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File: 60 KB, 2000x832, EBay_former_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1392697 No.1392697 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about eBay. How much are you selling a month? Profit margins? Interesting/Good niches?

>> No.1392738

$212 this month - down 70%
i sell books and make pennies per sale. books that are worth a lot help increase my margins

>> No.1393584

Where are you sourcing your books from?

>> No.1393623

700 - 1000 month
used software
75% profit margin

Im not telling what niche as people scavenge everything.

I work in IT and saw something that a) people need / want and b) I can obtain consistently and legally. Plus you need the patience of a saint to get software selling and things rolling on eBay where customers / ebay staff / faggot competitors don't stress you out and make you act impulsively.

It's kind of like starting a mini business, I guess. You need to play to your skills and find something nearby you you can sell and capitalize on.

If you have no skills or head for numbers and /biz/ness then forget it. It's not for everyone and sometimes feels not worth it. I spend about 10 hours per week for 700-1000$ profit

>> No.1393657
File: 104 KB, 2324x1233, jipjopbipbop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing this for less than 2 months, eBay is fucking expensive but has easy heavy traffic

Margins: Between 20% and 100%, usually 100%

>> No.1393735
File: 12 KB, 232x108, Screenshot from 2016-07-20 14:23:57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just over 2 weeks, but I haven't spent more than ~15 hours


I'll tell my niche if this guy tells his niche :^)

>> No.1393738

ill buy some books m8, link up

>> No.1393741


Bro you are in the wrong business

>> No.1393792

>sell watch that immediately craps out on customer, vintage watches are pain in the ass sometimes
>he complains about it, and rightfully so
>he's entitled to return and get refund
>apologize for the inconvenience and then offer a refund upon return
>again complains about the watch not working
>and then leaves positive feedback (+), but with a complaint "not as described, not working, very disappointed" --- still complaining!
>keep pressing for the return, I am outright asking him to file a claim against me so that he can initiate return process -- I even offered to pay for return shipping!
>haven't heard from this guy for a week now

Some customers are just weird.

>> No.1393825

you should have bullshitted him with generic apologetic messages and wait for him to initiate the return. he may never do so.

Give good respectful comments for it eBay staff is ever involved.

If he left a positive feedback fuck him people look at the totals and if you're still at 100% positive feedback then whatever. If he leaves negative call eBay support with why its false and have it removed. You may need to call them a few times but they can do it.

I have over 100 sales on 50$ + items and I've learned that you need to always look after just yourself. If it doesn't cost you money or effect your rating then fuck it. If he wants his return then let him open one.

If he opens one, use the comment option and offer a partial refund in writing first. the longer you draw it out the better the chance the'll get fed up and drop it.

I used to think up considerate and practical responses but now just copy-paste generic responses to complaints and wait for the return or not.

ebay buyers buy for one thing only: what they want at the lowest possible price. They dont give a shit about me and I now dont give a shit about them. If they buy from me twice its only because I had the lowest price.

>> No.1393829

$640 in 7 days but I spent like 25 hours listing shit about 80% profit.

Not all that hard beats waiting tables.

>> No.1393841

The caveat to this is that their hidden feedback does affect your search position over time.
If that's not an issue then this is all solid advice.

>> No.1393862

fuck search position

take good pictures and have the lowest price and you'll sell whatever you're listing. eBay has such a huge market that everything sells as long as its something people want and is the lowest price

>> No.1394078
File: 29 KB, 221x326, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sales are down as i had to adjust prices because of Brexit.

Average sale price £15 and a bit hesitant to start selling more expensive items as I have had a lot of people trying to scam.

>> No.1394082

What are you selling, seriously?
>Im not telling what niche as people scavenge everything.
As if 300 NEETS scattered all over the globe would fuck up your earnings

>> No.1394612

>sell ex girlfriends anime DVD for $12
>person pays right away, i require immediate payment through paypal
>they get it
>they do a chargeback for "unauthorized payment"
>if i lose the case (if i choose to fight) i must pay paypal $35 for fees and $12.99 for the item
>I win


>tfw have thousands of dollars worth of vidya merch
>afraid to sell now more than ever cuz chargeback

>> No.1394645
File: 11 KB, 670x279, ataglance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to admit it but this guys right.

well, except for the "they can remove ur negative feedback" part. in my experience unless the buyer fucks up and leaves you one of a few loopholes it's not being pulled for ANYTHING. luckily some of those loopholes are easy as fuck to create

I've been ebaying for years but put it on the back burner up until about a month ago. For the past 3ish years I've just been casually selling stuff on it for some extra change. Things have really started picking up and are growing more and more every day. I'm anticipating getting up to 1-2k profits a month in the coming weeks and if everything goes as planned I'll get it up to "full time job pay" and use it as my main/only source of income while putting myself through school for computer engineering

>> No.1394660


explain how their hidden feedback effects ur search ranks?

u mean if they leave a positive feedback (+) but the actual statement is negative "slow shipping horrible seller never again!"?

Hows that effect your search position?

it only takes one asshole to take over your niche if your sale style is "be the cheapest option"

or even if its not, one asshole can temporarily decapitate the price by lowballing his selling price susbtantially, after a month or two no one will buy that item for a dime more than the new lowest price and that niche/item is now dead profit wise.

I've seen it happen and accidentally done it a time or two myself when I wind up with a large qty of the same item and sold it cheap to get rid of it fast

>if i lose the case (if i choose to fight) i must pay paypal $35 for fees and $12.99 for the ite

...what the shit? I get the 12.99 part cause youd have to refund the buyer and lose the item, but 35 for fees? since when? I've never, not once seen that sort of thing.

also if you have a good seller track record and an issue arises thats not youre fault (unauthorized purchase, item damaged/lost in mail, etc) ebay will step in and cover the cost of the item if its under something like 20 dollars, refunding the buyer out of their pocket and protecting you from neg feedback. They've done it for me 3-4 times now.

>afraid to sell now more than ever cuz chargeback
Take good pictures that show the condition of the disks so quality is of no question (more security for you if ebay has to step in than a selling point to buyers)

set buyer rules so shady accounts cant purchase from you if you're that worried. disable no-payers and low feedback accounts from purchasing and ull be pretty much safe. I used to do this but quit worrying some time ago, in my experience theres -very- few scammers that try me, not sure why when i hear about horror stories all the time

>> No.1394968

>explain how their hidden feedback effects ur search ranks?
No, nor can anyone accurately. Google will find you a more accurate calculation but basically the less feedback you get (both hidden and public) the less your SERPS.

>u mean if they leave a positive feedback (+) but the actual statement is negative "slow shipping horrible seller never again!"?
No, if they leave you positive feedback but mark you down for shipping and other hidden factors.

>> No.1395072

wtf is SERPS ?

>> No.1395328

Has anyone have been permanently restricted from selling on Ebay? If so, any info on how to continue selling via stealth accounts? I can provide different ip and PC, but if i make another paypal account i would have to verify it when i hit 2500$,and that would be not possible since they want pictures of ID etc.

>> No.1395382

that makes a LOT more sense then what i thought you were suggesting.

Okay, I agree with you cause thats an obvious factor. they didnt implement the star systems for nothing

search engine results page

It's a term more commonly used with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Internet Marketers (IM). I, and I assume the guy I was having discussion have a background in it, which isnt entirely unheard of from ebay sellers

I do NOT suggest doing any of this stuff for various reasons legal and otherwise, but to lightly answer your question:

-create multiple paypals and swap them out every 2500 dollars

-find friend/family member that trusts you enough to agree to let you open a paypal in their name with their info in return for a portion of proceeds (And to not be a dick, dont fuck this one up)

-pay for a fully verified paypal stealth account to use long-term (probably get scammed)

-edit pictures of credentials and try to weasel your way through

Dispite what the masses claim when discussing them publicly, ebay is surprisingly easy to manipulate into getting what you want as long as you have a little bit of common sense when associating with them. I cant help but think all the people that cry ebay sucks they fuck u at every turn etc are either out there trying to actively scam them with selling bootlegs from china/dodge bans with fake accounts/be autistic neckbeard faglords

I have literally made friends with ebay employees during calling in for an issue and wound up adding them to facebook etc after the call, or had them verbally express "i agree with you personally but i have to follow these rules", both of which normally result in success for whatever your goal for calling in is, since you've at that point turned them into allies.

Never tried with paypal though

>> No.1395394

Thanks for the reply.

The reason I got permanently restricted from selling on ebay is that in May i had 2,54% defect rate. As you know, on every 20th of the month, there is an evaluation, and for May and June there was a notification saying that "I'm at risk in the global selling zone'' , because of the >2% defect rate. However, in the begining of this month, my transactions grew and overall defect rate was under 1,5%, which is fine and in the desired interval. And this is when ebay closed all my listings and got banned. I tried to explain that to them, but they just kept saying the same all over again, how I was giving the customers bad experience. Well the defect rate was a result of canceled orders and I always contacted the customer before closing them. Do you think there is any hope for restoring my account?

>> No.1395417

What do you all use to track your inventory and sales? I'm working on getting set up, and setting up an access database to keep track of incoming and outgoing inventory, but I'm curious what other people do.

>> No.1395434


I have a program that handles this. How much would you be willing to pay monthly for something that handled all the data, is accessible by internet via smartphone, and even allowed you to run and manage your own site on the side?

>> No.1395458

Nope. eBay already burned you and they have another fool that they can scam.

>> No.1395493

Nothing, because setting things up myself is part of developing my skill set.

>> No.1395528

I don't physically handle the inventory but I use Excel to log all the sales, fees, % profit etc.

>> No.1395540


Yet you pay to use eBay.

>> No.1395548

I meant that i dont need to track incoming and outgoing inventory so Access might be better for that than Excel.

>> No.1395595


I look at it as the price you pay for Ebay's traffic. It's not like Ebay's platform is particularly good. It just generates sales. That's not something you can generate on your own with a little programming knowledge and time.

>> No.1395601

Eyeballs and eBay sales page. Unless you're doing 10+ different item sales per day you don't need anything more.

>> No.1395701

years ago I managed to hit the >2% rate as well, surprisingly this doesnt only apply to sellers but also buyers. I was buying various shit from china and having to open cases against shitty sellers that would never send the item, send the wrong item, broken item, fake tracking, no tracking, no response to msgs, etc. I had a weird string of HORRIBLE luck where every seller I bought from was a shitty scammer and in turn had to open complaints against them to get my money back. Eventually I passed the 2% rate and suddenly my account got flagged. I talked to ebay and they basically said they have automted systems in place that dont care about the details, just strictly the %, so it doesnt matter what the reason behind it is.

you say your >2% was caused by canceled orders, was it from buyer cancels or because you had suddenly lost it/broke it/ wahtever and had to force the cancel yourself?

if it was just from a string of badluck with customers canceling, i would suggest you keep calling ebay and try to get the sentence lifted, some tips for that:


>> No.1395710


-first and foremost - try your DAMNDEST to get an american on the phone. Getting what you want is 100% harder when youre dealing with one of their non US reps in the Philippines or wherever. Half the time they can't even comprehend what you're saying and can barely hold a conversation in English, so they just stick to their scripts and don't deviate. If you call and its a foreigner make up a reason to get transfered to a different department, then when you get there ask what department it is and say thats not where you were supposed to be to be transfered back, hopefully this time it routes you to the US center. Or hang up and try again in a few hours to see if shift change helps.

It's so bad it's gotten to the point where if I hear a Non-US agent pickup sometimes I'll just hang up and try again later (if I know the situation requires more than the script reading to resolve how i want/need). The experience is SO much better dealing with US reps its not worth the hassle with the others.

-regardless of what the current rep says, if he doesn't give you what you want call back immediately or the next day to try again. ive gone through 5-10 reps telling me "no" before, all it takes is for that ONE to say yes and suddenly you're all fixed. once its put in the notes on your account it's law.

-be as friendly as you possibly can to the rep. you want them to like you. that does not mean smile and say thank you when they say they cant give you what you want, but do not make yourself their enemy. You are frustrated at ebay/the sellers/the system, NOT them. THEM, you like. doesnt hurt to try to build raport and create a personal relationship between you two if you get the opening (chit chat with them, ask how they like their job, where they live what the weathers like, do they ebay too, blah blah)

-make sure you spin the story so YOU are the good guy and ebay/the sellers are fucking you because of a flaw in the system, etc.

>> No.1395712

Ebay has too many fees for shops, look to Abe books.

>> No.1395717

I tend to use excel to create various spreadsheets for my needs. that's pretty much all I've ever needed.

If I were to get -big-, or if I ever started selling a standard type of products where I deal with large amounts of the same item over and over again, i might consider moving to a dedicated inventory software and using barcode systems etc, but my inventory is normally pretty random.

>> No.1395726


I were a seller on ebay, i got the >2% defect rate by cancelling orders with the option "cancel because i can't fulfill the order''. Later realized that made the defect rate go up and when i had to cancel an order i choose ''cancel the order because the client doesn't want it anymore'' and this didn't affect the defect rate.

The problem was that i was dropshipping items from china (electronic boards), and there was like 10-15 orders in the same day from countries that the chinese didn't have free shipping, so i contacted the clients and asked if they want to pay 2,5$ shipping for the order to be fulfilled, or we would cancel it. Some people respond with either of the options, some didn't and i canceled the order.

By the way, I'm from Bulgaria and i'm not sure whether i'll be able to contact an US customer support. Also it's really expensive to call an US citizen from here and that's a problem too. I might try using email communication again, but i'm not sure whether it will help, since the last email they sent me they said their decision is already made up.

Also, i'm not sure should i tell them that i'm dropshipping items. I think they are not a big fan of dropshipping.

By the way thank you for the information!

>> No.1395749

they allow dropshipping but are not fans of it, so no i wouldn't mention that.

you kind of fucked yourself. you should have had all the shipping rates figured out and intigrated into your listing so buyers would know what theyre getting into. you shot yourself in the foot doing it the way you did.

When dropshipping you always need to make sure to cross your T's and dot your i's so things like this dont happen. Not so sure you can get the sentence turns around with that type of fuckup

>> No.1395759

Yeah, seems like ive fucked myself up.

Maybe if i try to ''blame'' the shipping faults to someone else, like the post services here. Like they upped the prices or something like that and i had to cancel because of this?

>> No.1395761


>> No.1395762

$2,000 USD from Used Auto parts Profit Margin around 70%

It'll go back down next month as I've sold most of my inventor and still haven't gone out to get more.

>> No.1395781

Is it viable to sell from Mexico?
How expensive it's shipping to another countries?
The dollar/peso exchange is fucking high and I think it would be pretty cool.

>> No.1395823

ive considered getting into auto parts a few times over the years. are you a "car guy" and buy cars to part out or have you found some kind of inventory supply that just happens to be car parts?

I never got into it cause the method i always come up with is "buy cars and part them out", and i learned years ago I -hate- working on cars.

i assume you live in mexico, why dont you just look up the rates from your post office? the hell kinda lazy question is this

I'm in texas, I would love to make friends/business partners in mexico because theres such a diverse amount of merchandise that you can get real cheap there

>> No.1395878

I tried sourcing stuff from Mexico once, if you are in the border is like practically you are doing business from the states, cross the border buy cheap stuff and ship from the U.S
I think there is a lot of potential from Mexico. If you arent in the border it gets a lot more complicated.
Now if you want to do formal business in the U.S. customs and the U.S certifications are really hard to deal with. I had to drop lot of deals because I could get in trouble with the FDA.

>> No.1395922

If you want to sell on a new eBay and PayPal account you need to create a ltd company and operate under this company, your company is not liable for you and is considered a different entity all together

>> No.1395935

I live in a Mexico's state close to the border. I just wanted to know a general idea if it's profitable to buy cheap stuff here and sell it on ebay US. Would I need global shipping to do that? Also do I need legal documents as you guys said? Thanks btw, I'm going to research.

>> No.1395948


If you consider the fact that eBay is chump change compared to Google search engine it doesn't look that way. Any competent programmer can get their site on the front page especially if your inventory is wide instead of deep. Don't undervalue the hustle of going out and doing your own advertising to bring people to your site.

If you list an item for 30 days on eBay sometimes you don't even get 20 views. 7 days or 5 day auctions rarely get over 15 unless it is a sought after item. The power of your own store is that you can do your own marketing and bring in your own traffic plus allow google search to bring you traffic.

>> No.1395970
File: 121 KB, 640x640, 8dfa2ac1-0bc0-42cb-b12a-bbad2b23099e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just wanted to know a general idea if it's profitable to buy cheap stuff here and sell it on ebay US.
As profitable as selling to anywhere else. If you're selling internationally you might as well sell worldwide, just US would take a day or two less for shipping.

>Would I need global shipping to do that?

