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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14113385 No.14113385 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been accumulating for two years, but i still want more.

It feels retarded to have so much of my networth and saving going i to LINK and it defies all my financial practices since before I discovered it. LINK feels like a matter of yes this will happen but i just dont know when.

>> No.14113421

You have to take a step back after a certain point and do some risk management.
Investing in other things also makes it easier to hold link longer. Having a day job helps too.

>> No.14113436

I realized it was a scam and bought bigmacs instead

>> No.14113439

Imagine investing in Beyond Meat at IPO and making more gains than “investors” buying a middleware useless token

>> No.14113445

I avoid chainlink like dog shit on the sidewalk

>> No.14113446


That's how boomers described the Iraqi Dinar to me. It's not going to happen, m8.

>it'll revalue at any time and make you rich!

>> No.14113457

I’m 50-50 link and litecoin because both start with an L which is the first letter in le win

>> No.14113520





>> No.14113546

Lmao you pathetic incels never fail to make me laugh with your "Link is going to moon" threads
Face it, most coins will be infinitely more successful than your sad little virgin coin will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

>> No.14113549

No big wins come without big risks, anon. You’re doing it because you want to win big. The truth is, you are incredibly early. A stack of 50k+ will mean never having to work again a day in your life. It’s just a matter of when that happens for you. If you are patient, hit the 50k mark then start moving into other investments. When I hit 50k I will start putting cash in the bank and wait for a prime real estate investment opportunity or a stock market crash. Patience is the key to making money in any investment. Good luck.

>> No.14113572

I set my limit at 5k and bought them at 0.25$ I hold 4 BTC and 40 ETH as well.

>> No.14113597
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>> No.14113634

Stop browsing /biz/

>> No.14113723


50k seems arbitrary.
The truth is we really dont know how high it can go. 100$-1000$ is reasonable imo.
Plus staking etc. It really is not so simple. In terms of adoption though i guess we really are about as early as it can get. Eth hasnt seen much adoption yet it mooned a lot. Maybe a lot was just hype. Link hasnt even had that yet

>> No.14113733

I'm poor and will not make it with onl 5k Links

>> No.14113756

>$5mil isn't enough

>> No.14113769

Exactly the same boat, Anon. I have about $130k in LINK right now of a $160k portfolio. I'm comfy though.

>> No.14113782

After gathering 1m link, the hunger for more ceased.

>> No.14113805

That uneasy feeling is your soul trying to tell you that you're fucking insane and you are too reliant on a volatile asset that may not actually be successful

>> No.14114138

You'll still make it
You'll just have to wait slightly longer
Every project that needs an oracle is going to use Chainlink
This isn't going to suddenly hardcap at $1000

>> No.14114163

This is my new favorite LINK meme.

>> No.14114267


>> No.14114279

It's a template tailor made for quant

>> No.14114286

Why invest in something that might get you a BIG MAC when you can get a BIG MAC right away

>> No.14115282
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I had 45k and could have gotten to 50k if i had taken a lot more risk earlier on
im tempted to dump my wagie check into link to get back to 40k
but it's like using all my shekels for 3.5% more in my portfolio but muh round number

>> No.14115316

Its the best asymmetric bet in this entire market. The upside is so huge that Im willing to risk so much capitol investing into it.

>> No.14115328


I pick a number that I feel LINK is valued at and invest there. Right now, I feel LINK isn't worth buying over 1 dollar, so I don't. If LINK rises and falls again 1 or 2 more times, I may raise that number to 1.09.

>> No.14115380

OmG yes yes yes

>> No.14115389

You are a MANIAC

>> No.14115444

ETH mooned because of the ICO boom.

>> No.14115446

information asymmetry is so interesting in crypto economics. i often ponder how ive been fortunate enough to have the background in internet boards, economics, information technology, and all of these intersections have brought me to link.

>im 25.
>driving in to work (90m each way) i often contemplate how nothing i manage to come across will ever have the serendipitous effects on my life that link and /biz/ will have


>> No.14115460

If it can go to 1,000 then why not 10,000?

