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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 80 KB, 1149x640, 62214586_427602137821013_471424389322113024_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14119536 No.14119536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Long story short, my ultra liberal boomer parents are spending my whole fucking inheritance on nigger charities and other stupid shit. Meanwhile I'm working 2 minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet. My grandparents had fortunes that they were going to leave to me and other grandkids, but my stepdad and my mom got powers of attorney over my grandparents and have been investing all their money into fucking charities. I have been disowned since I was 18 because I was in a fight with a couple hispanic kids who jumped me in a quiznos after school and my stepdad wanted me to drop charges for some bullshit "they can't help their lives" reason, I wouldn't (they still got light as hell probation bs) and he and my mom basically called me a racist nazi.
I need a way to get some of the money out

>> No.14119554

shit, hit 'post' too soon by accident.
anyway, I have a plan to create a fake charity in switzerland that helps refugees. I just need to know if it's possible to create a swiss bank account with routing # etc that they can wire money into, and then convert that into crypto somehow.
I know that in these days, swiss doesn't actually mean shit for privacy anymore, but it will play into the story I'm spinning for this charity. I've got a whole plan to bring their attention to it and sell them on it without them ever knowing it was me.

>> No.14119570

surely nothing could go wrong

>> No.14119583

I honestly don't care about the risks anymore.

>> No.14119605

after I got disowned, I moved in with my grandparents and worked as their caretaker for free for almost five years, in exchange for free rent on a 200 square foot room. i also worked a landscaping job because i didn't want to be a drain on their finances, even though they had millions. then after my grandma's stroke, my mom & stepdad swooped in to cut me out.

>> No.14119769
File: 41 KB, 391x630, SERGEYYY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

murder your cunty boomer parents,

problem solved

>> No.14119794
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They care more about third world sleazos than your future LOL

>> No.14119810

Kill your subhuman boomer stepdad
Also they aren’t putting the money into charities
They funnel them into hedge funds without you knowing
Take him out with you

>> No.14119815

yeah sounds like you can pull off this long con with a couple emails, 40 or 50 bucks, maybe a PDF. Good idea! While you're researching you should look up what health care in prison is like.

>> No.14119826

disowned, i'd get nothing

i have a workable plan and i'm not going to post it on 4chan, because i prefer for it to remain a workable plan

>> No.14119831
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>discover yourself a woman
and bribe a surgeon to fake the
then ask them to finance your
newly founded
enterprise on
to transition Tyrone and Jahmel

>> No.14119844

ngl this sort of thing made it into the top 5 plans i had

>> No.14119854

This is a work of fiction but it sounds like your stepdad is preying on your mom so you need to work some goodboy magic and convince her of that (maybe bring her a nice hung black man to breed with in his stead?).

>> No.14119866

She's either already suspicious of him or incredibly stupid, either one works in your favor. Maybe you just need to frame him for cheating on her. I enjoy participating in role playing threads

>> No.14119872
File: 78 KB, 786x687, 1520488428630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to clownworld where dumb boomers prefer retarded niggers at the other side of the planet to their own child.
You can thanks the jews of the synagogue of satan.

>> No.14119883

Why not just live your life and have nothing to do with them?

>> No.14119921

dude kill your parents they sound like awful people.

>> No.14119937
File: 174 KB, 800x800, odin-on-throne-t-shirt_10f12b23-5fde-4009-b40c-930e8d2adb03_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually Satan means "enemy" in jewish language. Satan is one of our true Aryan Gods.

>> No.14120038

Be a man and stop asking for a handout you degenerate fuck.
Crying on biz because your parents didn’t give you money FOH softcuck.

>> No.14120057

>Be a man and stop asking for a handout you degenerate fuck.
>Crying on biz because your parents didn’t give you money FOH softcuck.

how did i ask for a handout fgt, i'm just asking for info on bank accounts that can accept wire transfers
if i get money, i'll actually buy ads to support this board which is more than you'll ever have done, cuck

>> No.14120071
File: 42 KB, 334x506, Toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your boomer parents turn 75 and can't take care of themselves so you stuff them in the cheapest, dirties old folks home
>When you tell everyone they're senile and racist (kek) so the niggers that invariably work there abuse them

>> No.14120075

Feels good having conservative parents. I'm going to inherit a real estate portfolio worth $5 million and a couple million more in cash when they die.

>> No.14120080

Nice repost. Fag.