>Also do I need legal documents as you guys said?
Just customs info on the label.

Not him but you're looking at it ass backwards. He's right, you're paying to use eBay because they offer traffic, no other reason to use them.

Using SERPs and your own hosted site is ridiculous unless you're already in a position to sell across the internet (not just eBay/Amazon) so that's a completely moot point.

The benefit of Google is again, purely traffic. But that's where you should be using AdWords to send people to your eBay shop AND, NOT OR website.

>If you list an item for 30 days on eBay sometimes you don't even get 20 views.
As explained, you're doing it wrong. You're paying for the traffic either way, with eBay it's just slightly easier for John Doe.

>The power of your own store is that you can do your own marketing and bring in your own traffic plus allow google search to bring you traffic.
Again, this is ass backwards. That's the weakness of self hosted when utilising eBay, not the benefit UNLESS your volume via organic search is already bigger than your AdWords and eBay and Amazon custom combined.

Have ran several eCommerce platforms and eBay (and briefly Amazon). You don't know what you're talking about and you're looking it in entirely the wrong light.

>> No.1395974

profit margin around 74%

>> No.1395991

but just to add/counter what I said, you're right to correct the other guy that self hosted, self advertised & SERPS are all fairly easy for your average 4chan user demographic, it just takes a lot of time and energy, and depending on what you're selling and how competitive your market is a lot of money too.

The correct answer is that eBay is often the best bet for someone with a low or no budget and self hosted with or without advertising is the additional route after you're established on amazon/ebay/wherever

>> No.1395993

>I just wanted to know a general idea if it's profitable to buy cheap stuff here and sell it on ebay US.

it depends on how you can buy. my mentor said the secret of selling is how good you are buying.

research a niche. find that product and take this in consideration.
ebay and paypal eat 30% of your margin.
shipping something over 16oz is around 6-12 dollars in the u.s
how much it cost you pass the border (fees, gas and time)

At first I was skeptical I can sell something on ebay but it is easy, profitable well... that depends on you. of course if you make your research is faster and easier. however one of the critical points is know how to buy dirt cheap thats one of the reasons I was sourcing in Mexico but I found lot of products had issues to pass customs in bulk. but someone like you who is going to pass some few items I think there is no problem. I met some mexicans doing that but for retail. they buy a few units cross the border put them in a warehouse, doing that all day fill a pallet and sell it. one of them was doing habaneros and the other "cueritos de harina" and the earnings are in dollars so 18 fucking pesos. the guy doing the "cueritos" he was doing a hell of a profit.

>> No.1396005

Thanks for the info guys, appreciate it.

>> No.1396029

Or, you could do both.

Ive always imagined building up a website that synchs inventory with ebay. If an item is sold on ebay its deducted/removed from the store, and vis versa

>> No.1396059

well I just had one of the most interesting irate customers i've dealt with to date in ebay. figured yall would like to witness it:

She bought an otterbox iphone 6 plus/6S plus case from me (authentic in retail packaging). Note the timestamps

Jul-21-16 12:31
This does NOT fit 6s!!!! I'm very disappointed!!!! What are you going to do to make this right!!!????? Your description says that it fits 6s!! It does NOT!

Jul-21-16 12:33
You changed you description!!! I have a screen shot of the original post!!!!!!

Jul-21-16 12:36
You cannot change your description after someone buys from you! That is false advertisement and strictly against the rules in here. As a long time seller on EBay, I would never do that to my customers!

odd...can you show me a photo by chance? I do not own an iphone myself so I was going by the packaging.

>i did not realize what was going on at this point. I thought this was a legitimate customer with a legitimate complaint

me: *having read her second and third messages now*
I'm sorry what? ebay keeps a running log of all changes to listings, I have not edited this listing in any way.

I'm sure we can figure this out but you need to calm down please. Can you show me a picture of your phone not fitting in the case? I need to see what the problem is.

Jul-21-16 12:39
I have sent the photo to eBay. I refuse to pay return shipping on this, that was very misleading to do to someone and then change your description. I want a full refund plus shipping, immediately!

>Now i realize whats going on. Her dumb ass bought an item for a 6 plus/6S plus but she doesn't HAVE the plus model, and shes trying to get out of the return shipping cost (or having to return the item at all)
>I like it when I get asshole/idiot ebayers attacking me inside ebays systems, especially when they fuck up, because it lets me take the gloves off and let out some frustration:

>> No.1396061

>>1396059 (cont)

Okay, I have just re-read all 5 (FIVE) of the messages you've sent in the last 10 minutes.

Firstly, if you want to resolve this issue in any way you need to calm down so we can work together.

Secondly, I have not changed anything about my listing since publishing it. I immediately called eBay upon reading your claims to verify this as sometimes I DO alter listings, and if this was indeed a mistake I would happily make it right for you. That is not the case here.

If you are an ebayer you should know (and if not, here is some new information for you) they keep a change log of every listing published. You can easily verify if a listing has received changes with a simple phone call to their customer support. The listing you purchased has received no, i repeat, NO revisions since being published, much less changing details like what phone they fit.

Furthermore, the picture CLEARLY shows the item in its retail packaging, which CLEARLY states what phone(s) it fits, which are the iPhone 6 plus/6s plus.
Now if you would like to continue shouting at me and lying to my face, on record through ebay messages, you are more than welcome to do so and we can let ebay step in to handle this as necessary.

If you would like to handle this like civilized adults, we can do that too.

I believe the issue here is the phone case you purchased did not fit your phone. From what I can understand through your messages is your phone is a iphone 6, NOT an iphone 6s / 6s PLUS, and though a simple mistake on your part you now have a phone case that does not fit your phone.

I will happily refund your money upon return of the item, but as this is not a problem with the item or error in the listing information, you will need to provide your own shipping method. I believe the shipping for this item is $2.60 for First Class mail and the item weighs roughly 5 oz. (rounding up).

>> No.1396064

>>1396061 (Cont)

Jul-21-16 12:41
Your listing said 6/6s before, now it has changed to 6 plus/6splus. Not the same thing. eBay has been contacted and you will need to resolve before they step in.

Jul-21-16 13:13
This was a gift, that I needed by Saturday! I have every reason to be upset. You were very dishonest. I would like a full refund for this and you to pay return shipping. It's pretty simple.

Jul-21-16 13:15
I have been a seller on here for the last 6 years and that isn't the way that it works. You will have to send prepaid return label to me.

I will say this as clearly as I can once more:

-ebay keeps change logs for every listing showing ALL alterations made.
-you are outright LYING about my listings being altered, inside ebays own messaging system no less.
-ebay can PROVE you are lying and this information has already been notated as I called them immediately upon receiving your lying, angry messages.

Now, do you want to continue with this or do you want to start over and handle things like adults?

Jul-21-16 13:23
I'll make this clear as I can as an adult. This message from you is very threatening to me as a female and I do want the full refund and return label as I was very much mislead. I am upset for good reason. This will be the last message to you before eBay takes over to handle the situation. You are making me feel very uncomfortable as a buyer. I would never do this to my customers. Have a nice day.

>> No.1396067

You can buy cars and part them out, you could make serious big bux doing it that way. But I honestly just go to junkyards, they usually have dirt cheap prices because they're used parts and they can't make any guarantees on them. I bought floor mats, power mirrors, and sun visors from a 2014 Nissan Versa that was smashed in for $40 total. I made $80 from one mirror and one sun visor already. I have floor mats which I plan to sell for $50 and then another power mirror and sun visor which would put me around $150 total. Spend $40 to make $150. Pretty good deal. No I'm not that big of a car guy to be fair, I don't know shit about cars but I know their values and what the parts cost, that's all I really need to know. I just steal the fittings and specs information from other people.

>> No.1396071

>>1396064 (Cont)

At this point she opened a return request and said the exact same bs over again. Honestly surprised she stuck to her guns with that after telling her theres evidence to prove her lie. ebay has stepped in. i told them im fine with taking the item back as long as its returned in proper condition, and im not paying for the return shipping. they opened and closed a case on the return in "buyers favor" (as I suggested since i dont mind taking the item back, just not paying the shipping on it). just waiting for negative feedback now so I can call them again to have it removed. Also reporting her, hopefully im not the first so she actually gets banned at some point.

Probably followup after i get the item back with a "i win you stupid bitch" message of some type

>> No.1396085

interesting idea. I never thought to just go grab the easy to get stuff like mirrors/carpets/matts/etc

I might look into that. I love going to junkyards and picking through things when I need a car part, I just hate having to put it on and the "critical" feeling of "this has to fix my car" that comes with it normally.

Kind of a fun idea. Thanks!

>> No.1396131
File: 805 KB, 272x160, 1443498732259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please keep us updated on that situation. It's amazing how people will straight up lie to your face even after being proven wrong.

And then she tries to pull the fucking female card. What an absolute joke. If that was court, you'd lose because she has a vagina and your rights end where her feelings begin.

Stupid whore.

>> No.1396151

/biz/, in the past I have regularly purchased things on ebay, then resold in New Zealand (everything costs a lot more here as its so far away from anything).

Anyone looking to establish an export biz? I'll happily purchase high quality goods that I can move here for decent margin.

>> No.1396161


lol, you massive faggot

you should have said that you never changed the description instead of writing such a long response

>> No.1396165


Okay, but when i hit 2500$ received payments in Paypal, they ask for verification and there will be still my ID,which is already used for my other personal account?

>> No.1396182

The moment i read the "im being threatened as a woman!" shit i nearly picked up the phone and called her. Opted not to so she has no ammo to try and get her way with. Maybe after its all said and done.

I'll keep yall updated but I don't think therell be much after this. ebay stepped in, agreed "side with the buyer" for a refund as i said ill happily take the item back, theyre making her pay for the shipping

after she gets her refund ill get neg feedback from her and call them to get it removed.

honestly im always surprised by how many horror stories i hear from threads like this with all the "ebay always sides with the buyers and fucks the sellers no matter what!" type things. I nearly always have great experiences with ebay reps.

The real secret is to get US reps on the line and avoid their indian ones at all costs. I assume it has to do with the language barrier but normally if ebay starts fucking me it's because hajeeb on the other end of the phone cant comprehend whats going on and just reads off his script. give up, hang up, call back and get a US rep and everything sorts itself out pretty easily.

That, and be a legitimate ebayer not trying to work the system in some sneaky underhanded way for a quick buck before you get banned

>> No.1396184

what can i say, I like to put a little flair in my work sometimes

im based in the US, i'll be more than glad to ship you shit as long as youre paying upfront. gime contact info

never been to a flea market before? kids can get ID's for like 20 bucks

>> No.1396206

javascript:quote('1396165') they will but you are still a different legal entity,
For example if your brother fuck up on eBay they cannot hold you liable for it. Companies work the same way, they might monitor you but they would breach the law if they apply the same mitigation mesure based on your previous activity as a sole trader

>> No.1396258

currently using ebay to sell custom built computers friend of mine owns a antique and collectibles business and ive been selling some of his stuff at 60/40 his way just scraping by by selling antiques every month to cover all the fees for ebay the computers are the hard part i order the parts get them shipped to me build it install all the shit on it and sell it usually takes around 2 months to get rid of one then im waiting on paypal then waiting on them again to transfer it to my bank account then i buy more parts eventually though ill have enough to do two computers at a time then three and four and just build from there

>> No.1396262

Life might work out better for you if don't use run-on sentences.

>> No.1396277


What I am saying is that I am capable of selling across the internet with my own site. (Like shopify but actually works)

Yes. It is worth it to sell on eBay. I am not disputing this. I'm not talking about the average 4Chan user. I am saying I have a program capable of selling across the internet via your own website and managing the data of multiple selling venues.

All I was wondering is what the average eBay user might be willing to pay for such a service.

>> No.1396305


Isn't it obvious? they would be willing to pay less than what Ebay charges them. assuming your service is just as good as Ebay.

>> No.1396308

>both of which normally result in success for whatever your goal for calling in is, since you've at that point turned them into allies.

That's so great. You have someone on the inside lol

>> No.1396479

anyone know how to get unbanned from ebay? they keep suspending my shit.. couple years ago when i was a dumb kid i sold product keys (like Microsoft office, shit like that) made a good thousand dollars before getting kicked off eBay for life.

I want to go legit again but every time I join they fucking ban me

>> No.1396551


Unfortunately it won't get any better in the future. Ebay is pretty much sticking with as much automated support/rules because it saves them money. You can call them but after awhile it becomes tedious to call just to not pay the return shipping of $5-$10 and get the ding off your account (which is stressful to have)

>> No.1396675


I already set all those restrictions on buyers, and take excellent photos of my items.

this merch i have is still sealed, and I've heard horror stories of buyers buying the item sealed, swapping it with a broken one, and saying it "arrived damaged" or is "not as described".

they keep the sealed item, send you a box of rocks, and keep the money.

>> No.1396679

The bans are based by IP address, use a different internet service provider and use someone else's personal info

>> No.1396700

im actually a computer tech, was my "real job" before i went full time ebaying

I considered this route before, and in honesty my very first ebay transaction was buying a pre built custom pc from some guy doing build-to-orders

so you build them picking out the parts on your own first, WITHOUT a buyer lined up, and are confident it will sell for enough to recoup costs and fees and make a bit of profit?

thats a ballsy move my friend. honestly a little surprised

legit windows too?

read the thread.

removing the ding is always worth the 30ish minutes on the phone for me. I typically just sit down to eat while having them on speakerphone or actively work on listings while dealing with them so its not really a problem. beyond that my ego makes any opportunity to win an argument worth it.

right, ive -heard- stories like that too, but ive never actually experienced them. the WORST case is I -think- a buyer swappped an AC adapter with a broken one he had on me. thats literally once in like 3000 transactions, not exactly a bad track record. i get the occasional asshole that i have to deal with *like my posts of todays retarded customer in this thread) but i rarely get -fucked over- through ebay.

>> No.1396712

so how much are you making monthly, reliably?

>> No.1396719

do you mean as a software bundle you license out to people who in turn learn how to use it, install it, and utilize it themselves?

if so, then lots, but your target audience is going to be small as hell. Not many are interested in learning how to host their own website or learn fancy, complicated software if they dont already, and the ones that do will not be interesting paying a large amount until it shows proven results to warrant its purchase or has a good reputation in the field already... and any decent online marketer is going to want to know what your software offers that they cant do themselves already
Or do you mean as a selling service where they list their item on your website (or you list it for them, whichever) and do the legwork yourself until its sold through your own network? Theres no way your search volume will match typical ebay volume for most niches and categories, so I would say the answer is "less than what ebay charges" more than likely. MANY websites have come and gone trying to fight ebay. They rise and fall on the daily.

ebay got in early and established itself as the driving force for used/cheap products purchased online. there's almost no way to get rid of or compete against it at this point, exactly like Walmarts in america. The only way we'll ever be rid of it is if it grows too big and devours itself.

>> No.1396732


It wasn't till I started selling that I realized that not being 100% isn't the end of the world.

If you have any poojets or chinks in your buyer base, you're pretty much guaranteed negative feedback, even if you do everything perfectly.

>> No.1396740


I'll be completely honest in answering your question:

I have been a "professional ebayer" for around 6 years aka quit my job and used that as primary income. during the first 2 years I was making anywhere between 2-3k a month with it. Had room to grow, started looking into warehousing options etc.

At that point my life decided to do what it always does and I was hit by a string of some of the worst luck possible all at once. I wont go into details but it pretty much destroyed my life and ruined me from being able to continue on. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

From there everything stopped. I continued making a few shitty sales a month over the course of the next 2 1/2 years, scraping by making anywhere from 50-300 a month profit and doing a few odd jobs to keep minimal expenses handled.

Recently, around the beginning of this year, things started to finally look up a little and I was able to stand on two feet again. I've tried to take advantage of it and decided to start focusing on rebuilding my ebay empire. Around a month ago I found a new inventory supplier and have been establishing a relationship with them.

So far things are going great. Im reliably listing a minimum of 1000 dollars in merchendise a month and earning about 30% of that in gross profit. so monthly stats in english:

This month:
-Listed $3.5k in merchendise
-Earned $300 profit
-still another 1-2k to list for this week and sales to be made (honestly it's about 2k left to list)

Thats only for this new joint venture, does not account for my other ebaying stuff and the side gigs I have going elsewhere (monthly service for a few companies as their IT, etc)

I'm still a far ways off from my goals. I want this new joint venture I have going to grow to about 700-1k profits a week in pocket and to become my primary focus in ebay.

So far its looking VERY good. me and the new inventory supplier are growing trust and the volume we deal with is increasing weekly.