>> No.14115474

we have to bake assumptions of global GDP into the model, at some point where link network value = 100t, its no longer possible (in the near term theory)..

personally i think link can reach 100's of billions in value in the mid term. in the longer run, i dont know whats possible. it scares me. never fucking selling.

>> No.14115478

there probably will be a selloff around 1000 if there is no big news or events at that time.

>> No.14115888

There’s going to be the worlds biggest shakeout of weak hands on the ride to $1000 and even strong hands will sell at $1000 too. But after that the network will mature and the number of active nodes will increase thereby decreasing circulating supply. What happens when link sells at 1k and suddenly the supply decreases by 50-90%? I don’t think anyone can predict the value of circulating link in the event of full adoption and diminished circulating supply, but 1k would be in the low end for sure.

>> No.14115899

The Swiss Dinar did revalue, you nig.

>> No.14115944

supply has absolutely 0 effect on the price. all that mattters is the people are using the network. they will pay market price no matter what. the market cap of link already hit 30 trillion a few weeks back

>> No.14116070

> market cap already hit 30 trillion

Damn I should have sold when link was selling at $100k before it crashed back down to a dollar. Swing linkers win again I guess.

>> No.14116188
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>> No.14116192

Honestly Chain Link will probably never go past a dollar knowing my luck, I only have 1K anyways, but outside of this and maybe the wait on Holo and Fantom's major pumps I don't really see anything else being USED in crypto. Certainly not these shitcoins like ONE and BOMB. I think it's all going to consolidate around BTC, LTC, ETH, XMR and LINK, with stablecoins like BNB and XCM as good hedges.

>> No.14116256

At 5k links you're a millionaire if it gets 200$. 200$ is pretty realistic in my opinion. I'm aiming to get 5k.

>> No.14116274

I know it sounds crazy but we actually are early adopters. Normiespace hasn’t adopted. Big biz hasn’t adopted. We’re in the period where people are getting hyped for 28k modems and movies like Hackers seemed realistic. Think of how little you understand about crypto and realize you are in the top 0.1% in the world in terms of knowledge. We are unironically, absolutely, without any shred of a doubt going to make it.

>> No.14116292

based, I might have to aim to get 5k it’s a much more realistic goal than aiming for 10k as a poorfag at this point

>> No.14116316


>> No.14116344

similar to ETH, LINK will moon because of its utility. all of the literal whos are the new ICOs. then you add on normie developers that can build real dApps now and you have a bigger moon than ETH.

>> No.14116347

I only have 1400 link right now. I have ~11k USD in savings, but it's scary to just outright throw down another ~3700$ or so on link. I'm investing about 250 a week until I hit 5k. Then I'll probably do 50 a week after that.

If link goes below 1$ again I'll just buy to 5k links immediately though.

>> No.14116426
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Risk vs reward

>> No.14116453

You probably have more total money than me so it's less of a risk for you than it would be for me. Nice stack though you're a millionaire if link hits 78 dollars, which is pretty realistic.

>> No.14116459

Also how do you guys display your portfolio like that? I'm using a ledger with MEW am I able to get a similar display like that?

>> No.14116490

>1k would be in the low end for sure

This whole thread is like a one big sell signal lol. Absolutely delusional.

>> No.14116492

Its an app called Delta

>> No.14116513

this is how I am but with high quality dividend stocks. difference is that I get paid cash for hodling my stocks

>> No.14116525

I think 1k is delusional since if link takes off others will copy its success. Isn't it open source? You'll have swarms of chinks releasing coins that do the same thing link does.

Link will have the advantage of being first, and I can see it's value going to maybe 300 USD or so but I wouldn't expect 1k.

>> No.14116534


Dude I put in more every time I get paid and have done since Sep 17. Now it is just like a fucking utility like my electricity bill or fuel for my car. It has just attached itself to my life like a tumor and is part of me now, I don't even think about it. Every single time I get paid I put in approximately 20% of my disposable income. I can't stop. I won't stop. Help.