>> No.14120120

this isn't a repost.
/biz/ is archived. so is /pol/. if this is a repost, you can prove it.
but you can't, because you're just a stupid nigger shitposting

i would go with that but i would prefer to extract SOME of the generational wealth my grandparents built instead of having it go to charities so jew/nigger executives can get blown on their private jets

>> No.14120136

kill them before they burn through all the money
make it look like an accident

>> No.14120147

What part of disowned do you not understand?
Killing them will just mean the scam social justice charities get their money faster

>> No.14120153

too many words in the OP
couldnt read it all
use short sentences this is ADHD gen you're dealin with

>> No.14120178

Convert the money into crypto and then send it to yourself.

>> No.14120183

Please scam them hard and keep us updated on your progress.

>> No.14120201

Nvm, you already said you planned to do that.

>> No.14120225

>swiss doesn't actually mean shit for privacy anymore
More like post FATCA, they won't want your Amerifat ass.

That law was loaded with bullshit. Holy fuck.

>> No.14120295

Right, so suppose I want to open a swiss (or european in general, they're wet for anything that seems euro) bank account for the purpose of accepting wire transfers.

what obstacles are going to be in my way? how long will this account be able to stay open without paying various euro taxes?

>> No.14120500

Kill your parents OP. Make it look like an accident.

>> No.14120529

reading is hard, huh?

>> No.14120557

lmao @ inheritance fags. make it on your own.

>> No.14120635

>My grandparents had fortunes that they were going to leave to me and other grandkids, but my stepdad and my mom got powers of attorney over my grandparents
Find the lawyer with the longest nose you can and sue them. If possible find evidence that they were going to leave it to you. Get your boomer parents to confess on tape if it's legal in your state. A good kike lawyer will win this. Sure he'll take a chunk, but that's life.

>> No.14120643

Seriously, find a neighbour of your grand parents to attest to you caring for them. Did you contest the power of attorney at the time?

>> No.14120660

Make your own fortune loser
Your parents can spend their money as their wish

>> No.14120669

Lmao, I hope you're larping. If real your parents deserve the electric chair.

>> No.14120680
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i thought this was a fake post

>> No.14120770

You only have to get rich once if you pass your wealth to the next generation your kid ends up at the top of the ponzi scheme. That’s why the jews control everything and have brainwashed you into having such retarded beliefs.

>> No.14120800

Pretty much, generational wealth is the most based and redpilled thing you can do.

>> No.14120822

Satan doesn’t mean “enemy” it means interfere.
It means that something that come and destroy your planning.
Either way it piss Jews off.

>> No.14120826

that's fucking awesome, but they're not decrepit enough for that to work yet. i love that idea though.
also it looks like i'm not the only one. how do these fucking charities find these goddamn gullible boomers?

>> No.14120876

Hire a (((lawyer))). Seriously though, this is your only legitimate option.

>> No.14120891


Your mom is a whore, kill them both. Death to thieves.

>> No.14120909


Ok, then poison them into retardation and become their caretaker

>> No.14120914

absolute state at burgers LMFAO.

you subhumans are no different than kikes to me. my parents would give their last cent on top of their live for me because my grandparents would do the same for them and thats how our generational wealth build = on love

>> No.14120929

>t. burger insect trash who hasnt made it based on generation wealth the second he was born
you peasants disgust me

>> No.14121205

Why don’t you just call up a fucking bank in Europe and ask them
Instead of these idiots here. Also just call up the chamber of commerce in that country and ask them what is needed for you to set up a foundation.

>> No.14121371

Not sure if true but pretty cool. Fuck Abraham and YHWH

>> No.14121455

Fuck. The west cant be this cucked. It is all just shiposting, right?

>> No.14121497
File: 191 KB, 1080x1350, 1532123196377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from California and my 78 year old dad says Nigger like its going out of style, he's from Detroit

my redneck friends only associate with "White People" and call native americans Prairie Niggers, i work in SF tech and these are my best friends also

btw my fiancee is Asian........??!??!

>> No.14121506

How about you quit being a faggot and generate wealth on your own, then you can rub it in their face.

t. disowned 200 IQ patrician

>> No.14121544

Mfw living in an actual first world country where a Code Napoleon ripoff protects me against boomers’ bullshit. I could only be disowned if I murdered them, and if they gave everything to charity I could demand my quota back. You fucking anglos just can’t understand

>> No.14121554

Maybe they are funnelling them into charities to avoid taxes. Who knows...

>> No.14121578

If God decided to forgive the boomers for their sins, boomers would create collateralized indulgence derivative swaps and buy them with a combination of another reverse mortgage and the remaining money their parents earmarked for their grandchildren's college education they fraudulently kept to themselves when their parents died in low quality retirement homes too soon to ensure the money found its way.

>> No.14121748

>I have been disowned
Stopped reading here. They don't owe you shit anymore.