>> No.1396741

i've dealt with having negative feedback before. And though I agree its not the end of the world, I still try to maintain the 100% as much as possible. once i get that first strike I'll take it less serious until it gets past the 12 months and goes back to 100, but before that happens ill try my best to hold that 100. If for no other reason than because it helps your search rankings against competition

>> No.1396743

>minimum of 1000 dollars in merchendise a month

I meant to say a week*

>> No.1396745

When you say, $3.5k listed, does that mean you're gonna make that much? Or is that including the price of buying then selling?

>> No.1396769

thats the total revenue (aka total value)

My profit margin is just over 30% currently. Normally i'd focus on higher profits, but honestly the stuff I'm selling is super high demand merchandise that moves amazingly fast. In the past i've only sold products that I could double my investment on, but that rule has completely vanished with this new merch im working with I'm also facing no overhead cost on the inventory as I don't pay the supplier until it's sold.

most items are a minimum value of $50 and are hot selling items. 99% of it is brandname electronics like kindles, apple/sony/samsung/lg/etc. I've got 4 new kindles to list today and already sold around 5.

I think the highest value item I've gotten thus far is a 250 dollar graphics card (At least thats what i saw from a quick google of the model, i havent actually researched ebay value on it or listed it yet)

The cheapest is like a 10 dollar pair of skullcandy headphones without any packaging. That made me giggle when I saw it cause it was so out of place.

It's a good sign when youre sorting inventory and laugh at a shitty valueless item instead of getting mad about it, lol.

>> No.1396774
File: 483 KB, 141x141, 1468737440689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you get a good connection to buy electronics in bulk? Appreciate all the information, by the way.

>> No.1396781

Honestly? Luck.

Over the years I developed a habit of always keeping my ears and eyes open for an opportunity to earn a buck. It finally paid off 100 fold almost by accident. Happened across a fellow who plays a different game than me to make a living while being his own boss (nothing shady). We started talking and discovered we could benefit from working with each other.

>> No.1396798

So... kinda like me coming across you?

>> No.1396810

Ideally, I try to avoid certain parts, I avoid parts that are either too expensive for my profit margins or parts that I would have a hard time being able to sell off as being functional for more than a month. It's a really trial and error business at times. But generally the eBay motors buyers are very serious about getting their parts and I haven't come across a scammer ever. So if you get a return order once every 100 sales, its pretty good and that's basically what I averaged. Many times its just because I make shitty pictures that don't show the color well enough. (dark grey instead of grey)

>> No.1396813

sure, if you've gotten something positive out of this thread that helps you along then yeah, basically.

the best piece of advice i can give is to always be open to the idea of meeting and befriending fellow entrepreneurs. I have met many people in the last years that have provided benefit to me just by talking to them and meeting them. If by nothing else than because theyre "ahead of me" in their business and give good advise in their stories that helps me with future hurdles.

and if youre real lucky (like i somehow managed to be recently, which is ASS BACKWARDS for what my life normally is like.) you might find a golden goose eventually. This new joint venture is proving to be -exactly- what i needed and is going to cause me to even outgrow him to the point where hes not said golden goose anymore. I will continue working with him simply because the profits will be worth it and we work well together, but he wont be a necessity to my operation after about 6 months.

>> No.1396818

i was thinking things like rear view mirrors, floor matts, maybe the radios and steering wheels,etc.

I know a piece of trim on my old 91 legend was 50 bucks when I wanted to replace my cracked one. that was an upsetting price for a piece of plastic. Just curious what my cost would be for things like that at the junkyard

>> No.1396837

Always double check the payment has gone through on PayPal. Had a couple of bum runners from Albania make it so the payment was "pending" with no intention to pay. Hoping i would send the item without checking paypal.

The eBay icon said they had paid so i get charged a final value fee and can't open a no payment claim. 20 minutes on eBay customer service trying to cross the language barrier (it helps if you speak with an Indian accent) and they end up telling me to call PayPal. PayPal told me to call eBay.

Bitch of it is i can't even give him negative feedback to warn others.

>> No.1396859

How do you ship the floor mats and how much does it cost?

>> No.1396860

Possibly, what are some high margin items there? Drop some contact info.

>> No.1396867


-in 6 years and 2XXX transactions I've had to worry about this maybe three times. Though fine if you do this, its always been no issue for me and doesnt warrant the time and effort.

-when the status of a transaction is "Pending" it will stay in the "Awaiting payment" section until it clears. I am literally dealing with this right now (explained below). It also normally tells you an ETA for the payment to clear. If that is not how it worked for you then it's an error and you should contact ebay about it immidiately. You are specifically told by both ebay and paypal "If funds are pending, do not ship out the item until it is cleared".*

-this is a PP issue, NOT an ebay one, and since theyre no longer a single company ebay, can't interact with the paypal side of things. ebay will not be helpful with things like this.

-i agree that ebays indian/phillipines/whatever are the fucking -worst- thing to deal with. I believe it to be a language barrier issue as they dont speak full english they often times cannot understand what the problem is, and in return just follow their canned scripts which usually have shitty results. The solution is to either try with them and if it fails to yield the result you want, call again after a few hours. Eventually you will get with an American associate and that -always- ends sooner, better, and easier. You can also just make up what you want and ask to get transfered to a diff department, then tell them theres a mistake with ur transfer and get sent back, that often sends me to a US rep.

*recently paypal has had some big glitch that is fucking up random transactions. A payment went into pending with no eta displayed and i took about 4 hours to get it fixed. It's still not even fixed, has to run through 24 hours to end the process its stuck in.

>> No.1396889

Is the russiananon selling light bulbs still active?

There's a type of bulb that is no longer mass produced in my country so I either have to spend a lot for it, or spend even more to change the whole lamp

>> No.1396891

I usually end up making a box for it myself. I have a work station for it. Just stack them on top of each other. You could try rolling them if you don't give a shit. I don't want to do that just because a negative feedback isn't worth saving 3 or 4 dollars on shipping. It would cost around on average 12-20 dollars by USPS or FedEx.

>> No.1396907

go to walmart late at night (on whatever their inventory stocking night is at the one near you)

and you can get a shitton of boxes of various sizes. Just ask one of the guys if you can take the empty boxes they have tossed around. normally they say ask their supervisor and they always say sure take what you want, it just cant have the walmart name on it cause they reuse those.

personally id probably roll them up so i can make a thin narrow box vs a long and one sipmly becasue of the storage space itll save

>> No.1396927

Anyone have experience with other ebay like sites, tindie etc?

>> No.1397470

Trying to sell my old 7950 since someone gifted me this 970, but no one wants to fucking buy this shit.

>> No.1397651
File: 45 KB, 604x423, 70d58435-a11b-4823-9e7a-a8e889e43bb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random tips/advice from my short but very profitable time on eBay:

>As with anything in finance, buying right is 80% of the struggle
>If you're shipping internationally, sell worldwide. It's a bigger market for essentially the same price
>Don't use GSP unless it makes a lot of sense for your market
>Don't pay for tracked shipping, domestic or otherwise. Even if you're selling valuable products it's not worth it. The loss of one $200 item is less than tracking for 30+ items. Unless you get ripped off and scammed every 30 sales, don't use tracked shipping unless the customer pays for it.
>You can compete and beat Chinese sellers with your turnaround, quality, volume and any number of other factors, even for cheap shitty items.
>Print thank you notes and watch your feedback and listings soar
>Keep your listings up to date, it improves your search
>Keep your description under 800 characters, it improves your viewing on mobile and probably your position too

>> No.1397804

I'm down to around $1,200 a month gross. Around $800-$900 net. Shit sucks but it's my own damn fault I haven't been listing like I used to. Video game addiction is a crazy thing. Used to be more around $1,500 - $2000 a month.

>> No.1397873

Yeah generally I never pay for my boxes, occasionally I will pay a buck 2 or 3 for a really big one from home depot if I can't be bothered with sewing 3 different boxes together for a big item. I got a bunch from restaurants really. Sending out boxes that has sysco/GFS/etc names on it haha.

>> No.1397969

So since nobody wants to give away their niche, can people comment on how to FIND one? Particularly with a budget of a few hundred dollars? Nobody is trying to get rich quick, I am willing to work hard, I usually trade for 13 hours a day. But what's the fastest way to a decent return?

>> No.1397993

I hate the SaaS look, but surely it will give you some vital info if you spend 13hrs a day times x days to learn it.

>> No.1398000

how do you increase sell limits? this stupid 50 sells a month its not enough, I could sell way more. I have 100% good feedback, always ship fast, no complaints so far from customers

>> No.1398001

what do you sell? do you drop ship or order and distribute yourself?

>> No.1398020
File: 9 KB, 300x100, 59.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help

I have a buyer asking me to refund half of his shipping costs because I shipped his two winning auctions with a shipping price of 10.99 each together in an $11.95 flat rate USPS shipping box. He won both auctions at .99 a piece.

My question is can I refund him the $.99 cost for winning the auction to close the return request request he has placed with ebay or does he have to initiate the close?

>> No.1398459

the biggest mistake people make is they try to dive headfirst into "selling stuff" with no idea what niche they want to work with or have a product at hand. They start looking at items 1 by 1 in alibaba and get overwhelmed after about the 15th item and the urge fizzles out.

the secret is to focus on your own interests first. I explain it in detail in another thread here:


the point is to -start-. The hardest part with being your own boss and/or being successful making money online in any form, is starting. If you can get the ball rolling even if you're just making a few bucks a month (hell, probably even if you're LOSING money) things will smooth out and start growing in time, as long as you're actually doing something.

once you get comfortable with the process and its no longer a foreign, scary concept, new items will start revealing themselves to you like magic.

>> No.1398468

and this is why i -ALWAYS- list all items with free shipping and just factor it into the price.

there's literally no reason to split the shipping other than "I want to fuck myself over and over again".

A 99 cent starting bid with 10 dollars shipping will still even show up below an auction thats 10.98 with free shipping when sorted by lowest price. you still get charged the final value fee on the shipping as well.

Guess how many times I've had to deal with the "I bought multiple items so I want the discount on the shipping you're saving!" problem. Answer: ZERO.

ONCE in a blue moon ill get a buyer asking if i can combine shipping and give a discount, at which point I'll say yes or no depending on what kind of value I'm getting out of his purchases. I've never had anyone argue it or get mad. The "free shipping" for whatever reason removes that aggressive snotty entitlement from buyers minds.

alternatively if the reason you have separate shipping is due to calculated shipping costs for various areas, either A set it to free shipping and make a note at the end of the auction "If you are purchasing from out of country please contact me PRIOR TO PURCHASE for a shipping quote", that's always worked out for me great.

I suppose you could try putting a "There is no shipping discount on multiple items" disclaimer in your auctions as well, should work about the same.

to answer your question, if he opened a return request you should have an option to offer a partial refund which you can put whatever number you want in.

YOU cant close the request, you can only offer him the discounted price and he will have to accept it. the only way YOU can close the request is to agree to a complete refund (with him either having to return the item or keep the item)

>> No.1398635

Blitzkreig it. Some of my listings have over 1k views and others have under 5.

20 free listings a month, might as well use them.

>> No.1398827

Offer free shipping in the future

You're not obligated to refund him, the price he pays for postage doesn't necessarily have to reflect the price you pay for postage. eBay will probably remove any negative feedback he might give and side with you in any dispute. Hence don't worry about it but don't be an idiot and charge for shipping in the future.

>> No.1398876

>eBay will probably remove any negative feedback he might give and side with you in any dispute

not at all true. ebay will NOT remove negative feedback unless it violates certain rules.

if he left a neg feedback saying "Sellers wouldnt discount shipping for mailing 2 different items together!" that is an opinion and ebay will let it stay.

>> No.1398918


final update. I just received this message from her, oddly.

"I closed the case. I was able to resale the otter box. Sorry that things got out of hand and escalated so quickly. Sometimes with stress from work and kids, you tend to be overly sensitive when having a bad day. Hope that you have a good weekend."

>> No.1398932



>> No.1398941

My niche is in vintage watches--specifically in the Seiko and Casio brands. I mostly have quartz watches from the late 70s through the 80s. Movie collectibles--movie accurate watches seen in famous movies are my biggest money maker.

Now how to find a niche? My advice is going to be lame.

Look at your skillset. What are you good at? I've found that I was always good with repairing fragile electronics and instruments. I used to repair and sell synthesizers and keyboards before the watches.

Second thing to look at is time investment. You have a life, right? You have work, school, extracurriculars, dating, and other hobbies. Your eBay business shouldn't take out too much time from these other things. In my example, fixing a Yamaha DX-7 synth is much more time consuming than fixing a Seiko digital watch. It's the difference between 8 hours and 1 hour. Save yourself time, senpai. Time is money.

tldr; find something that fits into your skillset, find something that requires the least amount of time investment

>> No.1398956

> Your eBay business shouldn't take out too much time from these other things.

this is true but only for long term, after the initial growing pains.

as with any business starting up, when you're first starting out it can and probably will absorb a MASSIVE amount of your time. For about a year all I really did was ebay related stuff. Did I -have- to? No, but if i didnt focus on it then it would take longer to get where I wanted it to be.

this is obviously up to each individual and there preference, but I prefer to grow and build as quick as possible to get to the comfortable streamlined part that comes after establishing everything.

>> No.1399457

I buy popular figures from japan that are in demand and guaranteed to sell out then sell them a year later. Can make at least $50 profit per. I use amazon not ebay.

>> No.1399496
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Why a year later?

>> No.1399736

because the way toy markets work, around a year after theyre produced and no longer in production or in stores theyll be at whatever their "collector value" is going to be (for the most part)

Generally you can just wait until they're no longer available through conventional means like retail stores/websites. Once the only way to get them is via 3rd parties/scalpers they go up in price. This just happens to normally be around the 1 year mark

>> No.1399761

>Don't pay for tracked shipping

Horrible advice. You are required to ship tracked to reach Top Rated which means higher visibility/higher sales.

You WILL be scammed if you don't ship tracked. Tracking is anti fraud insurance, plain and simple.

>> No.1399763

Report their ass to the moon and back.



>> No.1399774

So is it profitable to scavenge garage sells and flee markets?

>> No.1399776


>> No.1399784

To the extent of replacing a job? I can't work a normal job because too much to tell

>> No.1399795
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Australian seller here.

Its a bit different compared to the stuff all other affiliations have.

So pretty much this:

eBay will take 10% of the final sale price (and postage paid by buyer), PayPal 3%~ of money received.

They provide a postage discount via our main postal service AusPost - and makes it all automated that you can just print off the customers address and either put it into a postal box or take it to the post office.

Works well, except Auspost are tight cunts, $7.45~ to post an item under 500grams, if sending to another state you just get fisted up the arse, you gotta work out either to use flat rate satchels or you'll just be giving the pricks money they don't deserve.

Get 40 insertion 'free' listings a month - saving $1.50. So pretty much own 3 accounts to save myself paying the cunts more money than I need to because 13% is already a fucking stiff.

I make plenty, but honestly don't think people here need to know or give a fuck what I would sell.

>> No.1399822

Sold about $1700AUD in the past 60 days, dropshipping though with 15% margins.

>> No.1399838

i agree with this poster.

however, I will say that I have learned to use untracked shipping sometimes.

Some items I sell are only a few bucks (under 5) and are small enough to ship in a standard envelope.

After a few years of spending the minimum of 2.45 to have them tracked, I realized shipping via 49 cent stamp was worth the risk

-the few items i sell that are small and cheap is only a few a month (worth around 2-4 dollars total value)
-every 49 cent shipped item i send saves me 1.96 (Roughly half the value of one of these small items)
-i am in the green as long as 2/3 of my items dont get lost/stolen/scammed

there's so few it doesn't effect my top rated seller status and its making me a fair amount of "extra" money compared to when i refused to send anything without tracking. totally worth it for me. It's not much, but I tend to be as frugal as possible when it comes to income, this pays for a 1-3 days of lunch a month which is a positive in my books.

absolutely, but in the long run it can become tedious and annoying. you can get stuff in really rough condition or really needing to be cleaned, or just outright doesn't work and you cant tell until you bring it home to test it fully. I have also noticed as time goes on it's getting harder and harder to find profitable deals. Everyone and their grandma is checking ebay to price their items, or just wanting new retail value for their shit.

it's not something everyone can get into, takes a specific type of person to enjoy it. But there are still plenty of openings for someone to make a buck if they want to.

brilliant...I never thought about opening new accounts for more free lsitings. Right now I just have a store that gives me 250 free listings a month i think it is. I am going to cap that out soon and was wondering what to do about it..new accounts seems like a genius idea

>> No.1400499


> when you sell something for 6 times the price you bought it for

good fucking lord...

>> No.1400573


I found a sweet little niche that has amazing margins but low volume. I pay around .04 cents a piece for the product and sell them for a dollar a piece..but I bundle them in large packs.

