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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14115396 No.14115396 [Reply] [Original]

biz is currently spending its days
>pretending oracles are real
>pretending shoeless hash table projects not having a blockchain is good
>fellating the outdated concepts of proof of work and proof of stake
>defending shitty tokens that barely work
>defending distributed computing platforms that don't work

The more you read about Skycoin and the concepts behind it, the more you'll realize the shit tech that infests this board is lackluster.

>> No.14115658

wasn't this the shitcoin where the CEO faked getting kidnapped?

>> No.14115677

Yup. and op is a faggot who bought, and now think he can somehow pump it a few sats and make enough for a happy meal.

>> No.14115705

There's nobody with a brain left on this board. Just pajeets gnashing their teeth. Hollow souls doomed to wander the ruined halls of past glory and fortune, forever unaware that their presence is the one and same driving factor in the parasitic suppression of sustainable economic systems. Right now we have a murderous gangle of blockchain project tribes. Ready to stand on the corpses of one another at the drop of a hat to suckle the forever out of reach teat of prosperity. Skycoin is a true and the only viably real nationstate that exists in the world of crypto. A fountain of prosperity and golden data rideshare telecommunications mana.

>> No.14115737


>> No.14115801

Elon musk already BTFO them with global wifi being implemented by satellites from space. You idiots will be laughed at soon.

>> No.14115906

oh OP, please do tell me more about your chinese knock-offs of raspbery pis you sell to bizlets for 1 BTC each

>> No.14115964

>one connection from a test satellite provides a mediocre connection with 200 ping under the very best performance/power and atmospheric conditions

Starlink is a meme that will only have the same market penetration that Tesla has in the auto industry.

>> No.14116004

The initial batch was 1 BTC and you'd get a rebate of whatever the price was at that time back in Skycoin, minus the $600 the miner costs. The miner was never 1 BTC itself.

That was the initial hardware sale though, now they're priced at $2,000 usd and they're paid back in Skycoin over two years. Helps to make sure people stay on the network and provide bandwidth.

>> No.14116130

>nobody with a brain left on this board
>vomits pseudointellectual word salad
ok buying now thanks!

>> No.14116146

I didn't even use college words, you neodeconstructivist faggot.

>> No.14116340
File: 446 KB, 1478x892, Screen Shot 2019-05-21 at 4.06.32 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow he's still on the project and producing after a year.

I got in at 40 cents in 2017 silly.

>> No.14116362
File: 95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-06-12-23-01-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14116395

Wow anon, good thing you got in before synth faked his kidnapping.

>> No.14116480
File: 385 KB, 1536x1250, Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 5.08.49 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, real fake

>> No.14116504

That's a pretty small bag anon. You're not going to be able to accumulate under $2 after this month.

>> No.14116754

i'll admit, that's some pretty good shitposting. what happens this month?