>> No.14121805
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these things dont mix with multi-generation wealth

>uncontrolled women
>Jewish influence

have fun working till age 72 OP :)

>> No.14121942
File: 10 KB, 188x267, Talmud_set2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the talmud.
>Become the reborn Titus.
>Fuck a whore on the original torah scrolls.


>> No.14121963

unironically kill them

>> No.14122427

This seems like the most realistic option to regaing the inheritance.

>> No.14122485
File: 591 KB, 768x1024, pepedoll biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an advice I am giving you from the bottom of my heart, as someone who was raised in an extremely poor household and was resentful of my upbringing for years until I grew out of it. You are free to ignore it and go on at your own risk.

It's not worth it. It's not worth to grieve about this. Make your own money. Become filthy rich. Then disown your parents if you want and let them know that you will not support them in their old age no matter how poor for what they've done to you unless they apologize for putting strangers and foreigners before you. And once you're the one at the top be willing to forgive them, resentment is never good, it'll be the best for you.

Instead of spending so much time uselessly grieving about this, become rich from scratch. People do it all the damn time, you just have to learn how and try until you make it. Take is as an opportunity to prove yourself that you wouldn't ever have had were you to inherit tons of wealth you didn't make yourself. You have the opportunity to become a self made man, which is something trust fund babies and rich heirs will never have. It's up to you.

>> No.14122499

>as someone who was raised in an extremely poor household
>resentment is never good,

your poverty shows, anon

>> No.14122542

Im from switzerland i help you to set up a bankaccount if you want
Left wing liberals have to die

>> No.14122564
File: 51 KB, 435x690, 1551918511218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have some shit in common with OP. watching millions being swept from under your feet and going to fund BLACKED.com and LGBT charities is not something you can easily ignore

in my case my mother sold a castle worth 5 million euros for 80,000 euros :^) - this was 2 decades ago and its still a subject braught up every month by various family members

>> No.14122584

its not an inheritance until you receive it anon. Which, lets face it, you are never going to. Your parents are Doing the Right Thing - you should be very proud

>> No.14122783

Tell some street niggers your parents have a lot of money and are idiots. They'll go break in, terrify them and although they'll steal a lot it'll likely save money in the long run.

>> No.14122817

I'll add if you want to create some charity come up with some environmental challenge for nigs that makes it seem like overcoming it will finally bring them to parity with whites.

Lead is the current nonsense meme of the day, so maybe lead free crop purchasing because existant seed lines are lead poisoned. Get a picture of a few smiling giga nigger black guys in straw hats on tractors.

Black men seem to hit the "must defer to" button more than the women or children, i think due to fear.

>> No.14122843

It's their money and they can do anything they want with it.

>> No.14122878

t. niggarius wokimus

>> No.14122907


>> No.14122921




>> No.14122965


Why do white fascists and "libertarians" feel so entitled? You're not entitled to an inheritance, a white safe space or a woman. The sooner you little faggots accept this, the better your lives will be

>> No.14122991

>claims to hate niggers because they feel entitled to others money
>feels entitled to others money
Make your own money you zoomer faggot

>> No.14123013


>> No.14123023

My parents are doing the same. They have four children too. I am doing pretty well as a software dev, but my siblings are all in poverty. My mother inherited $1.3 million and has spent literally all of it. Then my father also inherited a bit over a million from his landwhale second wife who died of cancer a couple years ago, but now he is also blowing it all, largely on pointless crap and a new girlfriend.

My father is kind of whatever, since it came from his dead wife, but with my mother, that was family wealth that she consumed 100% of. She was extremely abusive to my sisters growing up too. They both cut ties with her. She will die alone.

>> No.14123030

Lol OP, how poor are you to make a thread about this.

>> No.14123047

burn their house, you wont get it anyway so..., also why do you think they would give it exactly to your charity.

just try to make their life terrible

>> No.14123085

Your parents sound pretty based, Imagine trolling your Nigger Zoomer of a son from the grave!

Props to them
t. parents going through nearly £3MM, Bo Ho me!

>> No.14123177
File: 98 KB, 1300x1252, for-the-record-frogs-are-not-kosher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck dem whiteys if dey dont value da own family dey weak as fucc dey be extinct soon jews do it right by sticking togetha

>> No.14123341

kill them before they've spent all your money. Make it seem like an accident and make sure you've got an alibi.
anyway, how much of an inheritance are we talking about? if it's like 50k then that's not worth it but if it's 50m well....

>> No.14123346

get a job you worthless zoomer lmao

>> No.14124122
File: 45 KB, 500x500, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the kike

>> No.14124171

talk to a lawyer