25x price paid - shipping costs, fees and I'm sitting at around 15.5x margins.

Too bad they're low priced and only sell maybe 40-50 a month.

>> No.1400576


I'm talking about a 10 dollar gameboy

Too bad I only score 1 or 2 a month

>> No.1400618


>tfw sold a pair of raybans out of the dollar bin at a salvation army
>tfw ur return is 155x

fuck selling gook shit and dealing with eBay like it's some sort of business. "Ohhh i'm so fucking savvy and smart dropshipping this chinese garbage for $.30 a pop god damn almost 100 sales this month!"

this shit isn't hard people

1) get a cell with a provider that gives u 4G everywhere even indoors
2) get a cheap POS car that gets good gas mileage
3) Go to where the rich people live (why? because rich people are wasteful slovenly motherfuckers who wear a shirt once then toss it because "it doesn't fit right") Look up the median income by area if you have to. Usually the university town in your state will be the best place to go. Driving several hours may be necessary.
4) Hit every thrift store, consignment store, garage sale, church sale, craigslist ad, anything and everything
5) THIS IS CRUCIAL. Get an eye for quality. Tight stitching, hq leather, expensive speakers/electronics don't just learn brands all brands have a shit tier line of every product. Learn what quality looks like. Then, before buying check the price of the SOLD listings on eBay. See what you can get it for and what kind of money you can make.

I just sold a pair of shoes, wallet and jeans this morning for a combined $60. I had about $14 into them so $46 profit for the morning. You cannot look at eBay sales as $/hr. Would say more but idc

>> No.1400970

This guy gets it. I dealt used, rare electronics mostly amps and receivers from thrift stores in high net-worth areas a couple of years back. Those fuckers would throw away several hundred to thousand dollar receivers in the garbage because they were 10-20 years old.

>> No.1401232

>Brand new
>Pictures show it outside of the box

>> No.1401427

>>tfw ur return is 155x
My best one was a batch of kitchen knives.
Bid on an online auction for knives because I needed some. Bid on two lots that showed 3 knives each. Won one for $2 and one for $3.

$5 for 6 chef's knives. Pretty good deal.

Went to pick them up. Actually was 46 knives total.

Sold 44 of them for ~$15 each after fees and shipping. They actually went really fast too, all sold in under two weeks.

>TFW I made $660+ off of $5 and incompetence.

Totally could have made more if I priced them higher but then it would have taken me much longer to sell them.

>> No.1401433


We need more people like you good sir, one of the very few providing good actionable information here.

>> No.1401865

Now try to scale it up to a million a year.
You can't!
What you are talking about is a job, not a business.

>> No.1401909

It is absolutely scaleable. Get more people, scour more territory, share the profits. It can totally be done. The thing is, it's not worth the effort. If you can train people to help out, you can charge them and let them try and live the dream themselves, like those assholes who sell real estate seminars. If you're going to scour affluent neighborhoods, you can set up your own donation center.

But all that is beside the point. This shit isn't about growing a business, it's either side income that's fun to generate or a liveable income where you are your own boss. Who gives a shit if you don't turn it in to a thriving corporation?

>> No.1401911

>You WILL be scammed if you don't ship tracked. Tracking is anti fraud insurance, plain and simple.
No, you'll simply have more cases opened and scam attempts. Protect yourself as you normally would and that's not an issue. This is obvious and you're missing the point on purpose.

Never pay for tracked shipping.

>> No.1401928

Why not just make the buyer pay shipping? It's one thing if we're talking cheap shit you sell 30+ of a week, but when you're talking a 200$ item, it's not like the buyer is going to worry about couphing up 2.5 bucks so you can both be sure the thing arrives like it should.

>> No.1401979

I don't know that it's that useful. "Develop an eye for quality" is pretty vague for anything you aren't already familiar with.

>> No.1402023


>anything I don't know is scary and hard to learn

>> No.1402096

because you can do both. Charge for Tracked and only use Standard. For $200 items at one sale per day this saves you something like $225/month. Unless you're getting scammed for 1 in every 25 items or so you're saving money.

In all the time I've been doing this I've had literally one single customer start a case over a £190 payment. Even if I refund him in full I'm still making nearly 20% extra net profit

>> No.1402303

>No, you'll simply have more cases opened and scam attempts. Protect yourself as you normally would and that's not an issue

please explain to me how you win a case when someone opens "item not received" case against you and you have no tracking? that's an instant loss from my understanding. keep in mind im not the person ur debating this with originally. just a curious onlooker.

you're going to bring us into the dreaded and retarded "buyers count shipping as a separate and additional cost when they can use it to complain for discounts" debate that always ends in retarded shitposting. but to answer you:

>but when you're talking a 200$ item, it's not like the buyer is going to worry about couphing up 2.5 bucks so you can both be sure the thing arrives like it should.

Yes, they ABSOLUTELY will.

every shipping option through ebays shipping program and i believe through USPS/FEDEX/UPS includes tracking. in order to do non-tracking you either have to use stamps or go to the post office manually...you seriously make daily trips to the post office? fuck that sucks.

I do stamped enevelope mailing once in a while (probably 1 in 50 or so transactions) for stuff that is less than 1/4 an inch thick, <1oz in weight, and fits in an envelope. Why? Because the $1.96 saved is worth the risk that my 5 dollar item gets stolen. So far its not been an issue, but I would never make it a standard habit for the majority of my inventory or be willing to risk it with anything beyond double digits in value. Also I don't even know how you can do that as nearly every option provides tracking nowdays as previously stated.

>> No.1402354

I sold on eBay a long time.

As the first reply said, it is a margins business. You are selling a widget along with a number of others, and price is one of the biggest variables. So margins are thin. Literally every penny you save is more money made.

Generally those pennies come from economy of scale. If you ship out in boxes, boxes and mailing stickers get cheaper the more you order. Your wholesaler cuts prices if you order enough of a product. And so on.

Also this concept you can just take the orders and some dropshipper will take care of it doesn't work. You need to buy the commodities you make money on in bulk and ship them yourself because it is more expensive to dropship. Anyone can dropship, meaning competitors. The only situations in which I dropshipped - one, I ran out of an item and it did not come back in stock yet. Two, I went on a trip for a few days and could not get to my merchandise. Three - I would list dropshipped items at cost and see if there were any takers. If I got enough bites I would order it in bulk and make a profit.

Think ahead to what "success" is. You only make money at scale. Even Amazon makes almost no money. How many packages can you ship out a day (it takes longer than you think). You're not just dealing with shipping, you're dealing with returns, questions, your printer ran out of ink, your username doesn't work on your suppliers web site and you have to call them, your supplier can only send you a contract via a fax machine etc.

Success means you need more space to store merchandise. You've grown out of your home and need to rent some space. You also need to hire someone to do the shipping, since you're doing everything else.

>> No.1402411


Do you have to ship something to someone if it is under the "awaiting payment" section on ebay?

Is it paypal withholding your money for a period of time or the person not coughing up the cash?

>> No.1402639

>please explain to me how you win a case when someone opens "item not received" case against you and you have no tracking?
Granted that the majority of those cases are in favour of the buyer, so you typically can't, but they're rare enough that it isn't a factor. You can curb most of them through sticking a barcode on the box, using delayed responses and all the other seller tricks and tools you use to get out of 75% of cases.

>every shipping option through ebays shipping program and i believe through USPS/FEDEX/UPS includes tracking. in order to do non-tracking you either have to use stamps or go to the post office manually...you seriously make daily trips to the post office? fuck that sucks.
Sounds like the US uses a retarded system. I have a post office about 180 seconds away but on my busy days I simply have them pick it up here or use an alternative courier, I don't use tracking with any of them because it's always cheaper short and long term.

>So far its not been an issue, but I would never make it a standard habit for the majority of my inventory or be willing to risk it with anything beyond double digits in value. Also I don't even know how you can do that as nearly every option provides tracking nowdays as previously stated.
That's your choice. For me, I prefer profit to perceived security. I don't mind paying the odd scammer once in a blue moon for an extra 20% income.

If the price of tracking is no different in the US then I guess you can ignore everything I've said though.

>> No.1402914


That's not the value in the post, if that's all you took away from it then you should know that you can apply to McDonald's online now.

>> No.1403285 [DELETED] 

if anyone here has provided better info than me, it's this guy. Smart words here. I think it's fair to say these rules hold true to any business where you're selling a product not directly manufactured by or licensed exclusively to yourself though.

absolutely -NO-. ebay/paypal rules actually specify NOT to do that. awaiting payment means just that- you're awaiting payment. you do NOT mail product out until you have been paid. if the status says payment is in holding it should provide an estimated date for it to clear, if it doesnt or if the date has passed and it's not cleared, contact paypal, somethings wrong.

*paypal has recently had issues in their system that has caused payments to get frozen in holding for no reason

im not sure what kind of a shady operation you run to have "tricks and tools to get out of 75% of cases", but i do shit on the up and up so I don't need to hide from buyers when they contact me or use fake barcodes on packages. that reeks of shitty business practices and really shows how serious you take your "business". Really surprised to read people admitting they run their business like that, but not surprised this is where "dont bother with tracking" tips are coming from.

like i said, stamps or go to the post office are the ways to do non-tracking shipping which is more hassle than its worth. if you use a website to print out a label it always has tracking. sounds like your country is the one with shitty systems in place. perhaps if i could print out tracking instead of hand-writing and sticking stamps on each package i would be willing to use it more often- maybe.

if 20% of your income is the <$2.00 saved on tracking, then you really need to find better product my friend.

I'm really not trying to start shit with you here, but fuck man, youre reeking of bad business with every sentence you type. I would suggest you not try to offer others advice in their business anymore, honestly.

>> No.1403307


>curb most of them through sticking a barcode on the box
>using delayed responses and all the other seller tricks and tools you use to get out of 75% of cases.
>the savings i get on tracking is 20% of my yearly income

I am just going to politely leave this response for both you and others in this thread: I highly suggest you stop trying to give advice in these threads and re-work your business practices my friend. Literally everything you've said reeks of shady low quality ebayers who burn through accounts because of their ill practices. I apologize if this offends you as it is not meant to, but you should not be giving advice to people if this is how you operate. Or at the very least, put a warning that these are habbits that can get you canned from ebay.

HOWEVER, I will agree that depending on the niche(s) you sell in, it COULD be profitable to bypass tracked shipping. Up to the seller to decide if the risk is worth it though I guess. I don't trust strangers enough to think I could get away with no tracking for long though.

>> No.1403507

I assume you'll need a business license after selling a certain amount. What do you call your occupation when you just sell old junk on Ebay?

>> No.1403621

realized I have something to add:

>perceived security

Hes right. the tracking system is 100% "perceived" security and ONLY that.

[USPS] tracking does NOT guarantee:

-delivery to the right address, or at all
-reaches destination within the ETA
-wont be lost
-even gets picked up
-any other assurance that ur mail is delivered properly
-insurance or reimbursement of lost packages

I have experienced on NUMEROUS occasions over the years my packages:
-dont update AT ALL. Not even record of it being picked up *or delivered by me at the post office) with the outcome being it gets delivered (luckily) or has been completely lost. 50/50 ratio to be honest.

-get no update through entire process until 3 days after delivery, then being updated with one single line of status - "Delivered"

-tracking halts half way, call USPS, they open a case and say you'll receive a callback in 48hrs. in 50-100 cases I've recieved ONE callback. The package may or may not start moving again. 50/50 shot

-if it stays frozen and you call back: they escalate to "district" and give you a new case number. expect callback in 48hrs. NEVER received a callback on this one. If it gets to this point the package is lost for me.

-Call 3rd time, they will give you district office # to call directly. I've literally NEVER had anyone answer the line. It will ring 5-6 times and go to voicemail. You can leave a voicemail or it will restart the ringing. No one will ever answer or call you back.

I firmly believe it's a phone in a closet at this point.

USPS Tracking is essentially paying for "ebay wont side with the buyer if he tries to say you didnt mail his purchase out.", and that is it.

>> No.1403648

i bought a used shopping cart stolen from walmart on ebay once

>> No.1403759
File: 23 KB, 580x200, ebay-vs-amazon-vs-ecommerce[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point you should be transferring from eBay to your own store?

I've been running an eBay business on the side selling random junk I find at yard sales and the like but I've also expanded into a few imports.

The stuff I sell, even the imported goods, are not continuously available so there's long periods of time between restocks.

Is it still worth it to move to my own website? I have the skills and experience to make websites since that is part of my day job.

>> No.1403787

this is really a personal opinion type thing, but my thoughts are - both

>random junk I find at yard sales
since theres no reoccuring inventory (most likely), ebay is probably the best choice for this type of stuff. Unless you only focus on a particular niche of item when out hunting, you wont be able to focus your website into a single niche, which means you'll never be able to get strong, good flowing traffic. you'll spread too thin for any half decent rankings

>expanded into a few imports
especially since they have downtimes where you cant find any, doing both a personal store AND an ebay store would grant you both forms of traffic and sales.

theres a distinct [large] group of people who refuse ebay just on principle. I know many of them. having your own site means you can tap into that group. yes this will probably make you essentially compete with yourself at times, but there will be profit either way it plays out, and will earn additional profit of at least 10% of the total transaction for every sale due to lack of fees.

do NOT, i repeat NOT fuck up and get yourself banned by doing this. things like making a listing and saying "VISIT MY WEBSITE WHICH ALSO HAS THIS ITEM" will violate ebays terms, you are not allowed to link competing websites within ebay. make sure to read ebays rules and adhere to them strictly.

if i remember right, you can freely link from your website to ebay, or you can link to your site if it sells stuff via sending them to ebay, just cant advertise places to buy stuff that's not ebay, or youll be banned.

alternatively as mentioned above, you could make a site that references your ebay acutions as the purchase method, which could be a great funnel for sales IF you build it well

>> No.1404072

Do NOT ship anything that is "awaiting payment". Wait until it has gone through on PayPal.

international/national supply chain doing logistics and product analysis for e Commerce

>> No.1404127

some people just discharge their rage on the rep message and then don't ever look back at their account. It happens a lot.

>> No.1405245

>Do you have to ship something to someone if it is under the "awaiting payment" section on ebay?
eBay protects you against this.

You're not allowed to ship anything until you receive payment.

>> No.1405375




>> No.1405578

There's only one way to find out.

You can make excellent side income bare minimum.

>> No.1406273

Anyone here sell cards? I know a lot of autists pay big bucks for desirable cards (every Yugioh/Pokemon set has a few cards that are worth more than entire booster boxes they come in, separately) but I always figured the odds of getting those cards could result in a loss very often.

>> No.1406431

Would be interesting to see someone do a return analysis on that type of thing. I would think a box would be worth more once you knew what cards were in it, but that actually selling the cards that aren't super hot would be more of a pain in the ass than it is worth.

>> No.1406447

> I would think a box would be worth more once you knew what cards were in it
Box prices don't tend to go up until they're out of circulation; the retailers and distributors always sell them at the same price so you can't upsell the boxes until they're off the big market, and by that point the cards have lost their value due to new sets with better ones being released.

>> No.1406578

I wasn't referring to hoarding boxes, I mean you open a box of boosters with the idea that the cards inside are worth some range of values, and you price what you're willing to pay for a box somewhere that you would face a reasonable amount of risk that the box doesn't pay off.

I don't understand the model of magic cards still being sold in boosters. I mean, either you buy a booster and gamble it's worth something, or you save a bunch of money and buy from someone who opened packs. Theoretically the prices should equalize given that if one offers a better return than the other, it's price will drop (or see a reduction in volume sold).

It would seem more likely that boxes temporarily decrease in value once the go out of print because the supply is still fresh enough that you get a better return NOT gambling on them, and then go up when the long term valuable cards continue to appreciate or become suddenly in demand because a new combo became possible.

I would think that opening boosters on the newest set would yield a decent return until the market reaches saturation, and old boxes would be about break even. The only boxes you'd want to avoid are the ones with a low price because even though they should still be theoretically break even, the volume of cards you'd have to move for every dollar spent would be greater.

>> No.1406678
File: 105 KB, 501x585, 1460523184733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold 2 Suzuki Motorcycle mufflers for 100 USD and then 15 dollars shipping....got for free from my neighbor, feels good man.

>> No.1407456

was doing around $1000-1400 a month with 50% profit margin in the toy niche.

Just got suspended 2 weeks ago but using a stealth account from Auction Essistance. Still a pain in the ass to operate since they require a bit more tactics to use them

>> No.1407741


I was wrong. today i was surprised with:

Beware! Dishonest about description! Check their feedback, they did it before!