>> No.14116553

Anon 5k links is a millionaire at 200 USD. 10 links is a millionaire at 100 USD. If you're at 5k already just relax, drop your investments to 10% of your checks or even 5%. You're going to make it if link moons.

>> No.14116612

how many you holding right now?

>> No.14116649

BTC and ETH need insane bull runs in order for that to happen. No one is going to be holding LINK until $200 unless they’ve completely forgotten about their stack.

>> No.14116678

You can just copy the source code, launch the network and call it a day. If it's not obvious already, this industry is all about decentralization = ecosystem. First mover means biggest ecosystem, resulting in the most secure network. Everyone can start doing their own oracle network but if there's only a few dozen nodes owned by 1-10 people nobody will use them

>> No.14116690

You can't*

>> No.14117147

Why exactly do BTC and ETH need to have insane bull runs for LINK to increase in value. Link has utility that neither ETH or BTC have.

Does BTC even have utility? what does that coin even do besides being first?

>> No.14117196
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>> No.14117244

The ETH ICOs needed investors to purchase eth, utlizing the chainlink network doesn't require one to purchase the link token.

>> No.14117285

Yes it does. Every request you will make on your shit dapp to get data using chainlink costs LINK.
The transfer and call function does just that, to call an api you pay in linkies.
Educate yourself you fucking retard

>> No.14117305

Fuck round numbers. They are cancer. Just think about the money

>> No.14117320

And just why would any shit dapp use link in the first place when all it does is fetch eth price? Staking is not even being worked on, stupid linkie btfo

>> No.14117336
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>he thinks I'll sell before 1000
>and even at 1000, I will only sell 1k link for the memes

>> No.14117339
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i used to be in the top 800 or 900
but now I'm out of the top 1000 adresses
what about >77777777 and le meme magic
I used to max out my overdraft for a 10% increase in link but now I can't get close to that lmao

>> No.14117359

All this stuff is just messing with you. Chillax

>> No.14117377

I invest time in swing trading because its what i do anyway. Its one of the funnest charts to swing because the ranges have 2-5% moves all fucking day every day.

Its like paper trading but with funds that actually have investment tier potential.

>> No.14117392
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you're right
this is by far the most money I've ever seen so i should just be grateful

>> No.14117419

>too much

Pick one

>> No.14117437

Why do you think LINK is going to moon?

>> No.14117583

So... You roll around in it because you're a pajeet?

>> No.14117714

Because Fuck You, thats why.

>> No.14117765

Ethereum is opensource and none of the Chinese clones are coming close

>> No.14117797
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nolinkers on suicide watch

>> No.14117958

Why aren't they able to perform like ETH? Is being first all the matters? Usually anytime someone makes an innovative idea Chinks immediately steal and copy it and it ruins the value of the original.

>> No.14118107

>make Nexo account
>convert all your savings to stablecoins
>use stablecoins as collateral while you take out a loan from Nexo
>use loan to buy LINK

Worst case scenario you'll have roughly 10k debt to eventually repay, 10k debt is fucking nothing long-term

>> No.14118131

What would be the point in taking out a loan when I could just buy 10k worth of ETH on Kraken without a loan, send it to Binance and then convert it all to Link?

>> No.14118230

The main benefit would be that his entire savings wouldn't just go into LINK, he could diversify by having a mix of stablecoins, BTC and Alts as collateral, if his portfolio was 5k USD in stablecoins, 5k in BTC/alts and 7.5k in LINK(bought with credit) he'd have his eggs in more than one basket while having almost as much LINK as if he'd just invested 10k USD into LINK

>> No.14118394
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Two years Sergey. It's been two years since I sold the majority of my belongings and moved into my sedan. Two years of DCA. Two years of accumulation. Two years of rice and beans. I can't remember the last time I had a cuppa joe that wasn't smuggled out of a hotel continental breakfast. I can't go on like this. I take 25% of a multivitamin every day to ward off scurvy and other forms of malnutrition but I'm capitulating if the lambo problem isn't solved soon.