, 914x1088, dave kleiman craig wright tulip trust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Bitcoin relevant to this case is the Bitcoin held in the trust with Dave Kleiman (which expired in 2014, see pic).

Those 70 first blocks are not part of that, so they are irrelevant to the case, and Creg is simply bringing them up to fool the outside world.

>> No.14124376
File: 306 KB, 521x373, 1559210099970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sure does smell like curry and unwiped ass

>> No.14124459

Are you actually defending this? I don’t even have a stake here (all in LINK baby) but this guy is CLEARLY a psychopath. I’d bet he’s fraudulent as fuck and he clearly does not have the personality required to have created something such as the original bitcoin - he’s an egoist who cares about making money exclusively. He is basically the opposite of the persona.

That aside, even if he did create it, he’s a total shitbag of a human who deserves to die. Why support him?

>> No.14124476

Doesn't matter. He was asked which ones he had, he responded with those and that the rest are too difficult to determine. This case isn't about whether or not he is satoshi, it is about whether or not dave's cunt of a brother gets 1/3 of the first million odd bitcoin mined.
He can't submit all the addresses without him perhaps making a mistake (perjury) so he submits the ones he definitely knows he mined. The fact he was mining those first bitcoin is basically a given in this case.

>> No.14124492

(((Craig Wright))) is definitely not a government shill.

Buy BSV goys

>> No.14124497

>Doesn't matter.
Why did he even bring up those 70 blocks then?

>he was mining those first bitcoin

>> No.14124512

Because he was asked to. It is relevant to his case in that him showing he started mining solo is better for him having invented it on his own.

>> No.14124525

But those 70 blocks aren't relevant to the trust, and thus the case.

Also, source that he mined them?

>> No.14124616

If there's a simple way to do something, and a noisy way to do something-- and you still choose the noisy way, you're probably lying.

Sign a fucking transaction and be done with it. Until then, he's like a lying bitch who won't show you here text messages.


>> No.14124619

read the documents you belligerent nigger idiot

>> No.14124628

But the documents only show Craig claiming he mined those 70 blocks.
And since they're irrelevant to the case, he's not going to be asked to prove it.

>> No.14124657

the document shows how, when, and under what addresses craig mined the first 70 blocks, you belligerent nigger idiot.

When Satoshi Death Squads come door to door to disappear any and all who have slandered the Great Lord Craig's name, I will be there, as the last thing you see before it all goes black, forever

>> No.14124667

That's the second time you've said belligerent nigger idiot. You must be one. LOL Fag

>> No.14124683

the court literally ordered him to provide these documents, how is that irrelevant to the case you absolute mong. and even if it was irrelevant it would still not give him carte blanche to commit perjury by providing forged documents.
ask him? maybe he wanted to avoid this exact situation. a bunch of NPCs and dunning kruger retards calling smearing his reputation because they cant think for themselves. thats just a guess though.

>> No.14124711

Can a BSV fag explain to me what this means?

“Defendant filed a motion on April 19, 2019, explaining that he could provide the public addresses for the first 70 blocks -- and provided those addresses”

To a normal sane human being, that means he said "I can tell you the addresses that mined the first 70 blocks. It's XYZ". That does not mean he displayed ownership or even control of these addresses. Anyone here can provide you those addresses as well.

>> No.14124725

>the document shows how, when, and under what addresses craig mined the first 70 blocks
Yes, he provided the public addresses.
Which anyone can do, and which proves absolutely nothing.

>the court literally ordered him to provide these documents, how is that irrelevant to the case
Because the case is about the bitcoin in the trust, and those 70 blocks aren't in there.

>maybe he wanted to avoid this exact situation
He created this situation by claiming he's Satoshi but not proving it.

>> No.14124729

Nice rebuttal, you belligerent nigger idiot.

>> No.14124752

Lol that's the 3rd time you fag

>> No.14124819
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>> No.14124866

>muh BSV is an IQ Test
from the mouths of thots and thieves, comes inadvertently the odd honest word

>> No.14125000


Just read all answear here

>> No.14125105

Yes, BSV is definitely an IQ test but not in the way you described it

>> No.14125145
File: 54 KB, 670x273, visit-florida[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr Kleiman is involved in a tax fraud and is a conman
>Ira work with the tax office in Australia to falsify information in an attempt to force me into liquidation
>Going right back to Jamie Wilson who fabricated documents as CFO
>The truth of Ira Kleiman is that he is a greedy conman who helps destroy things and as a consequence will likely be sued for fraud very shortly
usual projection and only the half-dozen libelous statements today then, is it creg ? I is disappoint

>If you wonder why I’m paranoid, it’s very simple
eh.. you are schizophrenic, per chance?

>> No.14125172

OP this is just Dr. Cuck Wright's response. This doesn't confirm anything lol
Its like you asking a thief whether they stole something and take their word for it.

>> No.14125298

>If you wonder why I’m paranoid, it’s very simple. I want things that are not mine. I'm greedy fraud and want money. I claim rights to intellectual property. I claim rights to bitcoin that I never had any involvement with. I’m manipulating markets. I want to steal and want to defraud people.

>> No.14125315

Just gave the a reas and bolt fuck Craig is scared shitless lmao he literally can't stop digging a bigger grave

>> No.14125463

just a claim. he didnt prove he has the private keys of course.

bsv cucks on suicide watch

>> No.14125509
File: 360 KB, 576x506, 1542739901173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14125528

Just ignore craiggies and BSV posters guys, they are trolling you all

>> No.14125543


>> No.14125805

john mcafee will hire a hitman to get rid off creg satöshi. screencap this.

>> No.14125891

Its like BSV pajeets dont even know what cryptography is

>> No.14126346

couldnt have picked better words to describe how i feel too

>> No.14126375


>> No.14126601

That's incorrect, he said at the time bitcoin was trading for .06 - .29$

>> No.14126655
File: 130 KB, 731x557, wright-court.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSW is full of shit as usual.

Court response means Wright is REKT.

>> No.14126656

Bitcoin wasn't anywhere near that price in 2011.

>> No.14126683


>> No.14126689

This: >>14124819
is talking about a transfer that happened in 2011.

>> No.14126937

So apparently Faketoshi invented Bitcoin, a totally groundbreaking payment technology and then decided to completely forgot about that idea and instead worked on trying to adapt some bluetooth gloves to do conventional credit card transactions so he could buy drinks at his local supermarket. Amazing.

Then all of a sudden in 2016. "I'M SATOSHOID and I invented BitCoin".