I think i figured out the whole story for how this started. This lady bought an iphone case from me. I had multiple for sale. One of the listings I messed up the title on and put "for iphone 6/iphone 6s" when it should have been 6plus/6s plus. I found out because the feedback i got before this ladies negative feedback, was a neutral from a buyer of said incorrect listing (who has not opened a case or return request, and i would have happily made up for it by full refund + keep the item if they had contacted me about it)

She must have seen that listing before this guy bought it, then bought the different case/listing, but somehow kept thinking she bought the first listing she saw (which had the incorrect title) and thus sent all the hate mail my way.

then she closed the case and apologized becuase she was able to just sell the case off and not care anymore, but afterwards she sees the neutral feedback from the other buyer and that re-ignites the fire under her ass to neg me.

So, basically, shes fucking stupid and her own ignorance has caused the issue here, but there was in fact an actual mistake on my end with a different transaction/listing that lets her think her ignorance is actually valid, and thus here we are.

Called ebay. Because she closed the case they initially said I couldn't have the neg removed. Told them i dont accept that and give me a supervisor. He put me on hold and asked if a sup could call me back within 24 hours, said no, give me your manager if a supervisor isnt available. Put through a transfer and got to a US agent (as stated before, this is a win) who proceeded to initially tell me the same thing, but friendly insistence and full breakdown of situation and she granted removal. Wherever you are, Thanks "Joan".

>> No.1407789 [DELETED] 


>be 11 in 6th grade
>US goes full retard with pokemon craze
>be poor, but for some reason mom lets me and little brother get in on the craze with pokemon cards
>lets us join the "pokemon club" at toys r us which has meetups every weekend, go to mall and get mew on our gameboy cartridges at pokemon event
>stores are sold out of pokemon cards -everywhere-
>the few that have them are scalping the prices to hell. 15+ dollars for 3.95 boosterpacks
>mom allows us each 1 booster every weekend when theyre not sold out or at retarded scalper prices
>pokemon is banned from school
>bringing binder of pokemon cards to school to show off/trade with friends
>Notice prices at local comic shop at mall: every O (common) is 25 cents, Diamond (uncommon) is $.50 or $1, and star (rare) is at least $15
>realize the kids at school apply the same price values
>mfw every boosterpack has one star card in it + random common and uncommons
>mfw i discover a secret store in the mall has pokemon boosters for 3.95 and no one seems to know about it becuase they're never sold out
>mfw I can sell one card out of that pack for 10 dollars almost instantly at school and the rest for a quarter to a dollar a piece

This was probably my first business venture.

>> No.1407797
File: 8 KB, 275x183, ash1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be 11 in 6th grade
>US goes full retard with pokemon craze
>be poor, but for some reason mom lets me and little brother get in on the craze with pokemon cards
>lets us join the "pokemon club" at toys r us which has meetups every weekend, go to mall and get mew on our gameboy cartridges at pokemon event
>stores are sold out of pokemon cards -everywhere-
>the few that have them are scalping the prices to hell. 15+ dollars for 3.95 boosterpacks
>mom allows us each 1 booster every weekend when theyre not sold out or at retarded scalper prices
>pokemon is banned from school
>bringing binder of pokemon cards to school to show off/trade with friends
>Notice prices at local comic shop at mall: every O (common) is 25 cents, Diamond (uncommon) is $.50 or $1, and star (rare) is at least $15
>realize the kids at school apply the same price values
>mfw every boosterpack has one star card in it + random common and uncommons
>mfw i discover a secret store in the mall has pokemon boosters for 3.95 and no one seems to know about it becuase they're never sold out
>mfw I can sell one card out of that pack for 10 dollars almost instantly at school and the rest for a quarter to a dollar a piece

This was probably my first business venture.

>> No.1407814

Which is ridiculous now that eBay is putting off-site links in your listings. What's really stupid is that you can't put .Com in your userid and people are too stupid to say "hmm, maybe johnsusedcarparts owns johnsusedcarparts.com"

>> No.1407830

>Which is ridiculous now that eBay is putting off-site links in your listings.

regardless of what their own practices may or may not be it only makes sense that they wouldn't want direct competition advertising on their own platform.

however, i have no clue what your talking about, ebays putting off-site links in peoples listings now? since when? show me?

>> No.1408132

Send them a bag of steaming dogshit.

>> No.1408152

Go to eBay.com
Search any term.
Pick any listing.
Go to the bottom where it says "Sponsored Links."

>> No.1408411

not sure what I'm going to do yet.
A. nothing
B. send them a "business professional" OR a completely unprofessional "Fuck you you fucking insane lying cunt I win."
C. put them on the site you previously recommended

A is the most likely candidate

B. is what i -really- want to do as i have a bad habbit of letting ego take over when in a situation against someone. I feel i have to win/get the last word in. But I try to curb that habit because I realize the damages it result in normally.

C. was considering, but realistically I doubt htat site gets any decent traffic (I've never heard of it in my 7 years of ebaying), im not all that interested in doxing her to others, and you have to link revealing information where if they ever google their name they can see the comments and figure out who submitted it, leaving them the ability to counterattack again

It'll probably wind up being A, along with banning the cunt from purchasing from me and probably bookmarking her to buy something from her when she lists again and repaying the favor

that is crazy. I never noticed it before, guess cause it's always at the very bottom. At least its only for major retailers and looks to be -related- items, not directly competing with the item(s) you're selling

>> No.1408597

>C. was considering, but realistically I doubt htat site gets any decent traffic

Ohhh buddy, I've got a story for you.

Going to try to keep it short but sweet.

>Have asshat retard buyer.
>Sell NEW ITEM $250+
>Buyer claims item's box is damaged.
>and claims it is my fault he had to drive to post office TWICE to pick up, because mail carrier didn't knock???
>Claims I used signature confirmation (I didn't)
>Refuses to send pictures of so called damage.
>This goes on for hours of bullshit messages.
>Figure it is all over.
>Post them to badbuyerslist, claiming they are fucking crazy lying asshats (in a professional tone)
>Guy is fucking crazy enough to Google himself.
>Posts the same fucking comment 3 times to my badbuyerslist post, saying I am crazy, posts my full name etc.
>Immediately starts return request claiming defective/doesn't work with comment of 'defective'
>Won't respond to any messages for a bit, finally does and just says it was 'SECOND HAND' because I sold it to them, and not a big box retailer.
>Keeps saying item is 'used'
>Types huge nasty responses in return detail telling me to 'CEASE AND DESIST' and that this will become a 'CRIMINAL MATTER', all because I asked why they started a return request, and that I am required to respond to it.
>Jewbay refuses to help, forced to accept.
>Faggot never sends anything back, just played mental games with me for 2 weeks.
>Case closed, report to USPIS for mail fraud (false claims) and ic3.gov (mail fraud/harassment)

Use the goddamn site, shame that whore cunt. Also report her to USPIS and ic3.gov if there is any fraud involved.

FUCK now I'm angry again, fucking faggot buyers. How should I get back at him?

>> No.1408658

>At least its only for major retailers and looks to be -related- items, not directly competing with the item(s) you're selling
If the item is something old and not sold in stores anymore, the ads practically have to be for other stuff. But if it's something current, the ads often do show the same thing as the listing.

>> No.1409043
File: 660 KB, 1106x1012, screen shot 2015-07-30 at 2.31.57 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to do if a competitor buys off all my listings, doesn't pay, and then makes threats?

I'm wondering because this already happened once.

>> No.1409054


That's pretty funny

you can either:

A. be a little bitch and report him
B. buy up all of his shit and don't pay

>> No.1409061

The thing is, this competitor sells my products, and I want to start selling them on my own. When I try to do that, he buys off my stuff, doesn't pay, leaves negative feedback for every listing, and makes threats.

If I buy up all his stuff and leave negative feedback, that will damage my business because I get most of the share from his listings.

>> No.1409062

>B. is what i -really- want to do as i have a bad habbit of letting ego take over when in a situation against someone. I feel i have to win/get the last word in. But I try to curb that habit because I realize the damages it result in normally.

And that's why I wont vote for trump, good for you for thinking logically.

>> No.1409084

So you're doing auction listings? File non-payments against him and restrict non-payers from bidding on your auctions. File everything you can against them. Call up ebay and ask them to remove the negative feedback because it's obviously one guy fucking with you. Switch to BIN so he HAS to pay to close your listings. Black list his account/accounts so he can't buy from you.

>> No.1409165

not trying to be a dick, but how did that relate to the website being worth using?

I've actually realized this is a possible tactic to be chosen by your competitors on ebay before, but never actually seen it done. Always wondered the same. To my knowledge you can call ebay and report it, but I imagine all it does is apply the same rule as generic "no pay cases", where they have to get like 5% of their transactions to be no-pays in order to get in trouble.

I'd like to think they will analyze the situation at hand and see "this guy is actively selling the stuff hes mass buying and not paying for, hes obviously removing competitors listings" and ban him, but sadly, it's ebay, so I wouldn't dare expect that type of voluntary quality

>be a little bitch

really? a guys fucking with your business and income and you call reporting it to proper authorities [ebay] being a "little bitch"? what are you 10?

dude, report this to ebay. if thats exactly what hes doing and you're not bending the truth then he needs to be banned, and will be quite easily. Rightfully so. How the fuck you haven't already reported this from the moment it first happened baffles me.

>> No.1409187

interesting fact: i sell various types of items (New, Used, still in retail, not in retail, etc). Just opened a few listings to compare results:

new, unopened item still in retail stores: shows items with the same licensed franchise, but nothing in direct competition of the item (different category of items entirely)

Used electronic still available in retail: same brand and type of items, various different models, but not the exact item listed

store return electronic item - exact same item in ad, retail new, but 3-4x more expensive

store return electronic item - (different than previous one) - exact same in ad, retail new and more expenisve

unopened but old and no longer in retail - nothing even close

store return electronic (this ones a tablet) - shows computers

Otterbox phone case - literally NO ads even displayed
weird results. i honestly expected it to be a little more...standard in its results

i will say it looks like there might be a connection to what is displayed in the ads and things on ebays vero protection. The items it showed exact matches to are items that get protected by the vero system I think.

>> No.1409355

People do this in World of Warcraft. They message you asking you to C.O.D (cash on delivery/ you mail them the item which they get if they pay the price set). They dont pay and leave it in there for 48 hours until it gets sent back effectively removing the competition for 48 hours.

Report him and if he uses multiple accounts, tell them to check the PayPal address.

>> No.1410086

>not trying to be a dick, but how did that relate to the website being worth using?

Basically it gets more traffic than you think. Simply Googling someone's name/address/eBay account name will show their badbuyer profile.

>> No.1410087
File: 3.85 MB, 320x240, You&#039;re gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buyers who make an offer with questions about the item.
>Buyers who make an offer and then ask questions about the item hours later.
>Shitty noob sellers who charge 2x on shipping, and then get mad when you tell them it is against your company policy to spend 2x on shipping.

FFS make it end

>> No.1410321

Any info on running the stealth? Why did you get caught?

>> No.1410474

i see. That's a fairly dangerous thing though, with the information it asks

it asks what paltform it happened on and details about the case. if someone you report gets wind of that they could potentially set out to sabatoge you. Even if you ban their account, this sort of thing could prompt lots of issues such as:

-they report to ebay you're selling bootlegs, even if you arent
-if not banned, buy and neg you then refund/say item was damaged and not return/etc
-get friends/family to buy and neg you
-report you to "bad seller" sites which im sure exist in retaliation

gotta ask yourself is the potential fallout that can effect your business worth it

>Shitty noob sellers who charge 2x on shipping, and then get mad when you tell them it is against your company policy to spend 2x on shipping.

what? you buy an item and message them saying your company policy insists THEY lower their shipping for you? what in the shit kinda autistic crap is that? If you don't like their shipping price, then don't buy it from them.

also you forgot
>Buys item then asks details about item or if you have more, requests order cancel and refund when they get a response that isnt what they wanted

fucking hate that shit. happens more often than it should and im pretty sure it counts as ur return %'s for seller ratings, autobans, etc

>> No.1410513
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As a somewhat unexperienced seller, what kind of buyers should I blacklist to avoid problems?

>> No.1410514

Don't sell in the Phone, Computer, MP3, Electronic, etc categories. Coin flip chance of getting a non-pay or scammer.

>> No.1410517

What kind of eBay scams are the most commons and easy to fall for if you're not experienced?
I know that some forge PayPal emails, but hardly anyone falls for that anymore.

>> No.1410548

There can be message scams, although I haven't come across them yet. If possible (if worth your money of course) slap on tracking on every item you sell. Scammers love to claim they never got their package, and without tracking to prove it you don't really know.

>> No.1410575

Don't send any item unless you check the money has gone into your PayPal. Always check the email address tied to their PayPal. If they are using a 10 minute email address DON'T SHIP.

>> No.1410582

does anyone here make money buying under valued items on ebay and reselling them on ebay?

>> No.1410644

typically new accounts with little/no feedback, out of country, and have nopay cases.

honestly you dont -need- to block any, but if you're new those are the most common types to cause issues (that you can identify at least).

I rarely ever have trouble with buyers, except for "this items not in the condition i thought it was cause im an idiot and didnt look at pictures/description" once in a while

this is fairly decent advice, the things scammers go for are normally high dollar popular electronics.

some that i've seen over the years:

can normally beat:
-claims items not delivered, even if tracking shows delivered status
-feedback extortion "give me my money back or ill neg you" along with letting them keep the item normally
-claim you sent different product/rocks in mail

things that are hard to beat:
-opens return, sends back nothing/rocks/etc (never had it happen, but always hear stories of it)
-buy item, switcharoo with broken one they already had, return broken one (to beat this make sure you take pictures of serial numbers or identifiable characteristics for the listings) I put this here because if you didnt take proper pictures to protect yourself, you will probably lose the case.

i have in the past, it happens but its rare. if you dedicate enough time you can find product niches that fluctuate fairly heavy in end price and capitalize on it. They're normally slow selling items that dont get listed/bought often.

>> No.1410647

Do I have to pay more expensive fees on a business account?
Can you market your products on an external site and through social media or are ebay fussy about that?

>> No.1410906

Yes, ebay gets fussy if you try to drive traffic to other sites

>> No.1410937

Thank you, anon, for that good info!

>> No.1410963

It's a waste of time and money to sell in those categories. I wish I could just block 0 feedback buyers.

>> No.1410974

can a business that buys from a wholesaler and sells on ebay survive against manufacturers?

>> No.1410989

Sure, depending on where the manufacturer is located. I'll gladly pay a premium on shit to not have to wait on delivery from Hong Kong or China.

>> No.1410995

I mean advertising your products on other sites/social media, not advertising your other sites/social media on your product descriptions.

>> No.1411411

>this is something you can easily find out yourself, go read ebay rules.
you mean paypal business accounts? I've never heard of an "ebay business account". from what i remember PP claims you -can- get discounts on fees from opening a business acc, but i've never gotten any from them.

>this is something you can easily find out yourself, go read paypal terms.
no, ebay doesnt get mad if you push traffic to ebay listings. they get mad if you mention ur website in their listings and have the same items for sale (aka advertising direct competition website on their own platform)
I disagree completely with that statement. i sell phones both landline business and cellphones fairly often, laptops, and various other electronics literally all the time. while i do agree there's a higher level of dicks trying to get over on you than in other categories, it's more than worth being in. just take good pictures, make good descriptions that display items quality well, and ebay will take care of you pretty well if something comes up.

>this is something you can find out yourself, go see what kind of prices you can get
depends on what kind of prices youre getting from your wholeseller. lots of "wholesellers" are just selling at retail price and calling themselves wholesellers cause it sounds good.

>> No.1411417

I sell tailored knee pads for /biz/ users.

>> No.1411419

you replied to me, but you didnt say anything useful

>> No.1411432

>I've never heard of an "ebay business account"
Pretty sure it's the only way to get a shop and ebay mods can change your account type if they feel you're not just selling personal items.

>> No.1411520

im sorry, you want me to magically gauge a specific wholesellers prices on a specific niche of products and tell you if its profitable against other sellers on ebay, without giving ANY specific information to even do it?

really dude, think about what you're asking. you want a "real" answer? yes. People/businesses can buy from "wholesellers" (and elsewhere) and sell on ebay profitably. Can you? Who the fuck knows. Just because -I- have a connection for buying products that provide enough profit to be successful does not mean YOU do. were all responsible for our own success and failure in this area and one person being capable doesn't meant he other person is.

Stop wasting time asking retarded unanswerable questions on 4chan. Go to the various places you can buy "wholesell" products either online or in person. Inspect their inventory of offered items and compare each item 1 by 1:

-take note of item model number / other identifiable characteristic
-take note of price to obtain item (including all costs such as gas, estimated shipping based on weight, etc)
-do research on ebay to see how much its been selling for
-the highest its sold for
-the lowest its sold for
-the current lowest price available
-once you have estimated selling price subtract all costs associated with said item, including ebay and paypal fees (10% + 2.9% + $0.30, more than likely)

no profit margin? then walk away from that item and move on to the next. repeat this process for every item you see until you find enough with profit margins and volume of sales large enough to satisfy your wants, or until your eyes bleed.

happy now? fuck.

weird, I've never noticed this. went and checked, my account is still set to "individual" and i have an ebay store.
from reading your link i dont see any mention of fees, looks like it just lets you tie your business to the account, probably helps them provide tax information or something. I vote just leave it as "individual"

>> No.1411637

If I list a product that I have a large quantity of, do I pay the final value fee every time I sell 1 of that product?

>> No.1411643

ok, you guys gotta be trolling at this point

>> No.1411655
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>> No.1411693

>Block buyers in 3rd world countries from buying
>Buyers use forwarding company to get goods
>Buyers complain goods are not as described
>Buyer gets to return goods for free
>Buyer returns empty package
And you wonder why we don't ship to your country...

>> No.1411739
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My first week.

>> No.1411767

hey guys i have some ebay gift cards i got on the cheap and wanted to sell something IRL to cash them out, anyone got any ideas on what has high demand and can sell close to retail?

>> No.1411820

I like how this thread has devolved into "ask the stupidest questions i can think of"

>> No.1411834
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Supreme gentlemane
dost thou hasset anyEth wisdom to bestow upon us?

>> No.1411875

ok would you guys recommend buying Chinese knock off's of a product and selling them on ebay for huge profits?

>> No.1411885

ralph plz go

>> No.1411886


fucking read the thread ree

>> No.1411921
File: 17 KB, 918x202, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally what?

>> No.1412021

They're removing the ability to put HTML and JavaScript in your listings. Just one more nail in their I-wanna-be-Amazon-cuz-I-has-no-ideas coffin.

>> No.1412022

hey fuck off

>> No.1412023



>> No.1412059

Selling like $15K worth of shit right now. Have gotten some offers but nothing went through yet. I'm selling used machines and shit. Own a business.

>> No.1412069

Not asking what you're selling but how to get started? Where are you getting your product? How do you hunt? This seems like it could be a cool side job

>> No.1412327
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happy now?


>> No.1412330

this was a good roast and constructive criticism, nice to finally see qualityposting on /biz/

>> No.1412346

>how to get started?
Pick something you're interested in.
Research what you could sell in that genre.
Decide how niche the market is; is it niche enough to sell new products at good prices or is it over-bloated with competitive wannabes trying to undercut each other?
Find an inexpensive and reliable source, or if you're selling used product, make sure you can regularly get stock of it cheaply.
Create some projections (an excel "calculator" to hypothesize how much product you need to move to meet your goals goes a long way too).
Rename your ebay account so you sound reputable/serious.
Buy some product.
Start selling.

>Where are you getting your product?
For new product you want to go to a wholesaler/distributor.
For used product, it depends on what it is and how specialised you are. If you sell any and all old games you may have a local store that sells them cheaply, whereas if you only sell NeoGeo MVS cartridges you may have to scour ebay/craigslist/etc. for good deals.

>> No.1412607



>> No.1412642

Repaired and refurbished __________

>> No.1413275

That's a really good point, but my report is effectively anonymous.

>what? you buy an item and message them saying your company policy insists THEY lower their shipping for you? what in the shit kinda autistic crap is that? If you don't like their shipping price, then don't buy it from them.

No, I DON'T buy the item. I find an item, get pissed at noob tier shipping prices, and ask them to lower it.

>> No.1413276


Motherfucker, call eBay, and tell them the buyer used a reshipping service. CASE CLOSED.

>> No.1413291 [DELETED] 


Pp took a while but closed it in my favor

>reshipping service
I didn't win because of that, anyone can use a forwarding service if they want. I can on the other hand cancel a transaction & have negatives removed if I find that he's using it (aka going against my shipping policy). But since it was a "not as described" case, it was different since he did confirm he got the item and in no way did I mention the item does not work outside of the U.S. within my listing.

But the way he way he handled the case was why I won:
>Opens case on Paypal instead of eBay (fishy)
>Escalates it the same minute (doesn't give seller chance to respond)
>Makes absurd reason for return (pieces missing inside)
>Has a previous sellers calling him out on his feedback profile or has a brand new account

>> No.1413293

How much do you pay for shipping?

>> No.1413297 [DELETED] 
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Pp took a while but closed it in my favor

>reshipping service
I didn't win because of that, anyone can use a forwarding service if they want. I can on the other hand cancel a transaction & have negatives removed if I find that he's using it (aka going against my shipping policy). But since it was a "not as described" case, it was different since he did confirm he got the item and in no way did I mention the item does not work outside of the U.S. within my listing.

But the way he way he handled the case was why I won:
>Opens case on Paypal instead of eBay (fishy)
>Escalates it the same minute (doesn't give seller chance to respond)
>Makes absurd reason for return (pieces missing inside)
>Has a previous sellers calling him out on his feedback profile or has a brand new account

>> No.1413314



>> No.1413315
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>> No.1413362

$10,000+ US dollars per year

>> No.1413377

>shipping and fees are too much to sell my product as single items
>only reasonable way is to lower them is to sell in bundles of 4
>other people do this
>I can't compete with their seemingly unprofitable prices
>to get close I need to lower my net profit margin from 30% to 18%

>other potential product could get me 110% but it's repair work and there's too much risk in buying faulty products that may require expensive replacement parts

Maybe I should just sell clothes or knee pads instead of things I'm interested in.

>> No.1413430
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Custom knee pads?

"Print photos of your ex on them for 19.99"
"Family gathering? We'll give you a $69 deal!"

>> No.1413795

>No, I DON'T buy the item. I find an item, get pissed at noob tier shipping prices, and ask them to lower it.

or just leave us the fuck alone* and buy from someone else.

*i have "Free shipping" on all my listings specifically to counter fucktards like you

you're one of those annoying as all piss "Seller A is 9.99 + 2.99 shipping, seller B is .99 and 11.99 shipping, Seller B better lower his shipping price for me! time to throw a fit!" entitled, fit throwing retards that thinks he should tell (Demand) others how to run their business.

Next time you "get pissed at noob tier pricing", before you ask them to lower it, go drink boiling oil. if you're alive after that purchase from someone else if you have a problem with their pricing structure still.

Continue repeating this process until you either no longer act like a retarded egotistical autist, or are dead.

obviously if you're not cool with 18% profits then yeah, you need to change ur products to more profitable options.

>I can't compete with their seemingly unprofitable prices
>to get close I need to lower my net profit margin from 30% to 18%

18% profit =/= <=0% profit

assuming its just an item you package up and ship out, id be happy with 18%, unless its like a 99 cent item

>> No.1414154

>id be happy with 18%, unless its like a 99 cent item
It's a $4~ item

>> No.1414177

Use facebook marketing make a page with your niches ,or use other Second Hand sites ....... =no fees,no scammers CONS: less traffic but you ll sell good

>> No.1414713
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Hi guys!

Some guy is trying to sell 5000 vinyls on craigslist for $3000. He doesn't include any names or anything, apparently it's his fathers collection. Think I could buy it, research which ones are rare and put them up for bid, and sell the rest for like a buck each? Thinking I should get the guy down to like $1000 or something because nobodies going to buy them for 3000.

>> No.1414729

I had my success on eBay in the vape niche years back. I was just picking up vapes from china and flipping them for $30-40 profit each vape...sometimes selling 25-30 a day.

Then I got nailed from veRo (copyright program on eBay) and eventually banned after not learning my lesson after my first warning and continued to list copies.

I eventually got a new account going through a mixture of luck,knowledge and using some different info.

I wish I could find something to flip on eBay again that had those kind of profit margins ...that's the only way I'd pick up wholesale again. otherwise it's too risky!

>> No.1414733

Are they all in sleeves? If they're loose I wouldn't bother since they're probably taken out of jukeboxes. My Dad was an engineer that worked on a lot of entertainment equipment; whenever he had to replace vinyls he'd just keep the ones he took out for his own collection.

>> No.1414740
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Guys I never use eBay but I want to sell a bunch of my shit. Does anyone have any tips on selling it quickly? Time is the most important for me. I was planning on doing a little below the completed listing prices plus shipping. Advice?

>> No.1414741

I buy pallets stuff store returns then return to the store again and so the gift cards on eBay hey you hundred percent profit

>> No.1414746

All in sleeves

>> No.1414967

Just realized I would have to check every record and determine the grade and shit. Not gonna bother.

>> No.1415592

I'm not a fucktard.

Why the FUCK should I pay a seller with 3 feedback $29 to ship an item that THEY can ship for $15???

Fuck off.

>> No.1415604

You don't have to, nobody is forcing you to, Buy from somebody else. Go buy it from the seller that has 25000 feedback and can ship it for $15.

>> No.1415618

Tip to eBayers: Just do Amazon's FBA

>> No.1415627

What's the advantage of Amazon's FBA compared to standard Amazon service?

>> No.1415651

>Make kick ass investment.
>Can't immediately pay for it, because credit union site is giving random error again.

for fucks sakes

>> No.1415741

I direct you to the initial statement then
>you need to change ur products to more profitable options.

If you're dealing with typical items anyone can buy from china cheap in bulk, this sort of thing happens. I've gone through a few of them myself. As I grew more experienced and my investment bankroll expanded, I've naturally grown past the point of having this trouble too much. It normally plagues guys new to the game that haven't really started branching out beyond the generic advice available from googling "where to get stuff to sell on ebay" and the likes.

As i've stated in this thread to a few people, I would suggest you focus on your key interests and pay attention to what kind of deals your "specialties" can find for you. Not to say drop what you're doing, but try to cater to those areas when inventory hunting. Nearly every person alive has a specific field(s) of interest that they have a keen eye in. Exploring this self contained knowledge has been invaluable to me as I matured as an ebayer.

I've spoken to a LOT of "professional ebayers" over the years and this tip has held true quite often, along with the following result:

EVENTUALLY, "Finding stuff to sell on ebay" becomes one of those exact interests, and as per the initial tip suggests, when that happens you suddenly have a giant snowball effect occur, which then launches you into "professional ebayer" status.

>> No.1415748

attack ebay, craigslist, fb/social media, and ur own website. Cross platforming can -totally- be worth it depending on what you deal in. I sometimes sell on my own personal (non business) facebook when its tech stuff related because it is wide knowledge that I am/was in IT, so I can normally net decent sales with things like tablets, phones, computers, laptops, etc.

The profit margins are a fair amount larger due to no shipping + no fees + its not ebay so you don't have to fight to be the "cheapest available", but in turn you get LOT of tire kickers, stupid questions and in person meetups/travel.

Personally i'd recommend not jumping into everything at once, get comfortable with ebay so you dont fuck up by doing things like:

>list item on ebay
>sell on cl
>never remove from ebay, it sells
>have to refund a mad customer that can neg you + hits your seller rating

CL is like flea markets, always haggle the asking price. You can normally cut them down at least 25%. I say msg him saying youre interested but want to come check them out to see their condition/see whats there. Take pictures, get a good "random" sample, go home and price it out. if it looks profitable go for it.

otherwise you COULD tell him upfront you're an ebayer and want to sell them, might be able to work out an agreement for a comission sale type thing. You take a few at a time, sell them, give him his cut, get more. etc etc

thats the only advice I can give, dont know shit about vinyl

some of the VERY FIRST products I sold were cheap ass e-cigs from china that looked like real cigs. I sold out in less than 2 days and made a KILLING...then ebay got mad at me because they were in the process of banning e-cig sales. They hadn't actually done it yet (was not against rules and thus people would list them) but were already flagging listings and punishing sellers. was pretty shitty of them imo.

>> No.1415772 [DELETED] 

depends on how fast you want it gone vs how much you want to get for it. completed listings prices can go fast OR slow, depends on the supply and demand of that particular item at the moment it's listed, which can change drastically on a whim. to get the fastest sale possible you need to compete with the cheapest available option (and less importantly the lowest sold recently)

your net Profit(P) is whats left aver you subtract Fees(F), Shipping(S), and *Cost(C) from your estimated value (V)


P = V - (F+S+C)

Fees(F) = V*.129+.3
>(This is subject to change depending on what categories you're selling in and your account status potentially giving discounts, typical fees are 10% of final value including shipping and paypal is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction.)

>research item, find estimated Value(V)
>weigh item, get estimate of Shipping(S)
Don't forget supplies and/or gas costs if any
>Apply formula to find total Fees(F) : F = V*.129+.3
>Apply formula to find gross Profit(P): P = V - (F+S+C)

now that you know what to really expect in the end.

From here you have two choices:

>if you are willing to wait it out for sales to get "typical" profit from your item, list it
>profit (literally. Never thought i'd get to use it like this, lol)


>decide how low you're willing to see for (P) without wanting to puke.
>Compare that number to the lowest it's sold for recently
>Is it at/above your puke threshold? If so list it for that!
>if it's not above, then argue with self and decide between accepting wait or accepting even lower profits for a faster sale.

7 day auction, free shipping (factor it into the actual price, this avoids faggots like >>1410474 >>1415592 and others who will buy 2+ items from you and throw a autistic fit if you don't give them a discount for the savings on shipping.

>> No.1415787 [DELETED] 

depends on how fast you want it gone vs how much you want to get for it. completed listings prices can go fast OR slow, depends on the supply and demand of that particular item at the moment it's listed, which can change drastically on a whim. to get the fastest sale possible you need to compete with the cheapest available option (and less importantly the lowest sold recently)

your net Profit(P) is whats left aver you subtract Fees(F), Shipping(S), and *Cost(C) from your estimated value (V)


P = V - (F+S+C)

Fees(F) = V*.129+.3
>(This is subject to change depending on what categories you're selling in and your account status potentially giving discounts, typical fees are 10% of final value including shipping and paypal is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction.)

>research item, find estimated Value(V)
>weigh item, get estimate of Shipping(S)
Don't forget supplies and/or gas costs if any
>Apply formula to find total Fees(F) : F = V*.129+.3
>Apply formula to find gross Profit(P): P = V - (F+S+C)

now that you know what to really expect in the end.

From here you have two choices:

>if you are willing to wait it out for sales to get "typical" profit from your item, list it
>profit (literally. Never thought i'd get to use it like this, lol)


>decide how low you're willing to see for (P) without wanting to puke.
>Compare that number to the lowest it's sold for recently
>Is it at/above your puke threshold? If so list it for that!
>if it's not above, then argue with self and decide between accepting wait or accepting even lower profits for a faster sale.

7 day auction, free shipping (factor it into the actual price, this avoids faggots like >>1410474 (You) >>1415592 and others who will buy 2+ items from you and throw a autistic fit if you don't give them a discount for the savings on shipping.

>> No.1415793

depends on how fast you want it gone vs how much you want to get for it. completed listings prices can go fast OR slow, depends on the supply and demand of that particular item at the moment it's listed, which can change drastically on a whim. to get the fastest sale possible you need to compete with the cheapest available option (and less importantly the lowest sold recently)

your net Profit(P) is whats left aver you subtract Fees(F), Shipping(S), and *Cost(C) from your estimated value (V)


P = V - (F+S+C)

Fees(F) = V*.129+.3
>(This is subject to change depending on what categories you're selling in and your account status potentially giving discounts, typical fees are 10% of final value including shipping and paypal is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction.)

>research item, find estimated Value(V)
>weigh item, get estimate of Shipping(S)
Don't forget supplies and/or gas costs if any
>Apply formula to find total Fees(F) : F = V*.129+.3
>Apply formula to find gross Profit(P): P = V - (F+S+C)

now that you know what to really expect in the end.

From here you have two choices:

>if you are willing to wait it out for sales to get "typical" profit from your item, list it
>profit (literally. Never thought i'd get to use it like this, lol)


>decide how low you're willing to see for (P) without wanting to puke.
>Compare that number to the lowest it's sold for recently
>Is it at/above your puke threshold? If so list it for that!
>if it's not above, then argue with self and decide between accepting wait or accepting even lower profits for a faster sale.

7 day auction, free shipping (factor it into the actual price, this avoids faggots like
>>1415592 and others who will buy 2+ items from you and throw a autistic fit if you don't give them a discount for the savings on shipping.

>> No.1415803

I'd still vote scope it out, at least go look and do a profit quote. You might be saying "not gunna bother" to -huge- profit. With a bulk purchase like that you often can make thousands in the end.

I'm sure I could list at LEAST 100 vinyls a day, because you can make 2-3 templates (the exact same except different quality claims) and all you'd have to do is alter the title and add pictures.

this is not good advice to most people just starting out. FBA is a great concept IF you have the need for it and profits to afford it. I still don't use it because I'm small enough to be able to handle the shipping workload. When I get to the point that I need to move out of my garage, I'll probably look hard at FBA. It's also good to start off doing it all yourself so you understand all of the processes and don't completely rely on a 3rd party service to run.

I don't know what you mean "standard amazon service". You mean ur typical account where you buy or sell stuff via amazon?

"standard" means you handle, store, package and ship all of your own stuff.

FBA = pay amazon a fee for the service, send your inventory for them to house and when a sale is made (via any avenue, including amazon itself) they locate, package and ship it for you. They basically charge a rated fee for -every- step of the process, which alters depending on specifics.

>> No.1415820

Story time:

>dont trust banks, avoided banks and credit related things -completely- to avoid going into debt. decide to finally open bank account due to beginning online marketing and needing a bank account. Still had no credit card or debit card because refuse to get sucked in. Just bank account I can get funds into.
>Need cash for some reason -that day-, forget what though
>go to bank to withdrawl money. ATM isnt working, go inside
>walk up to banker and tell them I need to make a withdrawl
>Teller: Sorry our systems are down right now
>Me: So what's that mean? I can't withdrawl from my account?
>Teller: yes sir, it's a large downage that has shut down most of the city.
>Me:You mean I can't withdraw my money ANYWHERE in the city? what about ATMS?
>Teller: we expect the issue to be resolved tomorrow
>Me: You're telling me that I can't access MY OWN MONEY, ANYWHERE IN THE CITY? AT ALL?
>Teller: Yes sir, we're working on it as quickly as we can.
>Me: You don't keep physical records? You cant just keep track of it in a folder of my account or something and enter it in when they come back up? nothing?
>Teller: No we don't
>Me: This is fucking ridiculous. This is -exactly- why I hate banks. You have my money, -MY- money, and you're sitting here telling me because YOU fucked up, you are withholding -MY OWN- cash from me.
>Teller: Well you can go to a non-ours ATM and withdraw it that way
>Me: don't have a debit card. I don't use bank cards because I don't trust banks and I don't want to wind up going into debt. this is bullshit.
>Me: *Turns around and begins to walk out, visibly and verbally pissed.
>As I walk out some lady working there was standing at the door and overhead the situation
>:) See this is why you need to get a bank card
>You're telling me that -I- need to do something? That -I- need to get YOUR bank card to access MY OWN MONEY because -you- fucked up? THIS is why I don't trust you guys to.

>> No.1415839

Anyone have any advice on what to do when a seller overcharged for shipping and doesn't send a refund?

It's been a month already and the asshole hasn't replied or sent a refund which is a large sum, this'll be the last time I deal with a fucking mexican without going to the extreme to protect the transaction...

>> No.1415845

Hey I'm the guy here with this question >>1415839

Regarding your comment on calculating shipping prices,

I understand in real life you have to factor the costs to get the item packaged first and the cost to take it to a post office, but I'm sure you obviously know that you can't legally take that cost into account toward the item shipping price.

Question is; why do sellers still do that shit and don't honor the difference as a refund to the buyer? I'm stuck here with the possibility of losing a lot of money because the seller won't refund me the difference in shipping costs....and I'm not sure what to do because I trusted the seller which hurts me as a long time eBay user

>> No.1415897

Only problems I ever had with a buyer/seller involved people from Italy...So I stopped shipping out of USA.

USPS has those flat rate shipping fees/boxes, those are fucking amazing for Ebay. Once I got rolling with the positive feedback Ebay was easy.

Live in Canada now, haven't tried as the shipping here seems retarded compared to USA. Also what I was selling is much harder to find here so I have been trying to find something I can get from china for pennies and sell for a dollar or two only in Canada and be the cheapest on Ebay.

>> No.1415904

>It is absolutely scaleable. Get more people, scour more territory, share the profits.

Are you sure about this? I run a full time eBay business and if I was to start employing other people then the total overheads would be too high and it wouldn't be worth my time... eBay businesses are usually not scalable by their nature

>> No.1415914


compare the sellers total cost (Item + Shipping) to the total cost of any other seller that has set "free shipping" for said item and I'm willing to bed they match each other nearly, if not perfectly. As sellers we are factoring in -all- monetary costs; price to acquire, ebay/paypal fees, shipping, and many of us count handling as well.

These factors contribute to the total purchase price for any specific item on ebay (and in pretty much every other venue of purchase). Who cares how they divide it. To cry about such a thing is autistic dickwad entitlement.

>I understand in real life you have to factor the costs to get the item packaged first and the cost to take it to a post office, but I'm sure you obviously know that you can't legally take that cost into account toward the item shipping price.

What is "Handling" for 500, alex?

Fairly certain the only time it's illegal is if you specifically claim or display in some form that the buyer is only being charged for shipping. A quick google verifies this. Otherwise, you must think stores like walmart, target, kroger, and literally ALL other brick and mortar stores ARE NOT paying for shipping, handling, storing, etc? the fuck u smoking.

Find any item on ebay that doesn't have free shipping. Click the "Shipping and payments" tab directly above the of left side of description box. Notice how it says "Shipping and handling"? Legal.

for the second part of your question:
if you don't like his price then dont fucking buy from him and go to a seller that meets your autistic demands. Why the fuck would you purchase something, see the total price of item + shipping(H), be cool with it enough to make the purchase, then cry about it AFTER you pay and get the item. That doesn't even make sense.

You can follow my boiling oil recommendation here, too >>1413795

>> No.1415915

interested in trading inventory knowledge since you're in canada and I'm in the US, so were probably not going to compete with each other?

>> No.1415920

>if I was to start employing other people then the total overheads would be too high
it's obviously not a concrete law and ability varies from person to person.

Some people have the knowledge, startup funds, storage space, job seekers, and inventory within enough range to scale large, others do not, or do not currently.

During my "best run" when I had ebay going as full job income, my (ex)gf lost her job and instead of hunting for another we just started working together because I needed extra hands, had already turned it into a full self employment method, and was already looking for new hands to help with the load. After that I started hunting for warehouse storage because my inventory grew -way- too big, flooded every room of the garage and house.

ebay is -totally- scalable, you just aren't at the right level to need/want/be able to do it.

>> No.1415924


To an extent, the USA just has more of everything so it's cheaper in general. Much more competition too so everything is cheaper. Shipping is easier in the USA. I always shipped the day they paid if post office was open or the next day before noon, I lived a few blocks though so I would wake up have breakfast and take a walk, enter tracking number into ebay app on the walk home.

I still took over a year of my time hitting up places multiple times in a week to find what I can sell on ebay or online in general. An example is weight sets, Mexicans and swap meets will sell them for cheap, college age kids will buy a nice used set for double or triple what you pay for it. It's just finding out where you can snag quality weights at for cheaper than what they're being sold on craigslist for.

I actually bought 100 sets of jewellery, like costume earrings necklaces and sold them in lots of 10. But I went out and bought a neck set up, like a 1/4 mannequin deal that was black velvet from a store that sold glass cabinets and mannequins and shit like that. Made my pictures look professional as fuck.

alibaba has suppliers who can custom make shit in a factory in china, so for me the next phase is 10000 fucking iphone 7 cases or some shit then sell them like 100/50/10/1 at a time. Bring them to local swap meets and sell them wholesale. Fucking selfie sticks or some shit, pay less than $1 from china, sell them for $5 on ebay? Sell them locally for 1/2 price of what Walmart sells for.

Biggest problem with ebay is just shipping, the smaller and lighter the item the easier and cheaper to ship.

>> No.1415931

Here's an example of good shit you can get in the USA

Nike Golf shit, shirts, shorts, jackets, if you can find a source of routinely cheap Nike Golf stuff, you'll always sell it and make money, it just sells, and the $90 price tag or $110 price tag isn't a real reflection of what it's worth for them to produce it and get it to a store, eventually you'll find where it's sold for like $9.99

Mens sizes are easier than women's as they are just small/med/large/x large, mostly the last 3 though

>> No.1415946
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hey /biz/. what websites you use to get latest news around the world, and why you choose them. pic unrelated

>> No.1415949

wrong section, sorry

>> No.1415986

I meant more like lets get in contact with each other directly and privately share said inventory knowledge

Not open in the thread haha, I'm too paranoid for people to flood my niches as it's happened before (not here)

>> No.1415989


you COULD just delete your posts...

>> No.1416116


Sounds more a credit union problem, never had this issue with my big bank.

Not saying bigbanks are good, would rather only have my union accounts but I like to diversify.

>> No.1416786

Vinyl guy here, from your experience what do you think I could get the price down to?

>> No.1416812

I appreciate the response although its fucking arrogant as shit. I'm sure you probably only understand the selling of small petty shit or Chinese crap.

This isn't something I can compare to anyone else because it was a semi large antique item or I would have obviously gone with some asshole selling it with "free shipping"

Something I will take from you is the trust issue advice, I am fucking disgusted with myself for trusting a seller that never went through with his word. Ive been doing this shit since 09 selling and buying and I finally got hit for assuming everyone did shit as honest as I do.

And fuck you I bet if you were losing $40 you'd be "autistic" entitled too faggot


>> No.1416828

Not sure if youre still here or you went off with this >>1415986 tinfoil hat here but have you thought about going outside of ebay for fashion clothing and jewelry?

Been fucking around with etsy since it seems to have a greater audience than eBay looking for specific types of clothing and more importantly weird jewelry.

Dealing is easier on there too
Just a thought, I'm not sure if you just delve in on eBay or tried other sources

>> No.1416959

Have you guys have been payed for something, sent it, had it get "lost on the way" and then asking for a payback from the customer, thus losing both the item and the money?

>> No.1416986
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Happens all the time
don't ship outside your country and it should happen less

>> No.1417054

>Dealing is easier on there too
It's also easier to ask a higher price on Etsy. I may be wrong, but I have the impression that most of Etsy's customers are hipsters that don't know better.

I've sold watches at a 25% higher price than on eBay. It usually takes longer to move product on Etsy, but the extra money makes it worth having inventory around. Hello, profit margins!

>> No.1417076
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>Competition starts selling counterfeit perfume

I don't even

>> No.1417141

>knowledge, startup funds, storage space, job seekers, and inventory within enough range

I've made a plan for expansion and the only real issue is labor cost - I'm not sure what country you are living in, but I'm in New Zealand and the labor laws here make it very difficult to hire casual ongoing workers to deal with the physical part of the business, plus 3rd party logistics companies charge too much

If you were going to scale up your old ebay business which would involve hiring workers (and not just having people who you know work under the table) then what would you do?

>> No.1417186

that I don't know. I have no experience at all about vinyl records. If hes got 5k records and asking 3k for them then his asking price is 60 cents a piece. Assuming they sell around the $10 (a COMPLETE guess) that's a VERY good deal.

Personally, I'd probably go assess the items, inspect and photograph a large sample and go back home to price check them. If my earlier guess was right about their value I'd probably shoot for 1.5k and willing to go up to 2k or so. Even though it's a great price, asking -thousands- is still a lot.

Or like I said, try to work out an agreement to sell them and pay him for 'em as they ship out. Make him feel like a partner in a venture together

I deal in high demand branded (Authentic) electronics and collectibles of various niches. I haven't sold cheap chinese wholesell bullshit since like the first 2 months I started.

I bet if you were losing $40 you'd be "autistic" entitled too faggot

Literally, this has never happened. Why? Because regardless of its "super special rare antique!" or something there's a billion of, what you see listed is the price of that item on ebay. Sure, you're more than welcome to try and haggle a price down, that's the nature of the game. But to actually get -butthurt- that they're quoting "Higher shipping than they should" is just flat out autistic.

there's nothing wrong with not wanting to discuss what I deal in in detail ._.

>> No.1417204

God yes. USPS is fucking -garbage-. I have a billion horror stories with them. Basically, they will happily lose your package and there's nothing you can do but refund the buyer. ebay is weird with these types of situations. If the buyer opens a case against you, the rules are NORMALLY "if tracking shows you sent it out, ebay protects you from refund and neg feedback", but that does not always happen, ESPECIALLY if you wind up dealing with their indian tech support (vs US/english)

99% of my transactions are domestic only, I still experience 1-2 items lost in every 100 or so transactions

sell on both, just make sure to update the qty on site A when something sells on site B

I've noticed lots of wholesellers deal in perfume and have always wondered if its bootleg (Seems like a LOT of people dealing in this niche and LOTS of them are foreign suppliers so it always seemed like the answer is yes, theyre bootleg)

that's a very strange concept to me...I'm curious how easy is it to tell your cologne is authentic or not...does it not smell right? Either way I'd never jump into bootleg because I dont dropship (never trust anyone to do your job for you, ESPECIALLY online sellers from other countries), and I'm not about to get that prison time from customs or lawsuits from manuf.

>> No.1417209

im in the US. If I grew to the point of needing real legitimate help (full time/part time job for an extra set of hands) then I'd go through the proper avenues to get setup as a business and hire an employee (or multiple, depending on what you're growing to)

More than likely though, I would just need extra hands here and there and not steadily every day, so I would start off offering a short/mid/long term "gig", probably put an ad in craigslist. look into whats necessary to "hire a contractor" aka you don't have an employee but still report paying the guy on taxes and it's up to him to report his own income.

Honestly I don't know the "proper" procedures to go through because I've never actually hired anyone before. I'm sure that information is probably easily obtainable (in regards to your specific country), just need to read up on it. I imagine NZ allows "gigs" and plenty of people need extra money but not full-time income, shouldn't be that different.

>> No.1417295
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>bootleg cologne

You can tell it's fake because the scent fades quickly. counterfeiters usually get the real deal and water it down to make more bottles, or get fakes all together.

This is why I stopped buying any type of perfume online

Funny how Amazon buyers think they're safe, lol

Even the mall sells fakes (Employees will switch them out).

>> No.1417310
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I have no deal with people selling fakes, just don't blatantly lie & try passing it off as the real deal. Or sell something that can fuck with someone (brake pads made from melted silverware/etc).

Like we all still buy bags of chips knowing it's 70% air 20% chip 10%popping sounds. So don't expect anything to stop..

>> No.1417336

>water it down

holy shit how have i never realized that before. rofl that's a hell of a trick

>buy expensive cologne for yourself
>get empty container of same stuff
>split in half, water down one to look full
>sell for full price on ebay

And now I have free cologne! rofl

theres a lot of different types of things you can wind up buying:

-factory run off: As good as the original, some guy sneaking stuff out the backdoor in china factory. This normally results in A++ perfect quality as it's the same stuff being made in the same way with the same materials, just not legally licensed and distributed

-bootleg: takes the design plans and materials and continues to produce more of the item(s) whenever they get an opportunity, will "fill the gaps" if they dont have a specific material needed with whatever they can substitute it with, This is your typical bootleg, it COULD be a perfect product, or it COULD be some piece of shit because they use shitty substitute materials at some point due to not being able to aquire all the legitimate materials needed.

-factory defects: anything deemed defective/of subpar quality should get recycled or disposed of, but someone sneaks them out the back door and hocks them. Sometimes the issues with them are miniscule (like a small piece that can be fixed was damaged or missing) or could be complete garbage (like a phone case with a giant nasty warp that stops the phone from fitting completely)

-knockoff: using exact same mold and (possibly) materials, just like a bootleg but they pull off the logo. This is actually legal, as long as it doesn't infringe on any IP's, copyrights, or try to claim its a licensed brand/trademark

i've considered dealing in legal knockoffs before, but my research always ends up showing the profit margins are nearly nothing because anything you can buy from china legally is already being sold by everyone and their mother.

>> No.1417582
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>> No.1417601
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Been on ebay for 2 years now. Got 3 accounts for different niche. This is my most profitable one. 70% profit approx. Been doing great.

>> No.1417611

I'm always interested to hear from someone who is doing well, so:

Do you have your own software which you made yourself (or paid someone else to make)?

Do you employ a 3rd party logistics (3PL) company to warehouse your goods?

>> No.1417620

I am currently doing this alone.

Made an inventory system on Acces which is can be linked with CSV file to maintain inventory update. As for my inventory I keep all at home. I got 2 rooms that I use for inventory management. My niche are mostly small items so I can fit a lot in a small piece (I have currently 15K items listed on ebay).

I do not have employees or third party helping me.

I will be very honest on this. I am only selling on ebay to get some money to start a new business. Because you can't get rich on Ebay.

Keep in mind that you do not own any business wheb working on Ebay. You work FOR ebay with more privileges than a salary men.

>> No.1417633
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True words ol wise one, though I'm still calling bluff on your Canadian "Inspect Element" screenshot.

Mind telling us the category of goods you sell in?

Home dEcor?
Dragon Tales Dildos?


>> No.1417638

Unfortunatly I won't do that.

I don't want to be an asshole here but still don't want to get more competition! ;)

>> No.1417654
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No problem, I understand.

It's hilarious how eBay can fuck us over with a click of a button.
All that inventory you have could become "yard sale" material in a matter of 24hrs.

It truly is a hell ride "running a business" on eBay.

>tfw not Chinese,
>tfw not able to ride the gravy train eBay setup for you

>> No.1417665

So true. Ebay is a temporary or second ressource. You should never put all your asset in it.

Keep in mind that ebay can suspend or even delete your account for no reason. It hapenned to me a year ago. They linked my account with a suspended one (god know how, never let anyone use my Wifi connection or logged into another internet connection and had 100% positive feedback no VERO complaints).

Took 3 month to get back to my original sales and lost a ton of money because I didn't plan this could happen.

Now I try to split my revenu to avoid such thing. 50% sales on ebay, 20 % amazon , etsy, wish, and 30% sales go to IRL sales or by personnal website. Also I try to keep 2-3 IRL contact that would be interest to buy my current inventory for a bundle discount (let says half the price it worth). So if this kind of thing happens I would be able to get enough money (easily 100K) to invest in a new project.

>> No.1417672

I feel there online customers are just flat out retarded.

>Sell sports merchandise
>UPS fucks up, retarded company, comes back home
>tell customer I need a different address because they won't deliver to his address, it doesn't exist
>Wait a week
>fuck it just refund him
>2 weeks after that, sends me address

Do people not give a shit about tracking their package? No package should take more than 10 days in the United States, why wouldn't you log on and make sure everything is ok? Customers are retarded as shit on eBay.

>> No.1417680

Never send back the goods if address is wrong.

If you got tracking number for the initial shipment, you do not have to send the goods again. Ebay will back you up on this for sure (usually by sending the customer a refund at their cost if he opens a case and erase negative feedback if customer let it).

On the other side, you go with your customer service policy. I usually ask for a valid address after sending the item a first time if it returns to me. If they respond I ask for another shipping fees payment or I keep the item.

>> No.1417683
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Interesting, what is that all about? I always thought it was made by a Chinese seller to spam $1 goods.

Similar to Mercari? (don't use that app, it's full of scammers & mods are in on it)
Or PoshMark?

Same here on the IRL people, it's funny cause I think eBay would ban them if they listed my goods after I was banned (thinking it's me).

I'm slowly pulling out of eCommerce though, too much headache for not a lot of profit. Though 70% ROI is good, I feel I can do better.

>> No.1417754

Only the vinyls people care about would go for 10, the rare ones could be worth way more. But I'm assuming most of what's in there is random shit no one knows or cares about. I'll message the seller and ask him to list some artists.

>> No.1417818

Can someone help me out here? There's this seller that has really good items and shipping policies, combines stuff to, but in my stupidity I didn't check the shipping for one of his items (thought that if I won a figure with low shipping, what could be bigger), the item ended up having $29 for shipping, even he combines with other items, it's going to cost a lot.
The seller is nice and let's you cancel orders, except I had to cancel two orders because the guy who wanted them backed out (we order a lot to save on shipping), not sure if I could do it a third time. So uh, if anyone feels like bidding more than $2 on this (I've won things for cheaper from this seller) and then cancel it...


>> No.1417828
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Kill yourself

>> No.1417830

Dealing with etsy is WORTH it ok.....

it is fucking WORTH IT the wait time to sell and its outcome is greater than it would be on eBay I like that place. It seems there are less assholes too because most buyers are college kids. Check it out

Nothing wrong with discussing stuff but you're coming off as an arrogant paranoid driven person.

I still don't understand your responses are you deliberately trying to come off as an arrogant prick towards me or what? How am I conveying autisim by worrying about losing or I should say getting robbed from my money???

High demand electronics? Sounds like you got yourself a good gig going but it's probably a bitch due to attracting fucbois etc right I'm assuming it's mostly shit like apple based stuff right

>> No.1417833

I must pay the price for my stupidity...

>> No.1417838

nice stats. ur around where I was before my life started over.

if you're being honest about 70% profits then ur stats suggest on the slowest months you're pulling in $40 an hour

Considering it like a standard 40/hr a week job, it suggests a salary of $83,200 before taxes

That's not -fast- rich money, but you can absolutely retire a millionaire if you can keep that pace up and arent retarded with ur money

I get what you're saying about "ur working for ebay", but that's not a very healthy way to look at things. By that notion, you're working for EVERYONE you incur a cost from using. Credit cards, gas stations, whoever you buy inventory from, etc. It's just a cost of operation. Short of following their rules and TOS they have no control over you or your operation, so I wouldn't consider it "working for them". Which to be fair, even having to follow their rules and ToS, really 99% of it is stuff you as a seller should be doing regardless of them demanding it, because its just healthy good business practice to make things easy on you and pleasant to your buyers.

Now, with that said, the fees -are- getting ridiculous. They slowly ripping more and more out of sellers pockets. First final value fees went up and now ebaybucks dont rollover. I used to get hundreds in ebay bucks because of various supplies i got through ebay (shipping materials, office supplies, etc), now i get literally nothing.

IMO, most people that are turning less than 5k in product a month probably wont be doing anything "fancy" and will just be running out of their home/garage. That's always been a pretty defined rule for online sellers I've run into over the years.

>> No.1417866

you in the US? VERY rarely do i have customers that drop off the radar after purchase if an issue comes up

The only times this happens seems to be with newbie accounts

Good luck

>getting robbed from my money

again, you flat out see the cost in front of you. no one is forcing you to buy said sellers stuff. if you don't like his prices, dont buy. but youre going to buy the item, commit to the purchase, THEN call it "getting robbed"? Really dude, you don't see the problem with that?

as you can see from this thread I'm very eager to discuss ebay related stuff here and to share what knowledge I have, and for the most part I'm pretty humble about it. But when I deal with idiot buyers that pull this kind of shit...it's just retarded. like i keep saying, it's autistic level stupidity.

I would -MUCH- prefer having shipping prices calculated to save trouble for me post-sale, but I cant because I have to do "free shipping" on every item in order to avoid tards from crying that my shipping was 25 cents more than the actual shipping rate

it cant be said clearer: If you don't like a sellers prices, dont. fucking. buy.

>Sounds like you got yourself a good gig going but it's probably a bitch due to attracting fucbois etc right I'm assuming it's mostly shit like apple based stuff right

I sell various brands, apple included. cellphones, tablets, bluetooth headsets, drones, cameras, LG, apple, sony, panasonic, etc etc.

for the most part its not bad, I get the occasional idiot but no more than any other niche really. Biggest concern is someone to buy a 200+ item and pull a switcharoo on me, that would suck. Thank god it hasn't happened yet

>> No.1417891

I've always followed ebays ruling regarding shipping whether I'm a buyer or seller. It's always been stated that one CANNOT add a superficial charge towards the shipping price because you're only supposed to charge the POSTAGE price. So, if on the label the cost of the postage stamp was let's say $5 but you charged $12 or so, then it is an obligation as a seller to issue a refundbased on that pricing alone.

Maybe were on a different page about this and I understand considering you deal in selling items and have across shady buyers but this is what I always followed due to eBay telling me how to do it.

I'll just deal with a hindu eBay tech and see what I can do but this is insane. At least issue A refund and don't try to Jew the buyers well this is what I do and people appreciate this sort of stuff and leave non generic comments under fb which helps

What do you mean by the switcheroo thing? You mean that old school fucking thing where they scam you by reporting damaged goods and somehow manage to keep your item and get their money back because of retarded paypal loops?

>> No.1417902

Yes I am in the U.S. It varies sometimes because I sell on different categories with different accounts. Every buyer has been great with the auto parts part of my sales. Anything that has to do with sports merchandise/clothes/collectables/etc., buyer has fucking downs. I sometimes wonder if these buyers just go around buying 30 things at once and just forget about it. One of them, I've had to nag like 5 times to accept a refund, I have $40 sitting in my paypal that I've never shipped an item for because they have a P.O Box or military address which I don't ship to.

>> No.1417964

again, one word: Handling.

> It's always been stated that one CANNOT add a superficial charge towards the shipping price because you're only supposed to charge the POSTAGE price. So, if on the label the cost of the postage stamp was let's say $5 but you charged $12 or so, then it is an obligation as a seller to issue a refundbased on that pricing alone.


There is no such rule in place and ebay does NOT punish sellers for shipping overcharges. the exact wording in seller rules is:

"Actual shipping cost: This is the amount for shipping the item. It should be what you paid the carrier."

keyword: SHOULD. not must. not is. -should-, as in a suggestion.

The only way I can imagine you've ever seen ebay act against a seller for these things would be seller opened case and buyer was unlucky enough to deal with one of ebays asian/indian reps and thus lost the case simply because of how bad their asian/indian reps are. That, or the buyer didnt open a case for price adjustment, but for full return/refund.

With that said, buyers CAN submit complaints via reporting sellers and leave neg feedback, the former of which can cause things like being banned if too many complaints are made at once.

I don't understand how people argue this. You can see the full price including shipping before purchase. If you don't like that sellers price, then don't buy it. simple as that.

-every- item you ever purchase has every single cost calculated into its final price. at the -bare- minimum, message the seller and ask if hes willing to adjust shipping if you think its high, but to decide "yeah thats a good price" and buy it, only to turn around and complain after the fact is just...bad

Since I charge free shipping, should you buy an item from me and insist that i add the additional shipping fees? I'll bet not, cause then it doesn't benefit you to bring up "its not exact charges" that way.

>> No.1417983

>What do you mean by the switcheroo thing?

>buyer breaks thing or otherwise has bad item
>buyer goes on ebay and buys said item
>receives package
>submits return request claiming item is broken (or just asks for a return without saying anything. If a seller has set "accept returns" for that item he has to oblige to any return request
>return the damaged/nonfunctional one in it's place

Now I lost money on shipping, lost money on return shipping (assuming buyer didnt have to pay for return), and basically lost the item because now its broken and thus worthless

But yes, theres also things like claiming the seller sent something else than what you were supposed to get. Claim its bootleg, say you sent rocks, etc.

>At least issue A refund

now see, if a buyer were to be the type to complain about breakdown costs being inaccurate and request a return of the item (Buyer pays return shipping, MAYBE seller pays return shipping depending on the situation) as a seller I'd be pissed, but would at least be able to understand and agree to the request.

>have 2 extra phones because big issue with phoneprovider
>sell them on ebay, the last one sat for around 6 months because i forgot about it
>never used, still in packaging. Turns out letting it sit killed it somehow*
>phone sells, buyer receives and says it doesnt work
>opens case, i agree to refund, provide shipping label
>label never gets used, buyer vanished
>case closes due to no response
>Mailman comes to my door normally due to having multiple outgoing packages normally. Don't check mailbox often
>LONG after case close discover phone in mailbox. turns out he shipped before or on same day as opening case, never uploaded tracking info

*could have been previously mentioned Switcharoo scam

>> No.1418049

>Good niches?
>Good niches
>Good niches aren't good niches if you share them with the world

>> No.1418055


What business do you want to start after Ebay? I'm thinking about internet marketing & SEO - although there is a lot to learn and it is very competitive I like the sound of not having to deal with physical product any more

>> No.1418056


How do you drive traffic to your own website? I've heard a lot of sellers have issues with this

>> No.1418058

>I get what you're saying about "ur working for ebay", but that's not a very healthy way to look at things.

I understand what that guy meant when he said 'working for ebay' - it's not so much working directly for them as having to deal with the fact that they can terminate your account at any time

So its kind of like having a business with only 1 large client who can stop dealing with you at any time they want

My own ebay business turns over about 10k per month at the moment but will really start cranking once we get closer to Xmas

>> No.1418170

not him, but I have a lot of IM/SEO experience. I was/am doing for the last 10 years or so.


1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. The nature of internet marketing means working methods are volatile. Something thats going great today might completely stop for a million reasons tomorrow. always branch out and try to have 3-4 projects running at once, that way if an income stream drys out you're not SOL.

2. Do your homework. Make sure you study up on whatever method you decide to run with so you have a decent grasp of your plans. I'd suggest anywhere from 1-3 months of just reading, then start getting your feet wet. The more you get comfortable the easier everything becomes.

3. KEYWORDS KEYWORDS KEYWORDS the absolute must requirement. research keywords to find ones that are not overly high in competition compared to the super saturated ones. Get good keywords in your URL and in your content*
*do not make your content look like spammy bot trash advertising his link

4, be okay with spending money to get started. 100 bucks a month should cover most beginner steps. people try to do the "create my empire with nothing" (I was one of them) and although you can, I would STRONGLY suggest you don't. I say this because it took me almost a year before I got the ball rolling any. I learned my lesson and later when I got into ebay I jumped in spending 500 dollars on the first day (I was very sure of what I was doing or else I wouldn't have put that much up)

5. "Just Do It", like nike says. The BIGGEST mistake I see newbies do and the reason people fail is because they get absorbed in the reading and it makes them confused and scared just enough to insist you keep reading and learning, but not acting because "im not ready"

6. accept that you will fail. Not everything you try will work. I'd say half of the ideas you try will probably be a failure in the beginning, but it's a learning experience and you'll start seeing where you went wrong for next time

>> No.1418180


7. Build naturally. avoid being blackhat LITTLE as possible, gray hat when necessary, and primarily white. Blackhat methods are often against ToS and/or break the law, and cans cause a world of headache in doing so. This includes fake views, fake reviews, fake likes, bulk [junk] traffic purchases, etc. Most of the people running blackhat operations are outside of the US so prosecution is difficult.

Overall IM can be HUGELY valuable, literally millionaire status, but it requires a fair amount of dedication to build to such a successful level, decent writing and = HTML knowledge (Less you want to outsource creation of websites etc)

>> No.1419371

I am about to sell some old Magic the Gathering cards I never use anymore. Should I sell them as singles or bundle some or what? A lot of the places I looked at doing the same do it in singles. I have a few rarer cards, or at least uncommon, so I figured why not. All they do is sit on my bookshelf.

>> No.1419378


Thanks for the advice, much appreciated

>> No.1419438


By the way, are you still doing IM/SEO? If so, how is it going and if not then what have you moved on to?

>> No.1419656

a few years ago I wound up with a big box of magic cards. researched to figure out best way to move them

any random magic card is around 1 dollar in value

by selling them as singles or small lots around (1-10 cards per lot or so), you create -massive- profits. But the problem is if you have hundreds/thousands of cards it's going to take a LOT of work to move them. pictures of -each one-, gotta be careful if you have duplicates in varying condition. creating a listing for each one, sorting them so you can locate cards easily as they sell to ship, etc. it could literally take -years- to move them all that way, but you'll see LOTS of profit (assuming you have lots of cards)

on the other hand you can sell them in larger lots or as one single collection. They'll move quickly but you'll see MUCH less returns

for example I had something like 7,000 cards. sold individually i was looking at -thousands- in profit. as a bulk sale i'd be looking at...if i remember right I think it was around 300.

you could also do things like "10 random magic cards"

It's really up to you how you want to do it.

I haven't had any real SEO related ventures in around 5 years. I got heavy into ebay a few years ago (I've given lots of related info in this thread) and it became my primary focus until my life took an unexpected negative shift and everything had to stop. I'm currently re-building my ebay empire and once that's settled down some I'll be adding additional revenue streams via a couple websites I have plans for. I will probably use adsense to monetize them, MAYBE banner advertisement and MAYBE some affiliate links if I can find related products of quality that would fit well in the design and niche(s)

Also considering giving youtube a shot as I have a fair bit of knowledge in various fields that I don't think have very much easy-to-understand and useful sources of information yet

>> No.1419667

>for example I had something like 7,000 cards. sold individually i was looking at -thousands- in profit. as a bulk sale i'd be looking at...if i remember right I think it was around 300.
Maybe it'd be better to list the rarer/valuable cards as singles and then all the commons as bulk then?

>> No.1419714

the information i gave you is at least 3-4 years old, this happened some time ago. I would recommend you do your own research on these and verify if what it was like for me is still the case or not

I know very little about MTG and have no idea how their value retains/grows or if anything has upset values in the last years

>> No.1419720

Nothing upsets old Magic card values, they only rise.

>> No.1419979


I want to maximise profits, honestly. Most of the stuff I will be selling is from a "special release" thing called Unhinged where lands can go for $10 a card. I have four swamps and they go for like $9 to $13. I'm thinking if I sell for either $10 or $11 I am still either amount richer than I was before from something that has seriously just been sitting on my shelf.

Same with some video games I am about to sell. Got to take some decent picture and get some stuff to ship the things in though. I've already ordered some harder plastic for shipping the cards and will probably end up cutting some cardboard to size and sticking that in the packaging for extra security.

What a fun week this will be.